• Brony Movie Night #18

    It's the weekly movie night time over at Bronystate.  They also have a bunch of compeititons going, which you can find in the banner above!

    For the lazy out there that don't feel like reading, head on over to their screening site at 7:00 PM EST

    21 kommentaari:

    1. первыйнах

    2. EST? What is this madness?

    3. @mammoh Now I know what “First!” is in Russian, right? :-)

    4. Can somepony tell me what Bronystate is? B/C I really don't have a clue. I went to their website and I'm still not completely clear...

    5. okay, i'll finally ask:

      wat exactly is the appeal of tuning into some (likely overworked) stream just to watch lower res versions of eps you've already seen instead of just typing "[episode name] 1080p" into Google?

    6. @mycutiemarkisagun

      It's the community aspect of it. I own Spaceballs and Ironman on DVD, but the fun part is getting together in one room and cracking jokes, commenting on the story and the characters, having a good laugh and just enjoying everypony's company.

    7. @What The Hay

      We are a streaming website. We provide a fun place to stop by each week and hang out with friends and other Bronies while watching some fun stuff, including live streams of new FiM episodes. :)

    8. @What The Hay
      They're a group of Bronies who run a streaming channel, and they have movie nights every friday, with movies picked out by the people in the chat. It's a ton of fun, and I urge you to tune in if you have the time.

      Plus, for anyone who doesn't have the hub, they livestream new episodes when they come out.

    9. What's the difference between the different rooms?

    10. @aJonathan
      Nothing, really, except for the people in them. There's the many #Bronystate chatroom that's used during the movies, as there's usually only a couple hundred people in the chat then. But during livestreams of new episodes, there gets to be over 1000 viewers, meaning if there weren't separate rooms to divide it up, the chat would be going by too quickly for anyone to read or understand.

      Also, Rarity Room is Best Room

    11. Woo, will so be there. Was a lot of fun last time.

    12. Wow cool! Im just a week old Bronie and I have no idea where I can see this stream.... Please help!

    13. @Octavia Thanks! Maybe I'll check it out. But first I have some catching up to do with all the new posts! You forget to visit EQD for a couple of days and you have to read 30 posts. Tragic... But informative! Or so I'm told.

    14. Hope to see you there everypony! Going to be an epic movie night here at Bronystate!

    15. If anypony needs me, I'll be in the Fluttershy room at 7:00 SHARP!

    16. Ironman and Spaceballs? Looks like a late night for me.

    17. Spaceballs and My Little Pony?
      Count me in.

    18. @Telofy

      No, not really. "First" in Russian would be just "первый".
