• Untitled

    5 kommentaari:

    1. If anybody should stumble upon this page by accident:

      This is where I develop new features for the archive filter thingy! So this will certainly break from time to time as I work on. Don't use this page for anything!

      Go to the production version of the archive (http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/09/eqd-super-simple-archiver-test.html) instead :)

    2. DONE

      Star rating tags now behave a little differently from the rest. Hopefully in a more intuitive manner.

      Complete and incomplete tags are mutually exclusive.

      Bumped mane six up in a bracket of their own.

      Automatic tag expansion: If a post doesn't have any star related tag it gets assigned the star-needed tag. This way star-needed actually means star-needed and nopony has to manually tag it with star-needed.

      Automatic tag expansion: If a post is tagged everypony it also gets tagged the mane six names individually. So if you're filtering for applejack you'll also get the everypony stories.

      Automatic tag expansion: If a post is tagged cutie-mark-crusaders it also gets tagged the three cuties individually. So if you're filtering for scootaloo you'll also get the cutie-mark-crusaders stories.

      Bugfix: filtered tags (eg. author tags) now no longer create a gazillion empty links. End result: looks better on Internet Explorer.

    3. NOT DONE

      Categorization is not really possible with the way blogger handles labels. There's no way for me to know which pony is the lead character.

    4. DONE

      Basic mobile theme "support". Meaning that it will now bypass the mobile theme and load the filter anyway. It is a bit heavy for older devices; my iPhone 3GS is usable, but laggy. Newer devices hopefully work better.

    5. DONE

      Switched to Closure Compiler generated code for ~50% smaller script filesize.

      Added support for direct links to specific filters. If you're using a modern browser (HTML 5 browser, like Chrome, FireFox, Safari, but not Internet Explorer) you will see the adress field updating when you select filters. This way you can copy/paste the link or bookmark it or whatever tickles your fancy.
