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Due to the volume, we are choosing 35 finalists for a post one hour after this, and will hold an over-night poll to determine which one will be the official Halloween day winner.
Feel free to pick a favorite out of these and toss it in the comments. Five of them will be added to the final vote.
For convenience, find the other banners below (If you don't see your banner in the mix, it is probably already in the finals):
Banner post 1 (40 Banners)
Banner Post 2 (30 Banners)
and 24 more after the break!
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breakin the rulessss
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10 Source = Dan
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24 Source
58 kommentaari:
So much Blood.
VastaKustutaThat last is seriously scary
VastaKustutaI like 18, 20 and 23.
VastaKustutaAlso the first one would be my runner up, poor Rainbow she's getting killed all over the place.
My vote's for 23.
VastaKustutaOh man. Some of these are not very high quality (like mine).
VastaKustuta#5,7,10,12,13,16 18,23,&24 are epicly awsome
VastaKustutanumber 17
VastaKustutai like how half are featuring Pinky
VastaKustuta16 is terrifying
VastaKustuta#24 seems like someone got a papercut
VastaKustuta@joey wanton what do u expect its halloween
VastaKustutaNumber 17 is the cleverest among these. I especially like the fire tracks.
VastaKustuta#17 is my favorite!
VastaKustutaI vote number 18.
VastaKustutaI vote all of them, since I couldn't anything 1/4 as good as these.
VastaKustutaNumber 20 from set 2 is best just because RD is awesome for scare/creep 30,16 from this post 4,5,8,14,17,30 from set 2, 4, from set 1.
VastaKustutaFor sheer awesomeness header of this one, 23 in this one, 20 in set 2, in set 1 39, and 1 just because of sheer dawwww
# 14 is my winner.
VastaKustutaI really like the thing from equestria one
VastaKustuta7 and 18 are amazing :)
VastaKustuta# 9 from set 1.
VastaKustutaDidn't see one that came close to that. Simple and amazing.
Numbers 6, 17, 19, 23 and 24 would be my five add-ins.
VastaKustutaSeth, you broke the rules. GOD... GOD DAMN IT.
VastaKustutalol i think number 7 will take my favorite
VastaKustuta#16 from post one is my pick. (Soul Equestria)
VastaKustuta#1 #5 and #23
VastaKustutaI'm disappointed no lyra insane banners I was figuring someone would remember teh good morning one phoe posted
VastaKustutaoh and #4 from banner post 1
VastaKustuta#17 is my favorite out of these. #19 gets a bonus vote for the whole Redrum theme.
VastaKustuta#19 is my vote
VastaKustutaDoes this mean that the banners actually used throughout this month are in the finals by default?
VastaKustutaMy vote is for #18 in this set... btw.
Uboa ponies?.... UBOA PONIES?!?! Are you nuts?!
VastaKustuta#14 is the best banner in my opinion.
VastaKustutaNow #24 is just downright CREEPY. As it should be
If I had to pick one, it'd be 17.
VastaKustutaand also #4 and #26 from banner post 2
VastaKustuta#16 is by far the fucking scariest one in the contest. It reminds me of Amnesia: Dark Descent. I can EASILY see this version of Pinkie Pie chasing me down a narrow corridor with a huge knife grafted onto the end of her hoof.
This one is my favourite: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-KWkrt82Epsk/Tpuaq4DfV_I/AAAAAAAAOdQ/SFGXiKTjAfY/s640/equestria_daily_halloween_by_captainwaffle1-d4cr6ps.png
VastaKustutaAnd I assure you it has nothing to do with it being mine.
#14 and #27, both from post 2.
VastaKustuta18,19,20 are my favorite.
VastaKustutaCereal: Don't post Cupcakes, that's CHEATING!
Sethisto: I got it...
Cereal: Nonononono...
*Sethisto post it anyway*
VastaKustuta*spongebob smile*
You like voting your very own banner, don't you Captain Waffle
@Hope Quill
VastaKustutaCereal:YOU BROKE THE WOOLS
#18 by far
VastaKustuta13,17,18 23
VastaKustutaUboa and Mephiles ponies are best ponies. XD
VastaKustuta#12 and #14 methinks. I think I'm missing the reference to #18.
VastaKustuta#7 doesn't break any rules because she isn't a cupcake.
But why am I holding a mane straightener?
As thou commandest me
VastaKustutaI chose my favorite to be
from post one two and three
in Banner Post one, #33 by pcs4ddt came first
in Banner Post two, #29 by girsdoomsong was opposite of worst
in Banner Post above, choose #13 by alchemygirl I durst
Awww, mine's not here. D:
VastaKustutaBut anyway, there's something I really like about number 7...
Out of all of these banners over the last month I've gotta say my favorite one is the Slendermane banner in the first set. Where is the Slendermane love everypony?!
VastaKustutaI'm surprised by everypony's positive responses for my banner, #23. Despite all the hours I spent on it, I didn't think it was as good as the many other banners here in this post, let alone out of all of those submitted.
VastaKustutaThank you, those of you who expressed your opinion on my banner, it's made working on the thing worth every hour and wrist cramp
I liked #7.
VastaKustutaI did number 7, and I DID NOT BREAK THE RULES!!!
VastaKustutaIt said "Pinkie Pie is not allowed to maim/cook/eat Rainbow Dash", which she clearly is not because RD is standing right there...
PP is pretending that she did it, but no maiming/cooking/eating is taking place!!!
I like #7, and I believe that if it is considered to be against the rules, then #5 should be considered to be trampling them and spreading them all over the land: Pinkie is wearing THE pegasus and unicorn souvenirs' collection.
VastaKustutaI did the Madoka one if you are curious, If you have seen Madoka, you know how scary that is. Although maybe I should re-enter it next year once it hits American Shores...