• Drawfriend Stuff #216

    Awesome unnamed villian edition.  Or is that Pinkie Pie?

    58 images...my poor hands. 

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    133 kommentaari:

    1. also, quite a bit of shipping up in here.

    2. I herd u liek mudkipz fluttershy. :)

    3. Hmm... No TwiDash ship in this for once.

      Instead we have at least ten others. Disappointed by the internet.

    4. Chandler, I think we've had enough TwiDash for a small while. Let others catch up.

    5. Love how a lot of these were made in only 13 hours. Props to those who made stuff from todays ep. You have some serious skills O_O

    6. Guessing from the Elder Sign on Rarity(?)'s front leg in the cover pic, they seem to be dealing with Lovecraftian beings of joy and laughter.
      Also: I love all this crazy Twilight art! :D

    7. Unusually, for me at least, I hadn't thought of #36 in that way yet

    8. In regard to #19:

      When you're freaking out freaking Pinkamena Diane Pie, you know you're crazy...

    9. Aww, no epic Nuclear Rainbooms! Next time!

    10. Wow. Umm, #44 was, um, well-drawn. Y'know, from what I *ahem* saw...

    11. I count 11 Lesson Zero pictures in here. Wow!

    12. Take a break Seth, you did enough to satisfy me for a few days =)

    13. Im surprised of the lack of bear-handling Fluttershy or Sonic Rainnukes, but these are really nice! So many, too, wow.

    14. Largest Drawfriend Ever edition?
      I'm expecting, and dreading, more Crazy Twilight and Obsessed Big Mac stuff for about a week...

      #2- This isn't my turntable!
      #4- Was it just me, or did Mac's VA change? Plus, he didn't say 'Eenope', he just said '...Nope'.

    15. >Read amazing fic
      >Click homepage


    16. So...
      this is probably the biggest drawfriend ever then, right? I mean, have we ever even gotten over the 50 image mark before?

    17. I absolutely love #7. I don't know why, I guess it's just because its an active picture.

      It feels like a piece of art.

    18. #52 I was thinking that the entire time

    19. I love that a third of these were made today and are all ready good enough for framing

    20. #4, #16 I knew this would happen.
      #38 I really like her mane...

    21. NUMBER 53 I POSTED SOMETHING JUST LIKE THAT ON MY DEVIANTART if u wanna check it out its Cookiekat9564

    22. Idea for brony mantra: "If it moves, ship it."

    23. R.I.P. Big Mac's dignity. You will be missed.

      That said, I really like this drawfriend. #1, #3, and #35 are my favorites.

    24. @HappyCrusader

      hmm.... nah.

      that'd hurt the community too much.

    25. #49...Fluttershy lieks mudkipz apparently

    26. Well looks like one of my recent artworks made it up here (#49); that is always a welcome surprise. Even if I don't particularly care for that picture, but I digress...

      Talk about a Drawfriend of epic proportions tonight! And while I'm not the first to say this and know I won't be the last, I am always amazed at how quickly this fandom moves!

      Some quick reviews (as I am working tonight):

      #9 Cuteness, and after today's episode, highly appropriate and gratifying.
      #12 Wow I really love this artist's style... very anime-inspired but highly pleasing to the eye in my opinion, and their coloring is very soft and pretty. Really like!
      #14 Well of course john joseco beat me to the punch on drawing therapist-Twilight; I think I actually would have been disappointed otherwise. I may still have to attempt my own interpretation someday anyway.
      #15 Absolutely creepy, but very nicely made.
      #16 Extremely cute, and again I am impressed by others' speed.
      #22 Very cute Applejack, and nicely painted I might add!
      #29 This made me laugh... I don't even know. So delightfully silly...
      #36 I laughed again... shame on me I know.
      #38 You know, I am really impressed that someone could create such a detailed piece of fanart in such a short period of time. It's really quite amazing. *salutes*
      #46 While stylistically-speaking this is not quite my taste, it is nevertheless a lovely piece of art and I adore the coloring. The lighting, especially, is beautifully done. <3
      #48 That is... so strangely adorable.
      #54 Another gorgeous piece of art, and quite a haunting one at that. Love the colors and unusual composition!

      Poor demented Twilight... you are never going to live this episode down, darling.

    27. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    28. Awful lot of cuh-razy Twilight in here, as expected.

      #9: Awww...
      #23: It. Is. ON!
      #25: Dammit, why?! That comic haunts me! Now I'm sad :(
      #49: So I heard Fluttershy likes Mudkips?
      #52: I should really see about playing that game...
      #55: Nice Star Wars reference

    29. 58? Holy crap. Think this is the largest Drawfriend yet.

      #4, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 36, 38, 52, and 53. Dem episode three pictures. You guys work so fast. That's probably about 1/1000 of how many there actually are already. :P

      So many awesome pics. I absolutely love Twilight's crazy face as seen in #13, 15, and 19. I mean, how could you NOT love that face. Amirite? :3 And look, she's even playing with Pinkamena in that one. Now you two girls play nicely. :)

      #4 and #16 Depict our newest shipping pair it seems. We all figured this would pop up pretty hastily after initially being seen. :P

      #36 That's pretty much one of the main ideas that was running through my head too during this entire scene with the CMC. Should I feel bad? lol

      #38 It seems there is also a match now between who is best pony of this new season. Is it Tom or Smarty Pants? Inb4 someone else entirely. ;) But I do really like her mane!

      #44 I have to admit, that's one awesome-looking shipping pic right there. It's the character designs. That edgy and cool punk look they have goin' on. Especially Trixie. Really digging the tattoos and just the overall look.

      #49 Fluttershy, I herd u liek Mudkipz.

      #53 And here we have the now infamous Dash in her deal-with-it shades. She deals with it with the best of them.

    30. I think this makes it official. Psycho Sparkle is the new Pinkamena Diane Pie. :P

      And seriously, it's not even 24 hours since this ep. aired, and ALREADY there's artwork dedicated to it. Lol, this community works crazy fast. :P

      Let's see now...

      #13, 15, 17, and 19 are all hilariously terrifying.

      #36 The CMC need and adult...and not Twilight.

      #52 is win. Someone pointed out this reference to me, and now I'm glad it's been made. :)

      #54 is creepy, but has alot of FanFic potential...hmmm....

    31. Crazy Twilight!
      I wonder what she'll do in the fictions, Blood books?

    32. Smartypants reminds me a little too much of my Curious George stuffed monkey when I was little...

      These ponies are staring into my soul.

    33. Good vibe good vibe good vibe. *sees 25* Screeeeeeeeeeeeeeech! CRASH!

      And fanart based on the episode that just aired? This fandom works fast!

    34. Ugh, lot of shipping, but insane Twilight, Rainbow Glasses, epic Gilda (don't like her, but griffons are cool), and Derpy playing a guitar with a bow made up for it.

    35. FOR FUCKS SAKE. I came home in the middle of the night after watching The Thing, with the aim of using ponies for brain bleach, and the Drawfriend has #1 up. Do you guys go out of your way to scare me?

    36. I must say that bronies work fast indeed. I love 16 and hope to see more MacXsmartypants pictures. They are SO adorable.

      I really like the art style in 25. I don't know quite what to make of it but it's really original and I enjoy it.

    37. It's been said before but goddamn, these artists are fast.
      #19 would have to be my fav. 36 also made me chuckle.

    38. Wow. I don't normally comment on stuff like this, but damn. #44 is definitely barbecue.

    39. I would be extremely content if somepony drew a Ninja Fluttershy facing down a horde of bears. It would be my wallpaper for eternity.

    40. #1 Oh my... If anyone needs me i'll be doing iportant Princess-y things. I'm sure they can deal with it.
      #2 D'aww
      #4 that was fast.
      #5 Nice style, good art.
      #6 Lunaaa.
      #7 Great style, I really like the picture. lets hope AJ isn't sleep deprived again.
      #9 D'awwww
      #10 Twilight studies a bit too hard sometimes...
      #11 Even I eed a few holidays.
      #13 Twilights mental breakdown is going to be popular I think.
      #14 Twilights branching her studies out.
      #15 Oh...my...
      #16 Big macs a softy.
      #17 Is insane.
      #18 I think Dash would rather be a wonderbolt, but guard amrour does look good on her.
      #19 When Pinkamina is scared you run.
      #20 A big old storm of chaos.
      #21 I don't think Nightmare Night is Fluttershy's favourite holiday somehow.
      #22 Nice style and good drawing, theres not usually too much of AJ.
      #23 I won, Luna is a bit too reserved.
      #24 D'aww Dinky.
      #25 Thankfully that would take a very long time to happen.
      #26 Oh Fluttershy.
      #29 I don't know why but this asumed me no end.
      #30 I thought I told her to throw that abacus out.
      #31 Trixies very good at illusions, if only she were a little less arrogant.
      #32 Nice style, I like it.
      #33 Discord wouldn't make a very good teacher, he'd be good as a friend though if he stopped tyrig to overhtrow me, he's just fun loving enough.
      #35 Oh dear thats sad. Even Gilda doens't deserve that.
      #36 If you're wondering how she uses the phone the answer is magic.
      #37 Its muffin 'o clock.
      #39 The shadowbolts exist only so the wonderbolts can have their own archenemies.
      #41 Interesting, I like it though im not sure whats going on.
      #43 Cutie mark crusader Tricksters, yay.
      #46 My Discord looks alot more fierce like that.
      #48 Oh my...
      #49 So I h- oh nevermind.
      #52 Haha, yes. I like this alot.
      #54 Not for long you aren't.
      #55 Poor Luna.
      #57 D'awww
      #58 Alternativley she could be Dr. Horsible.

      I tried to shorten my comment and not comment on everything but I wasn't very succesful there. Huge (and great) drawfriend for the most part today.

    41. I'm always amazed at how fast artists can crank out such amazing material HOURS after an episode premieres. Man, I love this fandom.

      Also, #9 made me d'awww.

    42. Alright, shippers. Big Mac/Smartypants fics. Go.

      Also, I loved all of these, with the exception of the Pinkie/Dash one. And the Twixie one was a bit saucier than I like. I did click the link, though, so I think I forfeited my right to complain.

    43. Don't be hatin' on seth, Wackyteen. The poor guy HAS a life you know...

      SO MUCH AWESOME in this Drawfriend! I'mma have to split my comments into two parts just to contain it!!

      #1 And we start our Drawfriend with a BANG! This picture is one of my top 5 for this Drawfriend. Don't ask me which of the top 5, I still haven't figured that out yet...

      #2 Oh, the clopfic possibilities...

      #3 Nice one, but a little too... human-ish for my taste. Next picture

      #4 Today, bronies and pegasisters, a new meme was made... well done, Hasbro

      #5 Love these friendship pictures. They look so happy and carefree!!

      #6 Luna doing what Luna does best: being awesome

      #7 Wow. This picture, just wow. I think this is my favorite of the night, though there are some others I enjoyed a lot too. The detail and expressions in this one are just amazing!! Very good job bro

      #8 So... this is what happens after a "Dash-falls-and-breaks-her-wings" fanfic? Or is this the secret to her Atomic Rainnuke?

      #9 So... sweet... HNNNG!!!

      #10 D'AWWWWW

      #11 D'AWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!


      #13 Want a hug? You need a hug. No, seriously, YOU WANT THIS HUG!!

      #14 And here's another meme generated by our good friends at Hasbro. Maybe they should go into the meme-creation business

      #15 Clock. Is. TICKING!!

      #16 Man, so much stuff from the show today... yeah, ok, I expected this

      #17 Get some.

      #18 THIS. IS. SPARTAAAA!!!! RD is best (greek) pony

      #19 Pinkamena, you got NOTHIN' on PsychoTwi. Wonder what would happen if these two met in a fanfic... well, get cracking, writers!

      #20 Does this remind anyone else of Alice in Wonderland? Cause it does me. Strange...

      #21 InB4 this happens in the next episode. Prove me wrong, Hasbro

      #22 So pretty...

      #23 Oh man, this is gonna be in an episode as well. I just know it!!

      #24 Cute... but I don't wanna be around to hear that!!

      #25 ....

      You sir, have killed my soul. This is one of the 10 saddest pictures I've seen on this site (and I've seen A LOT of sad pictures on this site!) You guys must be emotional masochists or something...

    44. @CX4Ever

      my patience is shorted out cause i haven't slept since yesterday morning.

    45. For some reason, Fluttershy looks happy in #21 to me.

    46. This is awesome! n.n!

      Artist of #44 here! Goodness, I've never been in a drawfriend before and to be on the same page as all this talent just makes me so giddy! =3

      I love it! And I'm glad to see that the reactions to it are mostly positive (with a side of wat.) I still look at my picture and see all the little things that are wrong with it, but it was fun and I hope to do better things in the future!

      Also, so much Twitchy Twi! My goodness! It's only been a day, but you ponies are amazing!

      Especially you, Joseco. You sir, are a machine! o.o;

      I love this community! I really do. Until next time~!


    47. #52 NEEDS to be submitted to the WeLoveFine contest! Sure, it would need to be rearranged a little bit, but god, I would buy it.

    48. #52: YES. good to hear i wasn't the only one thinking that when this episode aired.

    49. Soooooooo...

      Did Seth Derp #42?

      I didn't get home till now, but there were only 4 comments posted when I preloaded this drawfriend on my 3DS. 42 was missing even then, and none of the 4 comments complained about 42...

      So I'm just assuming you derped 42, and now we'll never know what the question was all about, cause now it'll take billions more years to make Earth calculate the new question, right?

    50. #6: Nicely cute Luna.

      #10: Always nice to see a tender scene between student and mentor. The lighting looks a little bright for this type of scene, but I still like it.

      #11: Luna's been trying on Celestia's crown a lot lately, hasn't she?

      #14, #16: John Joseco's already done 5 drawings based on the new episode, but these two are my favorites so far.

      #23: Magic snowball fight! Cool.

      #24: Derpy's not only a mailmare and a mother, she's an experimental musician!

      #30: I love this way more than I should. Luna doesn't look as happy in a library as Twilight usually does...

      #32: Interesting look at griffons; I hope we get to see not only Gilda, but other griffons at some point in the future.

      #38: Great drawing of Smartypants! Looking nice, girl!

      #39: Great look at the Shadowbolts; I love the style of this drawing.

      #41: More nerdy Twilight; yay!

      #44: So, anyone want to argue that this pic really isn't that saucy, and shouldn't be hidden behind a link?

      #46: Wow, very impressive; the posing, lighting, and color all come together for a very dramatic image. The artist obviously doesn't subscribe to Celestia having a pink mane before banishing Nightmare Moon, which actually is fine by me.

      #49: I absolutely adore Fluttershy's pose in this one, as well as her eyes; it's obvious she's overjoyed at meeting a new type of critter.

      #54: This is actually quite disturbing; I wouldn't be surprised to see someone use this pic as the basis for a fanfic. And I can almost see this explaining some of Twilight's actions in the new episode. As creepy as this image is, this is my favorite drawing of the night.

      #56: Great Pinkie Pie; Gummy looks a little chubby, but it's still nice to see him.

      #57: More adorable Fluttershy. I hope she gets to sing more this season...

      #58: Possibly my favorite Nightmare Night costumes so far. Twilight as Dr. Frankenstein is scarily appropriate.

      58 images, only 2 shipping images, 2 sorta-shipping images, 1 mild sauce, and 1 hot sauce. (Note that I'm not counting Macpants as shipping.)

    51. I really wish he'd stop putting only the artist name and not the source.

      Some of us DON'T in fact know who you're talking about or where to find them when you just put the name next to the image ya know!

    52. @CX4Ever
      Hopefully I can cram the rest into this post...

      #26 I'm not exactly sure what's going on in this one... I'm guessing RD just saved Fluttershy from falling... but it still is very well-done

      #27 So many rainbows... good action here!

      #28 Oh Pinkie, you're so adorable when you're happy

      #29 This needs to be made into a commercial

      #30 Adorkable Luna? Eeeee...nope.avi

      #31 The Grrrreat and Powerrrrful Trixie doing what she does best...

      #32 This made me stop for a minute just because it is so poignant in the way it's drawn. So many fanfic possibilities with this one too... is that her father she sees in the water? Very good scene here, we need more Gilda in the show

      #33 Dat implied plot...

      #34 Eeeee-nope.mac

      #35 Gilda again! These two are just perfect with Gilda in them and they convey a lot of meaning and emotion. InB4 this becomes the cover pic for a new Grimdark/Sad fic...

      #36 This pic was inevitable. We were all thinking it when we saw this scene

      #37 YES!!! *epic music* YES!!!

      #38 Contrary to popular belief: Smarty Pants is NOT best pony. Good pic though

      #39 I loved the action and movement in this one, but I had one major question: what's happening with the pony in the foreground? Srsly, I couldn't figure it out... someone help me out with this one?

      #40 RD is now 120% cooler

      #41 Twilight is in heaven

      #43 O...k

      #44 NO. Definitely NOT!! This is a heinous crime. Take it off this thread, now

      #45 Now THIS is a good Trixie! I love the way you have her posing here

      #46 Sh*t's going down. I always love the awesome Celestia-Discord battles and pics

      #47 SO. CUTE. DO. WANT!

      #48 Women, one moment they're trying to kill you and the next they want to make love...

      #49 So Fluttershy...

      #50 Very cute

      #51 Yes Trixie, that would be a "whoops!" moment

      #52 Another creepy fanfic inbound...

      #53 After today's episode, this was inevitable. I am going to use this to respond to all future posts to which it is applicable

      #54 Now THIS is a good plot. I love his expression in this one... "And you thought you got rid of me!"

      #55 Poor Luna. She won't be able to shake off that bad image until next Saturday... MUST. NOT. USE. TARDIS.

      #56 Dat Pinkie... she's a nutcase

      #57 Flutter... ok, just stop. You're too dang cute!

      #58 This is fitting. Allow me to go play some music to accompany it... love Spike's expression! "This BAD!"

      Very wonderful (if somewhat slightly predictable) Drawfriend y'all! See ya tomorrow!

    53. #19: Sorry, Pinkamina, but InsanoTwi beats you in freakiness by a mile.

      #52: Know that whenever somepony references Majora's Mask, they have all my love and adoration.

    54. @wackyteen
      I DO know that feeling, trust me. I try hard to practice the brony way of love and tolerance on those days in particular.

    55. @CX4Ever

      A heinous crime? You make me sad. ;o;

    56. Dash with shades is best Dash.

    57. #1 Wow. Erm... Wow. Whoever managed to get a near-perfect Elder Sign into an MLP image without anyone pointing it out for at least 20 minutes is a genius.

    58. I wonder how long it will take for a big mac/Nope.avi crossover?

    59. #1 - Dammit, Trixie. Even as that sign wards off the Elder Gods, IT DRAWS THEIR ATTENTION.

    60. @CX4Ever
      Well, #44 was hidden behind a link. I'd have preferred it to not be listed either, but we're in the minority, and as long as it's behind a link I won't complain.

    61. #1: Ponies vs Cthulhu Mythos? I suppose the interference of Shub-Niggurath is one explanation for the weirdness in the Everfree...
      #2: That's adorable. I have no idea what that is, but it's adorable.
      #24: *snrk*
      #32: Alas, poor Kage. We hardly knew ye...
      #44: O.O
      [backs away slowly]

    62. @commanche105996
      I'm hoping The Thing is as good as the 1982 film :/

    63. #36 read my mind! All I could say was "Girls, run, find an adult and call the cops!"

    64. Lots of crazy Twi today!
      As expected!

      36) Yes, I thought that.
      53) Yes! I thought that!


      #1 - Is that a ponified.......Yog-Sothoth?
      #2 - I NEED AN ADULT!
      #3 - The best ship. Remember fillies, Cupcakes gives PinkieDash pathos!
      #6 - Is that colored pencil? Fuck.
      #9 - Yeah, I read Pony Scales. Not proud of it. "Dear Princess Celestia: Dragons are a mouthful" XD
      #10 - Celestia or Molestia? *LedgerJokervoice*You choose!
      #11 - Okay, who at first glance thought Luna was lifting a white hindleg? *raises hand*
      #12 - What's with her pupils? She high?
      #13 - We're gonna have a new Mane 6 made up entirely of inanimate objects by the time this season's done.
      #14 - Dispensing psychological advice while in the midst of a nervous breakdown. SHOTS FIRED @ PSYCHOLOGISTS EVERYWHERE
      #15 - Ok if we're gonna keep running with this, I want Twilight-as-Ren Hoekk and I WANT IT NAO. I just started watching the Kricfalusi eps of Ren & Stimpy and OMFG it is brilliant, I knew it was good but I had no idea. Forget Simpsons, Beavis, Batman, etc - THIS is where the 90s Western Animation revolution began. The shit is so subversive, I can't believe it. Its like if you took WONDER SHOWZEN, edited it JUST ENOUGH to make it TECHNICALLY kid-safe, then had the balls to actually market it to children. Wow.
      #17 - A new generation of Grimdark was born today, fillies and gentlecolts. Fics featuring Twilight flaying foals alive with magic are being pre-read as we speak.
      #19 - Daaaamn JohnJoseco, how many of these have you done in the past 12 hours?
      #25 - "Spike! Don't go...! Please....ITS YOUR BABY!!!
      #26 - I'm confused. Is Fluttershy taking a dump on Dash's head? I mean....look at it.
      #27 - Fly-ass gear, Dash. I'd wear the tri-color wristband IRL.


      #29 - God, the things Pinkie did to Colgate in The Journal of the Cupcake Killer.....I am SO SO SORRY if you wind up reading and finding out because piqued your curiosity.
      #30 - Creepy. For some reason.
      #31 - Instead of doing the Great & Powerful bullshit, why not just hone THAT magic and have a nice career doing light shows? Whatever.
      #32 - Wait, is that......COOL!!! KAGE & REGGIE! CHEAH!!!! WITH PATHOS TOO! THAT WAS FAST! (one of the best FO:E fanarts I've seen, srsly)
      #33 - Discord.....you ARE THE FATHER!!!! Midnight: YEAH! FUCK THAT CHILD SUPPORT! *does Not The Baby Daddy Dance*
      #34 - FLANKS SO FAT THAT YOU CAN SEE IT FROM THE FRONT! .....and NONE of you got that Mos Def reference, did you? Why do I bother with you Caucazoids.....
      #36 - Free Candy!
      #38 - *looks at clock* 14 FUCKING HOURS AGO! YOU ARTIST PEOPLE ARE FREAKS!!
      #40 - Stop trying to get Ponyville's blackest pony to be ashamed of her beautiful black skin. Yes...she is. Shut up.
      #43 - lol, like this better than the first one!
      #44 - lol, Seth you're such a pru- WHOOOOOAAAAA WHAT THE FUCK? WHAT? WHAT IS THIS EVEN DOING ON EQD LOL. All sorts of fucked up. God, I wish I could tell Twi about the prevalence of Twixie, then show her THIS pic when she didn't believe me. Way I figure, her jaw would drop, she'd scream bloody murder, then she'd get real quiet, stare at it, and either projectile vomit or clop off right there on the spot. Maybe both. Not at the same time, obviously. Unless that's her kink.
      #46 - Wow, Tia with a real horse's build looks so, so wrong.
      #48 - Actually, in my headcanon Discord is the only living member of Celestia's circle of fillyhood friends, the rest being normal ponies that succumbed to old age millennia ago. That's more fucked up than them being old lovers imho.
      #52 - Fuck that game series. Seriously. Always hated it. To answer your next question, yes, I have no soul.
      #53 - "OH THE SHOW'S ALL ABOUT MEMES DASH HAD DEAL WITH IT SHADES" HEY! HATER! Can't they just be shades?
      #54 - Nice. NICE! Fits perfectly with "Heavenly Turmoil", WHICH IS AWESOME BTW.
      #55 - Nightmare Moon firmly pledges to lower taxes and reduce the size of government.
      #58 - I should have a killer Young Frankenstein joke at hoof for this but.....I got nothin. "Werewolf!" That's as good as you're gettin here. Always end with a strong joke.

    67. is #32 about a fic? If it isn't, there needs to be one NOW.

    68. and so it begins... and thus is my favorite pony ruined by the new meme that may never truly die. Curse you story board artists! curse you for making Twi's freak out face just absolutely creepy! Curse you!

    69. @Specter Von Baren

      In Seth's defense, a name is likely all he has as a means of crediting the artist in the rare instance a source link isn't given. Before I started putting my artwork up on my blog for example, and was simply emailing it to EqD as a means of submission, listing my name was the only way he was able to credit me. Which I very much appreciated, of course!


      Thank you. ^_~

    70. #32: Amazingly quick chapter specific fanfic illustration to get drawn and posted!

    71. So much crazy Sparkle...wow

      Its probably the Tim Burton nerd in me, but 43 is my favourite. Cutie Mark Crusaders Sandy Claws Kidnappers, YAY!

    72. Loving these massive Drawfriends!
      Twilight is most terrifying pony, no doubt.

    73. i was so looking forward to this ^^

    74. @Dorian Creed
      Oh, is that what the star thingy on the unicorn's leg is?

      Sorry, I don't know the reference.

      I apologize for being so harsh. I just don't think MLP is THAT kind of show. The art, in and of itself IS very well done, it's just on a subject that I really DO NOT prefer

      Man, everyone's getting upset about that one! Guys, if EqD saw fit to post it, then it's there for a reason. That reason is it is WELL-DRAWN. I know my tone was a lot different about it in my earlier post, but it's not our responsibility to shoot it down like this. Let people know how you feel in a discreet and gentle manner (for an good example of what NOT to do, see the comment in the previous post from Yours Truly).

      Again, I apologize to Sali. My response was completely over-the-top and inappropriate.

    75. it is amazing how fast some artists come up with images based on the new episode that are so amazingly done, they look like they could take a week to make yet its only been hours since the new episode came out!
      Artists, You are amazing!

    76. @kegisak

      As mentioned in passing above, #32 is fan art of Kage and Reggie from the ever popular FO:E.

      #22 I'm loving the style in this one (as well as the artist's Fluttershy from a number of Drawfriends ago).

    77. I saw #8 and immediately thought of Growing Pains...
      Only 3 colors in her mane and tail... Missing her origional wings...
      I hope that updates soon, it's really well written.

    78. The Majora's Mask reference made me so happy. ^_^ Good stuff this time around! ...ah, hell, it's always good stuff!

    79. @CX4Ever

      Bah... it's fine. It just made me sad that one moment everyone was cool with it, and the next they're all "kill it with fire". XD

      I was just happy to make the drawfriend, but I can imagine how some folks wouldn't care to have that sort of thing associated with a show that they like (and feel should be primarily a kid's show.)

      It's fine. I'm glad you at least think it's well drawn! n__n;;

    80. I think we are missing some pictures up here. eyup we are.

    81. @Sali

      You have skill as an artist, but I still want to kill that image, and my brain with fire...Still, not the worst thing I've seen on here...

    82. @Sali
      You're welcome.
      Say hello to the Internet: home of trolls and dramatic, over-the-top bloggers. Known for being very unpredictable and uncaring towards all who enter its domain.

      That's just the way it is pal, I've had to learn that lesson the hard way too.

    83. #49 It has begun. *puts on a colonial hat* THE MEMES ARE COMING, THE MEMES ARE COMING, BY MUDKIPS, BY MUDKIPS!!!

    84. 4 & 16: Big mac needs something that smells like Twilight... When he goes to bed at night.

      13, 15, 17, 19: Silly Twilight. I guess ALL the ponies in this town are crazy. Any that weren't yet, are now thanks to your little psychotic outburst! Just take some deep breaths, calm down, and I'll give you a hug and help you write your friendship report, you crazy pony.

      14: Yes, you can help me! My problem is there need to be ponies where I live, or I need to live where there are ponies. Find me a spell to do that, and you can solve all my problems!

      30: Luna, you are so adorkably smexy when you update yourself on the tax codes!

      33: Given how Twilight behaved in today's episode, I'd say the gestation for Alicorns must be on the order of a few millennia... And the offspring's wings must not come in right away if they are of mixed breed. That clearly explains EVERYTHING!

      36: Ponies use voice dialing. The magic of technology.

      38: Off to the left and right, out of frame, are the other things Big Mac has collected from Twilight...

      44: Meh. I've seen worse, or better.

      46: Nice, very epic.

      48: Nice, I am OK with this.

      49: So Fluttershy, I hear you like...
      I CAN'T DO IT!!!!

      52: My. First. Thought.

      53: So... just shades somepony says... Then why is no one else bothered by Celestia's hot bright sun... RD is just 20% cooler, and she'll just deal with it.

      54: I LIKE this theory.

      55: Poor Luna... That shadow is such a thorn in your side... Cast it off next week. We all know you can! Come back to us dear Luna!

      Also, Twilight's red magic aura is the ONLY thing that really distracted me. I say horn color, except with white or other neutral coats, in which a mane or cutie mark color becomes acceptable.

    85. @CX4Ever

      People who say, "OMG why do you care?" don't see the point. If this was ponychan, /co/, FiMchan, dA, reddit, SA, whatever, I wouldn't care - I'd just walk away.

      This blog is by far the biggest and most visible FiM fansite out there. Starting several months ago, Hasbro has been communicating with the fandom in a large part through this site. This site is constantly brought up as to what defines what the fandom likes and is all about.

      So how am I supposed to convince people that bronies are not all obsessive when anyone could come on here and could see people publicly drooling over ponies and shipping on almost every drawfriend post and hell, for awhile now the EqD has been posting pretty saucy fan creations as their own posts (that zoom-in video of Twilight with the funk music and the "Brony Cola" pic come to mind).

      I have absolutely nothing against the actual art/artists themselves, because in the case of #44 here for example, yes, it's very well-made, but it's hard to make us seem like we as a fandom can control ourselves when discussing the show. There are so many other sites out there to share fan creations, but this one needs to keep at least some level of professionalism if we want to keep our relationship with Hasbro, and I'm already seeing that the creators are increasingly more and more creeped out by the fandom. I actually saw someone comment on Lauren Faust's dA telling her about the infamous saucy fanpic of her as her ponysona character.

      That isn't applicable here, but keep in mind that Lauren says that she comes on here all the time still. I'm not laying this all on the particular pic here or the author, but I'm more making a PSA about this trend in general. Believe it or not, despite the fact that anyone who says anything negative about shipping or "saucy" material on here gets drowned out with cries of "No one cares about your opinion!" and "Why don't you just ignore it!", not everyone who doesn't like seeing that stuff here is an unreasonable asshole who wants the artists to be burned at the stake.

    86. @BalaklavaPony
      TRUST ME. I know this. I've seen it before and I can project certain scenarios pretty well. I am (and always will be) in complete agreement with you.

      The whole reason I made that post was to apologize for the tone of my earlier posts. I take back nothing that I said. While it is true that this particular pic has good form to excuse it, the majority of this stuff DOES NOT. So yeah, long story short, keep it clean, at least on this site bronies.

      And who had the audacity to do a saucy pic of Faust's ponysona?? I will MURDER them!! Srsly, do not do that, I will hack your acc's, find out where you live...
      And tell Pinkamena and PsychoTwi (yes, they work as a team now). BE AFRAID. >:(

    87. @mycutiemarkisagun


      Apparently you live in an alternate Equestria. I pity you, for you shall never know the wonders of the actual Equestria. You speak of certain ponies being with child, of alternate beginnings/endings for Equestria, and might I add that you have decidedly odd conceptions about a certain rainbow mare...

      Not that it's bad, I just feel sorry that you will never be able to experience the real deal. Not hatin' on you, just sayin'.

      That is all.


      Btw, @ #11... *raises hand too*

    88. #44 seems a little too saucy if you ask me. There are darker places on the internet to go for that kinda stuff.

    89. What's more surprising not only is there artwork for the ep in less then 12hours 3 of these are all by JohnJoseco. And that's just the ones that made it here.

    90. So many epic pics. Mudkipz for the win!

    91. So much win today but I'm amazed at how many Lesson Zero pics made it on the list. Sheesh this fandom is fast at the draw(forgive the pun).

    92. # 36: I heard someone mention in comments above how we were 'all thinking this when we saw that scene"

      I'm horribly sorry to say so, but if the first thing you thought seeing this scene was 'Pedophilia' it says a LOT about yourself and not so much about the actual scene or Twilight.

      I'm also hoping this is an exception, rather then that the majority of bronies immediately think about naughtyness when they look at the CMC. I woul be rather dissapointed in this fandom.

    93. What on earth is going on with the front pony in #39? To me it looks like the bottom half of a pony is there but not the top half. o.O

    94. #44... hmm. I read comment reasoning it was up there because of it's quality purely? Sorry but... not *that* well done. Triie's right hind leg for instance.. the angle is a bit wonky. Also, what's with the Kiss makeup?

      I kinda still agree with the concerns that some material might be too 'saucy' for this particular site. But that's an old discussion which I was flamed about last time I mentioned it, so I'll just shut up now.

    95. Why does Twilight's outfit in #58 remind me of Dr. Steel?

    96. A bit late, but is HUGE.
      #1 Demon's Souls ending reference I think.
      #2 D'aaaaaw.
      #3 Wait...That's Pinkamina... O_O. *Has a wingboner anyways*
      #4 Nope, It's Chuck Testa.
      #5 It's cute.
      #6 Lunaaaaaaa :D.
      #7 Just amazing.
      #8 Armour :D.
      #9 D'aaaw.
      #10 D'aaaaaaw.
      #12 Nice pic. Let's check the tumblr...
      #13 9_6 Derp.
      #14 Dc. Sparkle.
      #15 9_6 Derp.
      #16 :3.
      #17 9_6 Derp.
      #18 That's an epic one.
      #19 Lol. She scares EVEN Pinkamina.
      #20 Nice pic, love the umbrella :D.
      #21 Too much cuteness.
      #22 Nice.
      #23 Round 1, FIGHT!
      #24 Mix between Derp and D'aaaaaaw.
      #25 Sad one :,(.
      #26 Cute :D.
      #27 It's that a reference? I don't get it.
      #28 Pinkie :3.
      #29 Lol'd so bad at this one :D.
      #30 The sock and the abacus. GREAT details.
      #31 Beautilful.
      #32 I don't get the reference D:.
      #33 2 Trolls 1 Victim.
      #34 Hey, I recognize this one from tumblr :D.
      #35 It's sad D:.
      #36 LOL!
      #37 9_6 It shall be done master 6_9.
      #38 Well drawn.
      #39 Shadowbolts :3.
      #40 Super saiyan level 3.
      #41 Like this one.
      #42 *Error 404*
      #43 Shut up and take my candies!
      #44 *Clicks on Source* *Instant and epic wingboner*
      #45 The GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie!
      #46 I LOVE this one :D.
      #47 Okay, you hate pegasus, don't you? (I love that shy smile :D)
      #48 Didn't see that coming.
      #49 Mud.Kipz.Mud.Kipz...
      #50 Applejack /)^3^(\.
      #51 When there's no internet you have to clop at something else...
      #52 LOL! Love the reference!
      #53 That's EXACLY what I thought when I watched the episode :D.
      #54 This one is just epic.
      #55 I REALLY love this one...She's afraid of herself and regrets what she has done as NMM. It's one of my favourites on this drawfriend.
      #56 Gummy :3
      #57 Cuuute.
      #58 Spikenstein monster :D. (Wa-ha-ha OCTOBER FEST!)

      Every drawfriend is bigger than the previous one, I like it :D.

    97. @Darkfoxx
      I suspect there are a lot of bronies who, like me, didn't think of anything like #36 when we saw that scene. And since we didn't, we have nothing to say about that particular picture.

    98. @BalaklavaPony
      This is how I feel about it too, but it looks like we're outnumbered; in particular, it looks like Sethisto is OK with saucy images being posted here, though I suspect sometimes he's kinda oblivious to how saucy an image really is. (Like that Carrot Top a couple of days ago; at first glance I thought it was perfectly innocent, but after a moment I realized that it was pretty much impossible to avoid saucy, if not rule 34, implications in the placement of her hoof.)

      Saucy images, for the most part, don't bother me personally (#44 is just about at that limit, but not over). And I suspect pretty much everyone who stereotypes bronies as weirdos or sexual deviants will do so regardless of whether EqD showcases the occasional GPS (Gratuitous Plot Shot), so I really can't get too worked up over the inclusion of sauce in a drawfriend.

    99. 1. You're doing it wrong, or maybe not.

      3. Mac knows plushies are awesome.

      5. Nice Fall Weather Friends image.

      9. With so dawww worthy pics it was hard to choose just one. Dawww.

      11. See what I mean. That's just adorable.

      14. But I don't have any prob... (shut up and talk to the nice pony.)

      16. Mac still knows plushies are awesome.

      21. Ponies with their tongues out look silly.

      23. Royal Pony Sisters in hats. Fabulous.

      30. Luna, + Socks, + Abacus = Win.

      36. Muhawhaw! Oh man. Muhawhaw!

      37. Muffin Time! Yay!

      53. Dealt with.

      55. Oh no. Luna is sad. Quick! Somepony get her some socks.

      56. Witchy Pie. Good job.

      58. Dr. Franken-Spakle I presume?


      13. Yikes!

      15. Yikes!

      17. Yikes!

      19. Yikes!

    100. OK, I've seen a few comments questioning the foreground pony in #39, so here's my take: Firstly, we're looking at the pony's ventral side (underside), and they're curving away from us to fly back into the painting, so to speak. In the middle of the torso, it's changing from Shadowbolt to Wonderbolt. The yellow streak is the lightning bolt on the ventral side of a Wonderbolt costume; the two blue areas at the top of the figure are the forelegs, with one of them obscured by the torso. The pony's head is just above (and partly obscured by) the Shadowbolt's right wing (on the left from the viewer's perspective); that's clearly one lens of the goggles at the end of that yellow stripe.

      As to why the artist depicted the pony changing from Shadowbolt to Wonderbolt, I'll leave the interpretation to the individual viewer.

    101. #44 is ...@_@ i dont know what to say but #30 #47 are cool all of them are nice ^_^

    102. 46-47-48
      Celestia and Discord hate eachother
      They see Trixie being all "Hey Baby ;D"
      Celestia and Discord LURVE EACHOTHER

    103. No. 2: I'm not sure I want to know what kind of noise fillies make when you the stylus on them O.o
      No. 21: Pumpkin Dash! It'll be all the rage in a week or two, you just wait!
      No. 24: Derpy may be on to something there, if you do it right violin bowing an electric guitar sounds freaking awesome!

    104. 32 with Kage has an awesome artistic reflective water scenery. It soooo good.

      35 is so sad. I want happy Gilda.

    105. @BalaklavaPony Well said. My thoughts exactly. I realize there are dark corners of the Internet where images like that (and worse) abound, but I think they have no place here. The fact is, people will judge us based on what they see and this is the place where they will go to see it. At the risk of sounding like a prude, I think ED needs to hold itself to a higher standard than many other sites simply because it is much larger and more mainstream than most other MLP fansites. It is images like #44 which attract the attention of people like the "My Strange Addiction" producers mentioned here the other day.

    106. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    107. @Darkfoxx
      Very true, it is kinda horrible that I saw it this way...

      But the tone Twilight greeted them with and the whole "big creepy grin" thing (plus trying to give them dolls) was just... suggestive.
      I'll admit I didn't think about it right away, I was too busy lulzing my head off at the entire episode. But when I re-watched it... well, you get the point. It just looked a little creepy.

      That's all.

    108. Awesome Drawfriends overall, all the psycho Twilight ones were just too funny, man this community does work fast! @_@

    109. #58. Twilight Sparkle is now Doctor Steel. I dont know whether to celebrate or be terrified.

    110. #19: If Crazy-Twilight and Crazy-Pinkie met, I'm pretty sure this would indeed be the result.
      #36: If Equestria had mobile phone technology, this would have been included in the episode.
