OK! here's what I'd do... First order of business is to send a letter to Twilight and get her to bring all the other elements of harmony to Canterlot. Once here, I would have them research the magic required to breach the inter-dimensional barrier between Equestria and Earth. After research is complete, we open a portal and invade earth. Our armies will be too cute and to powerful to be stopped. (that and none of the bronies would fight, hell, you lot would help us...) once the Earth is dominated, BRING ON THE AGE OF THE PONY!
I would then return to my original body and live in Equestria. the end...
1. Raise the sun. 2. Banish people to the moon. 3. Are you a MMMMM bee-yutch that likes mmmm bananas? 4. Shut.Down. EVERYTHING! 5. Send people to the moon for not shutting down stuff fast enough. 6. Send Twilight and her friends to some far away mountain while I stalk the CMC and Spike... 7. Uhh....Declare war on Griffinland? 8. Write a letter saying that I'm stepping down, and promoting Luna to Queen. 9. Banish myself to the moon.
1. Begin making a list 2. Execute list involving: a. A certain pegasus and phoenix b. banishing somepony to the moon and bringing them back almost immediately c. hinting at cupcakes d. Trolling the internet e. Shouting "Gotcha" f. Making anypony with a clue where I went during the Sun Celebration disappear g. Repress the masses 3. Realize the list was all in good fun and be done trolling for a while 4. Hide in the library, scare Twilight Sparkle 6. Skip 5 11. Stop counting 42. Play with Luna WHO. Upgrade Sepia Tock to figure in pony mythology, watch chaos ensue
Launch a massive PR campaign to improve my image in the eyes of my subjects, encourage my sister to get out more (to be frank sis, everyone who remembers the first Nightmare Moon incident is long dead), and try to figure out a viable solution for handling all these monsters that keep randomly entering Equestria.
Also, do my laundry. I'm on my last pair of clean socks.
Orchestrate an enormous conspiracy for my most faithful students to solve, have them all go on some sort of quest across Equestria aaand see how long it takes them to realise that everything bad that ever happens to them has been planned by me.
I wouldn't want to cause discomfort for other ponies, so in any case, I would've asked Twilight for advice, who would've asked Celly. And since I'm Celly, I'm DOOMED. Unless Luna can figure something out, because I don't know how to raise the sun.
Continue to be a kind and loving ruler who wants to help Ponies. Continue to be hands off and give Ponies the tools to solve problems on their own, even those who like to slander me by calling me a troll :(
1. Ban Luna to the Moon 2. Get an apprentice, Twilight Sparkle and teach her about magic. 3. Read Spike's Letters which are mainly about friendship. 4. Go to Ponyville every once in a while to check the state that it is in. 5. Get the Guards to work on going faster so they can catch criminal scum.
TO THE MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!!!!!!!!!!!!! Probably sit around, hang out with Luna because Luna is awesome. and try really really had to resist the urge to ruin everyone's lives.
I'd make sure I'd remain so! Bwahhaa! Then just take care of my new world of acquisition. No rush, I've got thousands of years for that. =D Plus spend time with Luna as well! Of course.
hey,send to the moon for a few days, nothing big. I am not a tyrant,after all. and I'll give them a small welcome back gift. like, IDK... a luna whit socks plushie. and a real-life-sized fluttershy plushie too.
Talk to Luna (like a boss) Read letters (like a boss) Write to Twilight (like a boss) Raise the sun (like a boss) Be immortal (like a boss) Run Equestria (like a boss) Troll people (like a boss) Promote friendship (like a boss)
Vacation in Ponyville, have everyone call me Celestia instead of Princess, it's annoying. Get to know the mane 6, have them respect me as a friend rather than a leader.
How convenient, I've already got a list of what I'm sending to the moon. After that, troll a bit, turn physics on and off a few times to see all the professors flip out, then delegate everything to Twilight and take the rest of the day off. (Oh, and leave myself something nice for when I turn back/into another pony.)
Send out a This Royal(e with cheese) decree. All work and no play, makes Celestia a dull mare. All work and no play, makes Celestia a dull mare. All work and no play, makes Celestia a dull mare. All work and no play, makes Celestia a dull mare. All work and no play, makes Celestia a dull mare. All work and no play, makes Celestia a dull mare. All work and no play, makes Celestia a dull mare.
Enslave all the non-pony equines on the planet, destroy the moon, write hate mail to Twilight Sparkle telling I hate her, release a Lovecraftian horror upon Equestria, brainwash Pinkie Pie into becoming a murderous psychopath, and then tear up the dimensional barriers between Equestria and Earth in order to conquer it! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH!!!!!!!!!!
Raise the sun, deal with court, and then snuggle Luna until her bones snap. Then prance around like a tiny filly. Then cuddle Luna some more. Then banish Trixie to the moon to troll Seth. Then watch Luna and Twilight 'secretly' meeting in Luna's bedroom for making-out purposes. Then cuddle both of them. Then demand someone build a dimensional portal so that I can get the entirety of Equestria addicted to Boylan's sodas, which all the bronies should try because they're amazing. Then cuddle Luna some more. Then lower the sun and cuddle Luna while she raises the moon. Then cuddle Twilight Sparkle. Then cuddle Luna.
First I hold a press conference and tell Ponies that there is no capital punishment and that I've banished two ponies in the past 10,000 years. Then I facehoof as the press spins this as a veiled threat by Celestia that things might change in the future. I go to see Twilight and ask her why all the ponies are so afraid of me. Twilight doesn't give a straight answer, so I keep it up for half an hour, making Twilight more afraid of me every second. Facehoof again. Banish Discord to the moon and delay the problem in season 2 by 10,000 years. Then I practice magic fly away from the royal guards to see if I can get time alone. Watch the royal guards panic because I'm just a defenseless alicorn without them. Become very annoyed at this system. Hold another press conference, repeat, then give up. Repeat this cycle every hundred years.
Raise sun, snuggle luna, ban Trixie to moon in spite of Seth, snuggle Luna, read friendship report. Change form act like tiny Filly again. Send Seth to the moon to be with Trixie. Confuse Twilight Sparkle, be a troll all day long
1-skip everywhere 2-become a superhero 3-torment Trixie 4-stare at Luna till she gets uncomfortable 5-hit on applejack 6-make cloudsdale spew out clouds in my image 7-buy up all the pie in equestria 7b-find Soarin 7c-burn the pie in front of him 8-turn all the animals pink 9-massive heatwave 10-raise taxes 11-declare Pinkie Pie as prime minister 12-sell naughty pictures of rarity to magazines. And Spike. 13-set Gilda on a date with a manticore 14-give makeovers to the Hydra 15-unleash parasprites in Blueblood's house 16-interdimentional shenanigans 17-Stare at Luna some more 18-sneak alcohol into the wonderbolts drink before a show 19- glue kiwi fruits onto the head of every pony I meet 20-send the royal guard on a wild goose chase 21-send wild geese on a royal guard chase 22-give CMC super powers 23-advance the cause of science 24-make sombreros mandatory 25-legalise inter-species marriage 26-introduce twilight to clopfiction 27-hit on big mac to make Applejack jelous 28-Continue to stare at Luna whilst stalking her everywhere 29-melt polar ice caps 30-sneak poison Joak into water supply 31-blackmail Dashie with candid pictures 32-breed Sootaloo with a chicken 33-Pull off sonic sunboom 34-give Prime minister Pinkie the nuclear launch codes 35-adopt an orphanage- send to work on a rock farm 36-introduce twilight to gay clopfiction 37-make cupcakes 38-download illegal mp3's 39-send spam mail to celebrities 7-rewind time to watch pie burning again 40-crack down on gang violence 41-cause gang violence 42-unloose biblical plauges 43-watch 24-hour scrubs marathon 44-defeat world chess champion 45-go to war on neighbouring nations and steal their oil 46-hit on Applejack now she's had time to come to her senses 47- burn her farm down 48- laugh 49- resist arrest 50-raise the dead 51-Luna calls for restraining order 52-send the Super-CMC and their mutant chicken-baby to fight alien threat 53-introduce twilight to Spider clopfiction 54-build an appleloosan ice-rink 55-blow up the moon 56-become a drug dealer 57-steal unicorn horns 58-call photo finish for saucy photo-shoot 59-Pinkie-pie-related nuclear apocalypse 60- Troll the internet
Play the biggest Prank on whole Equestria, troll everyone ! Send random Items (no Ponys) to the moon to freak everypony out ! Hug Luna a lot. Write some troll-letter to Twilight.
At the end of the day when Luna takes over, send some solar flares to create auroras.
Priorities, order Pinkie Pie to the castle, or come to her in Ponyville. Ask her how she breaks the fourth wall, she'd probably know I wasn't "me" at that point. Then widescale shatter the walls between reality with my alicorn magic (you know I could) After that I'll make it up as I go along.
Also I would banish myself to the moon at some point to see what it's like. Then I'd come back, and I wouldn't just teleport there or back, no siree. After all, I am am a mmmmm beyetch that likes mmmmm banana's.
Well first of all, make sure everyone loves me as a friend and see what they think of me as a supreme ruler!!! D=!!
Then.... *Magically Raises Tea Cup* *Take a sip* *Get cup refilled* *Take a sip* *Get cup refilled* *Take a trollish sip* *Get cup overfilled* --"GOTCHA ;D"
So finally I've been given the chance to be the most powerful and supreme ruler of all of Equestria in all her magnificent glory. There's only one thing to do, then.
Delegate all my responsibilities for the day to Luna and have a spa day.
Have Pinkie Pie manage Canterlot parties for everypony instead of stuck up rich ponies. (Octavia and her crew can stay though. They're too cool).
Sent Blueblood to the moon for a month or so. Maybe read him the story of Narcissus so he can get a clue. If he doesn't get it, then maybe another month on the moon.
Pull childish pranks on everypony. When you're over a thousand years old you need to do something to be happy.
Ask the first person I come across if they like bananas. Send Blueblood to the moon, as well as Sheriff Silver Star and the Buffalo Chief for making Pinkie feel bad. Then have the Wonderbolts put on an amazing show for me. After, I may just go trolling!
Attempt to delicately inform Luna that her sister has been taken over by an alien intelligence that has no idea how to return her.
Then I'd mess around with my awesome alicorn powers. Fire lightning everywhere, fly around real fast, summon giant illusory smiley faces in the sky, that sort of thing.
Create a Parliament and have the ponies elect a Prime Minister.
With less governmental duties to deal with, I can spend more quality time with Luna and my faithful student. Of course, raising and setting the sun would still be my responsibility.
Talk to Twilight! (Like a queen) Read spike's letters! (Like a queen) Hold court! (Like a queen) Bail on parties! (Like a queen) Direct my subjects! (Like a queen) My own throne room! (Like a queen) hand-off ruling! (Like a queen) Promote friendship! (Like a queen) Comfort Luna! (Like a queen) Get a hug! (Like a queen) combat sadness! (Like a queen) send some letters! (Like a queen) Look at the moon! (Like a queen) Cry deeply! (Like a queen) Banishment memories! (Like a queen) Eat some cake! (Like a queen) Apologize to Luna! (Like a queen) I am best sister! (Like a queen) Head to Ponyville! (Like a queen) Cause student stress! (Like a queen) Drink some tea! (Like a queen) In my mouth! (Like a queen) Oh wait, it's still in the cup, Gotcha! Play a joke! (Like a queen) "Accidentally" leave my pet! (Like a queen) Ask guards to search! (Like a queen) Scare Twilight! (Like a queen) Watch Fluttershy cry! (Like a queen) Reveal the Phoenix! (Like a queen) Laugh with everypony! (Like a queen) Return to Canterlot! (Like a queen) Realize fatigue! (Like a queen) Relax in the castle! (Like a queen) Meet with dignitaries! (Like a queen) Bore my brains out! (Like a queen) Watch the clock! (Like a queen) Wait for evening! (Like a queen) Lower the sun! (Like a queen) Now it's night! (Like a queen)
Build a series of complex and difficult test chambers. Have Twilight Sparkle solve them under promise of cake and threat of death. Turns out, there's no cake at the end, only sweaty make-out session. Mmmmmmmm...
I would write a letter to Twilight about how I learnt a lesson in friendship... OK she now has to do this in the show at some point. then I'll start using Celestia's magic to try to free myself from becoming random ponies.
I would: -Rule with honor -Keep ponykind united -Help solve ponykind's problem -Expand Equestria beyond its borders and the stars using peaceful means -Troll some ponies when I'm bored, and only when I'm bored -tl;dr some of Twilight's letters -Appoint Fluttershy as the royal caretaker of animals around Canterlot
I would: -decree a new episode of MLP come out everyday -make the mane 6 the mane 7 and add trixie as the 7th mane character -take over the world with ponys!
Raise the sun. Turn the sun the **** down a bit. Hold court. Watch the mortal ponies fall to pieces over the littlest things. Play some jokes to lighten the mood. Walk around on the ceiling with sunglasses, telling ponies to deal with it. Banish myself to the sun, just to see what it's like. Come back. Have some tea. Read Twilight's latest letter. Write back, telling her that's all wrong and that she was supposed to learn that nopony is right all the time, and that when you're wrong you have to learn to admit it. Wait for her paranoia to set in. Read a book. Read a book with Luna. Read a book on the mountains. Read a book underwater. Read a book on the moon. Read a book on the clouds. Read a book in front of a dragon. Banish a book to the moon. Do a sonic atomic rainboom. That's where I do three rainbooms at the exact same spot so fast that I make the third one before the first one disappears, and I do them at different angles so it looks like one of those classic three-electron atom symbols. Surf the solar winds. Realize that being the sun goddess is fricking awesome.
I'd spend the whole time terrified that I would make a political or diplomatic gaffe that would cause pain and suffering to my dear subjects.
Also, I would spend a lot of time just trying to figure out HOW my tail and mane did that... It's pretty nifty!
Third, I would probably spend a LOT of time obsessing over whether or not I was raising/lowering/guiding the sun properly.
If this situation lasted long enough for me to settle down, I'd find Blueblood and tell him EXACTLY how spoiled he was, and then I'd have him enroll in the Unicorn Corps of Equestria's military. WITHOUT any special privileges. A few weeks of boot camp with an unsympathetic DI would do wonders for that spoiled, pampered noble.
Also, I'd get everyone to relax around me. Especially Twilight. That girl needs to settle down and stop being so high-strung whenever I come to visit!
1. HaHA! Believe me now, Celestia? Now YOU'RE on the moon, and I'm the queen... princess... thing. Seriously, what's up with that? 2. Get used to the sudden rise in height. 3. Realize I can do more of whatever I want than before I was Pinkie. 4. Get the staff to wait on me hand and hoof. It's AWESOME being Celestia. 5. Move the sun around and confuse the ponies below. 6. Trollin' trollin' trollin'. Tia keeps on trollin'. 7. Command Twilight and friends come visit at once. 8. Give that spell another try. This time, I'll do it with my superior alicorn magic. 9. Hope this works.
Oh noes, I've been up all night writing. Time to raise that sun... a few hours late but at least I'm getting it done! Late for coffee with Twilight too, guess I should hurry over to tell her that I won't be there.
So that's an average day for you? "No doubt" You watch cause Twilight to stress and make the sun set. "Hell Yeah" And I think I heard you say something about making Fluttershy cry? "No..." Actually I'm pretty sure you did. "Nah that ain't me."
Ponies will be released into the atmosphere... ensuring COMPLETE....GLOBAL....LOVE & TOLERANCE! Anypony who opposes me shall be sent to the moon!
Send an expeditionary unit to the farthest reaches of the Earth in search of Gensokyo.
Incorporate the elements of harmony in alchemical and energy applications to realize Gundam technology and sustainable energy generation... that way parties can run on even more electricity and we can transition into massive raves!
Colonize Mars. If somepony is already on Mars, relocate them... to the MOON!
Make another Sun for DOUBLE SUN POWER!
Celestial Requiem: 1) Become the best at space. 2) Conquer absolutely everything in the known Universe... and all the other places, too. - If somepony dares to comment that the Universe pretty much covers everything, tell them to shut up and get on my human steed! 3) Make only unicorns best ponies. 4) Troll and send people to the moon (it's gonna get crowded) so often that everypony unites in hatred of me. 5) Have Twilight assassinate me and remain to lead everypony on the path to universal harmony and friendship. 6) Resurrect for the lulz and rule everything under an iron hoof again. 7) Rinse and repeat whenever I feel like it.
1. Raise the sun. 2. Collect bits for charity, and use it to help handicapped foals get a better life. 3. Go to one of Pinkie Pies parties, and help her with some funny little pranks. Also bring Luna, so she can get some fun too. 4. Think of more stuff to do.
303 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaMoon Seth.
VastaKustutaSend myself to the moon, See if it is as bad as Luna keeps making it out to be.
VastaKustutaParty time in the palace! and pay rises for the guards
VastaKustutaBanish all of humanity to the Moon.
VastaKustutaBanish Luna.
VastaKustutado you like bananas?
VastaKustutaBanish all of #EquestriaDaily's mods, except Ali and Balloons, to the moon. Then I shall crown myself "Ultimate Awesomness Ruler" and troll some.
VastaKustutaTroll everyone by turning Physics on.
VastaKustutaI dunno...
VastaKustutaI f***ing damn dunno what I could do...
Been someone of the cast is easier...
!moon Lunasta
VastaKustutaSend random letters to my Faithful Pupil till she works out where the person being Luna yesterday is now.
VastaKustutaThen send her to the moon.
An easier question is, what wouldn't I do? Probably... nah. I would still do all manners of adult things >:D
VastaKustutaOutlaw apples.
VastaKustutaStudent! Curse my Britishness...
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustuta@Fall Silently NOPE.avi
VastaKustutaBecome the best princess ever.
VastaKustutaof all time.
Recreate the Borderlands intro with ponies, using my faithful student and her friends as actors.
VastaKustutaMaybe ZOMBIE?
VastaKustutaAs everypony if they like bananas.
VastaKustutaOffer the first pony I see a banana.
Banish everypony to the moon. With the hydra. And then I watch how they do.
VastaKustutaNah... I lost my creativity when I was the Mane 6... -.-"
Pass on my turn.
VastaKustutaWait for a "You Are Fluttershy. WHAT DO YOU DO1?"
Troll everyone.
hangout with twilight while trying to not act like filly molester...
VastaKustutaLower the sun down, it's getting too warm today. And hug Luna.
VastaKustutaLight. LIGHT FOREVER!
VastaKustutaMake normal ponies do extremely difficult tasks for me that I'm more thank capable of doing myself in mere seconds.
VastaKustutaMake Season 2 of MLP come out immediately
VastaKustutaOK! here's what I'd do... First order of business is to send a letter to Twilight and get her to bring all the other elements of harmony to Canterlot. Once here, I would have them research the magic required to breach the inter-dimensional barrier between Equestria and Earth. After research is complete, we open a portal and invade earth. Our armies will be too cute and to powerful to be stopped. (that and none of the bronies would fight, hell, you lot would help us...) once the Earth is dominated, BRING ON THE AGE OF THE PONY!
VastaKustutaI would then return to my original body and live in Equestria. the end...
I would order a team of pony scientists to make a portal to earth.
VastaKustutasun, sun, sun here it comes!
VastaKustutaCrash the moon into the earth
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustuta1. Raise the sun.
2. Banish people to the moon.
3. Are you a MMMMM bee-yutch that likes mmmm bananas?
4. Shut.Down. EVERYTHING!
5. Send people to the moon for not shutting down stuff fast enough.
6. Send Twilight and her friends to some far away mountain while I stalk the CMC and Spike...
7. Uhh....Declare war on Griffinland?
8. Write a letter saying that I'm stepping down, and promoting Luna to Queen.
9. Banish myself to the moon.
1. Begin making a list
VastaKustuta2. Execute list involving:
a. A certain pegasus and phoenix
b. banishing somepony to the moon and bringing them back almost immediately
c. hinting at cupcakes
d. Trolling the internet
e. Shouting "Gotcha"
f. Making anypony with a clue where I went during the Sun Celebration disappear
g. Repress the masses
3. Realize the list was all in good fun and be done trolling for a while
4. Hide in the library, scare Twilight Sparkle
6. Skip 5
11. Stop counting
42. Play with Luna
WHO. Upgrade Sepia Tock to figure in pony mythology, watch chaos ensue
...oh and I guess I'd make out with Twilight too or something. ponyshrug.jpg
Get twilight
VastaKustutaLaunch a massive PR campaign to improve my image in the eyes of my subjects, encourage my sister to get out more (to be frank sis, everyone who remembers the first Nightmare Moon incident is long dead), and try to figure out a viable solution for handling all these monsters that keep randomly entering Equestria.
VastaKustutaAlso, do my laundry. I'm on my last pair of clean socks.
First, say goodbye to Trixie, Seth. You won't be seeing her for an long, LONG time.
VastaKustutaBecome the greatest troll to ever live.
Teleport everypony in Equestria to the sun for a huge super awesome sun party :D . . . then after 5 minutes learn about the huge mistake I just made.
VastaKustutaAt Least I got more cake :)
Surprise pop quiz for Twilight on Friendship. Watch her fail miserably.
VastaKustutaGo around town with my Banana Bag.
Send some faxes.
Send Trixie to the moon!
VastaKustutaI princess celestia here by decree "THE NIGHT WILL LAST FOREVER!", if you don't like the idea then... Are you a beeyeetch who likes mmmmmbananas?
VastaKustutaDiscord threatening the land and only the Elements can stop him?
VastaKustutaMake student and her friends go on a fetch quest to find them first.
be a nice loving queen and not send any1 to the moon cause I am nice like that.
VastaKustutaLower the sun... but noth completely
Bring all the good little Bronies to Equestria where they belong. XD
VastaKustutaOrchestrate an enormous conspiracy for my most faithful students to solve, have them all go on some sort of quest across Equestria aaand see how long it takes them to realise that everything bad that ever happens to them has been planned by me.
VastaKustutaBe a lovely, lovable ruler like she actually is.
VastaKustutaFirst we....CONQUER THE EARTH!! MWAHAHA-...err what do you mean we've already done that?
VastaKustutaTrack down Trixie and make her my administrator of magic, thus conflating her ego even more.
VastaKustutaSet ALL the guards to look like this.
Find a beytch who likes banannas and send him to the moon
VastaKustutastart sending Twilight and her friends into dangerous adventures
VastaKustutaFirst I would banish half of this fandom:
VastaKustutaThose who make Trollestia,Mollestia,or tyrant celestia jokes.
Those who make "that's not how you spell jokes"
those that ship ponies,
those who keep talking about bananas,
The entire lunar republic,
nyx haters,
those who make rainbow dash lesbian,
mega sweet,for his rule 34 art,
and finally, Hug Luna.
Bring Bronies!
VastaKustutaMake official sock day.
Spend time with Luna.
Teleport into Twilights library lick her and then disappear.
VastaKustutaI wouldn't want to cause discomfort for other ponies, so in any case, I would've asked Twilight for advice, who would've asked Celly. And since I'm Celly, I'm DOOMED. Unless Luna can figure something out, because I don't know how to raise the sun.
Rise the sun
VastaKustutahug luna
love all pony in equestria
pet philomena
and make a little joke
Also I would see what public image Celestia has, since I'm sure she's not considered "Trollestia" or "Molestia" there.
VastaKustutaBe a professional tea troll
VastaKustutaCuddle Luna
Troll some more
Get Fluttershy to babysit round my house saying I have a daughter who is asleep and doesn't want to be woken up. When I get back I ask where she is.
VastaKustutaSend grad. student and her friends to go move a dragon that is threatening to destroy Ponyville.
VastaKustutaAnd then chuckle.
Continue to be a kind and loving ruler who wants to help Ponies. Continue to be hands off and give Ponies the tools to solve problems on their own, even those who like to slander me by calling me a troll :(
VastaKustutaSleep with Rainbow dash??
VastaKustuta1. Ban Luna to the Moon
VastaKustuta2. Get an apprentice, Twilight Sparkle and teach her about magic.
3. Read Spike's Letters which are mainly about friendship.
4. Go to Ponyville every once in a while to check the state that it is in.
5. Get the Guards to work on going faster so they can catch criminal scum.
"Order the troops to convene, war shall be upon us soon for we must not permit the Gryphon tribes to strike us first."
VastaKustutaMake socks mandatory for all ponies!
VastaKustuta@SovBrony Wow, I don't think there's anybody left after that little inquisition.
VastaKustutaProbably sit around, hang out with Luna because Luna is awesome.
and try really really had to resist the urge to ruin everyone's lives.
Do i really have to answer?
VastaKustutaOther than that purchase Luna socks, just becuase.
Time to invade near by nations!
VastaKustutaPut a face on the sun and dim it a bit so people Can see it smiling.
VastaKustutaEnough said. ^_^
VastaKustutalike a boss.
I'd make sure I'd remain so! Bwahhaa!
VastaKustutaThen just take care of my new world of acquisition. No rush, I've got thousands of years for that. =D
Plus spend time with Luna as well! Of course.
1. Be sad that I'm not Luna anymore.
VastaKustuta2. Make the best of it and stalk Luna all day (night).
VastaKustutahey,send to the moon for a few days, nothing big. I am not a tyrant,after all. and I'll give them a small welcome back gift. like, IDK... a luna whit socks plushie. and a real-life-sized fluttershy plushie too.
I just so happen to have a list here of things to do if I ever become Celestia!
VastaKustutaInvite Twilight Sparkle to tea and when she gets here, tell her there's royal business to attend to.
Tell everypony it's the End of the World.
Send another dragon to Ponyville.
Make all the animals not love the yellow pegasus.
Slap Prince Blueblood.
Have some alone time with Twilight.
Read "Cupcakes" again.
Eat cupcakes.
Have a massage.
Get hammered.
Shake your flank!
Clop, clop, clop!
VastaKustutaTroll everypony! bwahaha! i would make Luna think she was on the moon... in her room
VastaKustutawell, for one thing, she's not a Queen.
VastaKustutamy first order of business would be to become Queen.
VastaKustutaYou totally not copied it from a certain picture!
Talk to Luna (like a boss)
VastaKustutaRead letters (like a boss)
Write to Twilight (like a boss)
Raise the sun (like a boss)
Be immortal (like a boss)
Run Equestria (like a boss)
Troll people (like a boss)
Promote friendship (like a boss)
@Fall Silently
VastaKustutaIt's good to be the Queen. */Mel Brooks*
I'd try to pull off the "Sunny Day Skies" schtick to speak with Twlilight about what's been going on.
Vacation in Ponyville, have everyone call me Celestia instead of Princess, it's annoying. Get to know the mane 6, have them respect me as a friend rather than a leader.
VastaKustutaThen go back to Canterlot and mope.
How convenient, I've already got a list of what I'm sending to the moon. After that, troll a bit, turn physics on and off a few times to see all the professors flip out, then delegate everything to Twilight and take the rest of the day off. (Oh, and leave myself something nice for when I turn back/into another pony.)
VastaKustutaFind socks that match.
VastaKustuta"What are we going to do tonight, Celestia?"
VastaKustuta"The same thing we do every night Luna, TAKE OVER THE REST OF THE WORLD!
Send out a This Royal(e with cheese) decree.
VastaKustutaAll work and no play, makes Celestia a dull mare. All work and no play, makes Celestia a dull mare. All work and no play, makes Celestia a dull mare. All work and no play, makes Celestia a dull mare. All work and no play, makes Celestia a dull mare. All work and no play, makes Celestia a dull mare.
All work and no play, makes Celestia a dull mare.
VastaKustutaTake off those stupid socks.
VastaKustutaWonder around hoping/wondering that my image isn't actually "troll" and "tyrant" because that would be sad.
VastaKustutaHug my sister.
And send Twilight a letter.
Eat a tonne of Mashed Alfalfa!
VastaKustutaThen proceed to chase Luna throughout the palace.
I'd get some matching socks. Silly filly. Those socks do not match.
VastaKustutamake hasbro turn me into how I actually look not some pink filly fiddler
VastaKustutaRape everypony
Send all the trolls and haters to the Moon.
VastaKustutaBurn it all!
VastaKustutaBurn the socks, let them feel my divine wrath!
And grow an epic beard so the exclamation is appropriate.
lol jk, mess around with the sun so everypony gets confused on what time it is
VastaKustutaask twilight for an official royal meeting in ponyville.
VastaKustutaleave after two minutes
Admire my flowy hair!
VastaKustutaEstablish Ponybase Alpha, and send everypony in ponyville to it.
VastaKustutaTo the moon with all the foals and neighsayers that dare to not laugh at my practical jokes! TO THE MOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!
VastaKustutaFirst, time dilation spell so that my REIGN LASTS FOREVER!
VastaKustutaThen I conquer the planet.
Apply the laws of Physics to Equestria and banish everyone that objects to a black hole in the center of our universe.
VastaKustutaVery much akin to what I would do as Luna: Shamelessly abuse the royal spa-facilities and masseuses!
VastaKustutaEnslave all the non-pony equines on the planet, destroy the moon, write hate mail to Twilight Sparkle telling I hate her, release a Lovecraftian horror upon Equestria, brainwash Pinkie Pie into becoming a murderous psychopath, and then tear up the dimensional barriers between Equestria and Earth in order to conquer it! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH!!!!!!!!!!
VastaKustutaRais the sun, bitc...err ponies love the sun.
VastaKustutaRule the fuck out of Equestria.
VastaKustutaAsk everypony I meet where they got the silly idea I banish ponies all the time, then I giggle as they try to explain without offending me!
VastaKustutaBanish all magic from the land. (which can only mean doom to the inhabitants :D)
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaI'd do the obvious thing. Change my goddamn title from "Princess" to "Queen". Or God-Empress.
VastaKustutaRaise the sun, deal with court, and then snuggle Luna until her bones snap. Then prance around like a tiny filly. Then cuddle Luna some more. Then banish Trixie to the moon to troll Seth. Then watch Luna and Twilight 'secretly' meeting in Luna's bedroom for making-out purposes. Then cuddle both of them. Then demand someone build a dimensional portal so that I can get the entirety of Equestria addicted to Boylan's sodas, which all the bronies should try because they're amazing. Then cuddle Luna some more. Then lower the sun and cuddle Luna while she raises the moon. Then cuddle Twilight Sparkle. Then cuddle Luna.
VastaKustutaRinse and repeat.
Go mad with power.
VastaKustutaPull out johnjoseco's "Princess's To Do List".
VastaKustutaFirst I hold a press conference and tell Ponies that there is no capital punishment and that I've banished two ponies in the past 10,000 years. Then I facehoof as the press spins this as a veiled threat by Celestia that things might change in the future. I go to see Twilight and ask her why all the ponies are so afraid of me. Twilight doesn't give a straight answer, so I keep it up for half an hour, making Twilight more afraid of me every second. Facehoof again. Banish Discord to the moon and delay the problem in season 2 by 10,000 years. Then I practice magic fly away from the royal guards to see if I can get time alone. Watch the royal guards panic because I'm just a defenseless alicorn without them. Become very annoyed at this system. Hold another press conference, repeat, then give up. Repeat this cycle every hundred years.
VastaKustutaEnd the world.
VastaKustutaI turn myself pink
VastaKustutaThen send Luna To the moon
Become the troll queen.
Raise sun, snuggle luna, ban Trixie to moon in spite of Seth, snuggle Luna, read friendship report. Change form act like tiny Filly again. Send Seth to the moon to be with Trixie. Confuse Twilight Sparkle, be a troll all day long
Also, polish my horn.
1-skip everywhere
VastaKustuta2-become a superhero
3-torment Trixie
4-stare at Luna till she gets uncomfortable
5-hit on applejack
6-make cloudsdale spew out clouds in my image
7-buy up all the pie in equestria
7b-find Soarin
7c-burn the pie in front of him
8-turn all the animals pink
9-massive heatwave
10-raise taxes
11-declare Pinkie Pie as prime minister
12-sell naughty pictures of rarity to magazines. And Spike.
13-set Gilda on a date with a manticore
14-give makeovers to the Hydra
15-unleash parasprites in Blueblood's house
16-interdimentional shenanigans
17-Stare at Luna some more
18-sneak alcohol into the wonderbolts drink before a show
19- glue kiwi fruits onto the head of every pony I meet
20-send the royal guard on a wild goose chase
21-send wild geese on a royal guard chase
22-give CMC super powers
23-advance the cause of science
24-make sombreros mandatory
25-legalise inter-species marriage
26-introduce twilight to clopfiction
27-hit on big mac to make Applejack jelous
28-Continue to stare at Luna whilst stalking her everywhere
29-melt polar ice caps
30-sneak poison Joak into water supply
31-blackmail Dashie with candid pictures
32-breed Sootaloo with a chicken
33-Pull off sonic sunboom
34-give Prime minister Pinkie the nuclear launch codes
35-adopt an orphanage- send to work on a rock farm
36-introduce twilight to gay clopfiction
37-make cupcakes
38-download illegal mp3's
39-send spam mail to celebrities
7-rewind time to watch pie burning again
40-crack down on gang violence
41-cause gang violence
42-unloose biblical plauges
43-watch 24-hour scrubs marathon
44-defeat world chess champion
45-go to war on neighbouring nations and steal their oil
46-hit on Applejack now she's had time to come to her senses
47- burn her farm down
48- laugh
49- resist arrest
50-raise the dead
51-Luna calls for restraining order
52-send the Super-CMC and their mutant chicken-baby to fight alien threat
53-introduce twilight to Spider clopfiction
54-build an appleloosan ice-rink
55-blow up the moon
56-become a drug dealer
57-steal unicorn horns
58-call photo finish for saucy photo-shoot
59-Pinkie-pie-related nuclear apocalypse
60- Troll the internet
Do everything a god can do :D
VastaKustutaChannel Rita Repulsa and screech to everypony that IT'S TIME TO CONQUER EARTH.
VastaKustutaThen send my student and her friends to get it done.
Sun goes up, sun goes down.
VastaKustutaSun goes up, sun goes down.
Sun goes up, sun goes down.
Sun goes up, sun goes down.
use my position to pre view season 2
VastaKustutaWatch, the next one's gonna be about Spike. You are now Spike. What do you do?
VastaKustuta... I give you a long vacancy on the moon.
I would most certainly NOT abuse my authority and molest the mane 6...
...but I WOULD troll the crap out of my subjects. >:D
Make Winter Moon Celebration for Luna.
VastaKustutaOpen my closet, angrily.
Play the biggest Prank on whole Equestria, troll everyone !
VastaKustutaSend random Items (no Ponys) to the moon to freak everypony out !
Hug Luna a lot.
Write some troll-letter to Twilight.
At the end of the day when Luna takes over, send some solar flares to create auroras.
Eternal night, just because I'm the last pony anyone would expect to pull that off.
VastaKustutaSend all trolls to VY Canis Majoris!
VastaKustutaThere can only be one!
VastaKustutaact like she did in that video 'friendship is magic bitch'
VastaKustutaEstablish democracy in Equestria...(PHHHHFT NOT)
VastaKustutaMake the sun rise in the west and set in the east, for teh lulz.
VastaKustuta>Banana bag
Carve a gigantic trollface onto the surface of the moon so Luna will lose her shit when she goes to raise it next.
VastaKustutaAlso demand, as an immortal goddess-princess, than Nyx be a real character or else the day. Will last. FOREVER.
Answer letters and help Luna figure out the microwave. Also, fight evil but not tell anyone - not everypony needs to know of my badassery just yet.
VastaKustutaBanish Michelle Bachmann to the moon.
VastaKustutaPriorities, order Pinkie Pie to the castle, or come to her in Ponyville.
VastaKustutaAsk her how she breaks the fourth wall, she'd probably know I wasn't "me" at that point.
Then widescale shatter the walls between reality with my alicorn magic (you know I could)
After that I'll make it up as I go along.
Also I would banish myself to the moon at some point to see what it's like. Then I'd come back, and I wouldn't just teleport there or back, no siree.
After all, I am am a mmmmm beyetch that likes mmmmm banana's.
Make a sammich
VastaKustutaWell first of all, make sure everyone loves me as a friend and see what they think of me as a supreme ruler!!! D=!!
*Magically Raises Tea Cup*
*Take a sip*
*Get cup refilled*
*Take a sip*
*Get cup refilled*
*Take a trollish sip*
*Get cup overfilled*
XD hahaha I love that
So finally I've been given the chance to be the most powerful and supreme ruler of all of Equestria in all her magnificent glory. There's only one thing to do, then.
VastaKustutaDelegate all my responsibilities for the day to Luna and have a spa day.
VastaKustutaHave Pinkie Pie manage Canterlot parties for everypony instead of stuck up rich ponies. (Octavia and her crew can stay though. They're too cool).
VastaKustutaSent Blueblood to the moon for a month or so. Maybe read him the story of Narcissus so he can get a clue. If he doesn't get it, then maybe another month on the moon.
Pull childish pranks on everypony. When you're over a thousand years old you need to do something to be happy.
Kill 6 million Earth Ponies.
VastaKustutaThen unite the TRUE pony race.
Open a Portal to the Human World and bring my body over transform it into a pony with AMAZING POWERS and send over my mind.
VastaKustutaAsk the first person I come across if they like bananas. Send Blueblood to the moon, as well as Sheriff Silver Star and the Buffalo Chief for making Pinkie feel bad. Then have the Wonderbolts put on an amazing show for me. After, I may just go trolling!
VastaKustutaAttempt to delicately inform Luna that her sister has been taken over by an alien intelligence that has no idea how to return her.
VastaKustutaThen I'd mess around with my awesome alicorn powers. Fire lightning everywhere, fly around real fast, summon giant illusory smiley faces in the sky, that sort of thing.
Create a Parliament and have the ponies elect a Prime Minister.
VastaKustutaWith less governmental duties to deal with, I can spend more quality time with Luna and my faithful student. Of course, raising and setting the sun would still be my responsibility.
Banish Luna, of course.
VastaKustutaWell the first thing I'd d is...
VastaKustutaTalk to Twilight! (Like a queen)
Read spike's letters! (Like a queen)
Hold court! (Like a queen)
Bail on parties! (Like a queen)
Direct my subjects! (Like a queen)
My own throne room! (Like a queen)
hand-off ruling! (Like a queen)
Promote friendship! (Like a queen)
Comfort Luna! (Like a queen)
Get a hug! (Like a queen)
combat sadness! (Like a queen)
send some letters! (Like a queen)
Look at the moon! (Like a queen)
Cry deeply! (Like a queen)
Banishment memories! (Like a queen)
Eat some cake! (Like a queen)
Apologize to Luna! (Like a queen)
I am best sister! (Like a queen)
Head to Ponyville! (Like a queen)
Cause student stress! (Like a queen)
Drink some tea! (Like a queen)
In my mouth! (Like a queen)
Oh wait, it's still in the cup, Gotcha!
Play a joke! (Like a queen)
"Accidentally" leave my pet! (Like a queen)
Ask guards to search! (Like a queen)
Scare Twilight! (Like a queen)
Watch Fluttershy cry! (Like a queen)
Reveal the Phoenix! (Like a queen)
Laugh with everypony! (Like a queen)
Return to Canterlot! (Like a queen)
Realize fatigue! (Like a queen)
Relax in the castle! (Like a queen)
Meet with dignitaries! (Like a queen)
Bore my brains out! (Like a queen)
Watch the clock! (Like a queen)
Wait for evening! (Like a queen)
Lower the sun! (Like a queen)
Now it's night! (Like a queen)
Create a solar eclipse to remind people of my power
VastaKustutaKeep a close eye on Luna
Troll twilight
Get banana bag.
Banish the Moon....
VastaKustutaTOO. THE. MOON!!!!! (M-A-G-I-C!)
Build a series of complex and difficult test chambers. Have Twilight Sparkle solve them under promise of cake and threat of death. Turns out, there's no cake at the end, only sweaty make-out session. Mmmmmmmm...
VastaKustutaI would write a letter to Twilight about how I learnt a lesson in friendship... OK she now has to do this in the show at some point. then I'll start using Celestia's magic to try to free myself from becoming random ponies.
VastaKustutaSend the united states back to the moon...sio what we don't have nasa anymore YA GOT ME!!!!
VastaKustutaI dont really know what I'd do, I bet I'd just abuse my powers to do stupid things though.
VastaKustutaAwwwww yeah!!! Our true leader!!
VastaKustutaI would:
-Rule with honor
-Keep ponykind united
-Help solve ponykind's problem
-Expand Equestria beyond its borders and the stars using peaceful means
-Troll some ponies when I'm bored, and only when I'm bored
-tl;dr some of Twilight's letters
-Appoint Fluttershy as the royal caretaker of animals around Canterlot
@Brony Neumo
VastaKustutaWe need a PMV/animation of that.
Go to the windows of random ponies at night and just stare at them for hours with an unreadable expression.
VastaKustutaI would:
VastaKustuta-decree a new episode of MLP come out everyday
-make the mane 6 the mane 7 and add trixie as the 7th mane character
-take over the world with ponys!
Banish Portal and Portal 2 to the sun.
VastaKustutaRaise the sun.
VastaKustutaTurn the sun the **** down a bit.
Hold court.
Watch the mortal ponies fall to pieces over the littlest things.
Play some jokes to lighten the mood.
Walk around on the ceiling with sunglasses, telling ponies to deal with it.
Banish myself to the sun, just to see what it's like.
Come back.
Have some tea.
Read Twilight's latest letter.
Write back, telling her that's all wrong and that she was supposed to learn that nopony is right all the time, and that when you're wrong you have to learn to admit it.
Wait for her paranoia to set in.
Read a book. Read a book with Luna. Read a book on the mountains. Read a book underwater. Read a book on the moon. Read a book on the clouds. Read a book in front of a dragon. Banish a book to the moon.
Do a sonic atomic rainboom. That's where I do three rainbooms at the exact same spot so fast that I make the third one before the first one disappears, and I do them at different angles so it looks like one of those classic three-electron atom symbols.
Surf the solar winds.
Realize that being the sun goddess is fricking awesome.
Get me some matching socks xP
VastaKustutaI'd spend the whole time terrified that I would make a political or diplomatic gaffe that would cause pain and suffering to my dear subjects.
VastaKustutaAlso, I would spend a lot of time just trying to figure out HOW my tail and mane did that... It's pretty nifty!
Third, I would probably spend a LOT of time obsessing over whether or not I was raising/lowering/guiding the sun properly.
If this situation lasted long enough for me to settle down, I'd find Blueblood and tell him EXACTLY how spoiled he was, and then I'd have him enroll in the Unicorn Corps of Equestria's military. WITHOUT any special privileges. A few weeks of boot camp with an unsympathetic DI would do wonders for that spoiled, pampered noble.
Also, I'd get everyone to relax around me. Especially Twilight. That girl needs to settle down and stop being so high-strung whenever I come to visit!
Twilight, my most faithful student,
VastaKustutastop spamming me mail with your friendship crap lolololololol
1. HaHA! Believe me now, Celestia? Now YOU'RE on the moon, and I'm the queen... princess... thing. Seriously, what's up with that?
VastaKustuta2. Get used to the sudden rise in height.
3. Realize I can do more of whatever I want than before I was Pinkie.
4. Get the staff to wait on me hand and hoof. It's AWESOME being Celestia.
5. Move the sun around and confuse the ponies below.
6. Trollin' trollin' trollin'. Tia keeps on trollin'.
7. Command Twilight and friends come visit at once.
8. Give that spell another try. This time, I'll do it with my superior alicorn magic.
9. Hope this works.
Oh noes, I've been up all night writing. Time to raise that sun... a few hours late but at least I'm getting it done!
VastaKustutaLate for coffee with Twilight too, guess I should hurry over to tell her that I won't be there.
> Parents are out of house
VastaKustuta> I want to sleep
> Little sister invites friends for big party
> Ban her to the moon
Banish you all.
Ahh next pony
@Supersheep64 Give this guy my turn.
VastaKustutaTell Equestria that I have possessed Celestia's body, and that I am the new ruler. Anyone who opposes may be banished to some heavenly body.
VastaKustutaBanish luna to the sun.
VastaKustutaSend my faithful student on a journey where I already know what the end result will be.
VastaKustuta@brony neumo
VastaKustutaSo that's an average day for you?
"No doubt"
You watch cause Twilight to stress and make the sun set.
"Hell Yeah"
And I think I heard you say something about making Fluttershy cry?
Actually I'm pretty sure you did.
"Nah that ain't me."
Trollfest of course.
VastaKustutaBring the sun to about three feet from the ground, then roast some marshmallows.
VastaKustutaPonies will be released into the atmosphere... ensuring COMPLETE....GLOBAL....LOVE & TOLERANCE! Anypony who opposes me shall be sent to the moon!
VastaKustutaSend an expeditionary unit to the farthest reaches of the Earth in search of Gensokyo.
Incorporate the elements of harmony in alchemical and energy applications to realize Gundam technology and sustainable energy generation... that way parties can run on even more electricity and we can transition into massive raves!
Colonize Mars. If somepony is already on Mars, relocate them... to the MOON!
Make another Sun for DOUBLE SUN POWER!
Celestial Requiem:
1) Become the best at space.
2) Conquer absolutely everything in the known Universe... and all the other places, too.
- If somepony dares to comment that the Universe pretty much covers everything, tell them to shut up and get on my human steed!
3) Make only unicorns best ponies.
4) Troll and send people to the moon (it's gonna get crowded) so often that everypony unites in hatred of me.
5) Have Twilight assassinate me and remain to lead everypony on the path to universal harmony and friendship.
6) Resurrect for the lulz and rule everything under an iron hoof again.
7) Rinse and repeat whenever I feel like it.
Continue being the absolute best pony. I'm not sure I can come up with anything better than what Celestia already does all day.
VastaKustuta1. Raise the sun.
VastaKustuta2. Collect bits for charity, and use it to help handicapped foals get a better life.
3. Go to one of Pinkie Pies parties, and help her with some funny little pranks. Also bring Luna, so she can get some fun too.
4. Think of more stuff to do.
Make Gilda spontaneously combust, and then teleport Trixie into Seth's house.
VastaKustutaOh, and pull pranks with my sister on everypony in the castle.