It's Halloween time! Surprisingly, there wasn't a huge amount, so I mixed the other art in as well.
Have some art!
Source 1
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Source 8
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Source 11
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Source 13
Source 14
Source 15
This is only a part of a massive pony drawing.
Click for TONS OF PONY |
Source 16
Source 17
Source 18
Source 19
Source 20
Source 21
Source 22
Source 23
Source 24
Source 25
Source 26
Source 27 need
Source 28 los_chainbird
Source 29
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Source 31
Source 32
Source 33
Source 34 Steve
Source 35
Late edition!
ReplyDelete#2 is so daww.
ReplyDelete#35, Applejack has a living nuke.
#23, Dawwww.
ReplyDeleteHow can ponies looks so amazing, cute, and scary at the same time
ReplyDeleteI read #34 in Oogie's voice. I regret nothing.
ReplyDeleteEveryone was busy working on pumpkins, I suspect.
ReplyDeleteAlso, JJ's humanized Luna made it to featured image status faster than I think any other image has in the past.
#15 It goes on forever!
#5. I'm in love. /wistfulsigh
ReplyDeleteI lol'd
D'aawww, FlutterKrueger.
ReplyDelete#9 and #19 were adorable.
I was going to say which one was my favorite, but there are so many good ones in this post!!
ReplyDeleteFlutter Kruger? Sorry Fluttershy, rule 244, Fluttershy is cute no exceptions. I'd know from experience that it can't be broken, I've seen things that have tried to break it (gore, eye-scream, gore AND eye-scream...worse.)can't be done. You may as well stick with "Yay.", cause a scary voice won't help either, sorry.
ReplyDeleteAlso, where does one buy ammunition for a pony launcher? I don't personally own one, but for some reason, I think owning the ammunition is even better than owning the launcher. :D
TL:DR Fluttershy is cute, I want ponies despite lacking a pony launcher.
Holy hell, what have you guys done!?
ReplyDeleteI'm getting lots of messages on deviantART. Right now I'm even reconsidering if it really was a good idea to inform you. :O
Equestria Daily is just waaaay too powerful... :)
Wow, 15 is gonna' be a keeper.
ReplyDelete#15 crashed the browser on my iPod. And I thought there was no such thing as too much pony...
ReplyDeleteAlso #19, Nyandash FTW.
I love #3 and #23.
ReplyDelete#1: Very amusing. Having Luna's cape change into bats that flew off was a wonderful visual touch in the episode, and I'm glad to see it being referenced in a few pics.
ReplyDelete#2: Group hug! Needs Rarity and Fluttershy, but still cute.
#5: Glad to see John Joseco doing another morning pony (or in this case, evening pony); if he's resuming the series, he's restarting it in grand style.
#9: Cute pic, even if a couple of ponies aren't in the same costumes they wore in the episode.
#13: I guess this is Luna's thank-you for the support she's received from the fans? Nice idea, pulled off pretty well.
#14: Excellent use of color and shading, and a terrific feeling of action. Tonight's favorite.
#17: Cute drawing with some wonderful details; I love Fluttershy hiding in the background.
#18: I don't normally comment on drawings of OC ponies, but this one is just really good; another great action pic.
#19: I don't blame you, Dash; I don't blame you one bit.
#23: Apparently Celestia's trying too hard to recapture the past. Love Luna's spider; is that a souvenir from Nightmare Night in Ponyville?
#30: Braeburn's one of my favorite minor characters, so I'm always happy to see him featured in more art, especially when it's this good.
#31: An appropriately creepy costume for Halloween or Nightmare Night.
#35: ... Words fail me.
I soss inebriated i s I don't know evens.
3.Tag your it.
5. I should go to bed. too
8. Dawwwss.
19 No Dashie, Nyaa costume good.
Hey, fanart for Project Horizons at #18! Awesome. #15: So much Ponies!
ReplyDelete#12: Why yes, we will ponify anything and everything, why do you ask. Also, none of you are safe.
#7 WTF
ReplyDelete#21 makes me a sad panda.
ReplyDelete#34 - I see I'm not the only one who had that idea.
ReplyDelete24: Twilight? Demure? No way!
ReplyDelete27: WHOA!
pretty darn good drawfriend.
ReplyDelete7: that is my creation
ReplyDeletecredits go to http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=718930519 for making it for me
its not applebloom guys, its Admiral Malus from my forerunner project
20: Twilight Hotspur?
ReplyDeleteNo! I am taking her home with me right now!
how did I miss #24. Twilight Rocking dem lacy socks.
ReplyDeleteAnyone else kinda creeped out by #6?
ReplyDelete... No, not really. Why? Am I supposed to be?
ReplyDeleteYou simply must put up this image, number eighteen into the Fallout Equestria Project Horizons image list. This is absolutely wonderful
#8 Woona is so dawwww
ReplyDelete#14 Cool Dash Pic
#8+#9- D'awwww
ReplyDelete#12- I have no idea what this is referencing, but it looks neat.
#15- Huge picture is HUGE!!
#18- Is that Blackjack? I think it is, but I can't quite tell...
#27- Can't tell if Saucy, or just odd angle...
#29- Saw this on KYM a few hours ago. Still awesome.
@30 Stupid sexy Braeburn...
ReplyDelete#5: Hnnnnnnnggggg! Cuteness overload!
Wait a second, the top image...is that Alucard? Like THE Alucard?! From Castlevania?! YAY!
ReplyDeleteDidn't #15 get it's own post a few weeks ago?
ReplyDelete#33 HA! I KNEW IT!
holy crap #32, its a horse on top of a horse, shit just got real
ReplyDelete@Eddmario No, it didn't. I finished this picture yesterday. ;)
ReplyDelete#29 Luna confirmed for Prince of Denmark?
ReplyDeletei wish i cud contribute ^^
ReplyDeleteI looked at 8 and thought nothing cuter in the entire world
ReplyDeleteSaw 9 Nevermind.
Oh #12, Vampire: the Masquerade has been ponified. So glad nopony in that drawing has a katana. Let's guess their Clans...
ReplyDeleteTwilight: Tremere
Pinkie Pie: Malkavian
Rainbow Dash: Brujah
Rarity: Toreador
Applejack: Ventrue
Fluttershy: Gangrel
Heh, I guess that would make the princesses Antediluvians and the CMC thin-bloods.
34) Took me a few minutes, but then I saw the dice and remembered what this was referencing.
ReplyDelete18, Dues and Blackjack, holy shit thats awesome
ReplyDeleteThere's the Drawfriend for everyone going "Where's my Drawfriend?!" lol
ReplyDelete#1 Haha. "What is a Pony? A Miserable little pile of friendship!" That comment is win. Poor Luna. Her cloak seems to be in love. I wonder if they're powerful enough to fly away with her...
#3 Problem, Bonbon? lol I dunno, I'd be honored if someone drew graffiti of me. :P
#4 Dat daydream. He's obviously writing his Rarity shipping fanfic, Twilight.
#6 Oh, she's only delivering party invitations. Thought she was the new mailmare. Though if Derpy can do it, surely Pinkie could handle it fine... right... ?
#7 Applebloom is here to plunder ye booty! Take that as you'd like. ;)
#9 D'awwwww! Who could say no to that?! Too cute. I'd be so hypnotized by the adorable I'd probably end up giving them my whole house. Colgate as a dentist and Lyra a walking zombie of course. lol
#11 Two psychos and a Flutterbitch. I don't know why, but when I say that, it makes me think it's the name of some type of ice cream.
#12 All of them in one big picture. Too awesome.
#15 Holy shit. When you said "massive", you certainly meant MASSIVE. That's a whole lot of pony right there. Pretty much everyone is in this. Including yours truly hanging out next to Sapphire Shores. Sensational~! :)
#18 Awesome pic. Cyborgs are cool. :D
#19 Awww, Dash dressed up as Nyan Cat for Halloween. Adorable. She needs a little radio playing the theme to carry around too of course. And she can occasionally meow along to it. lol <3
#20 Twilight, stop carrying around other pony's severed heads! >:|
#21 This actually isn't far from the truth from many classical musicians who do classical playing as a living. Or try to anyway. I know that feeling first-hand... err, hoof. Look at my nifty cello though. I made it myself. Spare some bits if you can, please. If not, I hope you still enjoy the music. :)
#23 I wanna read bedtime stories to Luna too. lol <3
#24 Twilight dressed up all fancy. Nice. Reminds me of Victorian-era, because of the lace. Then again, a lot does since I love that era's style so much.
#27 Twilight, I can't believe your boss let's you get away with wearing that skirt at work. :O On an absolutely unrelated can't-possibly-be-connected-to-that-at-all note, this is now my new favorite library.
#28 Yar? Um, I think you might be confusing your Halloween personalities, Fluttershy. You're supposed to go "It's a ponnyyyyy!" Hah. I like the little "prop" tag on the glove too. :P
#29 Saw this piece yesterday. It's gorgeous. The pose and just everything. Love it.
#30 Applebutt! :D lol Braeburn looks so disgruntled for some reason.
#31 Whoa, Twilight. You're so pointy tonight.
#33 Ahh. So that's where Luna was! She was in the basement. lol
#34 I knew this had to be in reference to something. I had to look at the title to find out. Oogie Boogie, from Nightmare Before Christmas. Hah, pretty cool.
#35 Yay, more pony launchers. :)
#29 reminds me of Fire Emblem for some reason...
ReplyDeleteUmm... everypony, I think we've skipped Drawfriend Stuff #230.... Seth? Anypony?
ReplyDelete#19. I wish that had been Filly Dash. Would have made it so much more adorable.
ReplyDeleteI *think* #27 may be a reference to Empowered by Adam Warren...
If so...YAY!
@Select Few
ReplyDelete27 is saucy. Like Heinz Ketchup saucy. It appears that she's wearing some kind of micro skirt.
Twilight as a Tremere is kinda obvious, but it would've been better to be a Ventrue. Life as a Tremere really sucks. Not as much as a Nosferatu, though.
ReplyDeleteRarity as a Toreador. Double obvious. They've got annoying flaws.
ReplyDeleteNever! I'll never let you live on the street like that! Come! You shall live in the castle! The streets are no place for a filly as yourself!
Haaaaaalloweeeeeeeeeen! Mwahahahaha!!
ReplyDelete#15 is wow... a lot of stuff going on there. Steven Magnet making friends with the spa ponies and Scootaloo hanging out with the Shadowbolts are nice touches.
ReplyDeleteYeah!!!! Lets get shot out of s fricken gun 8D
ReplyDelete@Rainbow Dash
ReplyDeleteIt's going to be so much fun! Going really high and really fast!
Till you crash to the ground next to your landing pad.
But don't you worry none, Dashie! You let your Auntie Pinkie make sure you have one to land on!
#9- We "dawwwwwww"'d so much our lower jaw went numb.
ReplyDelete#29- No matter what ones opinion is on 'humanized' ponies, it must be agreed upon that this. IS. BAD! ASS!
#35- Applejack has constructed herself a Fat Colt (or Filly, as it were) Tactical Nuclear Pony Launcher. This will not end well...
ReplyDeleteYes. Or at least at first glance it caught me off-guard... I think it's just her eyes. That piece is very nicely colored though, in my opinion.
Anyhow though... I am far too tired today to feel like commenting on all of these, for which I do apologize, but I did want to say that I really like #19, #24, and #25. If I'd had the foresight and the time I absolutely would have tried to draw something special up for Halloween... oh well though.
Honestly, until I got to work today I actually forgot this was Halloween... that's terrible isn't it. #_#
#1 I love Luna's expression in this one.
ReplyDelete#7 So, Apple Bloom is now some sort of cross between Harlock and Shanks? ....sweet.
#9 Daaw. I see what you did there.
#12 This makes me a bit sad I never played The Masquerade. This is pretty sweet.
#19 Every year the same costume.
#23 Canon Luna is unamused by your fanon antics.
#29 Nice. Just...nice!
#31 What's going on here? I can't really make it out. Let me take a closer loOHSWEETPONYJESUS
#34 I want Discord to show up next Nightmare Night.
#35 This will be glorious.
ReplyDeleteAww, you're too sweet Princess Luna. <3
ReplyDeleteDon't do it! She's luring your into a false sense of security so she can GOBBLE YOU UP!
@The Lotus Tea Dragon
ReplyDeleteDitto, bro. Ditto.
LOL #35 is so badass, I needs me a RD cannon too xD
ReplyDelete#27 I'll be in my bunk.
ReplyDelete#18 That's a pretty Baws Project Horizons pic. Not enough work on either of those projects with any good detail.
ReplyDelete#35 - AJ, please put down the nuclear launcher.
ReplyDelete#31 has reached unimaginable levels of epic, it's way too dangerous to be left to public eyes!
ReplyDelete#9's my favourite.
ReplyDeleteAnd lol, every group of pictures needs a badass RD, or twelve.
ReplyDelete*whispers* This is the part where you run!
No, srsly, don't stick around this trio. Unless you want to meet a very, VERY slow and painful demise.
Loving #18. Project Horizons needs more fanart.
ReplyDelete19 is good
ReplyDeleteand 15 reminds me of 'where's waldo' just a little bit.
@Buytoast Same here. Look, you can see the stitches!
ReplyDelete#15 Applejack will buck your shit up
ReplyDeleteCan't say that I've noticed any of them being responsible for anyone's death yet...
#19 is just RIGHT.
ReplyDelete#31 Gave me a heart attack.
#1 That what you get for giving your cloak a life of its own.
ReplyDelete#2 D'aww, cute.
#3 Bonbon looks less than pleased.
#4 Haha, oh Spike,
#5 Luna doesn't get bed mane so badly as some ponies.
#6 her eyes look a little odd but this is really good.
#8 Woona!
#9 D'aww who can resist that?
#10 Nice drawing, I like the style of it.
#11 Oh...my
#13 Either thats on big pumpkin or Luna shrusk herself to prank somepony.
#15 Now that is alot of pony, very well done.
#19 Dash is not amused at all there.
#21 Some bits? take all of them. We can't have Octavia living on the street.
#23 I'm entitled to making fun opf her every now and then, no matter how old she may be.
#28 Oh my Fluttershy and I thought you didn't like Nightmare Night.
#32 Guess that trip to sleepy hollow wasn't such a great idea after all.
#33 Oh come now, i'm not that mean.
You're jokin' , you're jokin'
I can't believe my ears
Would someone shut this filly up?
I'm drownin' in my tears
(yes I know its not the next line)
ReplyDeleteDrawfriend #228 had individual pics of Vampire Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie, and Fluttershy. AJ is actually a Giovanni and Flutter's a Tzimisce (though I really think she'd be better as a Gangrel).
But which Antediluvians are the Princesses ? Celestia's probably Veddhartha while Luna could be Lasombra or Ynosh.
And someone needs to make a fanfic of this.
Costumed ponies everywhere!
ReplyDeletef yeah blackjack vs. deues! I can just hear him screaming his favorite word...
ReplyDelete#7 I have a feeling Applejack won't approve... But I do!
ReplyDelete#33 Pffft
ReplyDeleteMaybe not, but Fluttershy pretty darn near killed that bear and Pinkie Pie is not your typical pony. I'm just saying give em space when they're like that.
A LOT of space...
2, 8, 9 and 23 are dawwwwww
ReplyDelete27 did what pretty much every clopfic couldn't do... turn me on.
#33, couldn't Celestia just use a transformation spell?
ReplyDelete#29: It's Prince Luna!
ReplyDeleteNightmare Moon gobbled up Princess Luna's backside... err... at least her tail anyway!
TIS A LIE!!! My backside is whole and...
My... my tail... -sob-
#1 Who is this mysterious bat? He's handsome~
ReplyDelete#23 Luna now thinks she's too old for night stories~ Teens XD
#30 I cannot unsee... Owen Wilson D|
It's amazing how just a few sexualized pony pictures ruin the whole bunch. That's why I dropped out of this fandom.
ReplyDelete#9: Gah! What happened to their eyes? They look like the walking dead.
ReplyDelete#10: Someone went overboard with the lens flare tool.
#11: Um... Girls, see the local psychiatrist. Please.
#21: Poor little Octavia. This would make for a good piece of background for her.
#33: Oh, I can certainly see Celestia doing this. Have Nightmare Moon in two places at once to scare the kids.
#34: Discord as Oogie Boogie? I approve.
#35: Rainbow Dash as a pony cannon ball? Oh, I can definitely see this happening in the show.
3... Ha ha somepony has been playing Jet set Radio