Click for the Story of Derpy! |
Exactly one year ago, in the bowels of /co/, our fandom mascot was born out of what was most likely just some bored animators behind the scenes joke. Since her inception on that fateful day, she has grown from random background pony with googly eyes, to having her own specialized scenes. Derpy was the first time Studio B officially acknowledged us within the show itself, and as season two continues on, I'm sure we will see more of the bubbly gray mail-mare emptying apple bobbing barrels, and wrestling with the mayor of Ponyville.
For those that weren't around back in October of last year, check out the first derpy post ever by clicking the image above!
ReplyDeleteAw happy birthday derpy!
ReplyDeleteYAY! I really want a muffin though...
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday, Derpy! Here's to all the fans who've rallied behind you!
ReplyDeleteYay for one of the best ponies ever!
ReplyDeleteBirthday muffins!
ReplyDeleteLet it be so!
Happy Birthday Derps!!
ReplyDeleteA year ago today? Wow.
ReplyDeletemon visage quand
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday our muffin overlord.
ReplyDeleteAww Derpy. What would the fandom be without you?
ReplyDelete*noms muffin*
ReplyDeleteHOORAY DERPY!! :D
ReplyDeleteKeep it up you wall-eyed mistress.
Happy birthday my muffin loving friend!
ReplyDeleteDerpy! Muffins!
ReplyDeleteSo, anypony know the date when Dinky became Ditzy's daughter? We need to celebrate that.
ReplyDeleteDitzy, you keep on being a daww-worthy momma to Dinky.
ReplyDelete^this brings me joy
Blow out the candles on your birthday muffin.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday to Derpy Hooves!!!
ReplyDeleteGod Bless!!!
p.s. The MUFFIN has been DERPED!!!
Happy birthday Derpy!!!!!
ReplyDeletefor one of those greatest things from this fandom!!
YAY! Happy Birthday Derpy !!!
ReplyDeleteI made you a muffin :3
hmm....I still prefer Ditzy Doo as her name
ReplyDeleteYayyy Happy Derpday! Now im hungry and require a muffin. TO THE KITCHEN!
ReplyDeleteI expect tomorrow's Drawfriend to be filled with Derpy's birthday party.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Derpy! Here's to another season of derp!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteDerpy was my first bg pony i heard about LONG LIVE DERPY!!!!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Derpy!
ReplyDeleteHaha, awesome. Happy Birthday Derpy!
ReplyDeleteI get the feeling that tomorrow's drawfriends will contain at least ONE Derpy B-Day pic. Maybe more..but I know there will be at least one.
Tomorrow, I'm going down to the supermarket to buy a big box of muffins, all in honour of our favorite mail mare.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Derpy Hooves!
Very representative of your average fan!
ReplyDeleteDoh-ho-ho, I'm so funny.
In seriousness, yeah I always preferred Ditzy Doo for her name, simply because the "herp derp" meme can go die in a fire.
Also, when I draw ponies, it's usually her since she has a very simple color scheme and mane.
Hooray for the oddest pony out there!
ReplyDelete!ypreD yadhtriB yppaH
ReplyDeleteDerpy/Ditzy Forever!!!
Happy Birthday 2ndbestpony!
ReplyDeleteOh how very much I love you! Man, we are just the luckiest fandom ever to have a character like this to be a fan favorite, written into goofy cameos and with a personality that's evolved from a single scene into fanfictions, arts, crafts, and everything a pony could want! Never stop Derpin' darling! You are the very awesomest.
Derpy pony is best pony, especially today!
Keep derpin' you brave mare.
ReplyDeleteDo you ponies want this to be a public holiday?
ReplyDeletebecuase I could make this a public holiday. It would be better than celebrating Bluebloods birthday after all.
Either way, happy birthday Derpy/Ditzy
That's great... because I EAT MUFFINS FOR BREAKFAST!
ReplyDeleteSorry... I had to say it like that.
ReplyDeleteI remebering seeing this on KYM (DERPY WAS BORN)
ReplyDeleteThank you Dr.Foreigner for pointing out one of the greatest ponies ever.
ReplyDeleteThanks and Happy Birthday Ditzy! We couldn't have done it without you :)
ReplyDeleteAll hail Dr. Foreigner!
ReplyDeleteHoly crap! Derpy and I have the same birthday! This really made my day.
ReplyDeleteThank you Dr. Foreigner. You will be remembered
ReplyDeleteDerpy's turning one year old so help us celebrate, the moofans will be delicious the festivities first rate!
ReplyDeleteBtw, since no pony has sung or posted a link to the Happy Birthday song, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVzIGMqRznk
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday, Derpy! Here's your muffin!
ReplyDeleteDerpy Hooves is the best,
ReplyDeletenot to say I don't like the rest!
Whether Derpy or Ditzy Doo,
What you prefer is up to you.
Friendship is magic, and so are you,
Magic is Derping the way that you do.
Your flaws and charm are an inspiration,
A privileged gift to our generation.
Stand tall Derpy, move forward proudly,
we will be cheering for you loudly!
And while this poem could be longer,
I think I'll enjoy a Muffin in your honor
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Derpy! You are so awesome and we are lucky to have noticed you in the first place!
ReplyDeleteMay Derpy stay in our hearts forever and continue to act as side-kick to Doctor Whooves.
ReplyDeleteDon't forget "dropping heavy deliveries"
ReplyDelete@Mattwo Yes that too.
ReplyDeleteThis is your singing telegram, I hope it finds you well/
ReplyDeleteyou're invited to a party cuz we think you're really swell/
Derpy's turning one year old so help us celebrate/
muffins will be delicious, the festivities first rate/
Bobbing for apples will be canceled because she pulled the plug/
But worry not my dear bronies for she still has lots of hugs/
No need to bring a gift, being there will be enough/
birthday's mean watching FiM, not getting lots of stuff/
She wouldn't be here without us so we hope that she stays put/
Our derp eyed friend we wish you well so please stay here with us.
Many happy returns Derpy Hooves!
ReplyDeleteYou will always be our favorite mail pony.
<3 !
Happy birthday Derpy! May your muffin supply never go dry!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Derpy! We all adore you and send you the tastiest muffins we can create!
ReplyDeleteAll hail the muffin queen, for she is muffin and muffins there will be!
ReplyDeleteHurrah for our mascot! Happy birthday Derpy.
ReplyDeleteYup. I was actually right there and witnessed it when it happened too. lol Had completely forgotten what day that happened on. I'm glad someone was keeping track. :P
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Derpy, you loveable silly mailmare you! :)
ReplyDeleteill get the disco balls
ReplyDeleteHeh... it's my best friend's birthday as well. Wait until I tell her she shares it with Derpy.
ReplyDeletewow, I derped the spelling of the word "derp". Just.....wow
ReplyDelete@Discord Derpy shall be pleased
ReplyDeleteHɐddʎ qıɹʇɥpɐʎ' pǝɹdʎ/pıʇzʎ/qɹıƃɥʇ Ǝʎǝs¡
ReplyDeleteI just love the fact that a large part of the fandom (maybe the majority) hasn't taken the easy way out and made her a standard cartoon idiot character, but instead has portrayed her as a savant, a loving mother, an unconventional thinker, an eccentric, even a normal pegasus behind unique eyes, and sometimes more than one characterization at the same time.
Also, my favorite name for her would be Bright Eyes, but almost no one uses that one; I tend to fall back on Derpy, not to belittle her, but to highlight what's unique and special about her.
happy birthday derpy
ReplyDeleteHmm i wonder if twilight will let us use her head again...
Happy Birthday Derpy!
ReplyDeleteI came to EQD with a muffin in my hand.
ReplyDeleteThis post is first on the front page.
This muffin is dedicated to you, Derps.
:') Derpys birthday and I didn't even know untill now :( but still happy for derpy :)
ReplyDelete@Discord why twilight? Why dont we let Derpy choose whose head that we shall disco-shuffle on?
ReplyDeleteYay Derpy! Happy Birthday!
Have a birthday muffin! *hands derpy a muffin*
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday, Derpy. You were the one who pulled me into the fan base, and you are still one of the biggest reasons why I still watch the show to this day. May the derp and the muffin always be with you!
Derpy, we salute you. Bon anniversaire! x
ReplyDelete@Discord indeed
ReplyDeleteYa know, now that I think about it, Derpy was one of the things that got me to give the show a shot.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Derpy!
ReplyDelete... Most definitely
@Discord we should probably take this conversation elsewhere so as not to defile this great post
ReplyDeleteWhether you go by Derpy Hooves or Ditzy Doo, we love you! Also, I could really go for a good chocolate-chip muffin right about now...
ReplyDeleteHerzliche Glückwünsche zum Geburtstag!
ReplyDeleteFeliz Cumpleaños!
Happy Birthday! Three Happy B-days in 3 different Languages you Derped Pony You. May you have many more Derps in your wake. ^^
Happy Birthday our little wall-eyed wonder
ReplyDeleteMay the Legend of Derpy hooves live on forever
ReplyDeleteOh Happy Birthday darling, and many happy returns! I shall have to draw you a fanart to celebrate. ^.^
ReplyDeletein honor of this occasion i shall now eat a muffin.
ReplyDeleteDerpy Hooves is the true queen of Equestria! All bow to the Queen of Muffins!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Ditzy! Definitely one of the best ponies ever.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday, Derpy!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Derpy!!! May you continue to look out for your friends and look toward the future at the same time!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday, you lovable, bubbly mare you!
ReplyDeleteHappy derpday!
ReplyDeleteYay! <3 Happy Birthday, Derpy Hooves!
ReplyDeleteHappy Muffins Derpy, Have A Birthday!!
ReplyDeleteHope you enjoy all of your muffins for your very special day! Happy Birthday(or day of recognition)!
ReplyDeleteI had a muffin for you ... and then Derpy Eated it. Happy Birthday Derpy!
ReplyDeleteI need to have a muffin sometime today.
ReplyDeleteNom nom, muffins, nom nom. Happy birthday Derpy, got milk?
ReplyDelete...I want that crown.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday you lovable scamp!
ReplyDeleteFirst comment to acknowledge Derpy:
ReplyDelete"ahahaha, is that a retard pony in the back?"
Uh.. yeah. Happy birthday, with all apologies. We love you baby!
I don't see how Derpy is an example of Bronies being acknowledged in season 1 as it was done and done before the show became popular. Isn't she just an example of the animators having fun for themselves? We just picked up on it and ran with it.
Season 2 is another story. I don't believe anything involving dialog can be actual fanservice since once again the VA recording process took place very early on in production, on the other hand the background stuff that didn't have any dialog to it -Colgate dressed as a dentist, little Dinky, Derpy & Carrot Top, Lyra & Bon-Bon- could easily have been included later in production by the animators. Note I said animators there, not writers... so when the writers say they aren't including fanservice, I kind of believe them. Season 3, now that's going to be where we start seeing stuff written in I'll bet.
TL;DR: I don't think we got any fanservice until season 2 proper, and then just background stuff at that.
Happy birthday Derpy!
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday Derpy! =D you be awesumz. +1 muffin.
ReplyDeleteI ate a pumpkin muffin in your honor.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday, Derpy! May there be many derps yet to come!
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday dearest Derpy! I shall locate muffins in your honour.
ReplyDeleteHerpy Berthderp to Derpy Hooves :D
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday to the best ensemble darkhorse^H^H^H^H^Hpony ever!
ReplyDeleteHappy Bday Derpy!!! Yay for muffins!!
ReplyDeleteAfter reading the "And so the legend of Derpy Hooves was born." comment in the original thread, all I could think of was this: A grey pegasus. Yellow hair. And a bubble cutie-mark. These were the ingredients chosen to make an adorable little pony. But Professor Faust accidentally added an extra ingredient: Chemical Derp. Thus Derpy Hooves was born, dedicating her life to fighting the forces of muffin!
ReplyDeleteToday is the EVE of Battlefield 3 also
Yay! happy Derpy Day!
ReplyDeleteIncidentally, I showed my friend an early picture of derpy some time ago, and her responce was "retarded pony?"
I saw filly Derpy the mail pony before I even knew what MLP was. <3 Derpy
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday to Derpy! Happy birthday to Derpy! You are the best pony, and I made a muffin for you!
ReplyDeleteI had a muffin earlier tonight. And then I come back to learn that today was a hallowed day for our crosseyed pegasus filly.
Happy Birthday, Ditzy. ^^
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday Derpy
Or is it Ditzy
We made you some muffins
from Carrot Top's fridge
Happy Birthday!
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday our most awesome Derpy! I hope that you may receive many more scenes and muffins in the future.
ReplyDeleteBest well wishes muffinized life for life.
Also, happy birthday, Derpy! If you're ever in the neighborhood, stop by my place, I'll buy you all the muffins you can eat!
I thought Jayson ordered all episodes of Season 1 that hadn't been sent out yet to derp her eyes, not to mention the scene in "Feeling Pinkie Keen"
ReplyDeleteAll Hail Ditzy Doo! 9.6
ReplyDeleteAnd that's how Equestria Daily was made!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd from that point on, we were all doomed to ponydom and muffins. BEST DAY EVER.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Derpy, I don't think we would be here if it wasn't for you.
ReplyDeleteWow, people actually remember the exact date Derpy Hooves was made, I'm suprised!
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday to the best pony ever!
Dr. Foreigner is Derpy's DADDY!
ReplyDeleteHAPPY BIRTHDAY DERPY! *gives muffin basket*
Happy Birthday Derpy!
ReplyDeleteHAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY DERPY! Would of said so on the day but been busy packing my stuff last minute for my move to a temp home as I ready to transition to California!
ReplyDeleteMAY YOUR DERP LAST FOREVER!! ((--YAY--)) *turns off amplified voice modulator*
I shall see you all laterz =3
So, it took only 20 minutes from the "when you see it" post to christening her "Derpy Hooves"? Not bad.
ReplyDeleteThis is just Derptastic!
ReplyDelete@Vermillion Twilight
ReplyDeleteConsidering that this thread is from 4chan, I'm not surprised that someone would respond so cruelly; the fact that most of the fandom hasn't followed that example is what's heartening.
And while it's true that there was almost no fanservice in season 1, Derpy is the one exception; Jayson Thiessen has mentioned that, after seeing how beloved she was on the internet, that he asked the animators to "derp" her eyes in any episodes she was in that hadn't gotten too far along in production to allow that quick tweak.
I'm still hoping for some in-show sign of a relationship between Derpy and Dinky, but seeing Derpy with Carrot Top, then Carrot Top with Dinky, in "Luna Eclipsed" did amuse me.
I suspect Dr. Foreigner, who both started the thread and christened her "Derpy Hooves", already had the name in mind before he posted. I do have to wonder how Dr. Foreigner feels about the way the Derpy phenomenon has grown in all sorts of directions...
ReplyDeleteI mean, oh, most wonderful of anniversaries. I decided to celebrate it by having a muffin as an afternoon snack, and as I was brewing the coffee to go with it, a bright and beautiful double rainbow appears outside my window. She knows!
Happy b-day Derpy! Hope we see more of you!
ReplyDeleteMuf muf muffin!
ReplyDeleteyay! Happy birthday Derpy! Remember to blow the candles out before you eat the muffin... Because I don't think you can handle hot pastries like Pinkie.
ReplyDeleteDerpy Hooves is probably the best thing that any fandom has ever made. We love you Derpy, happy birthday!
ReplyDeleteHAPPY BIRTHSDAY... Rain of Muffins over you :D
ReplyDeletei just got a humongous muffin this morning and im still not finished!
Happy belated birthday Derpy!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Derpy! I emptied the fridge and had a muffin in your honor.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday my cute Muffin!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Ditzy "Derpy Hooves" Doo!
ReplyDeleteDr. Foreigner is derpys father!
ReplyDeleteAnd look where we are now!