• derp test

    Welcome to the Story Archive! 100 million thanks to Spectrum Speed for setting this up for us.

    Right now a few issues are popping up with chrome (slow load times primarily), but everything else seems to be working well.

    Instructions: Click once to add a tag, click again to filter it.  For multiple characters, simply select multiple characters. Pretty easy! 

    As with most things, if you see a story that either needs to fall into a specific category, or falls into the wrong category, toss an email to Sethisto@gmail.com

    Story Types:

    Normal: Stories that are just about daily life in Equestria, or simply involving ponies
    Shipping: Stories that involve romantic relationships between one or more Ponies.
    Grimdark: Stories that involve death, famine, plagues, twilight going on rampages murdering all her friends, ect.
    Random: Weird, Random, funny stories that are not meant to be taken seriously.
    Crossover: Stories that involve characters outside of the pony world.
    Comedy: Funny Stories
    Sci-Fi : Technology in Ponyland
    Adventure: Stories that involve the ponies traveling great distances and seeing new locations.
