• Arcade Box TV Charity Stream

    A charity stream is currently under way from extra-life.org.  100% of proceeds will go straight to the San Jorge Children's Foundation.  If you are interested in donating, or just watching the stream in general, hit up the links below!

    Donation Page
    Stream Channel

    18 kommentaari:

    1. I'd love to donate, but I'm strapped for cash. D=

    2. This sounds interesting. I'll look into it.

      Also, first?

    3. And this relates to ponies by...

      Not that I'm complaining, just puzzled.

    4. @RedEnchilada

      It'll help the community image, for one, and for two, it sounds like something Ponies would do.

    5. "Shut up and take my money!"
      - Somebody that was bound to say it.

    6. Well seth, I see its for a good reason. Its something that Fluttershy would do. Its also the right thing to do. Now lets get our pony scout uniforms on and do some good deeds!!

    7. Every time I consider doing something I should, or not doing something I should, I hear one of the Mane 6 mentally scolding me.
      I didn't sign up for this when I sold my soul for ponies.

    8. @RedEnchilada

      This is the 'love' part of "love and tolerate"

    9. Hmm, could have sworn this did in fact have some kind of tie in with the community. Just escapes me now what it could have been. At any rate though, it's nice. :)

    10. 5PM's past without a new update.

      Of all the worst things that could happen...


    11. @Octavia 2 of our players - me and Gravekeeper (author of The Ballad of Twilight Sparkle) are bronies. The both of us were playing Sonic 3 & Knuckles a little while ago.

      Incidentally, Gravekeeper wouldn't be opposed to streaming himself drawing ponies if you guys are into that.

      To any of you who can't afford to donate - donations are open until November. If you don't have cash to give, you can still help us out a lot by spreading the word!

    12. While this is an awesome cause, I'd like to bring up that bronies DO in fact have a charity.

      Bronies for Good (google it)

    13. @naahdude Bronies For Good was helping us advertise, actually. We've got their logo on the stream along with ED's.

      Also, they're having an event where you can get a Bronies for Good badge if you donate $20 to any charity (including ours) or give 3 hours of community service to a social justice institution.

    14. @Octavia The one playing the games with his friends devoted their time to running up a total of 24 hours worth of gaming (with if am correct to assume this is the other half of that 24?) is Gravekeeper! Author of "The Ballad of Twilight Sparkle"

      Go make a donation! with anyone that donates at least $20 dollars can get a Bronies for Life button! Also you might see cool comic cuts drawn fresh from Grave himself for the Ballad XD go on thy are just $250 from their goal to help the children hospital! give some smiles to these childrens they could really use some!

      " arcadeboxtv: Awesome.

      » I should mention that anyone who donates at least $20 to any charity (including ours) or puts in 3 hours of service with any social justice groups can ask for a Bronies For Good button

      » It's an event they're doing right now to try to get more people motivated to contribute."

      A quote from the stream chat

    15. Here's the time sheet for the Bronies for Good button request: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17X31ZSGWfuce6ygZ5ahZF0OwyyM1dHOp5PlJ-w4NTYI/edit?hl=en_US

      You can just send them a screenshot of the page of the member you donated to as proof. Each member page shows all the people that've donated and the quantity as well.
