Did Mythbusters ever do an episode on this one? I'm not sure where they would get a nuke, but it has been parodied so much, it seems like something they would jump on.
Have some art!
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110 kommentaari:
Love No. 3, ew No. 8.
VastaKustutaFirst? Ah oh well
VastaKustutaAlso love art!
also not first...
VastaKustutaMaaan, where's MY drawing? Sent it in the day of "Luna Eclipsed." :C
VastaKustutaWoo drawfriend!
VastaKustutaAlso, I'm so sad to be reminded that Kingdom of the Crystal Skull ever existed. :(
VastaKustutaNot first :d
VastaKustutaVery Luuuuna edition.
VastaKustuta#14: From Discy's expression, I don't think he planned to end up small and cute himself... :3
also, frazzled Filly!Twilight is cute.
Zecora's costume is best costume.
VastaKustutaLove the Luna/Pipsqueak pics. A light night in terms of quantity but not quality, which is nice.
VastaKustutaGotta' admit that I loved Zecora's costume also, suits her look very well.
Also whats so "eww" about #8?
#8 Twilight, did you get your tongue stuck on a candy cane again?
VastaKustutaDat #13...
In before Pip Squeak X Luna shipping... All these videos and images make it inevitable.
VastaKustutaIn fact I think all the Lunas in this set are pretty great. Alas, poor Derpy's back legs appear to be broken in 22.
VastaKustutaHoodie Twilight and Luna FTW!
VastaKustutaI love these things. Drawfriend truly congregates the best.
Love the babysitting one... but Fluttershy should be causing trouble as well. She'd probably be playing with an animal that's not supposed to be in the house in the first place, to be honest.
VastaKustutaI don't see anything wrong wit #8 ...
VastaKustuta#21 was really good!
I suddenly really want some candy cane. Why?
VastaKustutaA lot of Luna. I'm in love with #5. :3
VastaKustutaI'll take a #8 To-Go please...
VastaKustutaI mean Candy Corn isnt the besy tasting candy in the world, yah i'll give u that, but mint isnt particularly disgusting either.
VastaKustutaGah! And I can't stop looking at it. Seriously, this is going to haunt my dreams. Paging Dr. Freud?
I love the ones with Pipsqueak and Luna too.
VastaKustutaWouldn't it be cool if he became her student like Twilight?
#8 NO.
VastaKustutaStill no Pinkiest Pink Princess Luna? I know it's a deleted scene, but it's an image that shouldn't be passed up on!
VastaKustuta(Psst, almost 60 Million)
VastaKustutaNumber 8 is clearly suggestive. It reminds me of the "brony cola" picture.
#17 is so freaking clever. serious kudos to that guy/gal. holy hell 60million soon?
VastaKustutaLooking at these images. Suddenly my art looks like a joke...
VastaKustuta#26 made me realize the world absolutely needs a Luna and Pip save Equestria episode.
VastaKustuta#3 source:
What's with all the sauce, Seth?
VastaKustutaSometimes, I feel like you are TRYING to make this fandom look bad.
So much Luna. I love it. Also Dawww and saucy version?
VastaKustuta#5 Is that Life and Times of Caughlin Mare fanart I spy?
VastaKustuta#13 Sort of Saucy Vinyl is Sort of Saucy.
#14 I love the filly image...but why Discord twitchy twitchin, and I dislike the random Psycho Sparkle...but other than that. ^_^
#18 This just seems backwards to me.
#20 So I'm not the only one who liked Zecora with her hair down? Good.
#1: You thought Carrot Top was mad last time? Derpy, you in for an earful, girl.
VastaKustuta#6: Cozy Twilight is best Twilight. I want to snuggle so bad now...
#12: ADORABLE! She's just so Happy!
Wow, so much new Luna!
A great drawfriend right here! Props to all the artists.
Too much RD! Awesomeness overload! Abort! Abort!
VastaKustuta#1 Indiana Derpy and the crystal muffin.
VastaKustuta#2 I had to be sure, so I sent them all.
#3 D'aww.
#4 She's happy about something there.
#5 would you believe she kept that? I put it in a museum while she was gone.
#6 Nice style, I like it.
#7 Why are you wearing that silly thing Luna? oh well, D'aww.
#9 Fluttershy, so happy.
#10 He booped your nose.
#12 What is this place filled with so many wonders?
#14 Even Discord doesn't deserve that.
#15 Twilight is careful enough for it too be safe but her perfectionist side? I fear for Dash's mane there.
#16 Dash is not amused.
#17 I thought she learned about tasting liquid rainbow to things, thats stuffs not meant to be consumed.
#18 I'm sure Scootaloo would be a very fast learner if only to avoid boring Rainbow.
#19 I really like the style here.
#20 Zecora had a great costume.
#21 Luna still has a bit of growing up to do, but its nice to have her back.
#22 She's a paper bag wizard!
#23 Those pumpkins look a little past it. I hope she doesn't try at catapult them.
#24 Luna's mane is very light in this, I like the detail.
#25 Luna has a fan now, thats nice.
#26 Luna looks worried, I get the feeling theres something rather more solid infront of them.
#18: Rainbow Dash is Scoot's new pet? (I kid)
VastaKustutaFor anyone wondering, mythbusters have, in fact, done that myth. I can't remember what the results were but it was a really good episode.
VastaKustutaI'm surprised a saucy tag wasn't put on number 8. But, other than that, awesome as always.
VastaKustutaNo. No, not at all. 8 is awesome.
God I love Twilight Sparkle.
Words cannot describe my disappointment of abacus-less Luna.
VastaKustutaHowever, they can explain the filly mane six plus Discord.
VastaKustutaI see what you left out there. Great Success.
Yay, more adorable Pip! Hey, I like him! I think he's just too adorable. <3
VastaKustuta#5 Some Woona and her popular abacus. Love those. So cute.
#8 Twilight really likes Christmas. No, I don't think you understand. Twilight REALLY likes Christmas...
#13 "Hey, Vinyl, have you seen my... whoa! Uhhh... what was I looking for again... ?"
#14 Poor Discord is babysitting. I've known your pain all too well, my friend. lol This would drive anyone to want to bring the world into utter chaos. Just like that household right now. :P
#20 Ick, spiders. lol But awww, that one is trying to crawl away. That is oddly kinda cute. x3
#22 Derpy and her ever-fabulous show-stopping costume! Derpy costume is best costume.
And of course, we have so very many Luna's hanging around the Drawfriend. :P
VastaKustutaThey don't need to test that.
Fridges back when were only lead lined. The slightest of scratches would let radiation in.
And the heat/fallout/leftover radiation would kill anyone thinking it's safe enough to come out, presuming they lived for that long.
@Jebediah Oldenheimer
VastaKustutaMe too, the fact that the candy cane that she is licking is totally not implying a phallic object makes the picture that much better
3. Awww, Spike has a tummy ache.
VastaKustuta5. Luna and Abby. So cute.
6. Twilight Snuggie.
12. Dawww. Fantastic.
VastaKustutaI could think of nothing to say, it would have ended up as Oh...my.
Though I do wonder why it says happy easter in the URL.
but since you brought it up
#8 I uhmm...really like her...mane?
Celestia's got nothin' .
#8 was. interesting. I laughed and died a little inside and it takes a special person to do that all in one simple image of somepony enjoying a giant piece of candy...
VastaKustuta#1: It may not be realistic for Indiana Jones to survive such a blast, but for Derpy it's foal's play.
VastaKustuta#3: Another well-done light shipping picture that I think works well as a friendshipping picture. I love the soft, subtle lighting.
#5: Woona with an abacus! This math geek approves.
#6, #7: Looks like hoodies are making a comeback.
#12: I love everything!
#14: Really fun, cartoony art for a very funny idea. Fluttershy is way too cute there. Tonight's favorite.
#15: Someone needs to tell Twilight to never utter that question.
#16: Love Dashie's expression!
#19: Great use of negative space.
#20: It's about time someone drew a Nightmare Night Zecora!
#22: Derpy knows she's got a great costume.
#23: Very elegant Nightmare Night Luna.
#26: I'd like to see this happen in the show, yes.
@P. Pony Ponyson
VastaKustutaWell, of course! It was busted after all; I distinctly remember an episode with that.
#8 made me wonder...
VastaKustutaWhy is it that Twilight is always the one that goes in this kind of pictures?
Number 3 can be found here http://my.deviantart.com/messages/#/d4drxcg
VastaKustutafor anyone interested
VastaKustutaWell, the ones like this don't disturb me, but I do wonder what's going through the minds of the artists that make Luna hit on an elementary-school-age colt. :P
And I have to confess, I just don't see the appeal in putting an adorkable bookworm in such racy poses. It's like putting chocolate sauce on sharp cheddar, or something.
Great art as always.
VastaKustutaI am kind of surprised that there hasn't been any fan art of the Night Guard yet.
Needs more Luna... And less saucy.
VastaKustutaWhy does Dash have Sharingan O____O
I believe the site will reach 60 mil in about an hour
VastaKustutaNumber 8 isn't sensual in any way, shape, or form.
#1 Well, looks like Derpy found her own personal Ark...
VastaKustuta#2 Trollestia strikes again. Poor Spike, he gets the pointy end of the stick most of the time...
#3 More filly-fooling... man, there's been an influx of these saucy/semi-saucy pics lately...
#4 Error: crack detected in 4th wall. Attempting to patch...
Please keep a safe distance from your screen.
#5 Nnnnnope. This got tossed overboard by cannon in the last ep. Sorry. Cute, normal-mane, abacus wielding filly Luna is no longer a reality. *sniff...*
#6 I feel my diabetus acting up again...
#7 Yup, D'AWWW levels rising...
#8 ...aaaaaand D'AWWW levels just fell sharply. Ick.
#9 Ooops, they're up again! D'AWWWWWW!!!!!!
#10 How to flick off a dragon, Discord-style. LIKE A BAWZ!
#11 was damaged irreparably due to Pinkie's wall-breaking stare in #4. Do not blame Seth.
#12 Warning: D'AWWW has reached critical levels.
#13 Sorry, no. That is SO not her.
#14 Now we know where Discord learned about chaos... ah interwebz, you can make sense out of anything! Love Fluttershy's concern for him (and that *twitch twitch*)!
#15 Dash, if you value your hairstyle, you will run. NOW.
#16 Awwww, Dashissuchagoodfriend.jpg!
#17 Oh. Dear. Celestia.
Dash, I'm not sure you wanna eat that... ever heard of the multiverse?
#18 That look on Dash's face is PRICELESS!
Um, Scootaloo? Ur doin' it wrong.
#19 Kinda hard to see this one, but it's very pretty.
What am I saying? It's Luna. It's ALWAYS gonna be pretty!
#20 So those spiders weren't brought to life by Luna after all... she got trolled by Zecora!
Everypony, Y U TROLL LUNA???
#21 D'AAA-HNNNNNNG!! Massive cuteness overload!
Man, I just love these sweet sister pics. And those droopy Luna-ears... AAAAAAH!!
#22 This costume was definitely the best! Hopefully we'll get to see more of Derpy in Season 2, maybe even have an episode all about her!! I would give all my bits...
#23 Luna looks absolutely stunning in this one. The pumpkins and that background are a nice touch.
#24 So... much... LUNA!!! And talent, you guys are wayyy too talented to just be drawing for free. You should be getting payed to animate or illustrate stuff.
#25 My heart? It's that red puddle on the floor.
#26 I didn't really get this one until I looked at the link extension: How to train your Luna. Very clever. Love the expressions and colors in this one.
MOST EXCELLENT DRAWFRIEND, MY GOOD BRONIES! We are greatly pleased. Sorry for stealing your speaking style, Luna. It's just sooo much fun! Never again will I feel awkward or ashamed when I try to speak in Victorian English!
P.S. We're almost to 60,000,000 page views!! SQUEE!
3, 8 and 13 are just creepy/weird.
VastaKustutaDiscord as babysitter was funny and some great Luna in there too.
Ok #8 is disturbing >_<
VastaKustuta#8 was a bit much...
VastaKustuta17's een up here before.
VastaKustuta#26 Well, a How To Train Your Dragon reference!
VastaKustutaJust hit 60,000,000!
VastaKustuta69 Comments...
VastaKustutaI gotta make it 70.
VastaKustutaI just realized... my profile has 69 hits too!
@Arothyss, @HappyCrusader
VastaKustutaEh, I still just see #3 as an implied/light shipping pic, and implied lightly enough I can interpret it as friendshipping. Maybe that's just me, but I'm not complaining. :)
In regards to #8... Do want.
VastaKustuta11: Yay, Invisible Rarity!
VastaKustuta14: AWW! SO CUTE!
#8... I guess Christmas came earl- *random shotgun blast to the face*
VastaKustuta#3 is from CrappyUnicorn
#8 Stupid Sexy Twilight XD
VastaKustuta#1 Ha.
VastaKustuta#7 See? Sweaters I'm okay with. Just not those goddamn socks.
#13 I'd be getting in this one's face, too, if it didn't mainly just remind me of Touhou. Also if it wasn't pretty well drawn.
#14 Heh, nice. This is a good one.
#20 Plastic props are just a waste of time. With a little encouragement, real spiders do just fine.
#8... I don't get it. Twilight's licking a candy cane. Yeah, it's kinda saucy, but nothing much worse than usual. Why all the hate? Oh well. This was an okay batch, but I don't really like Luna's new look, so the pictures featuring her aren't very interesting to me.
VastaKustutaDerpy knows where the good stuffs at.
VastaKustuta@ELT, @Elrond, @Whispy Willows
VastaKustutaI really wish I could honestly say I don't see anything suggestive or 'saucy' in #8, but as naive and sheltered as I am, it was still pretty obvious to me.
And suddenly I feel an urge to buy candy canes.....
VastaKustuta#14 And now we know why Discord went insane.
VastaKustutaMy heart is now full of sadness *cries*
Just a quick note on the fridge nuke: it won't keep you alive. Lead might partially protect you from radiation, but that doesn't mean it can save you from the explosion. It's very, very doubtful the fridge would not be incinerated. Yet even if somehow it did survive that, just because you're in a shell during an impact doesn't mean you don't feel the force of the impact. Try punching a wall, then put a metal pot on your hand and try punching the wall again. Either way your fist still bares the full force of the impact. The same goes for the fridge nuke and the Iron Man suit. However, these are just movies of course, so it's ok that they aren't accurate. Don't worry, the first Iron Man movie is still awesome anyway. The Crystal Skull... well... not so much.
VastaKustutaSorry for being so long winded, but someone had to say it.
VastaKustutaI think the point is they don't see anything wrong with this level of sauciness.
VastaKustutaWith Iron Man at least you can imagine he figured out some way of compensating for that.
#14, 15, and 18 could totally be episodes in my book, minus Discord in #14.
VastaKustutaI really enjoyed #20. The idea of Zecora capturing spiders for her hair was great.
VastaKustutaWith all the comments on #8 it should be clear by now that this is not an image we want for this fandom. Best keep this kinda stuff on equestria after dark, I dont think tthat anyone seeing nothing wrong with this pic minds having to find this kind of stuff there either.
VastaKustuta"How To Train Your Dragon Luna"
VastaKustutaI see what you did there...
Seeing #8 didn't destroy my mind and ruin the fandom for me. Neither did seeing Trixie in saucy underwear or reading Cupcakes. Some ponies need some thicker skin.
VastaKustutaNuuuu my Pinkie Joker didn't make it D:
VastaKustutaSource for 3rd one > http://crappyunicorn.deviantart.com/art/evening-affection-265002640
VastaKustuta@Darkfoxx - a lot of it comes down to where each person draws their own line, and every single one of us does so entirely arbitrarily at that.
VastaKustutaPersonally, I'm fine with number 8, just as I was fine with the infamous Twilight Drinking Cola (why's it always Twilight?). I appreciate the artwork and the suggestion is, in a way, funny. Kind of like a poke of humour at the psycho-sexual components of the mind, and making people blush and all that simple fun.
Then there was that Trixie one in the last drawfriend, and that was borderline for me. Not sure which side it falls on.
Got no problem with cute / flirty / risque / saucy so long as it's properly veiled, so to speak, firmly in implication and suggestion only, rather than directness and lack of subtlety.
Really depends on the perspective we bring to this I suppose, and our comfort levels.
@Arion A.
VastaKustutaIf you're think what I'm thinking, it was the myth that tossing a live grenade into a fridge would protect you from the blast. It doesn't.
VastaKustutaI can't believe it took me so long to get #1, but once I did I laughed quite a bit. XD
Also, is it just me, or is a lot of artist... 'stealth-saucing' MLP art nowadays? :/
Source #3 is from CrappyUnicorn's http://crappyunicorn.deviantart.com/art/evening-affection-265002640 c:
VastaKustutaYep, pretty soon you'll be hearing a MictheMicrophone reading of a Pip x Luna R34 ship fic. I hope it doesn't go that way. I'd rather the young ones just admire their elders and not have get all nasty like what's happened with Scootaloo and Dash. I don't mind if it happens after they grow up and are adults like in the comics where Scootaloo is a Wonderbolt with Dash. If Scoot and Dash hooked up then I'd have no problems and if Pip grew up and still had feelings for Luna then that would be fine too. Though Luna will still be an ancient being... I wonder just what pony out there can really be a peer for Luna and Celestia. If they ever wanted to find a mate of equal age where would they go? Anyway, just don't ship Pip and Luna until Pip is of age please.
VastaKustutaGood Drawfriends! Lots of cute ones in this set xD
VastaKustutaWait a second... I just went through the comments and noticed everypony is concerned in #8 for some reason. Are you ponies serious? That level of erotic humor is everywhere in normal life. Just turn on Cartoon network or Disney channel. Hell I saw saucier moments in the Discord episodes of the actual show. Personally I think EqD needs a late night drawfriend just for R34 types. Of course a lot will be all freaked out by such a comment but why? What happened to Love and Tolerance? Everypony here should be allowed to express themselves and their love for their favorite pony. It's the choice of the viewer to click on an image or to stare at it at length. If you see something you don't care for just pass by it. Maybe the rule here should be no negative comments referring to content. Once again, just my opinion.
VastaKustutaAlso #13 is a lot more saucy and erotic than #8 since Vinyle is dress slutty with her dress up exposing her plot with her tail raised in a seductive pose inviting the viewer to check out what she has going on underneath.
VastaKustuta@Aragrist: "I saw saucier moments in the Discord episodes of the actual show."
VastaKustutaSuch as?
I'm a bit surprised at the number of comments singling out #8 as being overly saucy, but I haven't seen any frothing-at-the-mouth rants about it or anything. Why worry about other people complaining about a saucy image? The most that could come of it is that next time, a similar image would be hidden behind a link. As long as people aren't attacking each other, or the artist, I don't see the big deal in letting them express their opinions, even ones I disagree with.
Sorry to fall in proverbial soup, but have any of you who have been around for longer than two months noticed a change in tone of the comments? Previously nopony was outspoken against sauce or shipping. Sure people disliked it, but commentary was always subtle, not (and I quote): "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?". Comments like these seem to resist everything bronies stand for! Why all the hate all of a sudden? If you don't like the sauce, just ignore it! Same with Grimdark, Shipping and even Rule 34!
VastaKustutatl;dr version:
Please, ponies, let's try to keep EqD hater free.
VastaKustutaEverything he said. Let's not act like small children who scream "ew" every time they see a kissing scene in a movie, okay?
@Dawid Been going on ever since those pictures were posted
VastaKustutaSource 3 is CrappyUnicorn on deviantart
VastaKustutaKudos to yall who got my HTTYD Reference in #26 ;)
VastaKustuta<3 Stalcry