• Equinox Storybook

    I'm not too sure if this should be considered fanfiction, but I'll roll with a non tag for now.  Squeak has completed the Equinox project started several months ago.   It's essentially a live reading of the fanfic, with some imagery and voice-over work from some of the better actors in the community.  Check it out after the break!

    23 kommentaari:

    1. These things are always nice, lots of effort put into them.

    2. Very nice to see such effort here, and I appreciate the community coming together for an ambitious project, but I had to stop the video once the voice acting started. The acting definitely needs polishing, and the levels of vocals and music need to be tweaked. Take two?

    3. I love it when bronies go the extra mile

    4. Wow, this is amazing, the voices.... *sniff*

    5. Bawww.
      Luna don't ever feel that way about yourself, for thousands of ponies love your night. Excuse me, now while I weep.

    6. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    7. @Kein

      It's a fanfic the same way Reading Rainbow is just a book.

      So no, I disagree. This is a multimedia affair. Yes, it tells a story, but so do comics. What's more, is that this acting with it as well, which is more than comics can say.

      So, I think it deserves it's own special mention.

    8. I was wondering if it was intended for Luna to sound sad each time she spoke, but when she actually broke out in tears, it all made sense. Wow, shows you just how much effort was put into every part of this. Music, voice overs, pictures.

      Loved it.

    9. Whoever did Applebloom' voice did a great job. As did everypony else of course, Apple's just stood out to me for some reason.

      Great story! The moon is awesome.

      I admire your moon every night I see it, Luna! Including back before I was a Bronie!

    10. @Kein
      It's the reading of a story with voice acting and pictures.

      It's not a comic or one-panel trying to get a quick laugh. It's telling a story, almost the same as the second fanimation from the other day.

      They both tell a story through a similar medium. The prior had more animation to it, while the latter had a narrator to cover what would have been conveyed through the animation.
      Otherwise, they're the same.

    11. ...lolwut?
      This certainly caught me by surprise...

      New form of self-expression: let's raise the bar!

    12. "The moon was silent" Oh god I lol'd!

      This was good. It deffinatly makes me want that Luna episode to get here. (not implying that I didnt already want it)

    13. So cute! Made me feel warm and fuzzy. I wish there were more pictures though

    14. This was really awesome! Though, Luna's voice actress was trying a bit too hard, me thinks; and the music was a mite to loud. Still really great, though!

      Such a heartwarming story...

    15. The narrator has a really soothing voice. I'd pay him to do some voice work for loads of things if I had the time and money.

    16. @Lemonite

      I also believe that the music was a bit loud.
      I'm glad we finished the project finally! Lots of work in the art and voicing. Can't say too much for the video :P

    17. Am much as I liked this, I can't help but cringe every time someone cries in a voiceover. Very rarely can crying sound authentic. I guess that's why professional voice actors are paid a fair bit, because they sound like the real deal.

    18. Oh hey there Pride :V

      Still, awesomeness. I didn't recognize his voice at first XD

    19. @Cloud Runner Just another painful reminder of how badly you want the Luna episode to arrive? That's what it is for me :(

    20. So, does this mean that the moon can control its own motion in the Equestrian universe?

    21. a great and heart touching story
      it made me all sappy
