• The Brony Show Episode 21

    Episode 21 is on it's way! Check the copy paste below:

    "The Brony Show 21 Part 1 and Part 2
    That's right, this week you get not one, but two The Brony Show's this week! The first one will be this Sunday Oct. 2nd at 6PM PST - 9PM EST and the second one is on Monday, also at 6PM PST - 9PM EST. For part 1 we're interviewing the incredible team of Pen Stroke and Batty Gloom, who wrote Past Sins and created Nyx. Even I can't wait to see what he has to say! Also we have lots of fun videos, and we'll be doing commentary on MLP episode 19 since Season 2 is on a break. And for Part 2 we're going to let Hypermark, D-Pad, and FoxTrot go wild. I've seen some of what they have planned and I definitely wish I could be around. I hope you join us for both, because there's more than enough pony to satisfy even the craziest appetite!"

    7 kommentaari:

    1. Oops, another derped post, I guess.

    2. Nice!

      If only I didn't have a 6 hours difference respect the East Coast of the US ¬_¬

    3. So if I've worked this out right, part 1 should begin at noon on Monday for GMT +10?
      Think I'll tune in for the first time :D

    4. no... this sucks, I can't really watch it on sundays :/.

    5. the creator of past sins?
      the comments are gonna rip him a new one...

    6. We’ll rip him a CD of Nyx love songs! Pen Stroke is the reason I seriously consider getting up at 3 a.m. (CEST). One day I hope I’ll be as great a writer as he is.
