I was already having nightmares about Celestia being under my bed... Eerily similar to when I leave to get a glass of water and my dog steals my bed, except she doesn't go through my journal- I mean manly writings.
#1 Oh dear, Derpy. You should have payed more attention in bomb squad class. But it looks like Derpy *puts on sunglasses*... set herself up the bomb. Yeeeeeah! Yeah, that wasn't very good, sorry. lol
#2 Celestia? No, I think this is Molestia we're seeing here. ;)
Must be my screen or something but I don't see anything in that pic resembling Celestia unless it's a vague outline of her supposedly which I can kinda sorta maybe see but not really.
Derpy managed to get a battleaxe, a nuke, another kind of warhead, was able to tie herself up, strap a stick of dynamite on ro Carrot Top, and flip the table over all in a minute and forty-six seconds? Canon.
I'd say that Celestia looks rather angry about Twilight's journal
If you look closely at the bomb, Derpy has successfully defused it! None of the wires are plugged into the timing device anymore. And it sounds like Molestia has broken Twilight's porch again.
@Bombedrumbum And so little ponies Bombe increased the veiws of saftey dance two fold in one afternoon, how did he do it you ask? by posting it FRACKIN' EVERYWHERE!
Anyway, I kinda got how Anti-brony Coverage will look like. It's in my profile.
I think I'm okay with how it looks, but I don't know if other people will like it.
As for contents in each posts, it won't be this disorganized. I'm thinking I'll try to follow EqD's example for that. I'll probably delete those two posts currently on the blog right now.
I think I'm already an admin on saltblock. Also, because I somehow didn't think of this earlier, I'm going to be making a blog for Mortal Ponies, that way the anons people without accounts can ask, too.
Uh-uh, it's thaplayer94... Now there's so much crap attached to it that it will be difficult not to have to use it later in life. My sister said it has the alternative meaning of videogame player(she made the email for me when I was eight or something), but I knew what she was thinking at the time. I had no idea what it meant. Being a player at the age of eight? Damn, that'd be sort of really odd.
Chapter Twenty Nice chapter! Fluttershy kicking ass was awesome!
Arising from the rubble of BROHOOF, a lone member stood. As he dusted himself off, he looked at the two threads that have occupied his time for so long. Endless memories of the past swirled around his mind, of friends new and old, and of adventures yet to come. He takes a step forward and noticed that a brand new thread has popped up. Stretching his neck, he sneaked a peek inside and noticed the new organization known as SALT. Although not quite the same as BROHOOF, it still contained familiar faces of everyone he knew.
Dublio, an old memory from the past, calmly walked into the new thread, taking note of all of the new comments that have appeared. He rarely commented nowadays, but he always made sure to read everything and stayed informed. Noticing Jelfes link to a gathering place while the old thread was being filled up, Dublio takes a step inside. Two hours late, he wasn't sure what to expect. An empty document, a room full of anons, he didn't know.
As he opened the document, blinding white light filled his vision. Dark figures sat in the background, unmoving. Motionless. He squinted at first, trying to make sense of the faces that were there but saw only blank stares. He looked closer but couldn't identify who they were, no matter how hard he tried.
Suddenly, one of the wax-like manikins started moving. Life! Someone was alive after all! Cautiously taking a step forward, Dublio looked at the creature. The creature was a being with two faces, one of chaos and disharmony, the other being confused but well-meaning. It walked along the surfaces of the document, searching for something among its contents.
Dublio took a deep breath and ran in front of the creature. "Halt!" he shouted. The creature looked at me and cocked its head. "Who are you?" Dublio asked.
It stared at him for a few seconds before finally shrugging. With a wave of his hand, he summoned a chair and sat in it. He pointed at the air and a variety of weird shaped symbols appeared, spelling out the name, "Discord."
That name sounded so familiar, yet another name from the past which eluded Dublio's memory. Suddenly, it clicked. This creature was one of the original founders of Brohoof, just like Dublio had been. Lost in his world of memories, Dublio just stared at the creature.
Discord summoned some popcorn and calmly munched on it, as he looked at Dublio staring back at him. Gesturing towards Dublio, he uttered with a guttural growl, "It's only fair that you answer my question since I answered yours. Who are you?"
Unsure of how to react to this creature, I threw my arms into the air and exclaimed, "I'm a ghost! Ooooooo!"
Discord stopped eating his popcorn and looked at him, unamused. He raised his finger to say something but stopped, unsure if he wanted to continue. Deciding against it, he shrugged again and tossed the popcorn over his shoulder.
Dublio sensed that his humor completely flew over Discord's head, so he decided to try a more direct tactic. "What? You forgot about me already?" Dublio asked.
Discord cocked his head and focused his eyes on Dublio. "I have the memory of a rock. Do forgive me for not remembering every person that comes across me." Discord yawned, getting bored of this little exchange and waved his hand in a circular pattern in the air. A vortex appears in the air, widening slowly over the pair. Suddenly, giant rocks appear out of the vortex and drop towards Discord and Dublio, killing both of them.
Dublio stares at the computer screen, deciding that it's been long enough. He wanted to write something really quick because it had already been a really long time since he commented. Satisfied with himself, he posted the story on the newest thread before going on his merry way.
Yay, a Dublio cameo! Oooh, I'm guessing that the place I linked to was RavensDagger's directory of fics? Too bad I closed out of that, I could have joined!
Change is imminent. Change is both good and bad at times. Whether us, the new people that joined the group of old, made things better or worse for you, the group of old, is a mystery till time progresses.
Too tired to check if that made any sense. Oh well, we'll be on and off for an hour or so, then we shall sleep.
,___, [O.o] - he asked me who? I was I replyed /)__) with a moo than a failed owl -"--"- than Unicode discord name thing than i asked who he was he responded with a bunch of different stuff and i gave a -_- than he told me who he was and now i have forgotten the rest but there was text involved
Ah, never mind! Anyway, the Mortal Ponies Game Development Blog has just been started. So that's hopefully going to be enough for Seth to post something about the game once I get some information in there.
When writing this, it was in first person at first, but then I changed it to third person so that I could talk like Trixie. Apparently, I forgot to take out a "me." Whoopsies! And that is why you should always wait before you proofread your stuff after you write it. You notice more mistakes that way. Trying to correct yourself immediately afterward isn't effective at all.
Also, I met Discord when I clicked on Jelfes' link to Raven's directory of fics. Earlier on, he appeared to read it, so I got a chance to talk with him in person. It was interesting. If you've noticed, I haven't actually talked to Jelfes or Bombedrumbum in real person yet, we've only spoken so far in comments.
We didn't talk much but I've learned that Discord has the memory of a rock. I also wrote some weird little ditty, which I turned into my above posts by expanding it. =D
every time we see something on here by either f3nning or Glitcher007, we remember we used to stick around on a webcomic forum before BROHOOF/SALT. Granted we didn't talk much on there at all.
Your friend had agreed to meet you at Sugarcube corner, but when you got there, the only clue to his whereabouts was a single note pinned to the door. The store itself was closed, and nopony was around. The note was addressed to you, so you pluck it off the door and read it.
“We have captured your friend. If you want to see him back, come to the Everfree Forest at soon as you see this note. Inside the Everfree Forest is an enormous tree that houses a Zebra named Zecora. Go to that tree, and wait outside. Don’t bring anypony else. Bring supplies and a weapon, you’ll need it.”
After reading the note, you pack a few supplies into a saddlebag and toss it onto your back. If you want to save your friend, you had to act fast. The note also said to bring a weapon, but why would you need that? Taking a look over your dad’s weapon stash, you decide to choose a weapon. Which do you choose?
A flintlock pistol? A short dagger? A woodcutter’s axe? A walking stick? A Bow and quiver of arrows. Some other weapon?
You have decided to pick the ______. You get the appropriate sheathe and hang it on your flank. Slipping the weapon inside, you sneak out of the house as quietly as you could, making sure that your parents don’t hear you. You don’t want them asking questions after all.
Your head pounds as you make your way towards the entrance of the Everfree Forest. It was getting rather dark, despite being early in the day. As you walk to the entrance, you stand there and check your saddlebags. The only things that you packed were a flashlight, a pocket knife, an energy bar, a bottle of water, a towel and a rope.
Gripping your flashlight, you make your way deeper into the Everfree forest. You're not sure whether or not to believe the rumors of what lies inside, but at this point, you can only hope that you don't run into any of those creatures.
You walk a few paces as the sound of a wolf's howl pierces the air. You can't help but shudder, a chill running down your spine. You start to walk faster, hoping that you don’t meet the creature whose howl that belongs to. You wonder if it’s worth it to brave the Everfree Forest for your friend. You keep walking before taking a quick pause to rub the sweat that has formed on your muzzle.
Eventually, the pathway becomes darker as you make your way deeper into the forest. It’s still light enough for you to see where you’re going, but for some reason, it feels like it’s nighttime. The darkness seems to choke you, surrounding you like an oversized blanket. The only sounds that could be heard are the constant buzzing of crickets. Your saddlebags are also started to chaff from the moisture on your back.
Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.
The sounds of insects steadily increase in volume and frequency, overwhelming your senses. You’re starting to get tired after walking for so long. You’ve also been sweating quite profusely. You take a deep breath and decide to rest for a bit near the closest tree. Resting for a brief moment, you decide what to do next.
What do you do next?
Decide it’s not worth it and go back home? Take a break before continuing on?
Sorry, I was bored, so I wrote the above. My dream basically involving entering the Forest and being unable to escape as creatures surrounded me. I couldn't make them out, but I just ran away. Sounds similarly to Story of the Blanks for some weird coincidence.
Did you forget the reason why you came here in the first place? Ah well, perhaps your friend wasn't as important to you as you thought. You decide that it's just not worth the dangers that lurk inside the Everfree forest and you make your way towards the entrance. At least, you tried to.
As you walk back the way you came, you realize that none of the sights you saw while coming here are familiar. Unsure of where to go next, you come upon a familiar looking tree, the very same tree that you had just been resting at. Sighing, you decide that you might as well continue on, feeling like you was being railroaded towards a particular decision. The only difference being an hour of wasted time and feeling much more tired.
I wrote this because 2nd person fics are rare and only used in CYOA fics (and shipping, but that's... I won't comment about those). Present tense is also hard to read in stories too. Anyhoo, I'll flesh it out later, for now, it shall be a draft. Anyway, onwards!
What I wrote above would technically be like an outline because it's not finished, but that's what first drafts are for, right? I should probably make an outline (different kind of outline) of a list of events that could happen. For CYOA stories, they have a name, but I forgot it.
I guess the question is, should I try to write it in 1st or 3nd person anyway?
snow storm LIKE A BOSS get in truck LIKE A BOSS turn on rock LIKE A BOSS back truck up LIKE A BOSS whip a shitty LIKE A BOSS drive 60mph LIKE A BOSS drive into ditch LIKE A BOSS drive out of ditch LIKE A BOSS arrive at school LIKE A BOSS whip shitty LIKE A BOSS do nothing LIKE A BOSS drive home LIKE A BOSS go in ditch again LIKE A BOSS drive out of ditch LIKE A BOSS arrive at home LIKE A BOSS go on computer LIKE A BOSS ,___, [O.o] - post a owl LIKE A BOSS!!!! /)__) -"--"-
Well, I don't have- never have had a girlfriend, although there are three girls who like me. Two of which I would probably never consider, and one of them is somebody that i've known for quite some time now and is rather popular. All in all, i'm not going to be dating anytime soon, as I don't really want to.
What I do want, however, are friends. You guys have provided me with that, and I thank you very much, as I have had little or no friends for the majority of my life. Thank you. :)
This song has a lot of metaphors that could apply to us if you think of it. It is our theme song for a reason. It could even be symbolised against haters and trolls!
We can dance if we want to- think about these words. We are bronies, constantly being hated for simply doing something that we love. We can do what we want! We don't have to care about what others think of us! We just are a group of friends who are versus the world!!
We can leave your friends behind- trolls, haters, we don't need you! We don't want you!
'cuz if friends don't dance and if they don't dance, well, they're no friends of mine- There are many people out there who don't "dance", or are bronies. We could be friends with then, but the haters and trolls who "don't dance" are no friends of ours.
,___, [O.o] - an angry owl not wanting anything to do with /)__) anything around me just wanting to get lost -"--"- in the world provided by the internet gain the knowledge it had to offer good or bad I wanted to learn the things
my school was a jerk to me they thought I was a moron half of them cant comprehend what I say or what I do
loving the twilight picture. D'aaaw. Bomb squad derpy FTW!!!
ReplyDeleteDerpy's pro at defusing bombs.
ReplyDeleteCelestia, u trolling?
ReplyDeletenot sure if to claim Trollestia here.
anyways, night.
Also, we might all be doomed with Derpy being a bomb squad member, but at least we'll die happy
ReplyDeleteDerp. Not a picture, a comic. Molestia or trollestia?
ReplyDeleteHm...looks like somepony levelled her sneak all the way up.
ReplyDeleteNothing out of place...
ReplyDeleteI guess Celestia shows up like this on a regular basis.
Haha, that #2. She's trolling Twilight again
ReplyDeleteOh Twilight~, you write dirty fanfictions about little old Celestia~?
ReplyDeleteSECRET BED FUN!!!
ReplyDeleteYup, thats definitely subtle molestia
ReplyDeleteTwilight wears socks!
ReplyDeleteAnd Celestia likes sneaking in Twi's bed.
Oh God... the implications.
At least the first comic was adorable...
I was already having nightmares about Celestia being under my bed...
ReplyDeleteEerily similar to when I leave to get a glass of water and my dog steals my bed, except she doesn't go through my journal- I mean manly writings.
I love Celestia, she does things I would love to do to others.
ReplyDeleteWith Derpy, there are no last second saves.
ReplyDeleteLOVE bomb squad Derpy. Poor darling. <3
ReplyDeletei'm never going to unsee that green thing in panel 3 of #1 as a vibrator.
ReplyDeleteWho needs Jack Bauer when you can have
ReplyDeleteDerpy Hooves?
#1 Oh dear, Derpy. You should have payed more attention in bomb squad class. But it looks like Derpy *puts on sunglasses*... set herself up the bomb. Yeeeeeah! Yeah, that wasn't very good, sorry. lol
ReplyDelete#2 Celestia? No, I think this is Molestia we're seeing here. ;)
Making Twilight flustered and awkward can be hillarious. I'm alllowed a few practical jokes after all.
ReplyDeleteTheres no red wire so the only logical conclusion is to pull all of them.
Oh Celestia this is to far, you must be banished to the sun
ReplyDeleteMust be my screen or something but I don't see anything in that pic resembling Celestia unless it's a vague outline of her supposedly which I can kinda sorta maybe see but not really.
ReplyDeleteCelestia rolls Captain Sunshine style.
Derpy managed to get a battleaxe, a nuke, another kind of warhead, was able to tie herself up, strap a stick of dynamite on ro Carrot Top, and flip the table over all in a minute and forty-six seconds?
I'd say that Celestia looks rather angry about Twilight's journal
And frag grenades. A nuclear crisis isn't complete without frag grenades.
ReplyDelete#1 Bomb has been defused, Anti-terrorist win.
ReplyDelete#2 Molestia strikes again.
Well, the beds in the castle can get pretty cold, so maybe she just wanted a warm bed for once.....Or to rape her, Its kind of hard to tell.
ReplyDeleteDerpy noooooooooooo....... oh hey shes free (I don't know either plank)
ReplyDelete1. Ditzy you need help on fixing the stuff that. Bombs are dangerous!
ReplyDelete2. Twilight maybe stole Princess Celestia for the day.
Derpy is so pro at defusing bombs. I mean, who else would think of getting so tangled up in the wires of the bomb to short it out.
ReplyDeleteThat was the plan right?
Oh Derpy. You silly pony.
If you look closely at the bomb, Derpy has successfully defused it! None of the wires are plugged into the timing device anymore.
ReplyDeleteAnd it sounds like Molestia has broken Twilight's porch again.
LOL Molestia
ReplyDeleteCelestia's being creepy? Is that a Leon's Getting Larger joke? *see Airplane! for ref*
ReplyDeleteWhat's that bulge in the bed o_e
ReplyDeleteyay so awsome
ReplyDelete~This is now a Dͪ͊ͦḮ̘ͯS̔̐̓C̹̔Ò͓͙̫R̀͠͞D͙̫ thread~
ReplyDeleteInb4 stampede
ReplyDeletepost it be ready
ReplyDeleteWell, you guys chopoed off my final comment XD
Jelfes, dublio, and Discord: Thank you. Thank you all so much. I really love all of you guys
OK now to watch Dragon Ball GT... it has been 7 years
ReplyDeleteI am now here!!!
ReplyDeleteNobody's done this yet? O well......
ReplyDeleteThe comments, they are OVER 9000!!
Good luck, Discord :)
Ah, only 50 comments. I will miss this......
ReplyDeleteAnd so little ponies Bombe increased the veiws of saftey dance two fold in one afternoon, how did he do it you ask? by posting it FRACKIN' EVERYWHERE!
(kidding btw)
We can recognize safety dance by URL.... So proud!
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I kinda got how Anti-brony Coverage will look like. It's in my profile.
ReplyDeleteI think I'm okay with how it looks, but I don't know if other people will like it.
As for contents in each posts, it won't be this disorganized. I'm thinking I'll try to follow EqD's example for that. I'll probably delete those two posts currently on the blog right now.
New show just premiered right when we finished the post: Off their Rockers.
ReplyDeleteOne of my favorite shows now XD
"if you find this offensive......too bad" I LOL'D
ReplyDeletedo you want author rights on SALT?
hay does anypony want admin rights?
send me your email...
ReplyDeleteI will ask when the need arises
ReplyDeleteOmnimous... and on that note off to sleep! its almost 1am here and tomorrow promisses to be a difficult day at work.
Ooh, ooh, can I has admin rights?
ReplyDeletepost you email adress in ECHO I'll see it.
ReplyDeleteHuh? Well, I guess it's more a question of if you think I deserve it, I think.
I'm daniel7192p at gmail.com if it's cool.
ReplyDeleteDon't see why not.
Night! be back later (18-ish hours)
[O.o] - HEY, guess what.
[¬.¬] - What?
[O.O] - I like trains
[-_-] - .... GET OUT!
Indeed, Bombedrumbum, I thank thee all.
ReplyDeleteI think I'm already an admin on saltblock. Also, because I somehow didn't think of this earlier, I'm going to be making a blog for Mortal Ponies, that way the anons people without accounts can ask, too.
screw it make me admin I am
ReplyDelete[email protected]
.... I made it along time ago OK!
Hey, at least it's better than "the_player" XD
ReplyDeleteFirst track i make is gonna be for Allegrezza or Mortal Pony
Uh-uh, it's thaplayer94... Now there's so much crap attached to it that it will be difficult not to have to use it later in life. My sister said it has the alternative meaning of videogame player(she made the email for me when I was eight or something), but I knew what she was thinking at the time. I had no idea what it meant. Being a player at the age of eight? Damn, that'd be sort of really odd.
ReplyDeleteChapter Twenty
Nice chapter! Fluttershy kicking ass was awesome!
@Bombedrumbum And yay!
ReplyDeleteNow to get some freakin software.
ReplyDeletef u procrastination, F U.
Chapter Twenty-one
ReplyDeleteExcellent chapter. The meeting between the two groups was very good. Nothing to complain about here.
i need the link to the chapters...
ReplyDelete@Dͪ͊ͦḮ̘ͯS̔̐̓C̹̔Ò͓͙̫R̀͠͞D͙̫ Here.
ReplyDeletethank you I hate waiting XD
I'm finally catching up on all of the pony that I missed. The song Derpy Got Soul stands high above many that I have heard. Seriously, it's amazing.
ReplyDeleteNice song ya got there!!
ReplyDeleteOoh new post!! we've come so far guys...
ReplyDelete@Ben Gibson
ReplyDeleteyep... stalked a blog for 10k comments
so much life fulfillment going on here
ReplyDeleteWell, we can now officially say that we are the largest thing on EqD, right?
Indeed we can
ReplyDeleteOur way-too-long motto?
ReplyDeleteRules 13, 14, and 15?
ReplyDeleteYep it is futile
if you dare :)
No freakin' way José.
ReplyDeleteHmmm.......we are lost, Wisconsin.....
I have a pic of you.........
Hmm............"hello, FBI, i found the accomplice"
ReplyDeleteWe are lost indeed
Well, be expecting a shipment of some sort.
ReplyDeleteArising from the rubble of BROHOOF, a lone member stood. As he dusted himself off, he looked at the two threads that have occupied his time for so long. Endless memories of the past swirled around his mind, of friends new and old, and of adventures yet to come. He takes a step forward and noticed that a brand new thread has popped up. Stretching his neck, he sneaked a peek inside and noticed the new organization known as SALT. Although not quite the same as BROHOOF, it still contained familiar faces of everyone he knew.
ReplyDeleteDublio, an old memory from the past, calmly walked into the new thread, taking note of all of the new comments that have appeared. He rarely commented nowadays, but he always made sure to read everything and stayed informed. Noticing Jelfes link to a gathering place while the old thread was being filled up, Dublio takes a step inside. Two hours late, he wasn't sure what to expect. An empty document, a room full of anons, he didn't know.
As he opened the document, blinding white light filled his vision. Dark figures sat in the background, unmoving. Motionless. He squinted at first, trying to make sense of the faces that were there but saw only blank stares. He looked closer but couldn't identify who they were, no matter how hard he tried.
Suddenly, one of the wax-like manikins started moving. Life! Someone was alive after all! Cautiously taking a step forward, Dublio looked at the creature. The creature was a being with two faces, one of chaos and disharmony, the other being confused but well-meaning. It walked along the surfaces of the document, searching for something among its contents.
Dublio took a deep breath and ran in front of the creature. "Halt!" he shouted. The creature looked at me and cocked its head. "Who are you?" Dublio asked.
It stared at him for a few seconds before finally shrugging. With a wave of his hand, he summoned a chair and sat in it. He pointed at the air and a variety of weird shaped symbols appeared, spelling out the name, "Discord."
That name sounded so familiar, yet another name from the past which eluded Dublio's memory. Suddenly, it clicked. This creature was one of the original founders of Brohoof, just like Dublio had been. Lost in his world of memories, Dublio just stared at the creature.
Discord summoned some popcorn and calmly munched on it, as he looked at Dublio staring back at him. Gesturing towards Dublio, he uttered with a guttural growl, "It's only fair that you answer my question since I answered yours. Who are you?"
Unsure of how to react to this creature, I threw my arms into the air and exclaimed, "I'm a ghost! Ooooooo!"
Discord stopped eating his popcorn and looked at him, unamused. He raised his finger to say something but stopped, unsure if he wanted to continue. Deciding against it, he shrugged again and tossed the popcorn over his shoulder.
Dublio sensed that his humor completely flew over Discord's head, so he decided to try a more direct tactic. "What? You forgot about me already?" Dublio asked.
Discord cocked his head and focused his eyes on Dublio. "I have the memory of a rock. Do forgive me for not remembering every person that comes across me." Discord yawned, getting bored of this little exchange and waved his hand in a circular pattern in the air. A vortex appears in the air, widening slowly over the pair. Suddenly, giant rocks appear out of the vortex and drop towards Discord and Dublio, killing both of them.
Dublio stares at the computer screen, deciding that it's been long enough. He wanted to write something really quick because it had already been a really long time since he commented. Satisfied with himself, he posted the story on the newest thread before going on his merry way.
Dublio, you were always the best of us.
ReplyDelete█▄▄ ███ █▄▄
I see you use some of our conversation
ReplyDeleteIf I used the entire conversation, it would have probably extended an additional two more pages. Muwahwahwah. =D
ReplyDeleteHmm, one thing bothers me:
ReplyDeleteYou use words such as "he" and "me" to describe the same person. Do you switch narratives??
Wait, am I missing something here? What comversation?
Yay, a Dublio cameo! Oooh, I'm guessing that the place I linked to was RavensDagger's directory of fics? Too bad I closed out of that, I could have joined!
ReplyDeleteChange is imminent. Change is both good and bad at times. Whether us, the new people that joined the group of old, made things better or worse for you, the group of old, is a mystery till time progresses.
ReplyDeleteToo tired to check if that made any sense.
Oh well, we'll be on and off for an hour or so, then we shall sleep.
ReplyDeleteAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! indeeed
ReplyDeleteWhat you people talking about?
ReplyDeleteYou all may now proceed with the lolwut? posting.
█▄▄ ███ █▄▄ █▄█▄█ █▄█ ▀█▀
Loading Fail...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteOh my..... This made me laugh so ridiculously hard.
ReplyDeleteThar she blows!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete@Jelfes that is tied with mlp for favorite show.
ReplyDeleteWhat..........what is this...........i don't even..........
Boxes everywhere.
ReplyDeleteoh you be on mobile
well that's the colection of my current Unicode crap
now to take it down so poor bombe dont have to scroll for 50 min
hmm that should do it
ReplyDeletePlease.....put it back up.....
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteit go down now...
hmm need to add the owls
ReplyDeletethank you discord!
ReplyDeleteWhat I see.......
ReplyDelete҉̖̟̯̏ E ҉¬̴ Y ̮̔̐̓̏U ̫̣ ̀ P ̫̣ ̀
҉̖̟̯̏ C U̘ ̓̈́ ̕PC ҉̭̜̯̰̣̀ A̭ ̉̃ ¬̴̽ ̝̦̹̝̱K ̮̔̐̓̏ E ̫̣ ̀ S̨̫̺ ̏
G ̔̐O̔̐R E
I ̀ ̏ ̏E̫̣ E҉̖̟̯D
I ̓ Ã M̐̓̉̃ L̔̐̓ ̉̃O̴̝̦V̹̝̱̔̐E̮ ̀ I̦̹̝̱̔̐N̈́̉̕G̓̈́̉̕ T̔̐̓̏ H I̴̽S C̮̏ H̯̰̣ A̦̹̝̱O̴ ̝̦S̮ ̀
F̝̱̔̐̓̏Ȑ̯̕Ȉ̯̕Ẻ̃̕N̓̈́̉̃̕ ̜̯̰̣̭ ̉̃ S̓̈́̉̃̕H̓̈́̉̃̕I̴̝̦̽P̉̃ Į̫̺̏ S W̭̜̯̰̣ I̯̓̈́ ̕T̉̃̕C̮ ̀ H ̓̈́̕C̨ ̫̣̫̺ ̏ R̔̐̓ ̉̃A̴̝F̘ ̓̈ ́̕҉T
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Plus a bunch of boxes
ReplyDeletegoogle crome?
ReplyDelete[◉_◉] - Hey bombe!
[ಠ_ృ] - What?
[◔◡◉] - DEEERRRRP!
No, Android.
ReplyDeleteI use internet explorer. Am I a bad person because of that?
ReplyDeleteah you cant see most of unicode on android
and that is the funniest thing i have ever posted
Maybe, maybe not.
ReplyDeleteIf you cant see thins I pity you
That, combined with the pic by Jelfes, made my day.
ReplyDeleteThe post cap was yesterday. Jelfes' pic was close enough.
ReplyDeleteso much cracked to read
The only things that are boxed out are the eyes :/
take this with you its dangerous to go alone
ReplyDeleteI already posted your other owls on facebook. It got two likes.
Nobody ever likes my stuff, so this is huge.
Well, I should probably get my work for school done.....
[O.o] - Discord is now an owl
So what was that discission, anyway?
[O.o] - he asked me who? I was I replyed
/)__) with a moo than a failed owl
-"--"- than Unicode discord name thing than i asked who he was he responded with a bunch of different stuff and i gave a -_- than he told me who he was and now i have forgotten the rest but there was text involved
Wait what? Blogger's not letting me see my profile.
ReplyDeleteAh, never mind! Anyway, the Mortal Ponies Game Development Blog has just been started. So that's hopefully going to be enough for Seth to post something about the game once I get some information in there.
ReplyDeleteSo, the other post capped up while I was asleep. Is this the new SALT? Or are we going to use the blogspot?
ReplyDeleteWe're going to continue using these posts
ReplyDeleteAs in posts after this?
ReplyDeleteEeyup. Just keep going left.
ReplyDelete@ThunderIce We will continue to progress towards the current day posts, skipping over certain kinds of posts.
ReplyDeleteAh, I assume story posts will be skipped?
Now to decide if I should begin work on the Mortal Ponies Game Development Blog, or continue to play SHogun 2: Total War, which is insanely addicting.
ReplyDelete@ThunderIce That is correct, there may be other that get skipped, too.
ReplyDeleteOh and thanks for linking to that EqD greasemonkey helper. It's really helpful. I didn't expect EqD to have a userscript
ReplyDelete@ThunderIce No problem, I know, it's such a great tool!
ReplyDeleteWhen writing this, it was in first person at first, but then I changed it to third person so that I could talk like Trixie. Apparently, I forgot to take out a "me." Whoopsies! And that is why you should always wait before you proofread your stuff after you write it. You notice more mistakes that way. Trying to correct yourself immediately afterward isn't effective at all.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I met Discord when I clicked on Jelfes' link to Raven's directory of fics. Earlier on, he appeared to read it, so I got a chance to talk with him in person. It was interesting. If you've noticed, I haven't actually talked to Jelfes or Bombedrumbum in real person yet, we've only spoken so far in comments.
We didn't talk much but I've learned that Discord has the memory of a rock. I also wrote some weird little ditty, which I turned into my above posts by expanding it. =D
@Dublio Aha, I knew it! I don't think I've really had a conversation in real-time with anyone here before. Eh, one day... one day.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI just realised your profile picture...I don't know if I could eat that
@ThunderIce It's just too adorable!
ReplyDeleteevery time we see something on here by either f3nning or Glitcher007, we remember we used to stick around on a webcomic forum before BROHOOF/SALT. Granted we didn't talk much on there at all.
ReplyDeleteI just had the freakiest dream and now am trying to write it out. I'll be back later in order to describe it in more vivid detail. (Blogthread)
ReplyDeleteYour friend had agreed to meet you at Sugarcube corner, but when you got there, the only clue to his whereabouts was a single note pinned to the door. The store itself was closed, and nopony was around. The note was addressed to you, so you pluck it off the door and read it.
ReplyDelete“We have captured your friend. If you want to see him back, come to the Everfree Forest at soon as you see this note. Inside the Everfree Forest is an enormous tree that houses a Zebra named Zecora. Go to that tree, and wait outside. Don’t bring anypony else. Bring supplies and a weapon, you’ll need it.”
After reading the note, you pack a few supplies into a saddlebag and toss it onto your back. If you want to save your friend, you had to act fast. The note also said to bring a weapon, but why would you need that? Taking a look over your dad’s weapon stash, you decide to choose a weapon. Which do you choose?
A flintlock pistol?
A short dagger?
A woodcutter’s axe?
A walking stick?
A Bow and quiver of arrows.
Some other weapon?
You have decided to pick the ______. You get the appropriate sheathe and hang it on your flank. Slipping the weapon inside, you sneak out of the house as quietly as you could, making sure that your parents don’t hear you. You don’t want them asking questions after all.
ReplyDeleteYour head pounds as you make your way towards the entrance of the Everfree Forest. It was getting rather dark, despite being early in the day. As you walk to the entrance, you stand there and check your saddlebags. The only things that you packed were a flashlight, a pocket knife, an energy bar, a bottle of water, a towel and a rope.
Gripping your flashlight, you make your way deeper into the Everfree forest. You're not sure whether or not to believe the rumors of what lies inside, but at this point, you can only hope that you don't run into any of those creatures.
You walk a few paces as the sound of a wolf's howl pierces the air. You can't help but shudder, a chill running down your spine. You start to walk faster, hoping that you don’t meet the creature whose howl that belongs to. You wonder if it’s worth it to brave the Everfree Forest for your friend. You keep walking before taking a quick pause to rub the sweat that has formed on your muzzle.
Eventually, the pathway becomes darker as you make your way deeper into the forest. It’s still light enough for you to see where you’re going, but for some reason, it feels like it’s nighttime. The darkness seems to choke you, surrounding you like an oversized blanket. The only sounds that could be heard are the constant buzzing of crickets. Your saddlebags are also started to chaff from the moisture on your back.
Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.
The sounds of insects steadily increase in volume and frequency, overwhelming your senses. You’re starting to get tired after walking for so long. You’ve also been sweating quite profusely. You take a deep breath and decide to rest for a bit near the closest tree. Resting for a brief moment, you decide what to do next.
What do you do next?
Decide it’s not worth it and go back home?
Take a break before continuing on?
Sorry, I was bored, so I wrote the above. My dream basically involving entering the Forest and being unable to escape as creatures surrounded me. I couldn't make them out, but I just ran away. Sounds similarly to Story of the Blanks for some weird coincidence.
ReplyDeleteI like where that was going-wait, that was your dream? Well I've had weirder...
ReplyDeleteThat was a great read! We want more!
ReplyDeleteEvery dream for us morphs into (insert game here) or a weird combination of games and ponies.
If you chose to leave:
ReplyDeleteDid you forget the reason why you came here in the first place? Ah well, perhaps your friend wasn't as important to you as you thought. You decide that it's just not worth the dangers that lurk inside the Everfree forest and you make your way towards the entrance. At least, you tried to.
As you walk back the way you came, you realize that none of the sights you saw while coming here are familiar. Unsure of where to go next, you come upon a familiar looking tree, the very same tree that you had just been resting at. Sighing, you decide that you might as well continue on, feeling like you was being railroaded towards a particular decision. The only difference being an hour of wasted time and feeling much more tired.
I wrote this because 2nd person fics are rare and only used in CYOA fics (and shipping, but that's... I won't comment about those). Present tense is also hard to read in stories too. Anyhoo, I'll flesh it out later, for now, it shall be a draft. Anyway, onwards!
ReplyDeleteThis would make a great adventure-style fanfic!
ReplyDeleteCYOA pony fan-fic.... could be one of the greatest things this fandom could have to offer!
ReplyDeleteWell, one that isn't clop.
What I wrote above would technically be like an outline because it's not finished, but that's what first drafts are for, right? I should probably make an outline (different kind of outline) of a list of events that could happen. For CYOA stories, they have a name, but I forgot it.
ReplyDeleteI guess the question is, should I try to write it in 1st or 3nd person anyway?
Hey Jelfes... 14 inches of snow expected in seattle.... :D YES
ReplyDeletesnow storm LIKE A BOSS
ReplyDeleteget in truck LIKE A BOSS
turn on rock LIKE A BOSS
back truck up LIKE A BOSS
whip a shitty LIKE A BOSS
drive 60mph LIKE A BOSS
drive into ditch LIKE A BOSS
drive out of ditch LIKE A BOSS
arrive at school LIKE A BOSS
whip shitty LIKE A BOSS
do nothing LIKE A BOSS
drive home LIKE A BOSS
go in ditch again LIKE A BOSS
drive out of ditch LIKE A BOSS
arrive at home LIKE A BOSS
go on computer LIKE A BOSS
[O.o] - post a owl LIKE A BOSS!!!!
that was excellent discord
ReplyDeleteBellevue college here. Seems like a hailstorm... It just stopped.
ReplyDelete...goddamn I'm gonna love this week.
Dreams of my own death.....
ReplyDelete..and im back!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWe should create a club!
Well, I don't have- never have had a girlfriend, although there are three girls who like me. Two of which I would probably never consider, and one of them is somebody that i've known for quite some time now and is rather popular. All in all, i'm not going to be dating anytime soon, as I don't really want to.
ReplyDeleteWhat I do want, however, are friends. You guys have provided me with that, and I thank you very much, as I have had little or no friends for the majority of my life. Thank you. :)
We've dated a few girls (only liked one of them.) Had one for 2 years. 1 year and a half too long. Enjoying the single life more.
ReplyDeleteOnly 2 close friends, a few acquaintances. You guys are the people we talk to the most. We enjoy your friendship a lot.
*Hugs everypony* (in a non-akward way)
ReplyDeleteSeriously, I really love you guys :D
ReplyDeleteBecoming a brony is probably one of the best things that's ever happened to me. I love this community so much, well we're more than just a community
ReplyDeleteDamn Straight! We are all one big happy family!
I have never had a girlfriend nor do I wish to ever have one
ReplyDeleteThis song has a lot of metaphors that could apply to us if you think of it. It is our theme song for a reason. It could even be symbolised against haters and trolls!
ReplyDeleteWe can dance if we want to- think about these words. We are bronies, constantly being hated for simply doing something that we love. We can do what we want! We don't have to care about what others think of us! We just are a group of friends who are versus the world!!
We can leave your friends behind- trolls, haters, we don't need you! We don't want you!
'cuz if friends don't dance and if they don't dance, well, they're no friends of mine- There are many people out there who don't "dance", or are bronies. We could be friends with then, but the haters and trolls who "don't dance" are no friends of ours.
Think of the end. At the end, there is war.
If we don't dance, then who will?
Ponies > Girlfriend
ReplyDelete'Nuff said
That really could be our theme song
ReplyDeleteI cannot agree more with both of your comments, Bombe
Before any of you became a brony or even heard of this fandom, what would you have thought of yourselves
ReplyDeleteIs is our theme song! :D
we've had it for a while as ours, but for the brony fandon as a whole? Now we're thinking!
Huzzah for official (well, kind of official) brony theme song!
ReplyDeleteWe can't dance well. only like this
ReplyDeletealso new Poniator!
Oh, and the music video itself-
ReplyDeleteIt began with two friends, who then shortly gained another friend, followed by another, and then BOOM! Lot's of friends and followers.
Remind you of anybody? ;)
ReplyDeleteWouldn't have surprised us none. we were always an oddball.
@ftfc hence The Royal Third Pers- er.........what's that called again/
ReplyDelete[O.o] - an angry owl not wanting anything to do with
/)__) anything around me just wanting to get lost
-"--"- in the world provided by the internet gain the knowledge it had to offer good or bad I wanted to learn the things
my school was a jerk to me
they thought I was a moron
half of them cant comprehend what I say or what I do
Royal We haha. Should we stop speaking in it?
ReplyDeleteIt does get a bit confusing at times when you use it :P
ReplyDeleteI'm just, who cares, do whatever ya want.
ReplyDeleteIt's different. Whether in a good or bad way, abso-fucking-lutely no idea.
@Discord join le club
ReplyDeleteSo, who all is going to the Everfree NW convention??
ReplyDeleteI would have gone if I lived in Seattle... That's the same thing I said for BroNYcon except I said New York :(
ReplyDeleteEverfree Northwest.
ReplyDeleteThis might even rival BroNYCon.
Oh, yeah, you don't live in America.....
ReplyDeleteWell, it's lucky for us West Coast Bronies!!
ReplyDeleteI do believe that we have quite a few West-Coasters here!!
I sincerely hope that you can all make it to the convention!! :D
:( No conventions here. Even if there were, I doubt I could make it
ReplyDeleteI'm probably not going to be there myself, but I will love hearing about it.
ReplyDeleteI hope that they play this song there!!