I can't believe these CMC have grown on me. This image is awesome.
Have some art!
Source 1
Source 2 Cenit-v
Source 3
Source 4
Source 5
Source 6 Rainbow
Source 7
Source 8
Source 9
Source 10
Source 11
Source 12
Source 13
Source 14
Source 15
Source 16
Source 17
Source 18
Source 19
Source 20
Source 21
Source 22
Source 23
Source 24
Source 25
Source 26
Source 27
Fluttershy is best singed
Source 28
Source 29
Source 30
Source 31
Source 32
Source 33
Source 34
Source 35
Source 36
Source 37
Source 38
Source 39
Source 40
Source 41
Source 42
Source 43
Source 44
Source 45
Source 46
Source 47 Kelem
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111 kommentaari:
ooo pretty images.
VastaKustutame gusta
VastaKustutalots o art today!! gotta love the pony productivity :D
VastaKustutaSeems to be a few minutes early.
VastaKustutaIs that Rarity's Drama Couch?! Hahahaha!
VastaKustutaGreat pictures!! :O
VastaKustutaAww, you see so little of Screwball these days. :)
VastaKustutaActually, I haven't seen too much art of Pipsqueak lately, either.
We need Fan-Fic based on Pic #45!!!
VastaKustuta10 lolwut?
VastaKustuta31 diabeetus
OMG SINGED FLUTTERSHY! Awesome champion plus awesome pony!
VastaKustuta#30... daww...
VastaKustutaThe Source Link of 7 is wrong. :P
VastaKustutaI love 42
VastaKustuta#31 That was a good party to bad that twilight got sick on the floor
VastaKustuta*Fluttershy is best singed.* D:< RAGE!!!
VastaKustuta#23 is just too insanely cute!
VastaKustuta27 I'm guessing Fluttershy decided to expand her "aromatherapy" collection.
VastaKustutaLuna would make a good Billy Mays...Too soon?
#22 Is the best =D
VastaKustutaNice drawfriend and #33 reminded me a bit about Minecraft's nether world.
VastaKustutaSource for number 46 if anyone was interested.
Luna as Billy Mays.
VastaKustutaOh my god that's hilarious.
#26 should be listed as fanfic (Pony Space), not art.
VastaKustutaMost epic Drawfriend yet? Quite possibly!
VastaKustuta1. I have the distinct feeling this is Scoot's idea. And it terrifies me. : I
VastaKustuta3 and 5. Who is this pony? I really like her mane! (No seriously.)
7. Lovely town shot.
8. This freaked me the hell out. : I Screwball should not be near sharp things.
11. <3
13, 15, 16, 17, 18. Aren't these panels, or at least poses directly from that Captain Planet spoof? And furthermore, where's AJ in the same style!?
22 and 25. Woah. Why? I mean, I love them, they're quite hardcore but... Where'd that idea come from?
34. Pfffffft. Wondrous.
39. Mind-imploding cuteness. If you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go see if I can get my mind to explode out to its original place.
~Brilliant Specter
#33 All I can think of is Land before Time :)
VastaKustutaWho is 3 4 and 5?
VastaKustutaso many pictures :D
VastaKustutabut why do ponies like knives allova sudden?
Anything Rainbow Dash is awesome.
VastaKustutaOh my; the first one isn't going to end well.
VastaKustutaCutie Mark Crusaders Mutiple Bone Fracture Sufferers anyone?
More pictures... ZECORA GETS LOVE! :D That made me happy, to see pics of Zecora.
VastaKustuta#3 - step forward. "Hand me the keys, you cocksucker." In English, please? "Excuse me?" In English. "Hand me the fucking keys, you cocksucker, what the fuck?"
VastaKustuta#7 - Yay, Ponyville got rid of the "No Zebras, No Jews, No Dogs" signs! PROGRESS!
#10 - ***OH SHIT, YO***
#24 - Guess someone killed Krillin.
#25 - Well *this* is badass as fuck. Work in progress? Yes plz.
#27 - I'm pretty sure this Fluttershy would kick the flanks of most of the Fluttershys in the Equestrian Multiverse.
#32 - Dash on PCP.
#33 - Dammit Celestia, get off your powerful immortal ass for once and stop leaving this kind of shit to teenagers.
#37 - Why are Dash's colors wrong in this art?
#38 - .....the autopsy found that frequent cocaine usage exacerbated Luna's heart problems.
#19 is lookin' pretty good to me... Is that PINKIE in between Fluttershy & Rainbow? What did you do to my party pony!? Need fanfic nao!
VastaKustutaThe rest of this is pretty good to. :)
#45 Don't cross the giggles!
VastaKustuta#19 Pinkie is carried by Dash and Fluttershy and wrapped up in medical tape or what's it's name, implying she's injured. I'm getting sad :(
VastaKustuta#10 Lol glad to see I wasn't the only one thinking this
VastaKustutaWho's that pony in 3-5?
VastaKustutaAlso, LOL for 38.
"GREETINGS EVERYPONY! I'm Luna and I'm here to tell you about MAGICLEAN"
#8 You call that a knife?
VastaKustuta#22 Now That's a knife.
#25 And the best knife award goes to...
Love the art in #45
VastaKustutaYou mean that the CMC weren't immediately your favorites?
VastaKustutaSpeaking of the CMC, why is Snails wearing Rainbow Dash's pet chicken's Rainbow Dash wig?
Again with my comment getting lost! What the hay?
VastaKustuta#1: Wow, that is a great image, with Scootaloo piloting Rarity's fainting couch, Apple Bloom hang gliding, and Sweetie Belle -- What the hay is going on with that dumb fabric?!
#2: I really like this one; great use of color, and very appealingly stylized.
#7: I love scenes like this; it really gives a sense of place. Favorite parts: Wondering what's going on between Pinkie Pie and Applejack, and spotting Rainbow Dash. Favorite of the night.
#8: Very good drawing with terrific color, but Screwball, you're scaring me a little there...
#10: What took so long?
#13: It's obvious artists love Fluttershy's long mane and tail. So do I, thankfully.
... wait a minute, there's only 5 elements of harmony in the drawfriend. Where's poor Applejack?
#19: Very impressive drawing, detailed and evocative of a freezing-cold mountaintop. Is this for a fanfiction?
#23: Applejack, embarrassed? I gotta know the story behind this...
#24: Really impressive use of color; I wish I had a better idea of what Celestia is up to, though.
#26: Speaking of wanting to know what's going on...
#28, #34: Taking the human obsession way to far now, Lyra...
#32: ... What the hay are you doing, Dashie?
#33: Another well-drawn scene; I love what Pinkie Pie's doing.
#38: Luna imitating someone else who talked in CAPS LOCK: comedy gold.
#40: I love the pose and expression in this one; pure Rainbow Dash.
#43: Cute drawing of Derpy and Fluttershy spending time outdoors together, which I can totally see; I really can't see Angel being that cheerful, though.
#46: For some reason I can't quite understand, I'm not a fan of Vinyltavia, but that's a very nice drawing; there's a wonderful sense of peace about it.
#25: Shweeeet...
VastaKustuta@Discord: "#31 That was a good party to bad that twilight got sick on the floor"
[looks again at #31]
Man, must've been some chaotic party, to make Twilight sick but leave Fluttershy so calm and happy...
@27 Fluttershy singed? lol best crossover :D
VastaKustuta31 32 same number
VastaKustutaThanks for the source link! I'll be saving this one...
Your comment on #38 was cruel and disrespectful. So why am I chuckling over it? Dangit, man, you're corrupting me! (Also, agree with you on #45...)
There's a bit of background in the comments at the source link, though it doesn't give any information as to what the Elements are doing up there, or what happens after this particular scene.
I noticed there seems to be a fair number of blades in this edition. Well... three anyway. But it seems like a lot. Must be all the pumpkin carving. lol
VastaKustuta#3-5 Hmm, don't know who this character is. Must have missed something. lol
#22 Oh, awesome Vinyl piece.
#34 I'm guessing that's the one single Segway in all of Equestria since Lyra is the only one who can ride one, right? :P
#38 "Luna Mays here!"
#46 Awww, adorable. <3
#34 Oh Lyra, whatever will you think of next?
VastaKustuta#17, #32?, #40
VastaKustutaAnyone know who the character in 3,4, and 5 is? Nobody start a R.D fic on 4 or I'll send a dark cloud over head and pop more than just thunder.
#45 I'd kill to have Bill Murray be a guest star on MLP: FIM, or for there to be a Ghostbusters reference/episode.
VastaKustutaPosy x Surprise is now my OTP.
VastaKustuta...is it wrong that I can totally see #1 actually happening in the show?
VastaKustutaFantastic as always, Seth.
VastaKustutaBut I'd like to ask you all something:
I haven't been able to check EqD at all this month beyond episode downloads. What have I missed?
VastaKustutaIncluding the whole freaky fabric-turning-into-a-waterfall thing?
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustuta8) Screwball and Discord pumpkin! I like!
VastaKustuta12) Why is Twi dressed like that? Ah, who cares, that looks awesome!
22) Wow Vinyl looks like a badass there!
39) I love you in a non-creepy way for this PvZ reference, artist.
@jodyjm13 Especially that! It wouldn't be the first time the laws of physics have been broken on the show...
VastaKustutaJust a little thought of #46 (amongst many other Octavia-pics). I'm not complaining, nor whining, but I have noticed that a very common "mishap" with Octavia is that many artists seem to just slightly screw up the treble clef. Either the tail-thingy bends the wrong way, or it's just out of shape. But then again, it really IS kind of tricky getting it right! =) Many twists and turns...
My guess is that 3-5 are images of someone's ponysona from a Russian Human in Equestria/Conversion Bureau story, from the room she's in in 5.
VastaKustuta#45 - There definitely needs to be more love for the Pie Sisters. Need to have Inky and Blinky show up for Sisterhooves Social, or at least give Pinkie's family an episode sometime later. There's too much of a story there for them to not show up at some point.
VastaKustutaEvil Pon3 makes me shiver
VastaKustuta#35: Scootaloo just got 20% cooler
VastaKustutaScrew ball gonna give me nightmares,that filly is dangerous even without a knife,also Lyra made me lol,and who you gonna call? SADNESS BUSTERS!!!
VastaKustutaBilly Mays Luna is BEST Luna.
VastaKustuta#23 Sniper taunt, told ya, she's sniper not engi!
VastaKustuta#27 Awesome.
#34 Lol'd.
#42 Cute Zecora :D.
#44 Appledori!
#45 Saw this in Tumblr, just lol'd.
I laughed. I cried. I was amazed. Long Live My Little Pony!
VastaKustutaReally good drawfriend. Who is that 3-5 Pony? She's really cute!
VastaKustuta#45..Yes just.. YES!
VastaKustuta#1 Always happy to see the CMC. And...is the fabric from Sweetie Belle turning into water? Mind blown
VastaKustuta#23 I think that one expression of Applejack's is the only one that makes me sad, because you rarely see her upset. Adorable..but sad.
#34 lol, she is so full of surprises
#39 yay, more Noi
#43 is cute. And...wait, is Angel.... happy? Egads!
I'm buying singed, just for that picture.
VastaKustuta38, Luna is... Billy Mays?
3-5 might be the mascot pony for the russian imageboard the sources linked to?
VastaKustutaNot sure.
So glad someone else thought Zecora looked like storm a bit in the new episode.
VastaKustutaSomepony needs to draw some Gilda stuff.
VastaKustutaI think the author of #35 drew way too much Snails. His expression, nose structure ... immediately thought it was snails.
VastaKustutaWho IS that mare from numbers 3,4 and 5? =s
VastaKustutaWell, heck.
VastaKustutaArtist of #26 here; didn't expect that piece to be here. That was made as an illustration of sorts for OceanLord's "Pony Space" crossover; specifically, it's from Chapter 3's section about Pinkie's excessive cushioning of a comatose Isaac Clarke. I'm doing this and other pictures to support/motivate other artists while practicing and having fun, but the pictures depend entirely upon the source content as a result.
So, yeah. Sorry about the confusion. Thanks to whomever sent it in.
#35: Can't tell if Scootaloo or the retarded pony. I'll go with Scootaloo...
VastaKustutaReally nice drawfriend this time around. 28, 42, 46, 2, 14, 2, 5, and 7 are my favourites, but they're all very good.
VastaKustuta3-5... Just who is that mysterious mare?
VastaKustuta(yay Rarity, I had to do it.)
VastaKustutaThanks for the note. Also, kudos to the author for the name "Isaac Clarke".
I love all the art.
VastaKustuta"Hi Billy Neighs here for MagiClean! Why do I look like Luna, because with the power of the moon, my MagiClean will clean any stain, from anywhere.
Throw some MagiClean in the laundry along with your favorite detergent, and like magic, the stain will be banished to the moon before your very eyes.
Got stains all over your house? They're no match for the power of MagiClean! One swipe, and the stains disappear!
You get this, a 2.5 pound tub of MagiClean, a 5 bit value, for just 2 bits. But wait, call, right now, and we'll throw in, Apple Clean, so you can cut through the toughest grease and grim. But I'm not done yet! Call, right now, and we'll triple the offer; that's 7.5 pounds of MagiClean and three bottles of Appleglow a whopping 10 bit value, only 2 bits. Call now!"
We all miss you Billy.
#38 YES
VastaKustuta#1 I stared at that drawing for about five minutes and I still have no idea what the hell the CMC are doing.
VastaKustutaI mean, Sweetie Beele's up at the top unrolling what looks like fabric, except that it's also real water. And Scootaloo's riding Rarity's faiuting couch down the waterfall (Which may or may not be fabric) while Apple Bloom's flying behind her in the glider. But is the glider holding the couch back or is the couch falling pulling the glider along?
VastaKustutaI DON'T GET IT!
Yes, Fluttershy IS best Singed!
VastaKustutaOH boy Rarity is going to be pissed when he finds out that the cutie mark crusaders took her couch to be used as a raft.
VastaKustutaVery well drawn.
Must be the bright and shiny edi...
I'm REALLY UPSET that none of you got my Usual Suspects reference. COME ON!!! The famous lineup scene? You people suck.
VastaKustutaOkay, Fluttersinged is awesome, but I honestly say Pinkie would make a better singed :D
VastaKustutaWait... no shield! Heretic! awesome as the picture is, singed is nothing without his shield!
VastaKustutaZecora heart!
VastaKustutaAlso, these are great. Much love.
Sources #7 & #26 have been linked wrong.
VastaKustuta#25 - I love her ... mane? No, seriously I love Twilight's mane in this. There's something different about it than other art I've seen before, and it's good!
VastaKustutaAaaagh your icon! <3 Once again I am flattered, thank you. ^.^
And though today has been a very long day, I simply must comment on some of these, at least~
#1 I'm not entirely sure I understand what's going on here (the fabric waterfall is fascinating though), but this is quite nicely done, must say. Landscapes/detailed backgrounds have never been my strongest suit and so I always respect artists who are more skilled in them... also, I find Scootaloo's expression to be extremely funny here. Nice job.
#2 This is an interesting picture... it caught me eye though. I like the artist's coloring style and the stained glass-esque motifs on the background add a nice touch.
#7 This whole picture is very nicely done, and gives us a fantastic little slice of Ponyville life. Nice vibrant colors and excellent attention to detail... I'd imagine the artist must have put quite a bit of time into this.
#8 I don't know if Screwball is meant to be so totally frightening in this picture but she really is. I like this quite a lot though; the soft coloring really appeals to me.
#10 Is that Zecora as Storm? Haha that is hilarious... ^.^
#11 D'aww, that is such a cute little fanart! Poor Fluttershy, she's scared!
#14 I like this interpretation of a (seemingly) older Scootaloo. I would have thought she'd have a cutie mark by now but in any case, it's nicely done.
#19 Wow that's quite impressive... see my previous comments to #1 about landscapes, and this one definitely is beautifully done. I rather envy this artist for their skills actually. Very interesting little scenario here (why is Pinkie on a stretcher? =()... it really makes me wonder about the story behind it. Lovely work.
#23 How frikking adorable is that. Inspired by Applejack's ashamed reaction in RoH part II I believe, but that certainly doesn't make me like it any less. Pretty nicely colored as well. ^^
#25 Well this is certainly different, but I like it! The artist has a very different style but their coloring is quite beautifully done (Twilight's hair and the sword blade in particular are gorgeous in my opinion), and I think the more pronounced detail on the pony-fur is interesting because you don't see that very often. Anyway yes, commendable work.
#28 This totally made me laugh, haha...
#29 Aww, Rarity looks so pretty here! Well I mean, she always does of course but yes, this picture is very nicely done and the glossy candy-colors really help to accentuate her lovely features even moreso!
#s 31/32 More candy-colored ponies! At first I thought these two were both by the same artist but now I see that's not the case... anyhow I like them both very much! Sometimes ultra-bright, bold colors and glossy highlights are just what the doctor ordered.
#33 Another picture where I'm not really sure what's going on, but that's okay. Interesting premise here. And Applejack and Fluttershy's expressions cracked me up when I took a closer look, hah.
#34 Wow, this is great! It really replicates the look of the series perfectly, and while I know this is not the first fanart of Lyra on a Segway that I have seen, it is still just as hilarious.
#36 Apparently I'm the only pony here who likes this picture or something but yes, this is also hilarious to me. Rarity's expression, what...
#37 Going by this artist's Tumblr, it appears I might have inadvertently given them the inspiration for this picture. Which is absolutely awesome, mwahahahahahaaa~ >D
#38 Okay Luna, you've sold me.
#43 Aww this picture is so incredibly cute... everything about this is just charming. Nice vibrant color and lighting on that lush background too... very cute.
Quite a lovely Drawfriend tonight!
Glad to see #33 here. It was a collaboration between ToxicMario and I (tsitra360) Thanks for the comments on it so far. :)
VastaKustutaAlso, love #27 . Don't get it but I love a well drawn traditional piece.
#1 - Cutie Mark Crusaders Daredevils, YAY!!!
VastaKustuta#7 - awesome view of Ponyville during a normal, bright day =D! love those shadow effects, btw
#10 - yeah, this also kinda crossed my mind when I saw Zecora on Nightmare Night XD
#11 - Posey and Suprise? heck yeah!
#13, 15, 16, 17, 18 - all awesome!!! but where's AJ?! as a matter of fact, there's a serious lack of AJ on this post...
#25 - awesome!!!!!!!
#34 - LMAO!!! Lyra, always ahead for her time XD
#44 - is she preparing a... BOOMBERG?! (read the comic some hours ago LOL)
#45 - wow, this has to be the first time I see this kind of fanart with the Pie sisters, and with Ghostbusters crossover?! this is full of win!!
i like 12, 28, and 32
VastaKustuta#1 Cutiemark Crusaders.....what the hell are we doing, again?
VastaKustuta#3-5 Wait, what? Who is this? What did I miss? Everything is in Russian.
#10 I would watch that show. Hell, if that picture is all it was, I would watch it.
#27 ....why is Fluttershy Singed?
#28 I don't know why this is happening, but I approve.
#38 ....I don't get it.
#39 Geehehehehehe. Daaaaw.
Wonderful drawfriend, so much epic fanart
VastaKustutaIn case anyone is interested in it, the real Source for #7 is
VastaKustutaThanks! Somehow I missed the fact that I didn't download this pic last night; now I can properly correct that mistake.
11. Dawww.
VastaKustuta38. Luna moves product.
I think that 3-5 pony is what the artists think the mystery character in episode 8 could look like, judging by the cutie mark and pictures.
VastaKustutaNah, Fluttershy is best Sona :D (I hope JJ posts that picture he did on the livestream on DA (it was humanfluttershy however) SO AWESOME!
VastaKustutaLeague of legends needs a pony champion, or skin :D
@Edwin B.
VastaKustutaWhy, she would even go so far to say that it was The. Worst. Possible. THING!