I'll let her copy paste explain the rest after the break!
After being stalled for months, I have finally created this snazzy new poster of the one and only The Great & Powerful Trixie! A preview of this poster can be seen above (or here on Deviant Art), and is, of course, FAR lower resolution than the actual print-ready version.
It is essentially a parody or pastiche of an old Hoofdini poster, as seen here.
Trixie, of course, takes her inspiration from only the greatest and most powerful magicians!
I will ultimately be releasing an entire font based off of the work I did on this poster. I had to recreate hoofwritten lettering from the late 1800s essentially from scratch. It was fun, though!
I am selling high-quality 11x14 poster prints to benefit BroNYCon. Running all these events costs an awful lot of money, much of which comes out of my pocket. Just now, I have to go down to the store to buy a $400 item out of pocket! It hurts.
So, if you want one, Paypal $13 my way ($10 for the poster, plus $3 for shipping and the shipping tube) to [email protected]. Use the subject 'TRIXIE POSTERS'. (Add $10 for each additional poster, up to 5 per tube.)
Face close-up vectorising: MisterLolrusCurlique pattern in background: CuprohastesEverything else: Purple Tinker
41 kommentaari:
Epic poster is epic
VastaKustutaI'd be happy to donate, even though I'm not going to the next one! That is, I would, if Paypal agreed with my information.
VastaKustutaAnd yes, it would be nice to have one of these EPIC posters!! Regardless of the cost!! If only Hasbro would pick up in the fact that if something epic is made, we will buy it!!!!
VastaKustutaIt certainly is snazzy
VastaKustutaI imagine Seth wants a humongous version of this.
VastaKustutaNice! I'll buy a poster AND donate! :)
VastaKustutaI saw this pop up earlier via my e-mail, and I'll be giving her $20 in person come the October meetup, just for one of these, and a little gravy for her.
VastaKustutaAs many jokes as i can see being made about Seth buying a crap ton of posters, i can only see him getting one for his Trixie shrine.
VastaKustutaI'll tuck it away as a Christmas present for my baby sis.
VastaKustuta...If only because I have a 20x30 version of the Comicon vector on my wall.
How long does this run for? I'm thinking of getting one to put up next to my 'autographed' 5x7 of Trixie, but am really trying to avoid spending anything till my paycheck comes through.
VastaKustutaThat poster :O
VastaKustutaHells yes.
VastaKustutaThat font is so sexy. I really shouldn't spend money on this... Oh ponies... I can't quit you. :3
VastaKustutaIt's a pretty spiffy-looking poster. I like it.
VastaKustuta13 bucks? I couldn't care less about a con 6000 miles away from me, I just want the poster. Payment sent.
VastaKustutaIt is an epic poster... I think they'll sell well!
VastaKustutaAnd NY Bronies should totally mingle with the Occupy Wallstreet crowd. Get 'em to adopt Rarity, small business owner and spirit of generosity as their mascot. Ponies would really liven up those protest signs.
I really want a couple but I have no idea if you could ship it to Mexico and how much extra would I have to send you.
VastaKustutaI hope someone can help me out figure this out so I can get this framed :)
Done, and done. Wish I could attend one of these, but at least I could help. Can't wait to put the poster up on the wall.
VastaKustuta@Irghen Hi! I'd ship to Mexico. Shipping would be $12. :) I'm actually getting a good number of international poster orders. Thank you all for sending in your orders; I'm gonna have to run off another batch of posters Monday at this rate!! :) You guys are awesome.
VastaKustutado you ship to europe?
VastaKustutaOh yes, I'm buying one of these... but I'm in Canada. How much is shipping to Canada?
VastaKustutaI'd also like to know how much the shipping is, to the UK.
VastaKustutaIt's not fair having you host all these BroNYCon's for everypony and run into the red...
VastaKustutaI hope everypony that plans to attend give their support, it's more beneficial for future Con's if Tinker where to run into the green instead. :3
Great poster! *Supports*
VastaKustutaRight, so uh, I would totally buy this.
VastaKustutaLike, first thing I'd ever buy over the net that was something other than data.
But then in my unsurety, (word? Idunno) I'm just wondering...
Shipping to Australia would be how much, and what do we include in the email? Like, address to send it to or...?
Ok... So this is an instant buy (two to be exact), but I'm unfamiliar with the inner workings of paypal. So could somebody post specifics on how to go about ordering? Would be very much appreciated!
VastaKustutaSupporting Bronies + Get The Great and Powerful Trixie in return = sold!
VastaKustutaGood luck with BroNY con.
I can't believe my username is on EQD! Squee! Thank you so much Tinker! <3
VastaKustuta@Delta Pangaea Shipping to Oz would be $14 USD. :)
VastaKustuta@Yoshi How to buy: Log into Paypal. Click 'Send Money'. Enter my email address, prpltnkr (AT) gmail (DOT) com as the destination address. (Change the '(AT)' to an actual @ and the '(DOT)' to an actual period).
VastaKustutaSend $23 (for two posters + shipping) and be sure to include your correct shipping address! :)
And thanks!
@Kinrah Shipping to the UK is $14.
VastaKustuta@Senn555 Shipping to Canterda is $8.
VastaKustuta@Fabrazio I do ship to Europe! Should be $14 to most countries.
VastaKustutaI got one at NYCC and I love it :D O was cosplaying as Fluttershy :3 I don't live in the area so I doubt I could make it to a con though :/ I might, you never know! :D
VastaKustutaI never got mine!!
VastaKustutaGot my poster today, just wanted to express my thanks. :)
VastaKustuta@King9 Still haven't gotten your poster? Shoot me an email; let me get this straightened out! Email me at prpltnkr (at) gmail (dot) com.