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So why does Big Mac like Smartypants so much? Leave it to us to twist this in a million different directions. I wonder if the writers ever ponder what their jokes will cause in the brony community?
And some Scootaloo below.
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37 kommentaari:
Yes, Scootaloo does rock, undoubtedly.
VastaKustutaOh Scoot, your lyrics are always the best.
VastaKustutaWhy must Big Mac be so adorable? WHYYYYY?
VastaKustutaDagnabbit, 4th.
VastaKustutaalso lol
The question is, Seth, do you ever ponder what effect featuring these comics will have on the brony community?
VastaKustutaI bet scooty has a awesome voice when she want to and Big Mac is polite with Twi
VastaKustutaCan't decide which is better
VastaKustutaMac X Twi or Mac X Shy
#1 was okay. The idea made me laugh, but the art could use some improvement.
VastaKustuta#2 Everypony, STFU, Scootaloo's got this shit on lock-down. I don't care what anypony says, Scoots is amazing(even though her lyrics are sort of, um... shitty)
The second comic isn't showing up for me...
VastaKustutaFlutterMac is the only straight shipping I would whole-heartedly approve of... <.< Sorry, Mac...
VastaKustutaOr Mac X Derp
First comic was pretty good, if a bit obvious; second comic was golden, hilarious lyrics and very funny art for the last panel.
1. Hey Arnold reference.
VastaKustuta2.Those lyrics in the song will not work, Scoots.
Aww Scootoloo. We lub you even if your lyrics are terribad.
VastaKustutaFinally. I was beginning to wonder if anything I made was going to be featured on Equestria Daily (The Equestria Psycho banner for the Halloween Banner event notwithstanding).
VastaKustutaThanks, guys.
Big mac being slightly creepy there.
VastaKustutaScoots face in the last panel gets to me, I find it far too funny.
haha the second comic is awesome! I think Scootaloo became my new favorite CMC XD
VastaKustutaYay I got an EQD feature. Yes I made the first. I know I have a long ways to go when It comes to art but I'm glad I got a feature. Thanks Seth! Also I was thinking of going the Hey Arnold way and go with the chewing gum but I decided to do it a different way. Thanks guy :D
VastaKustutaThis Rockestias.
VastaKustutaScootaloo is best pony.
Enjoyed #2. On a somewhat unrelated note, anyone notice that Welovefine has a Twilight Sparkle Checklist shirt already up?
VastaKustutaPonder over how jokes will effect and cause hilariously within the Brony community? Hmm, this is a possibility. :D
VastaKustuta#1 That creepy Big Mac and Twilight shrine... I don't see a piece of her hair though, or at least an old brush. No shrine is complete without at least one of those. :D
#2 Chickens rockin' out! Dat Sweetie Belle face. lol Also, poor Applebloom. <3
I rock out loud!
VastaKustutaI'm alrigh'!
...Then again... Ah' think Ah'm gonna- *Urk!*
Big Mac has good taste =)
VastaKustutaTwiMac is best ship.
VastaKustuta#1 I'm ok with this. Anyone know any good twimac fics?
VastaKustuta#1: Wait, why do I think this was a... Clifford reference...?
VastaKustuta#2: Whatever.
1. um... k.
VastaKustuta2. Scootabest!
I love the way Scootaloo is drawn in the 2nd comic!
VastaKustutaFirst one is amusing in a slightly creepy way~
#1 Cute and creepy... e_e
VastaKustutaThe amusing thing here is, I used to watch the artist who did #2, his work showed up regularly on another site. Now he's showing up on THIS site. The irony tickles me. XD
VastaKustutaThat said, O.M.A's style works immensely well with ponies, as witnessed. Search his gallery for more pony doodles, he's only got a few, but they rock.
A full-hearted LOL for both.
VastaKustutaThat first comic was exactly what I though of when I saw Big Mac and Smartypants together. I should really write a shipping fic sometime, or really write anything at all.
VastaKustutaWow, didn't think you guys would link to something my best friend Alan made. Thanks for supporting him!
VastaKustutaDon't suppose y'all would also be interested in this pony-related pic I commissioned him to make, would you?
It's not as grand as the Scootaloo comic but give it a look, if you please.
Scoots could start a new band. It'd be brutal.
VastaKustuta#2 Filly Joel - The Piano Mare