• Vocal Free Episodes 16+17+18 + Message From Will Anderson!

    For those interested in the background music, Wingbeat has released episodes 16, 17, and 18 for everyone to dig the crazy BGM stuff out of. 

    Yesterday I also got an email from Will Anderson thanking us for being awesome.  Check that out below!

    Hi Everypony!

    Well, I am five shows into the new season and I think the shows are coming out great!! Thank you all for supporting the show. 

    And thanks for making FiM so much more engaging! I posted those voice only episodes a while back, and you really realize how much the background compositions add to the actual feel of the show. 

    Anyway have some vocal free!

    1.) Vocal-Free MLP Episode 16
    2.) Vocal-Free MLP Episode 17
    3.) Vocal-Free MLP Episode 18

    38 kommentaari:

    1. vocal-free? what's the point of that?

    2. Finally, an update! I could have sworn you guys had just given up after AC completely owned the internet last night!

      @colt classic
      Background music, people who work with music, stuff like that.

    3. @colt classic

      So fans can do their own voice acting perhaps? i am lost there also...

    4. So wait, only five episodes of the new season have background music so far? Is that what he's saying?

      Am I the only one who finds that concerning?

    5. Applejack's face in the thumbnail image for episode 16 is strangely evil.

    6. @Captain British
      Five plus the two Discord ones I'm assuming since those were made last year.

    7. I can´t wait to hear what Mr Anderson has waiting for us next season.
      Next to the songs composed by Mr Ingram, the bgm are just amazing to listen to as well ^^



    8. @colt classic
      Background music! They're very nice and plays a big role in the show. Some people have been dedicated to grabbing the best pieces out there and cleaned them up further, and amplify the volume. It would be a lot better if they're cut off separately.

    9. @Captain British

      Nah, considering there will be like one new episode each week / two weeks he's got plenty of time left.

    10. SOO AWESOME! I've been waiting forever to get the SFX free version of the Cutie Mark Crusader Montage. This is so very awesome. So very...

    11. Awesome !!!

      Also, William Anderson, hats off, the more I listen to these vocal frees the more I appreciate your work and the role of background music in shows.

    12. You guys are missing the main point.

      William Anderson used the word "everypony".

      That in and of itself made my day.

    13. Wait, how are there people who don't understand the purpose of the vocal free episodes?

      Also, he might not be saying that there are only five episodes with completed music done, but that there he's watched the first 5 completed ones.

      I can't wait till Wingbeat Pony does episode 19. That episode has the best background music so far.

    14. The show has surprisingly much background music, but they blend in so well that I barely notice them. They do add to the atmosphere, the episodes would be a lot emptier without them.

      William Anderson's work has improved the show quite a bit, looking forward to hearing his music in season 2.

    15. @Blinky
      Man, so true; and this just wants to make me listen to the BGM more harder, or at least amplify the music a bit.

      And wait...he watched the first 5 episodes of Season 2? Lucky. XD

    16. Hey, wanna see a behind-the-scenes look at the work that goes into these episodes? Check this out!

    17. @Erroneous Already edited, and I gotta say, it's worth getting your hopes up about! Heeheehee...

      Also I realize my last comment looks like spam; trust me, it links to an image on Ponibooru.

    18. I took a quick look but I cant imagine watching whole episodes without VO:s :D

    19. Joy! I love these vocal-free episodes, and after watching them I notice the background music all the more in the regular versions too.

    20. I have always loved the music. The Cutie Mark Crusaiders has been an episode I have been waiting for forever without vocals cause I really wanted to listen to the song! One last thought on the eppisode, why does Applebloom say 4 left FEET? Makes no sense.

    21. I think Will Anderson is a bit of an unsung hero to FiM. We always think of Daniel Ingram when we think of music in the show, but it's Anderson who does the great background music for all the episodes (I think Appleloosa's background music is still my favorite). They add a lot of flavor to the show, and I'm not sure he really gets the credit he deserves!

      Thanks a lot to Mr. Anderson, he's a badass champion.

    22. More Will Anderson! Awesome!

      Definitely think he needs more praise. I like Ingram, but Will Anderson is really what makes MLP what it is, IMO.

    23. @Blinky That shows true mastery of BGM composition. BGM is supposed to create the atmosphere for a setting without distracting the viewer. However, the viewer would likely notice if the BGM was suddenly removed. It should only really stand out when something amazing is happening, such as the Sonic Rainboom.

      The fact that Anderson can pull it off so well proves just how good he is at music.

    24. Just watched Sonic Rainboom without the dialogue. The episode still gets me to teary eyes <3 Awesome work, goddamnit, awesome work!

    25. Many people tend to focus on one, two or a small group of the shows crew. But it's a team effort and everyone contributes their most to make it the wonderful watch it is. :)

      Also, vocal free episodes, yay.

    26. I can still hear the voices with my headphones haha

    27. @EonMaster

      Same thing with taking out the bass line in a rock song.


      Which is essentially my logic for the "KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON" stance for Faust leaving.

      Certainly, as long as the basic framework for the show is maintained (the show's bible, for instance) and not strayed from radically (though experimentation is always welcome), i see no reason why we shouldn't expect more awesomeness from season 2.

      Though beware the fans who get what they want. Because fanfare does not a good television show make.

    28. @EonMaster

      Same thing with taking out the bass line in a rock song.


      Which is essentially my logic for the "KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON" stance for Faust leaving.

      Certainly, as long as the basic framework for the show is maintained (the show's bible, for instance) and not strayed from radically (though experimentation is always welcome), i see no reason why we shouldn't expect more awesomeness from season 2.

      Though beware the fans who get what they want. Because fanfare does not a good television show make.

    29. Glad you guys like these things!
      I totally agree that Andersen needs more attention. I'd love to see an interview with him; get him more vocal.

    30. Daniel Ingram's work is fantastic to be sure, but it's William Anderson's score that really brings the episodes alive, in terms of music. Every little action and scene tends to be reflected in the BGM. It's incredible.

    31. Remember that it's Anderson's music that makes RD so extremely cool. Can't beat the electric guitars for that. And my favorite BGM part is Twilight's cutie mark chronicle story... so magical.

    32. Just ripped the CMC theme instrumental from the episode, link ahoy:


    33. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    34. One reason people want vocal free versions is because sometimes vocals are distracting. I've really enjoyed the VO-free series so far because it's allowed me to listen for the audio cues and to appreciate the sound and music synch work more.

    35. Yay! That's so awesome. William is one of the many people that make this cartoon great! I love that each episode is individually scored. There are so many lovely and subtle bits that just contribute so much to this cartoon.

      I seriously can't wait for season 2!
