• Comic: Twilight Sniper / Garden Party

    We haven't had a TF2 crossover in at least a week.  This is completely uncalled for.

    Also some semi dark stuff below.  Discord did have a point... 


    119 kommentaari:

    1. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    2. Haha, Twilight's such a potty mouth.

    3. #2.... what...

      #1... what's wrong with wankers?

    4. Shame on you twilight....shame on you

    5. Nice comics the second one could turn into a fic.

    6. The second one: ever since that episode aired, I always thought that it looked like Octavia

    7. Now that I've got that out of my system...
      #1 that actually happened to me once... damn spies...
      #2 a wee bit dark...

    8. Heh, Sniper Twi.

      And that second one, Jesus that's unsettling. More Tyrant Celestia. Twilight should've let them all free and not have another mental breakdown.

    9. #1, I don't get it. What did Twilight do wrong? She just yelled at the stupid AIs like every other PC gamer does.

      #2, 0.o Cannot unsee.

    10. Send to moon for 1000 years or turn to stone for FOREVEEERRRR!!! hmmm.....

    11. My only question for #2 is, why didn't Twilight free the poor mare?

    12. #1 XD Bahahaha

      #2 Hmm, they have a point. Kinda creepy. Question is, though, why were they turned into stone?

      ...Yes Desktop Luna, I'm just typing this comment. I know I have a speech to give tomorrow that I've barely even started on. Ya, I get it, just give me a sec...Ok, I'll get back to work now. Sheesh.


      ...Oh, man...

    14. Well, they were put in there for a reason.....or maybe they were mever living things and are actually just stone staue decorations

    15. #1: *meh* Maybe if I played TF2 I might find it interesting.

      #2: I had the same thought after episode two, been obsessed about it since then. This comic really sums it up.

    16. #1 ... been there. As with the second, that's kinda disturbing.

    17. I don't really understand the first comic. :o

      That second comic is rather horrific if you think about it. It will make any pony break down. o.o

    18. Number 2... made me number 2. Both for art, and dark. Epic fail on my part, epic win on second comic.

    19. @SgtGarand Then Celestia would have known. Plus the shock factor.
      #1 Just go and GET the Intel, Twi. I've gotten it as a Sniper before. And that was all the way back where it spawned.

    20. The truth has been revealed, can you live with that and tell not one pony of what you have saw?

    21. The only problem I have with #2 is that those ponies, who are turned into stone, are god damn huge. I suppose that would just add on to how disturbing that would be to see.

    22. #2 I would seriously be interested in reading a fic based on this or the concept in general.

    23. #1 Well, Twilight, that's what you get for playing on 2fort. As a Sniper.

      #2 That was... unsettling.

    24. Being trapped in stone for all of time is quite unsettling, right?

      And what the hell could that pony have been imprisoned for? It looks like a rolling pin, but there's two of them... huh.

      Still, Twilight should have freed her, at least temporarily.

    25. Whoa, that second one is a little intense!
      and by intense I mean nightmare fuel!

    26. TWILIGHT SPARKLE!!! Meet me in the library with 2 AK-47s and the alfa recon team.

    27. *salutes as a fellow sniper... and headshots a medic idily* I know the feeling, Twi, it's okay...

      As for the second one... that's horrifying... and the mare turned to stone... is that regret?

    28. Perhaps her cockatrice remedy functions like a 3.5e Stone to Flesh spell? Just because it turns a statue into a living thing doesn't mean they were originally alive...

    29. Except #2... doesn't make much sense in the context of the show.

      A lot of the statues, the one Twilight un-stoned in particular, have identical duplicates in exactly the same position, so unless she went around stoning a ton of identical twins and actually got them to POSE for her while she was stoning them, I don't see how that's meant to work. Also, they're way WAY bigger than a normal pony.

    30. OK Celestia just became so much cooler in my eyes. That has got to be the best way to make realistic statues ever. And so a new statue representing magic will appear to join them

    31. I've been mulling #2 around in my head ever since that episode. I really wish they had made something to do about it because it was a really dark hint that would have led to some awesome story material.

    32. That second one was creepy, I wish it were a fic. Or a full comic!

    33. Maybe it was a reward for their service -- eternal life! Of a sort. Or they're waiting faithfully until Celestia needs them.

      I mean, really -- if Celestia asked Twilight to pose as a statue for a couple thousand years, do you really think she'd say no?

    34. Number 2: It's alright, I wasn't planning on sleeping anyways

    35. >WAY bigger than a normal pony

      "There were giants in Equestria in those days..."

    36. People are pointing out how there's 'duplicates' of the same statues, but fail to remember how a LOT of the background ponies have the same exact mane/tail/shape but are just recolors of each other.
      But would all bet eh same color if they were made out of stone.

    37. To people saying Twilight should have freed the statue: What do you think Celestia would do to her when she found out?

    38. Hah, nice. Twilight is really getting into it. :D I love the expressions. Especially Trixie's in the last panel. lol

      Wow. lol That was kinda creepy, but rather cool too. To think about all those sculptures in the Gardens and the like being actual ponies trapped in stone. For eons, for whatever reasons. And of course, crazy Twilight face. :P

    39. WTF?!

      I don't really get either.

    40. @terrycloth

      Or maybe they all have incurable diseases and Celestia stoned them until medicine/unicorn magic advanced to the point where they could be cured?

    41. I had wondered if there was a hidden message there but always figured that what Discord meant was while he was cruel at times he ad at least never turned anyone to stone as Celestia and Luna did onto him.

      But, my mind still asked the question, why did Celestia get SO upset after he said that? Had she truly done some regretful things in the past as to turn ponies to stone?

      I can see a time where MAYBE Celestia knowing her immortality and seeing her geat friends grow old and die COULD have had a bit of a breakdown where she didn't want her bestest friends to just whither and die and would sayask for a private summons or meet some place secluded and TURN her precious friends to stone so they would ALWAYS be as she remembered the.

      Hmm... I wish I had the time and vocabulary (plus the grammar skills to go with them) as this has sorta sparked an interest in me to give writing a second chance...

    42. Second one: a fanfic is hopefully on the way

    43. Once I get my computer working, I'll probably write a fanfic on number 2

    44. Second is evil grimdark territory. Discord's quote was only referring to himself being turned into stone anyways.

    45. @Derpmind Discord's not a pony. All of the other statues are

    46. #1 I think I need to understand the mechanics of TF2 to truly laugh at this comic, so I'll just click X on the tab and move on.

      #2 Um...what? Soo...she went Pyscho Sparkle over Celestia (or Discord) turning a pony to stone? Riiiiight...

    47. He is indeed a pony. His head is a pony. Anyways some brilliant stuff here.

    48. #2
      Did anyone bother thinking about how Twilight "re-stoned" the pony? Did she stop the "healing" spell allowing the stone to regrow?
      Or even darker: she was scared, so she re-stoned the pony with an evil petrifying spell that we are to assume only Celestia knows.

      NOW how dark is this comic? Somebody please make a fic for this. We learn the histories of these ponies, and why Celestia had to petrify them. Why are the ponies so huge? Maybe all ponies were horse-sized back then (Celestia, Nightmare Moon).

    49. @Vaerenth
      I know they SAY he has the head of a pony, but it actually looks more like a goat's.

    50. @Equinenox

      I think it's more like it shocked her into using a 'reversal' spell instead of an actual 'petrify' spell.

      And who knows, maybe Twi's quick reasoning is that her beloved Celestia put this pony this way for a good reason?

    51. *looks at wrist then looks around taps hoof. Repeats*

      Any minute now, a new story will show up. Grimdark with sad and will have giant stone ponies from ages long ago. Any minute now...

      Ah screw it bed time.

    52. @TerribleClerk
      Is it that easy?
      Twilight is still causing the pony to be petrified again. That "reversal" spell causes ponies to be petrified. Doesn't that seem the least bit dark to you?

      Anyway, I hope to see the first chapter of this fanfic tomorrow morning. I would write it, but I have no creative writing skills. I have critical writing skills and grammar skills, but I wouldn't be able to keep the ponies in character.

    53. @Cátsy
      You're telling me. I completely agree with that scenario, with the twist that each and every pony in that garden, was at one point in time, a personal student of Celestia's. It would make sense as to why they'd be in such peaceful poses right off the bat.

      Makes me want to take a shot.

    54. So THAT'S what happened to all the previous MLP generations...

    55. #2 has been something that's been bugging me since I first saw the episode, and just how much emphasis Discord put on that one line. I'm glad the artist picked up on it, and really drove it forward.

      There's also a part of me that wants to believe that Discord isn't truly gone, as his existence and defeat in the season premiere only opened up more questions than answers about Celestia.

      Then again, I'd rather the fandom handle it, not the show. Here's why. The show should just leave these little subtle hints that younger viewers will miss, hints about a much more complex and darker side of Equestria to counterbalance the halcyon visage presented in the show. While it doesn't break the uplifting vibe that enchants young viewers into watching, it will allow older fans to see that not all is perfect in utopia, and such subtle nuances of darker events actually makes the bubbly spitting image of Ponyville more believable.

      It's like the test chambers of Portal.

      It's hard to believe there's a world with depth and plot if all we're seeing is that which the world intends for us to see. But if we can peek through the cracks, get little glimpses on the other end of the chamber walls, it turns out there's complex intricacies to it we otherwise would never notice.

      Friendship is magic. But truth is power. Keep the truth to yourself, and all the power is exclusively your's.

    56. I thought the first one was pretty funny even though I've never played TF2 and don't really know it's mechanics well either, maybe I'm just vulgar enough to find foul language funny regardless of the situation?

      As for the second comic, I didn't entirely get it at first. Then I read it again and the comments. It is rather dark for most of the probable causes, but very intriguing.

      Discord may be the antagonist but I don't think he's truly evil. He just likes chaos and chocolate milk.

    57. @Conner Cogwork
      I like this idea. Celestia petrifies her personal students. Why would she?

      My mind instantly went to Norse Mythology with Valhalla. The bravest warriors who would die in combat (or near death in some stories) were brought away from battle by the Valkyries to live in Valhalla. There they would fight all day, and eat all night (or vise-versa). They would wait in Valhalla until Ragnarok, the final battle between the Aesirs/Vanirs and the Ice Giants/Fire Giants.

      What if Celestia wasn't petrifying her closest students (whom she taught everything she knew) out of spite or hatred, but to "preserve" them until a predicted battle thousands of years into the future? This would make it less of a grimdark, and more of a sadfic. Maybe Celestia breaks it to her previous personal students only moments before the horrible deed must be done, but Twilight learns it a bit sooner (she frees one who tells her everything, or simply asks Celestia). Twilight must accept the inevitable, and live her life with her friends as long as she can. Maybe she confronts Celestia who tearfully tells Twilight the truth, and must do the deed now that Twilight knows. Twilight then asks for one more day with her friends (the fic becomes a sad-happy fic). Twilight then faces "death" with dignity.

      The possibilities are limited, but not far from endless with this. Hey, what happened to my lack of critical writing skills here? If someone uses these ideas, give me a bit of credit.

    58. @Equinenox
      Before I go to bed, let me clarify on the "Twilight then faces 'death' with dignity." line in my previous post.

      Imagine the story described in my previous post. Twilight confronts Celestia about the statue. Celestia tells her the truth, and tells her she intended to turn her to stone that very day or sometime next week. Now that Twilight knows, there is no turning back. Twilight asks for one more day with her friends.
      Sad-happy fic time. It can go a couple ways here: Twilight can tell her friends right there in order to have a crying-filled day with a quiet party. The other way is more common in fiction: Twilight has the best day ever with her friends, cherishing everything. She doesn't tell her friends of her fate until the last hour. Her friends accompany her to Celestia's chamber where she faces "death" with dignity.

      Now I wanted to clarify that line. I want to point out all of the the statues' poses. If Celestia petrified all of those ponies out of evil, why are they so gracefully posed? Who would be holding an instrument if they were attacked and petrified? Nopony. Don't give it an easy explanation either (Celestia can pose statues) because that's lame.

      In the end, Twilight poses for her petrification in a beautiful pose holding a scroll or a spell book. Maybe in the passing years, her aging friends visit Twilight's statue like a gravestone to talk to her. Over time, she's forgotten, believed to be just another statue.

      With that, I'm off to bed.

    59. 1# Miss Twilight Sparkle! Watch your language.

      2# And thus, the last pieces of the puzzle click into place, proving Discord was right all this time.

    60. @Discord
      *insert a "Stewie" tone of voice* Hey...shut up.

    61. #2 Welcome to the Twilight Zone...

      *Cue theme music

    62. Semi-dark? This was total dark. It actually made me feel uncomfortable. :/

    63. i dont think i can put into words how funny the second one was to me

    64. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    65. @Equinenox
      The concept was good but far too restrictive in thought. Would her friends truly accept a fate for Twilight like that without a fight? No, Twilight knows that even hinting that she knows of Celestia's secret that she would totally be joining these solidified Ponies...

      What she felt in such a rapid succession was DISBELIEF, HORROR, SHOCK and then REALIZATION of the fact that she had just RE-STONED a Pony she had re-awoken begging for her to stop petrifying her, begging for help from this crazy Unicorn or making her relive the last few moments before her stoning/sentence.

      Celestia is no mere Unicorn, her magic can work on almost the same levels of Discord I would say, turning a peaceful looking Pony into stone in a flash would be child's play for her.

      If you like a better more sinister way she could have cast a slower acting stone spell that they wouldn't be aware of until the affect ran it's course while they were re-enacting a telling of a story they had enjoyed or playing music all the while their senses being lolled by the stones petrifying effects on the brain and other organs, their legs and chest stiffing ever more till they grew hard and unmoving. Pure granite.

      How would Twilight deal with this life shattering realization that her perfect world, her pure and innocent mentor was nothing more then a wicked mare obsessed with Order -HER- Order and sense of Justice, any and all things to maintain -HER- sense of Harmony.

      This is so far what I've gathered and have a few routes I been thinking about since my first post. The Happy Route is a good way to go. Mines dealt more with Past and Present so I'll leave Future fight thing to whoever may.

      I hope this spans some good fics and if any ideas here help inspire then good luck and hopefully one gets posted up on EqD. =3

      Personally that picture was enough inspiration to boost several ideas in me and here's hoping it did enough to inspire authors in the same way <3

      Too tired to say more so rewrote this to be 300% shorter and less spoilage xD (incase I do write one!)

    66. I didn't get the first one, second one was CREEPY, but I thought about the same thing myself. If one of the statues is someone then are the other statues somepony too? O.o

    67. You know, the second one got me thinking...

      We know that the intended function of the Elements is to preserve harmony, right?

      We also know that they may do this as a form of advanced healing (Majora's mask, anyone?), as they did when used on Luna.

      Everything comes with a price, though, even bliss...

      Consider the state of OUR world in all it's shades of interwoven conflict, strife and beauty. What would it take to bring Equestria's perpetual peace here? The cessation of natural selection? The absolute subordination of the entire natural world? A way of categorizing every single citizen in a system which ensures that they are always content with their position and never try to climb within that system at someone else's expense?

      If this is what harmony means, would it not be extremely forceful to enforce it? Even tyrannical? Everything comes with a price...

      Perhaps the "stoning" is a built in way of reducing the intrusion on personal will, perhaps the elements can heal anyone and change them for the better, but only if there is a desire for change present within?

      So perhaps, if you are driven into discordance for want of love and appreciation, however twisted your methods have become, perhaps then the elements will restore harmony within and give you your heart's desire?

      But if you are, say, the manifestation of chaos itself, or just PRESENTLY INCAPABLE of harmony within, for what ever reason? Perhaps then the elements does the second best thing and removes you from the equation in order to preserve the greater harmony without, keeping you in stasis with the possibility to one day be revived and reformed?

      A grim theme indeed, but an intriguing one. After all, no matter how perfect a system may be, there will always be those who disagree with it. How to deal with them without loosing what you stand for in the process, that is the question. I would love to see a fic adress these issues! =)

    68. Twilight, why not just get it yourself! You get an achievement for it!

    69. @Discord
      Ohhhhhh, Discooooorrrd....

      I don't KNOW WHAT you'rrre TALKing abouuut...

      IIIII didn't SEE aaaaaaanyTHING!

    70. Oh Jesus Christ, that petrified pony comic DX Nightmare fuel guys, nightmare fuel.

    71. Twilight re-petrifying the pony seemed to me like a panic reaction to what she'd just discovered.

      Where the fanfic goes is, what does she do in the next 24 hours?

    72. @StrangeNoise

      Overreact to being tardy because she's afraid of what Princess Celestia will do to her?

    73. I'm not evil *cries*

      you're all mean, I wouldn't turn ponies into stone. I didn't even mean to turn Discord into stone, the Elements are a bit unwieldy in what they do.

    74. "We haven't had a TF2 crossover in at least a week."

      Ok now I'm certain my videos are going straight to your spam folder >.>

    75. Man, that second one... Pretty dark for a kid's show.

    76. HA! Its a twiper maybe next one could be

    77. Here is my take:

      Why is Discord imprisoned in stone forever?

      Because he is powerful enough to re-shape the world into a form he prefers. A world-form that Celestia does not agree with.

      Twilight Sparkle has been shown to be unimaginably powerful. She basically went 'Akira' in Cutie Mark Chronicles, and could only be stopped by Celestia's direct intervention. She was a child at the time.

      How powerful could she become? How often is a god-level entity born in Equestria?

      I think Celestia has two choices when confronted with any real challenge to her status as the Ultimate Goddess Authority of Equestria: Shape the growing power into something obedient and to her liking, or permanently remove the threat.

      I suggest that the statues in the garden by the maze are ancient ponies that developed Sparkle-level (or above) power, and they didn't work out. So, they were neutralized, to preserve Celestia's idea of how Equestria should be.

      I offer that Luna was banished, rather than petrified, because Celestia was attached enough to her to choose an alternative, and see if it would work. But if it hadn't? If Luna refused to submit? Another statue.

      And if Twilight Sparkle ever becomes dangerous, out of control, rebellious or too big of a problem? Stone.

      I support this all with the basic premise of the show: Twilight is not in Canterlot learning magic and developing her godlike power. She has been deliberately placed in a small town, and charged with developing relationships. Sparkle is in instructive exile. She's there to control her by molding her personality into an individual that will support Celestia's worldview.

      She lives only as long as that works.

      This is what I seriously read into the most likely backstory here.

      Twilight Sparkle is 'Little Anthony' from 'It's A Good Life' by Jerome Bixby (or, if you prefer, the Twilight Zone episode made from that short story.)

      She's Twilight (zone) Sparkle.

      And those statues... previous students like her with innate god-level power, just like Discord, only they weren't willing to submit.

      And their poses? They were petrified without warning, because you don't attack another godlike entity when they are looking.

    78. My guess is that the "I don't turn Ponies into stone" line is gonna be like the "four stars" from the pilot. What were they, dunno, just important.

    79. #2: i was hoping someone would make this. i knew i wasnt the only one that got the idea from the way discord said that line...

    80. @Giniko

      Very interesting theory. I am inclined to concur.
      But here's something. If not just Twilight but the mane six go against her majesty, I wonder how that will go? >_>

      Pony Teacher: Okay class, here we are at the royal garden. See those six ponies? They represent "Harmony"

      Innocent Foals: Woooow. So life like.

    81. The second one is just, wow. That's dark.

    82. DAT #2!!! So good. We've just learned something more about Celly!

    83. The one with the stone pony was awesome :U

    84. #2 Thats exactly what i thought when i heard him say that... oh god...

    85. 1.Snipers are the one's that snipe.

      2.Twilight why?

    86. I hope a fic comes of 2 :/ and I usually stay away from grimdark! :I Comic 2 has awesome potential.

    87. 1) The TF2 Sniper certainly is known for insults. "Prancin' buncha showponies."

      2) That... is insanely creepy.

    88. #1 I lol'ed. Both long and loud.

      #2 Wow... really thought provoking. If there isn't a fanfic of this, there needs to be! Great plot idea...

    89. #2 I hadn't given that any thought before... and now that I am. That's rather terrifying from all perspectives.

    90. #2 gave me a genuine shiver. Than a second shiver when I read some of the theories!

      On the peaceful pose thing: you really think that Celestia couldn't put you in any position she wanted just before you were 'stoned'?

    91. #2, interesting angle and does explain what Discord was even doing in the garden in the first place.

      Only thing that makes it fall apart though, the Elements is what stoned him. As the two part showed, their not exactly something you can just whip out and use on the fly.

      Not really scary for me as Discord was imprisoned for a very good reason. Logically, another pony was stoned for a very good reason too.

      Only way to find out, ask Celestia, or free a pony and hope someone who has every reason to lie about their imprisonment isn't lying.

    92. OH CELESTIA! What have those poor ponies have done to deserve such a horrid fate?

    93. @Cátsy
      My post is restrictive regarding a possible fic, yes, but it is only a few paragraphs. It was meant as a vast overview of a story, and an idea. There is plenty of time in the story for something to happen in that time frame. It also greatly depends on how the author interprets the characters. Would Twilight's friends let her go without a fight? Probably not, but it's up to the author. That's why I'm leaving it open to whomever wants to write it.

      Regarding the re-stoning the pony. When making my little overview, I was ignoring that part involving the pony begging her to stop. The comic was enough to create this much creative thinking; it doesn't mean we must follow every part of the comic perfectly. The comic itself is a fan work, and just another interpretation of what might have happened.

      Regarding the future. If I use my posted story (equating the stone ponies to the warriors of Valhalla), there is a possible [Adventure] story for a sequel. Overnight, I thought a great battle marking the end of the world to be not pony-related. What would be better is some sort of predicted cataclysm that not even Celestia and Luna can stop. Celestia (and maybe even Luna) get their personal students over the years, preparing. At the end of days, the students are freed to help stop the cataclysm. They're not entirely successful. Celestia and Luna die, and the students are left to reshape the new world, and become protectors of the world, much like Celestia and Luna before them. Perhaps the Elements of Harmony play a role in this as well. Not every one of Celestia's students have to be the Element of Magic.

      This is all brainstorm thinking, by the way. I'm throwing out ideas. I would rather not see the above sequel because the story is much more beautiful if you leave it on the sad note of Twilight accepting her fate. Turning it into an [Adventure] story is anti-climactic even if the "real story" hasn't started yet.

      Well there's more fodder for any potential fanfic writers. Just a simple overview of what MIGHT happen. There are always ways on filling in plot holes.

    94. Celestia keeps it real.

      Be nice or else.

    95. @Celestia It's okay, Celestia, we know you're not evil.

      I personally figure there was one more panel to that comic which we didn't see: the one where Twilight wakes up in her bed at the library with Spike shaking her: "Twi! What the hay is wrong? You were yelling about an evil Celestia, and ponies getting turned into stone, and..."

    96. @Equinenox

      I like your ideas growing from this!
      I think Twilight's the one saying 'Stoppit'. Maybe the screaming disturbs her.

      Either way, I'd love to see your interpretation, it has the potential on being massively epic!

    97. @Ardashir

      Eeeeh, I don't know. One doesn't HAVE to take away that Celestia is evil from this.
      It could have been necessary. Or maybe she bought them that way AHAHAHA

    98. TF2 Ponies usually get a good chuckle from me.

      That second one. I read it a day or two ago. Dear Celestia that is pure Twilight Zone / Nightmare Fuel.

      OR ... Maybe they are just really good statues carved of marble. Because, you know, not everything has to be done by evil magicks. Wouldn't it be neat to see a stonesmith pony sometime, working on some statue?

    99. @TerribleClerk
      I appreciate the support. I would like to see this interpretation through as well. This or really ANY interpretation. I can write the overview to a story, and possibly make an original story, but it would be hard.

      I am not a fanfic writer, though. Fanfiction uses premade characters and worlds. I would not be able to keep everypony in character properly. Even if I did, I would be too critical of my work (read my posts on story pages to see HOW critical).
      Already made characters and worlds is one of the reasons why I have been so hostile to fanfiction in my life up until this fandom (this is the ONLY fandom where I've enjoyed fanfiction). Even back when I was a diehard FF7 fan (yes, yes, I was a massive fanboy who had a boner for Vincent), I would always stay a mile away from fanfiction. Another big reason was the overwhelming amount of shipping fanfiction of awful quality.

      Anyway, in short. I am no fanfiction writer. I can make, and have made, original stories for my own amusement, but I will not write fanfiction. Someone else will have to shoulder the task here. I only ask if you use my plot, throw a "Special Thanks" my way in the credits or something.

    100. On the second comic, I honestly think that Twilight didn't "re-stone" the pony or even purposely reverse or end the spell. The comic seems to be showing that the spell is very taxing for her, which would make sense if it was Celestia who cast it (even simpler spells would be more powerful if cast by a deity most likely). The way I saw it was she lost concentration when the pony started panicking and Twilight lost her "grip" on the spell, causing the petrification spell to take hold again. After that, Twilight is freaking out and wouldn't have the mental strength/concentration to try again right then even if she wanted to.

    101. Regarding #2 and Celestia - The brighter the picture, the darker the negative, and Celstia presents quite the bright picture.

    102. #1) funny!
      #2) Nightmare fuel, perfect for All Hallow's EVE

    103. 1. Yeah, it happens.

      2. O_O I have absolutely no words to describe this. Quick, this needs more explaination!

    104. @second comic
      It makes me feel like Sander Cohen all over. Very good job.

    105. I think the second one has a serious story to it

    106. @Celestia
      Then care to explain how the elements did the same thing to him TWICE??

      And no, I don't believe you would turn ponies to stone...
      You just ship 'em off to the moon.

      What? You ponies think Luna was the ONLY one?

    107. XD #2 trollestia never needed to be cannon more than right then.

    108. @Arothyss

      I wasn't using them the second time. Their effects aren't predictable.

      And Luna was the only one. If I needed somepony banished I could find somewhere. Banishing ponies to the moon takes alot of effort.

      Items are easy though, theres a whole pile of rubiks cubes up there, blasted tricky things.

    109. @Celestia Blasted tricky things that your faithful student Twilight Sparkle solved as well as Pinkie Pie. I think you sent copies of Action 52 to the moon.

    110. What's wrong with all of you? They were evil ponies who must have killed thousands or practiced dark magic. Think of it like The Howling Man episode of the Twilight Zone! They deserved to be trapped in stone!

    111. hey, everypony that might still be watching this- there's a fic here that goes into the implications of the "garden party" and quote.

    112. You're damn straight I'm still watching this. Ever since this conversation, I've played out several potential stories, but since I'm not a writer, they will forever remain counterfactuals.

      I WILL be reading this fic.
