We haven't had an Applejack version in forever. I bet she does something amazing in season two that makes us all love her. At least I hope... Poor girl.
Have some art!
Source 1
Also thanks to Elegance Liberty for the Rarity banner! It's awesome, even if I've never read any of those comics!
Source 2
Source 3
Source 4
Source 5
Source 6
Source 7
Source 8 okiedokielowkey
Source 9
Source 10
Source 11
Source 12
Source 13
Source 14
Source 15

Source 16
Source 17
Source 18
Source 19
Source 20
Source 21
Source 22
Source 23
A little obsessed there Scootaloo?
Source 24
Source 25
Source 26
Source 27
Source 28
Source 29
And some last second 50mil stuff, Thanks dood!
What I was waiting for.
ReplyDeleteJelfes is nolonger Credit to team!
ReplyDeletei don't think we've had an AJ feature in months.
ReplyDelete6 and 17 ftw
ReplyDeleteGREAT EPIC!!!!
ReplyDeleteNow I can go to bed smiling :)
ReplyDeleteApplejack is best pony dammit!
ReplyDeleteBut yeah, she needs some moments in season 2.
Loving #3
ReplyDeleteBaby Luna is best Luna
"We haven't had an Applejack version in forever. I bet she does something amazing in season two that makes us all love her. At least I hope... Poor girl."
ReplyDeleteAre you trying to imply something?...
#26 For a while I was working on a similar theory, Pinkie obviously works for gluttony, RBD for pride, but I always hit a brick wall with Fluttershy. She has no sin...
ReplyDeleteGotta the Luna ones.
ReplyDeleteAlso on a completely unrelated from picture note, but still pony related.
I need someone to make this song into a Fluttershy PMV http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srEP-vvhTvY.
Styx - Lorelei.
ReplyDeleteGotta *love* the Luna ones
ReplyDelete#26 EXACTLY what i thought.
ReplyDelete<3 filly Luna
ReplyDeleteApplejack is favorite pony, I'm sure she'll be legendary one day
ReplyDeleteApplejack already did plenty for us in Season 1 by being the most multi-talented of the Mane 6 and the Element of Honesty, not to mention as generous with her time and products as the Element of Generosity AND a LOT more loyal and dependable than the Element of Loyalty. People in this fandom love to pieces characters who have only appeared in a single episode, and characters who have had less than a MINUTE of screen time. If they can't be bothered to love a pony who has done MORE than her share to be amazing on the show, that's their shortsighted foolishness.
ReplyDeleteAlso, 17 is the best pic I've seen in months.
Oh, wow, that #3....
ReplyDelete#21 leaves me confuzzled.
ReplyDeleteAre they looking at me, or the gems?
If me...
Run ponies.
#3 and #23 are my favorites, #3 is so cute, and well, #23 I just love Scootaloo
ReplyDelete#6 mad me laugh
ReplyDeleteYay, new drawfriend. Always nice.
ReplyDeleteApple jack certainly wasn't awesome in the season 2 opening. And that there is the truth!
ReplyDeleteMore like "Pirates" Edition Seth xD
ReplyDelete@The RPGenius
ReplyDeleteLoyalty to friends comes with being a honest pony.
Although, Dash hasn't had much opportunity to show her loyalty. Dash had 1 feature episode and she was a mane character of FWF. Other times, she's just been there cause she's a mane 6. I guess you could argue that she was a mane character of Over A Barrel.
Liarjack not do it for you?
ReplyDeletePirate Episode in coming?
ReplyDeleteSo whats with the rise of pirate ponies? Not complaining or anything, I'm just curious.
ReplyDeleteApplejack has a heart made of gold. She's awesome to me for that.
ReplyDeleteApplejack is already amazing.
ReplyDeleteWhat more do you want?
#3 - Poor Chibi Luna...butterflies are not carnivorous...right?
ReplyDelete#6 - No? No what? I am confused...
#6 NO
ReplyDeleteDat Mayor Mare! #19
ReplyDelete24#Zerg Rush does nothing against a tuba.
ReplyDelete26# Now that I think about it, Flutterwrath sounds pretty badass...
Applejack is already loved by all as it is!
ReplyDeleteAlso, #17 is interesting, and despite all logic I really like it. Creeps me out, though.
It's great to finally see an AJ feature. ♥
ReplyDelete#3 is adorable...
ReplyDeleteAnd #17 for the win.
So is the Apple family being pirates a thing now? Like socks?
ReplyDeleteLots of anime related ones here. Too, Me_Gusta.jpg
Really good set of pics today!
I already love Applejack, but I'd love to see her really shine in an episode.
ReplyDelete#1: Great drawing; it's always good to see a happy pony in an action pose.
#2: I don't normally go for humanized ponies, but yesterday's Trixie and this drawing for today have been marvelous.
#3: Aww, cute WoonahaHaHA! Favorite of the night.
#5: Derpy also looks cute with bedhead.
#19: A true politician always has to be ready with a winning smile.
#21: Why so scared?
#22: I'm not a big fan of ponies in cliche outfits like Pinkie's schoolgirl outfit here, but it's still an adorable drawing.
#27: Ooh, more kickflank Twilight pics, please!
#28: When did you learn the puppy-dog eyes trick, Dashie?
#18: Barrett M82 + Fluttershy = EVERYONE GET THE F*** DOWN!
ReplyDelete>implying that AJ isn't already awesome or loved
ReplyDelete#3 is really cute, but I'm unsure about the use of "God". This may be nitpicking, but religion (as we know it) does not seem to exist in Equestria.
ReplyDeleteNice drawfriend, and I agree on AJ, she just hasn't had enough character development (despite having a ton of screen time) to be loved as much as the others by the fandom. Although I will admit, it was pretty funny when she was polarized in the season opener.
ReplyDelete#17: I've laughed at my share of Flutterb!tch pics, but this one disturbs me more than anything. Maybe it's just that Trixie is actually terrified, whereas the mane 6 knew to be just annoyed.
ReplyDeleteThere are people out there who don't love every member of the Mane Six? That's just baffling.
ReplyDeleteStill, I agree that Applejack is due for some focus again. All of her episodes seemed to come early in season 1, and it's tough playing the straight pony to the antics of your crazy friends.
#19 dat sauce.
ReplyDelete2: Humanized fan does want.
ReplyDelete26: LOL I was just thinking about this today!
Also: I love applejack for not doing something to make us love her. She is the most relatable and believable of the ponies (Granted I resemble Twilight more) Applejack FTW!
Some of us love her already >:( She's so strong and capable and caring! Best. Friend. Ever. Dunno why people say she hasn't had enough character development (maybe because she didn't have any episodes in the second half of S1?)
ReplyDeleteOh my god'AWWWWWWWWWW!
ReplyDeleteMy Wittle Wuna is so CUTE! And I hate the word cute!
Gah! I just- What?! I-
#20 Luna with Luna! *head explodes*
ReplyDeleteAJ is awesome, all the ponies on this blog are CRAZY!
#7 Should've been the main image. She's so pretty in that one.
ReplyDeleteAwesome! Lots of adorable in this one :)
ReplyDeleteWhat the hay? Applejack is best and most likable pony already!
ReplyDeleteI suppose I might as well ask this here: just WHO is responsible for that magnificent banner of Orange Lantern Rarity at the top of the page?
ReplyDeleteWhoever they are, I hope that in the future they grace the blog with art of the other ponies and the various Lantern Corps, like Green Lantern Twilight or Red Lantern Rainbow Dash.
19: dat mayor
ReplyDelete#3...thou hast made mine morning.
ReplyDelete#2 Do what you want cause a pirate is free...
ReplyDelete#2 Wittle Wuna = Cutey Wutesy
#4 Typical older sister *shakes head*
#6 I know I'm missing something, but it's still cute.
#17 Flutterbitch is back!
#22 Buttered Toast
Number three is actually kind of sad. Here we have little Luna afraid of a butterfly, looking to her big sister in her time of need. In her fear, she asks Celestia to send it to the moon. How much does it hurt Luna when her big sister, the one she trusted, looked up to, loved, is afraid of her? What pain did she feel, knowing that her sister loved her, but was so afraid of her that she sent her away for a thousand years.
ReplyDeleteWow, ask for pirates and they are delivered evidently.
ReplyDeleteI agree with everyone of the incredibly sinful ponies
ReplyDelete#21 They read the fan-fiction that shall remain unnamed 0_0
ReplyDelete#18 lol at the bunny on the mag well.
ReplyDeleteAnd I really like #27, the style is awesome.
I already love AJ, even though she hasn't gotten to shine quite as much as the rest yet, so neh! :P
ReplyDelete#2 Oooh, awesome! I'm loving the style they did it in too. Disregard farming, acquire booty!
#3 Ooh, Woona. You are just too darn adorable! Stop it! <3
#4 FiM the anime? Oh dear. Can't say I wouldn't be interested in seeing such a thing though as an anime fan.
#5 Dem background ponies. lol I'd say Derpy looks like she's sleep-walking, but judging from those ponies in the background, I'd say she also hit the NyQuil a bit hard too...
#6 Wat? lol This is... silly and cute. Twi, what on Earth are you doing under there? :3
#8 Dash is not amused. >:| But Derpy is kinda cute.
#9 And now Trixie is not amused either. But she certainly looks cute in her little outfit. <3
#12 Yay, more pirates. Though Applejack looks a little Mexican. Her outfit reminds me of those in The Three Amigos. lol
#16 D&D and ponies... sure why not? Anything with Lyra has my vote. :)
#17 Flutterbitch is terrorizing Trixie now. I like you Trixie... but Flutterbitch is just too funny. Sorry. x3
#18 And then Fluttershy became a badass.
#20 Oh, that's adorable. Luna has a little friend. Not a Sailor Moon fan myself, but I can ignore that because this is really cute. <3
#21 Why is everyone so shocked? At first I thought they were wearing socks, but maybe they're mittens because it's so cold? I dunno. At least their earmuffs match. But you wouldn't expect anything less from Rarity. :P
#22 Heh, too cute. Looks like the usual Japanese schoolgirl outfit. She's holding a little piece of bread in her mouth, aww. <3
#23 It seems so. I like how this artist does the faces though. Might seem a little creepy to some due to the human lips and such, but I think it's a cool look.
#24 Lmao. Can't believe I didn't think of this before. Awesome. Pinkie is credit to team!
#26 Oooh, very excellent piece. They all work pretty decent too for each sin, some more than others, but still nice job.
What's with all the Pirate get-ups? o_o I'd assume Halloween but... why only Pirates?!
ReplyDelete@Ardashir 'Tis I who made the banner, hehe.
ReplyDeleteThank you! I have to admit, I'm still surprised it's being used, given it's probably one of the more obscure-themed banners out there, heh.
As for more? Well, assuming Seth and Co. will let me, I'd love to make another banner someday. Maybe not another Pony*Lantern, but another banner none the less. =]
#20 Sailor Moon Crossover :)
ReplyDelete#26 I'm sure that's FMA kinda uncertain about the "FlutterWrath" though...
That is quite a lot of awesome art for just one deition, but number two takes the cake. And eats it. Also, is #21 a reference to something?
ReplyDeleteApplejack, Applepirates, Lil' Luna, Luna with Luna, Fluttersniper, Lyra, Celestia, Princess Twilight, ect.
ReplyDeletePlenty of win today.
Bucket Sparkle was the best :D
ReplyDelete@blog post
ReplyDeleteWhat are you talkin bout? Applejack be one o dem best ponies consarn it! (lolajrage)
Fullmetal Xover plz!!!
ReplyDeleteGood morning. What's on today's schedule?
i cant belive u dont like applejack seth -.-
ReplyDelete#6: Book Fort, the early days.
ReplyDeleteSeth, what could you possibly have against Applejack? D:
ReplyDeleteDon't listen to them Applejack! I love you! Come back and visit me, braeburn won't shut up!
ReplyDeletealso, this drawfriend is AWESOME.
I like Applejack! I'd even wish she was in my Harvest moon: Friends of Mineral Town game! If only to buck Wong once in a while. (Damn lousy con-artist selling long named worthless apples)
ReplyDeleteLeftovers from Talk Like a Pirate day.
Seth: Pirate Ponies are good.
ReplyDeleteSuddenly, pirates. Pirates everywhere.
Yes. Yes! More pirates! Give me more pirate ponies! Especial props to #2.
#3 Hehehe, silly filly Luna.
#4 Facedesk
#6 What....what is even....
@Elegance Liberty Thanks for letting me know! Is it up on DeviantArt or anywhere else online?
ReplyDeleteAnd you did a great job on making Rarity look all crazy, which is only appropriate for someone under the influence of the Orange Light of Avarice.
3) Aw, Filly Luna is so cute! She's like GLaDOS is with birds.
ReplyDelete6) I'm not sure what's going on here, but cutest bucket ever!
X) Who asked for more pirate ponies? Got your wish, eh? :D
2: I really don't like humanized ponies, but this is simply amazing! Applebloom is best humanized pony.
ReplyDelete23: Scootaloo is best pony. I love the look in this one, too cool!
Picture number 6 is my response to picture number 20.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe no one has made a Big Macintosh kneeling at Steve JObs grave yet... Surely I can't be the only one who thought of it...but I have no artistic abilities to draw it
26. Mind blown to hell.
ReplyDelete#20 - Nice! Double Luna.
ReplyDelete#6: You have to go click on the source link to understand the context of the image. It was a response to this.
ReplyDeleteHahaha, your comment made me smile dear. ^.^ That was sweet.
And I personally ADORE Applejack; I think she's darling personally. Poor dear could benefit from some more screentime this coming season though, I'll give you that.
#1 On that note, and needless to say I'm sure, I love this picture! So happy~ ^.^
#2 I will second jodyjm13 here in every regard. Not only is this humanized, and pirate, but is also a pen and ink work, of all things (so rare!). Really a joy to see!
#3 Though I don't really understand this community's endless fascination with Luna (please don't hurt me; I don't dislike her!) I agree that this is quite cute.
#4 Wow random and Japanese, do love! <3
#6 I'm not sure what this is about, but the detail of the little hole for Twilight's horn made me laugh.
#7 More happy Applejack, yay!
#12 So is this some sort of new meme I missed? Just out of curiosity...
#15 This so reminds me of Naoko Takeuchi's Sailormoon. Cute style.
#20 More Sailormoon, what are the odds! I suppose this had to be done sooner or later. ^_~
#22 Dear Goddess that is adorable.
#23 Bit of a strange picture and all, but I *do* very much like the artist's style, very pretty!
#26 Hm, these actually work out better than I would have thought. Nice!
#28 I would just like to mention I think Dashie looks adorable here.
Very enjoyable Drawfriend this evening. ^_^
#1. I agree that Applejack is sorely underappreciated. She's an awesome pony and reliable as all get-out, consarn it!
ReplyDelete#2. Wow! Nice woodcut. Also, one of the best Human depictions I've seen so far. Kudos!
#5. Uhh, somepony definitely got up on the wrong side of the bed... maybe even the wrong side of Equestria.
#6. (!) Heeheeheehee! I don't get the reference, but that's just adorable!
#12. OK, I must've missed a memo somewhere. What's with all the pirate theme? Are we being invaded?
#13. Musical Lyra is best Lyra. :)
#14. On a similar note, heh, singing Sweetie Belle is best singer. Full stop.
#19. Um, Mayor, no. Whatever you've got in mind, no. Just, no.
#21. I don't get it. What're they so horrified at? I hope it's not me they're looking at.
#25. More pirates! We are being invaded, I knew it! I for one welcome our piratical pony overlords!
#27. Nice use of line, there. It reminds me of skiing down a mountain.
No need to worry, Applejack! You'll always be best pony to me!
ReplyDeleteOh for a second you really gave me a pause... I wondered if it really was a woodcut and I was hugely mistaken. But it turns out I was incorrect after all (in thinking the drawing was a pen and ink)... according to the source it is, in fact, a digital artwork! Certainly fooled me.
Nitpick mode activate:
You do know Gosh and God are used synonymously in expressions of this manner. Gosh is a linguistic corruption of God, simply to sound slightly less like you are using God's name/title in vain (Though one technically still is, by still using an altered placeholder with the same meaning). That little phase is not only canon, but meme. Regardless, WOW. Some people really get all butthurt over the tiniest things.
Oh noes! LOL! You used "God" in a phrase spoken by the fan art appearance of the filly form of a character we've never seen as a filly, who's mare form had all of 30 seconds or less screen time and like 2 lines, and we've fleshed out into 100 ways from Monday... and "God" is totally not canon... THAT'S your complaint???
Anti religion anywhere bias much???
Here's my advise...
If you aren't a "God" man, then don't make such a fuss. Just enjoy an ADAAAWWWWWABLE picture of itty bitty super duper cutie wutie Woona getting spooked by a big bad butterfwy.
See, ain't that so much nicer! :)
Also, RUN LUNA, RUN!!! Some butterflies ARE carnivorous. They like to drink the oozing fluids of rotting carcasses. GROSS, grosser than ALFALFA MONSTERS gross!!! That butterfwy wants wittle Woona dead! RUN!!! Celly! Quick send that butterfwy that likes bananas to the MOOOOOOOOON!!!
#20 double Luna! Awesome!
ReplyDeleteI forgot to turn my nitpick mode off. I'm wasting perfectly good nitpicking!!!
Did I mention filly Woona is best pony... I might have missed that part!
For those confused by #6, it is part of series.
ReplyDeleteJust click the source and view author's other similar pictures and read the notes in them.
#2 is best.
ReplyDelete#20, now why didn't I think of that? *is Sailor Moon fan*
First of all, Rainbow Dash should be definitely be pride, and second, why are we assigning deadly sins to the ponies?? It should be the seven virtues.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, Rainbow Dash should be definitely be pride, and second, why are we assigning deadly sins to the ponies?? It should be the seven virtues.
ReplyDelete@Top hat
ReplyDeleteThat and Spike and Pinkie Pie's "sins" would be switched around, as Lust can ALSO mean a 'love of pleasure', and we've all seen what happens to Pinkie when you deny her that. Spike would get Gluttony 'cause it's actually impacted his decision making a few times (Party of One, Dog and Pony, etc.), whereas his desire for Rarity hasn't to the same extent. The 'needles in the back' thing WOULD qualify if it was actually hurting him, for example.
That, and he genuinely IS attracted to Rarity, it isn't just -that- way. Pinkie's NEED to have fun is pretty much all-consuming..
3. Mega dawwww.
ReplyDelete9. Muhawhaw. Trixie is not amused.
13. Pretty cute.
17. Poor Trixie. Fluttershy isn't normally like this.
26. Pretty much spot on. Except Spike. He's just crushing hard, but it still sort of works.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete#3 and #6 are so adorable they hurt.
ReplyDelete#26 is just genius.
ReplyDeleteWow, I would have never noticed that!
#3 Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww~~~
ReplyDelete#17 More Flutterbeeyatch >:3
#19 ... I've never given the idea of falling for a pony should I ever go to Equestria any mind. After seeing this though I'm really not so sure.
ReplyDeleteApplejack will always be my favorite ^^
ReplyDeleteThat is all
ReplyDeleteNo, Fluttershy! Stop! Even Trixie doesn't deserve that kind of punishment.
#1 Yay AJ!! she is bestest favoritest pony!!
ReplyDelete#3 Utterly adorable filly Luna is off the cute meter
#6 lol cute and funny xD
#7 More AJ!! can't go wrong with more AJ
#28 I like this one Dashie looks so cute and in awe
ReplyDeleteHere's one; I've never owned an Apple product myself, but I appreciate all Steve Jobs contributed to the industry; plus, without him, we probably wouldn't have Pixar. RIP
I don't see any reason to assume YetAnotherBrony is "butthurt" or has an anti-religious bias; I thought Luna's use of "God" was odd too, and I'm what most on here would consider a conservative Christian. And I can't believe I overlooked the God/gosh connection, since that's the very reason I don't use "gosh" as an exclamation. >.< I do agree whole-heartedly with your advice, though.
I really like #7. That's something I'd like to put on my wall as a painting. Great work =)
ReplyDelete#26 I saw that convo over on Ponibooru. The original image did a really poor job matching them up, before some users decided on that matchup.
ReplyDeleteFlutterWrath was really well justified.
#18 I want the camo Fluttershy is using on her rifle.
ReplyDeleteAj is definitely my favourite pony. While reading the comments, the fact that I'm not the only one who think's that made me happy.
ReplyDelete#6 NO!
Oh mercy, the artist continued #3:
#27 was drawn by one of my friends! :3
ReplyDeleteWow, I don't think I've ever seen that much awesome in a drawfriend before!
ReplyDelete#3: Okay, little Luna is just downright adorable. I think she's going a little overboard calling for a butterfly to be sent to the moon, though.
ReplyDelete#5: Either Derpy sleepwalks, or she's having a very strange dream.
#9: [sing-song] Trixie lost a bet! [/sing-song]
#10: Pretty sure I've either seen this before, or seen something very similar.
#17: This has me cackling like an evil overlord.
Nightmare Moon: Chief Interrogator Fluttershy, break this show-pony's spirit. Find everything she knows about the rebels.
Fluttershy: With pleasure, Your Majesty.
Nightmare Moon: I'll be back in four hours to check on your progress. [leaves the room]
Nightmare Moon (to self): Sometimes I wonder if that pony enjoys her job too much.
Ten minutes after Nightmare Moon departs, the events of the image happen.
#19: This Is Wrong On So Many Levels.
#20: Everypony needs a pet, I guess.
@jodyjm13 And then the sweet little butterfly's mother shows up, and her name is Mothra.
ReplyDeleteYo Dawg, I heard you like Luna, so we put Luna riding on Luna's back so you can NNNNNNNNNNNNGGHHH while you D'AWWWWWWWWWW
ReplyDeleteGood points! Although I would give pride to Applejack based on episode 4.
Keeping your suggestions in mind, I would attribute the 7 deadly sins thus:
Rainbow Dash: Sloth
Pinkie Pie: Lust (see Aramaru)
Fluttershy: Wrath
Applejack: Pride (ep 4,8,13)
Rarity: Envy (ep 1,3,7,20,26)
Spike: Gluttony
Twilight Sparkle: Avarice (stockpiles knowledge and books)
Twilight Sparkle was the hardest to pin a sin on. I guess she's just too virtuous... Small wonder that she's Best Pony! And so I agree with Grimwolf01 on 3 out of the 7 in #26.
Derpy and buttered toast, lol!
ReplyDeleteLooks more like a Pirate edition, actually.
ReplyDeleteThat's what you get when Fluttershy is not best pony! >:)
wait.. what did i just say?
Wow Seth.
ReplyDeleteBiased much?
I'm sick of this whole 'let's all hate on Applejack' thing.
You have consistently and methodically promoted the other ponies of the Mane 6 more than her. Even Rarity, who fans claim to be the most underrepresented pony, gets more hits on the site's search page.
Luna gets almost 400 more hits than AJ, but AJ gets FAR more screentime.
I don't put down other ponies Seth.
I will however, call out when something ain't fair.