• TF2 Castle/Maze Discord Map

    Those crazy TF2 Map makers are at it again, this time with a Celestia Castle/Labyrinth map filled with all sorts of neat hiding places. Check out the video demonstration after the break!

    26 kommentaari:

    1. I need that map, I will play the sh*t out of it!

    2. now, somepony needs to go make the actual maze into a map. Full size.

    3. add me on steam!

    4. Downloading, will test it...But the comments on the download page aren't very encouraging.

    5. Somepony needs to make a diamond dogs caverns payload map, complete with a Rarity-chained-to-gemstone-cart payload...who starts whining if she isn't helped forward for too long of a period.

    6. It's fun. Abit small though and the maze isn't very...mazey. But! The Engeneer can use an Applejack model. Theres a Canterlot and Ponyville one too! The Mod's said they are working on a Rainbow Dash model for the Scout I belive.

    7. @Pinstar

      So much yes.

      Just watch, by the time Season Three airs (because we all know it will), some crazy bronies will have gone and made a full, professional-skill map of the entirety of Equestria, with a control point at the center of each town, as well as one between each of them in Diamond Dog transport tunnels.

    8. P.S. If this is on the server I think it is, the mod's like to make one person the Horseless Headless Horsemann and everyone else try's to kill him. It's a ton of fun. xD

    9. brb gonna watch mlp on a team fortress tv while playing mlp on tf while watching mlp

    10. ...yeah. Honest as Applejack, this isn't a great map at all. This was clearly put together rather quickly. It's tiny as hell, there's no alternate routes through the labyrinth, the labyrinth walls don't even fully connect to the "mountains" on the side of the castle - and someone did a poor Photoshop cutout job on all the images that got stuck around the map. It's like they used Photoshop's magic wand on the empty space of the image, cut the selection out, then forgot to double check to see if any pixels didn't get cut. You can see the resulting missed black line of just above all the pony statue heads. That, and Celestia's half-square tail in the music room....

      Sorry, but I won't be playing this map any time soon. It needs a LOT of work.

    11. despite it being very poorly made by map standards, I have to give them lots of credit for using custom textures and animated ones. I can't quite manage that.

    12. Those Equestria Online guys better make a more accurate Ponyville soon...

    13. The only pony TF2 maps I've seen so far have no objective. Nothing wrong with that, but I'd prefer to have a map with a mission instead of running around aimlessly.

      Still trying to get some hardware to run the map making program so I can redecorate cp_dustbowl into something pony-fied.

    14. There needs to be an Easter Egg. When you shoot a wall, it breaks, revealing... DISCORD SHUFFLIN'!

      *cue Party Rock Anthem music*

    15. i came from making maps for RF.....and made plenty of greats..ive JUST started getting into TF map making and allready disected all the current "pony" maps and i see what everyones been complaining about.....

      the maps need someone with GREAT vision...im not going to blow my own horn but ive got some ideas brewing...i made a map similar to that for RF many many years ago with a seconday map ABOVE it double lab with dead ends falling down into the other maze.........ill be turning to pony maps when my skill in the new form of maps has been fine tuned

      pinstar that there is probably the greatest map idea ive ever heard of......my early rf maps were my own remixes of twisting cool chunks from wow and eq

    16. does anyone have any GOOD images of the map in the show by chance so i can see if i can rough draft anything "to scale"...cause this above map is just.........ill be nice..lacking

    17. If this map becomes available for garry's mod, I'm going to run around the house in glee.

    18. Is this map from the same people that made those amazing/glitchy/amazingly glitchy Ponyville and Canterlot maps?

    19. @Marcus 'Badger' Birchill

      You can play just about any TF2 map in Gmod, you know.

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