• Music: Beyond Her Garden (Silva Hound Remix) / A Young Flier's Stage Fright / Halloween In Ponyville

    We seriously got 25 music submissions yesterday.  This fandom never ceases to amaze me.   

    1.) Wooden Toaster - Beyond Her Garden (Silva Hound Remix)
    2.) Pony Piano - A Young Flier's Stage Fright DWS
    3.) Replacer - Halloween In Ponyville (Remix)

    23 kommentaari:

    1. Ah, yes, more Beyond Her Garden remixes.

    2. Beyond Her Garden is awesome sauce. Truly.

    3. Carrot Top gets very little love outside of this "Beyond the Garden" song, so let's show her some more!

      Carrot Top!

    4. Is Beyond Her Garden an awesome song or what? Man, I love these remixes.

    5. I thought the right side of my headphones were going to blow out listening to this stuff

    6. #3 is so demonic/nightmarish/evil sounding. I LOVE IT!

    7. Beyond her Garden is the new Rainbow Factory.

    8. I heard a part that is used in Jurassic Park in number 2... but I still loved it. Also liked #1 and #3.

    9. Duuuuuuuuuude... #3. I got chills.

    10. #1 Wasn't too bad. I prefer the original still. But I didn't dislike this remix.

      #2 Not really a piano player myself, but I thought this sounded nice.

      #3 This one sounded alright. Maybe a just a little bland, but that could just be me.

    11. Third is my favorite. I can picture it playing on a spooky racetrack!

      ...and now that I have that image in my head, I need to go find the music for the Knightmare-athon race course.

    12. *looks at the letter "X" in the word Remix

    13. #1 really surprised me. Not as great as the Original or Tombstone mix but very well made nonetheless.

      #2 was......nice...

      #3 was fantastic! It fits the halloween mood perfectly :D

    14. Beyond Her Garden is just too freakin' awesome. Can't get enough.

    15. Pony Piano man, I love the piano music. I always like Woodentoaster too.

    16. 1. Awesome! This has become THE song to remix.

      2. One sweet anthem!

      3. I saw this before posted. Very good!

    17. Yeah yeah great music and all... but with that top picture, I think I just fell in love with Applejack FOR REAL! :O
