Author: DongleKumquat
Description: "Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal." (Pamela Vaul Starr) Rainbow Dash realizes her dreams, and they turn out to be far more than she could ever have wanted...Or so she thinks.Want Part 1
Want Part 2
Want Part 3
Want Part 4
Want Part 5
Want Part 6
Want Part 7
Want Part 8 (New!)
Additional Tags: DashFire Shipping Is Best Shipping
Fan Music
more shipping, yay.
ReplyDeleteI would argue the additional tags though.
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ReplyDeleteHm. Have we finally managed to come up with a really good FireDash? I'm intrigued.
ReplyDeleteHave to add this one to the queue.
Lyra / Bon Bon shipping is the only shipping
ReplyDeleteThat's not even close to 34. That's not even minor saucy. <_<
I'm a little hesitant to read it, as I am picky about the ponyfics I read. Are people impulsively voting 1 star because it's a shipfic, or is it truly bad?
ReplyDeleteBecause it's a shipfic and because of the picture used.
not sure if want... (rimshot)
ReplyDeleteDashFire has a nice ring to it. But i dont really ever read shippings, i guess we will see in time...
ReplyDeleteThat picture
ReplyDeleteOh my God
Makes me want to read the story even more
And here I am, wabting to read this, when NKW of all days Google docs decides to change on me so I can read is that Diary of an overlord...... Bleh. Celestia dammit.......
ReplyDeleteSome people like to vote one stars on things they instantly don't like when they haven't actually read it and don't have anything to base their decision on.
(These people generally suffer from severe cases of chronic butthurt.)
I think it would be better to give reasons for their discomfort in a well written post, but instead they rate the stories down and the ratings suffer.
Unfortunately, this happens very frequently. If you wish to see a more accurate reception of the story, wait until it receives more votes.
Link doesn't work... *sadness *
ReplyDeleteWhat has happened to the Google Docs I knew and loved?
ReplyDeleteOh, also, DashFire is automatic 5 stars.
What an unusual looking Gdoc version this uses. Is this a new update, or is it something else?
ReplyDeleteWow, this is a hard read. And I don't mean because of the shipping, I mean the author has deliberately gone out of his way to write a story that is difficult to read.
ReplyDeleteSample sentence:
"Even more impressive was that she was still wearing Rarity's dress for the Gala, meaning she had to deal with aerodynamic inconsistencies, the risk of being caught on something, or getting wet from the clouds' moisture; yet she still landed dry, upright, and unscathed."
Brevity, man. If you cut the pointless words out of your sentences, it gives you room for more story, which is ultimately more important.
And watch the past continuous verb tense. It takes what should be an action and turns it into a simple declarative statement. Compare:
"Adrenaline was coursing through her veins."
"Adrenaline coursed through her veins."
Identical meaning, but the latter is briefer and punchier.
If it's not working for anyone, just DL the file and read it.
ReplyDeleteIt didn't work at first for me, but i refreshed and it worked. don't like the new docs look, though.
ReplyDeleteWanted to read this, *tried* to read this, but this story seriously needs an editor. I cringed at the first sentence, and bailed out completely at the description of Rainbow having a drink.
ReplyDeleteI thought the brony community was straight...? I'm having my doubts now...
ReplyDeleteCupcakes gives it pathos!
ReplyDelete*clears throat*
Go look at the shipping sections of:
good, first shippy thingy ive read.
ReplyDeleteI've never read a shipping story :/ mainly cause I don't want any saucy pony biz. Is that what they're like, or do they have more to it than sensuality? please escoose my assumtions ^^
ReplyDeleteOne would think the rampant lesbian shipping in this fandom would be your biggest clue that the majority of bronies are straight.
Also, anybody else find it odd that Dashfire art seems much more prevalent than SoarinDash yet the latter has more fanfics?
Not that I'm complaining about either, mind you.
I'll have to throw my hat in and side with Cold in Gardez on this. I like flowery writing when it suits the story (for example, when it is used as a tool for descriptive purposes), but a lot of the writing on this one comes off as complex simply for the sake of being so.
ReplyDeleteIt really drags what could be a really good story down, and it being uploaded as a PDF doesn't help matters.
ReplyDeleteSome are. Seth puts links to "saucy" versions and clean versions.
Of all the clopfics I've read, most use alt-terms during sex.
ReplyDeleteThat's a good one! You had me in stitches for a good 5 minutes.
So far it seems to be very good. It's well thought out, and the text seems to flow smoothly. I do recommend the read, and can't wait for it to be finished!
ReplyDeleteMore...I need more...
ReplyDeleteForget the nitpicking about the structure, I wan't a story, and this is a GOOD story.
ReplyDeleteVery few of the ones that make it onto ED are really sensual in any way. The most you typically see are kisses, and maybe scene cutaways if more "heavy" stuff happens to keep it off screen.
That isn't to say that there aren't ones that are more than that on ED, but at the very least you'll be able to know when they are coming from the description/preview picture/author's notes; and ones with straight up sauce carry warnings in advance from either Seth, the author or both.
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ReplyDeleteIt was a good one! I was joking, anyways.
ReplyDeleteThis is, IMO, because Spitfire has absolutely zero character in the show. Soarin has none either. The fanon personality assigned to Spitfire is essentially Dash + a bit of maturity. The fanon personality assigned to Soarin is NOT a copy of an existing pony. Shipping Dash and Spitfire is almost clone shipping, and that doesn't give you a lot of personal interplay.
You don't need character to draw a picture.
Also, that pic? Not even a blip on the sauce radar.
I found it really well written. I don't know what all you other people are whining about. Cant wait for the next one, keep up the good work :)
ReplyDeleteOk... I may read this...
ReplyDeletebut come on, Seth. That pic is beyond saucy...
ReplyDeleteWell, to be honest, the fanon personality assigned to Soarin doesn't often get much more sophisticated than "he likes pie, which gives me an excuse to make pie jokes and puns". But your explanation makes sense.
ohhhh snap! this is starting to look good
ReplyDeleteOh ship! The shipping I always knew would happen... and it was good.
ReplyDeleteI KNOW RIGHT?!
I disagree with the tags, there is no good shipping.
ReplyDeleteOnly nine pages?! GAH! Update quickly please! Must haz more!
ReplyDelete~ Magical Trevor, Minstrel of Equestria
I enjoyed reading it, and im already eager for a new chapter
ReplyDeleteI don't see any rule 34 esque pictures.
Rule 34 is perverted drawings done haphazardly because they were drawn for one purpose. Simply put, it's a drawing created from a person's uncontrollable lust and/or uncontained hormones, and they aren't going to waste time on creating a good work of art.
This picture has great lighting, a very well composed background that contributes to the picture in a beautiful way, and overall I can tell a lot of detail and time went into creating a work of art that brings a passionate moment to life.
And this is coming from someone who doesn't read shipping, but not reading shipping doesn't mean I can't admire a great work of art.
shipping and handling
ReplyDeleteOk this is the second time I've clicked a link and its taken me to a list of google docs I've viewed. Anyone else having this issue?
ReplyDelete@ Timber
My Little Brony.
"I have an idea"
What's her idea? DAMMIT DON'T DO THIS TO ME! Get that second part posted soon please :O
Enough separate dashfire fics!
ReplyDelete@P. Pony Ponyson nwver heaed of. Link?
ReplyDeleteAnd this is off my cell phone so please ignore typos
ReplyDeleteThat's where you're wrong!
Anytime you're shipping candy and cookies and cake is good shipping!
Especially when it's on the Good Ship Lollipop.
DashFire shipping is best shipping.
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ReplyDeleteWell, this line surely was pointless, isn't it ?
Especially since that guy apparently cared to write it here anyway ?
I keep wondering, I know this is off topic but since it was brought up, is there some feature I'm missing that shows what the individual votes are?
ReplyDeleteI can safely say this is a good fic and worth reading if you like ships. I'm willing to bet the low rating is more from the image and that it is shipping than because of the actual story.
ReplyDeleteIf only there was a way to disable voting unless you actually read the story. that'll be the day.
@Cold in Gardez QFT my fellow Brony.
ReplyDeleteI *want* more!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to find out what happens next! Awesome story, really flows together. Great job! :D
Wow. I thought I was at least a semi-decent writer. This is amazing. Dashfire FTW.
ReplyDeleteFollowing canon events (IE. the mishap at the Gala) went well until the alcohol was introduced; that threw me off and was such a needless plot device that I almost stopped reading. I ended up enjoying myself as the fic went on, and when it hit its end I was left wanting (heh, pun) more.
ReplyDeleteIt's not a great fic, but surely one that's worth the read.
Also, I don't know what people are talking about with this picture, I think it's adorable and cute. Maybe you have to be a sucker for romance to see the beauty in it and not cast your thoughts in a perverted direction.
Seemed like a fine story, and for those that one starred it or flamed the story simply because you don't like the pairing or shipping in general, then screw you! If you don't like it, don't read it, stop acting like a prissy pansy dweeb.
ReplyDeleteI always feel kind of bad for Soarin' in DashFire fics, especially if the author references a past fling or one-sided crush. Here Soarin' is, a nice and athletic, if slightly dim-witted gentlecolt that you would think most fillies would want to go for...and the two characters he appears with the most in fanon are fillies that would rather kiss each other than him. Ah, such is love...
ReplyDeleteAnyway, about the story:
One line bothered the crap out of me.
"Spitfire felt terrible.
'I feel terrible.'"
Well, no kidding, the narration just said that. Maybe instead of saying the same thing twice, you could have elaborated on Spitfire's tone of voice, or expression. Okay, she feels terrible--does she look remorseful? Does she sound disappointed? Small little insights like that can say a lot about a character.
And, like other comments said, some of the sentences are kind of clunky. It's tempting as a writer to use a bunch of big words and call it a good sentence, but a lot of the time you can say more with less.
I like the premise so far, and I did generally enjoy reading it, but I think an extra set of eyes for editing and revision could have made this decent fanfic into a really good one.
I really like where this has the potential of going as a story, just needs a little polish.
... Why was I able to edit this? :\ I didn't, mind you, but I was definitely able to. Permissions issue?
ReplyDeleteAnyways, it was decent. I'm indifferent to the portrayal of Dash so far (my reaction: "Yup, that's a fan-canon Dash."), but the Wonderbolts were actually done pretty well - in this one, they're more interesting than their usual portrayal. Can't say why, really; probably the dysfunctionality. In any case, the basic story so far has been done before, but the writing style isn't as awful as some seem to be saying, and a few of the scenes made me smile, so I'll read the next part if it comes out.
I have an idea!
ReplyDeleteWhy don't we take this story...
And make the link function properly?
@The communist pony
ReplyDeleteSeth does hate Apple with a passion...
"Spitfire felt terrible.
ReplyDelete'I feel terrible.'"
Guys, anyone else get the feeling that Spitfire is feeling terrible? No? Just me then?
Facetiousness aside, the story is good so far. The characterisation I'd need a bit more of before I decide. The writing style... just feels a bit odd to me. Still, this is one I'll watch.
Haters gonna hate.
ReplyDeleteAnd I heard SOMEONE around here said that you can't have ponies making out on the pic of the story...
ReplyDeletelol @ wild blue yonder reference.
ReplyDeleteI normally don't read fanfic's but this one was recommended by a bunch of people, I read it thinking it was just gonna be some saucy relationship between them with no real backstory. Halfway I read through It, it was like an actual episode playing through my head. Great work, I love it cannot wait for more! By the way that was a mean cliffhanger.
ReplyDeleteI'm OK with shipping but I prefer the ship to be part of the story rather than the story itself.
ReplyDeleteI tend not to read stories with the sole tag "Shipping" or "Normal - Shipping".
Can anyone tell me if there is there more to this story than the ship? A bit of adventure or comedy? Is it worth it to read fro someone who isn't into shipping for the sake of shipping?
@Navy Brony Thanks for clearing that up. I've grown to not give a fuck anyway. I will love and tolerate anypony who likes shipping pictures or fanfics. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteDamn, that picture... Looking forward to reading this one. Always enjoyed a good shipping fic.
ReplyDeleteA good start, and I'll be watching for more to see where you go with this. A few aspects could use some polish, as many people have pointed out, and since this is a continuing story I would recommend doing a bit more editing of this first chapter so that people who jump in at later chapters can be spared.
ReplyDeleteOmg I absolutely love Dashfire shipping. You have to write more soon!!!! You just have to!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWhen is part 2 of the story going to come out
ReplyDeletePart 2, please. Anyone know if the writer has set a release date for it?
ReplyDeleteVery soon.
ReplyDeleteThat being said, i'm not one of the authors that writes 2 chapters and leaves. I'm working on it and will keep working on it until it has 6 stars. You have my word. :)
Author's a pretty cool guy, 5 stars.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the reply :D
ReplyDeleteGreat fanfic, love it, want more, when?
Still waiting...
ReplyDeleteAnother amazing amazing story, cut down in its prime =(
ReplyDelete@DongleKumquat C'mon, man. I still haven't given up on this being continued, but I think I'm getting close :(
ReplyDeleteLOL. It has been written and is being edited. Don't worry. :)
ReplyDeleteThank you :) I think it's my lack of having read a decent DashFire fic that's why I want this to be continued so bad. And DashFire is my favorite ship, so... yeah :P
ReplyDeleteOnce again, thanks for reply.
ReplyDeletethis is the best news I have heard in my entire life.
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ReplyDeleteFirst I was sceptical because I dislike shipping in general - but I could not resist to give it a try. I mean Rainbow Dash AND Spitfire? Besides Scootaloo and Luna my favorite fanfic ponies!
ReplyDeleteThe English is not the best I have ever read but I am not in the position to complain since I right now only have merely 5 years of English class past me.
I really disliked the drinking scene. Maybe I have this opinion simply because I do a lot of sports in my free time and never drank / smoked anything for the sake of my and close people's health (the best is, if you never do it, you do not even like the taste resp. smell). Nevertheless the way you describe it is well and great work!
After all my complaining I have to say: Not really my favorite but I really like it and especially your attitude! I can't wait for the next part and want to thank you a lot for the first shipping fic I have tried out so far that pleased me!
Tryko aka Lucario.532 (SC2 EU) aka Rainbow Dash =D
This was changed since I found it last night. The whiskey was changed to rainbow tea. I liked it with the whiskey scene more, because it makes it seem more real and relatable. Not to mention that it captures the thoughts going through someones head the first time they even think of picking up a drink. Lord know I've been there. Just an opinion for the author to consider.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the input! Originally, I wrote this with the intention of being as canon as possible. Once the interview with Faust came out (where she said there wasn't alcohol in Equestria), the canon broke. So, I had to go back and figure out a way to keep the same situation and character without destroying too much of the plot I had laid out.
Another thing is that it seems to be the general consensus from all of my editors/friends that the alcohol scene is somewhat... detracting. I agreed with them. I think this is due to the fact that the whole scene leading up to that point was VERY canon and innocent, which is a HUGE contrast to the introduction of alcohol. There have been times when I read back over it and I was a little embarrassed at how silly it was.
Plus, you may not like the change because I haven't really edited it that much yet. ;)
@DongleKumquat I see what you mean with wanting it to remain canon to the storyline, but rainbow tea just seems silly in all honesty.
ReplyDeleteNow that I think about it...I don't think Dash is 21 anyways, so she wouldn't be old enough to drink anyways (I'd guess she's 17). I won't say I frown upon underage drinking (I ain't no hypocrite), but I don't encourage it either.
Anyways I just like the whiskey scene since I can relate. Maybe you could make 2 versions? If you don't I won't blame you. It might be viewed as...what word am I looking for? It might make you seem like an attention whore.
ReplyDeletespeaking of your editors....are they almost done editing that update =D
I like the idea of Rainbow Tea better. Seems MUCH more plausable.
ReplyDeleteP.S. Still looking forward to the next part. Dashie and Spitfire have always been my favorite my couple.
Cant wait for next chapter! Good work!
ReplyDeleteIs part II on its way? Or is this an abandoned project? (I like it :P)
ReplyDeletenow i know why everyone is so amp'd for the second chapter, hurry and finish the editing! D:
Still editing, hm?
ReplyDeleteYes. Sorry.
But it'll be THAT much better once i'm finished! :D Plus i've been writing chapter 3 as well, and it won't be far at all behind chapter 2. :)
Thank you - for the third time - for keeping us in the loop :) Glad the wait will pay off.
It's almost done you guaize!!!!! Just one more edit and i'll send it in. Chapter 3 is almost completely written as well.
ReplyDeleteYAY! *rainbow-dash-so-awesome-face*
ReplyDeleteHaha :D
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ReplyDeleteBut the pic changed :(
ReplyDeleteWord of god says the Mane 6 are Physically young adults but their personalities range from preteen to young adult.
Also the show is made in BC and the legal drinking age here is 19.
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed chapter 2 very much. I look forward to seeing where this goes!
ReplyDeletePhuuheee that took its time :P.
ReplyDeleteAnyway I liked the chapter. It was nice and contained some interesting story points. I'll look forward to chapter 3.
I'm not one for pressing people to hurry but just try to not take too long on chapter 3 (considering the first part was posted in September... And now it's November) ;).
WOW... a lot of waiting, just for a disappointment... How was the first chapter so good, and the second not at all...?
ReplyDeleteI have to agree with Lesolan Ch 1 was sweet, if I did find Soarin' a bit OOC. Ch 2 had problems.
ReplyDelete1: Dash had a wet dream about Spitfire because she was emotionally upset and drunk. It shouldn't be so distracting to her the next day at work.
2: Who's yelling at Dash to get back to work? From what I understand Dash is the best weatherpony in the Ponyville region. She was in charge of the Weather team for Winter Wrap Up after all. I don't think she has a boss to yell at her. It would make more sense if it was co-worker(s) teasing her for spacing out.
3: Dash should have no problem performing a Sonic Rainboom anymore now that she has experienced it.
4: "She landed a group of thick bushes, and the world went dark."
"Rainbow Dash wanted to stay there forever."
How is she thinking this after being knocked out?
5: How the hell would Dash get so seriously injured from a rebound and crash? "...three broken legs, two broken ribs, and a concussion." What? So how did she not die in nearly every episode? This is silly and pointless. Knocked unconscious would have been good enough.
6: She called Twilight for help? Called her how?
She doesn't know Twilight.
Twilight is not a doctor.
7: I highly enjoyed the perspective switch to Spitfire in the first. I was expecting it to happen again in thi sone, likely after Dash's failed Rainboom. Kind of a missed opportunity for character development.
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ReplyDeleteYou know its a good fic after you realize you've been holding your breath for nearly a full minute in anticipation. Cant wait till the next update.
ReplyDelete@DPV111 It has been redid! Check it out.
ReplyDeleteAwesome... Thanks! Hope we don't have to wait that long for chapter three! XD
ReplyDelete~ Magical Trevor, Minstrel of Equestria
ReplyDeleteOh wow, its a completely different chapter now.
The bolded text is displaying very wonkily to me, with many of the characters replaced with random different ones such that it's nearly unreadable. It's only happening with the text that's in bold, normal-fonted text works fine. Is anyone else having this problem?
ReplyDeleteWould it be possible for you to give us a deadline to release? So that instead of having us all grill you with "I want it NAOW!" We can instead just have a countdown?
ReplyDeleteI'll send it in by Sunday night. No guarantee on when it'll show up, though.
ReplyDeleteAwesome! Thanks alot Dongle. Can't wait to read it! :D
ReplyDeleteAlso, I was wondering if you could maybe turn this story into something... Extensive, like some how make it longer and well, a big story. I don't know how you'd go about doing that or that you may already be doing that. But iI think it would be kool. Also, sorry for the rant, I'm slightly drunk ATM. Don't worry, it's just random thought... But yeah just waitig in anticipation for the neaxt chapter. XD
Why do I drink when I have a headache? Anyways I think chapter 2 needs more improvement. Maybe make it a little more awkward between Dash and Spitfire. Like have Spitfire wake Dash up during one of her dreams about her. btw I'm the same guy that complained about the absence of whiskey before.
ReplyDeleteSooo, you said Ch.3 would be released on sunday. It's now almost Wednesday and it's still not up :(
What happened?
This is the best fan-story I've ever read :D
ReplyDeleteIt's just what I want to happen... This shoud be an episode ASAP!
@SuperUnknown1O1 Blame Seth. He's the one who updates the blog pages. After Doungle's sent it in, it's on Seth.
ReplyDeleteOhhh Seth, what's taking thee?
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ReplyDelete*Huge story update as of Dec 10th*
ReplyDelete*Still no update for this*
Many creepers exploded in rage when we saw that this was still not uploaded.
ReplyDeletei think people are giving up hope
ReplyDelete*Huge story update as of Dec 15th*
ReplyDelete*Still no update for this*
@bonkai2010 Yeah, no word from Dongle either... Perhaps he died as he was about to send in the update. Damn shame.
ReplyDeleteReally. Don't say stuff like that. Really.
What a shame it had such potential
ReplyDelete@DPV111 Sorry I offended you.
ReplyDeleteAnyway; I asked Seth, and he said he never got an update. So something must have happened to Dongle causing him to not send it in.
Even though I'm pretty sure every one who was reading this has givin up I don't want to it's a really good story and I've been wanting a good rainbowfire fic for a while so maybe we will see update in 2012
ReplyDeletei totally forgot about this fic lol im glad to see it updated
ReplyDeleteBlast from the past right here.
Thank god I knew it was going to (kinda)
ReplyDeleteFive words for the five fingers you hold tightly to your lips as you squee in shameless, innuendo laden shiptastical ship :
ReplyDelete-Everyone- is gay for Spitfire.
Still the best dashfire fic out there, keep going strong.
ReplyDeletei might be mistaken but was chapter 2 edited
ReplyDeleteCannot wait for chapter 4. Want it so bad.
ReplyDeleteDongle! You're alive! ^.^ "Hey mister jelly man, did you die?"
Good to see you back in action. :)
Good chapter. Though hopefully this time coming soon will mean something a bit closer to my definition of soon
ReplyDeleteIt was a big mistake to start reading this fanfic... Now I think of it already for several months and desperately want to read more of my favorite shipping fic. Patience was never my virtue. My egoism hopes that you won't give up writing this! =P
ReplyDeleteSince you rewrote chapter 2 this fic is really original and truly amazing. I bet your story will become at least a 5 star one if you keep up and further improve.
Good work, thanks a lot! I really appreciate fanfics that fit my taste. =D
Words can't express how much I love this fanfic. I really hope you don't give up on this. :D
ReplyDeleteI just re-read chapter 2, then read 3, and I'm deffinitely looking forward to more! Although Dongle's idea of 'soon' isn't incredibly promising :p
ReplyDeleteI'm still surprised this fic is even being contiinued. I finally mustered up the courage to sadly put it in my 'Dead Fanfics' folder, and then it gets updated! Woohoo, guess :D
>new episode
ReplyDelete>pinkie says kumquat
>immediately think of this fic
Sorry for the delay. Shit gets real in the next couple of chapters (rather, very important plot points come up), and I'm trying to polish it out as best I can. Plus the whole full-time job thing isn't working in my favor either. This story will not be discontinued. I have the whole thing In my head, it's just I need to get it into words
ReplyDeleteIt's a really nice work. I love Spitfire's indirectness at Rainbow Dash. She's kind of random at times, but then there's a serious side to her
ReplyDeleteAfter the previous delay, this is nothing. Don't rush it, man. We can wait.
ReplyDeleteYou have one of the best fics on this site here, even if I have to wait months between chapters I still get more enjoyment out of it than things that are put out weekly. Just keep up the good work, no matter how long it takes.
ReplyDeleteChapter 4 is a bit shorter than the previous ones. It ended up being REALLY long, so I split it into two equal parts. 5 will be out pretty damn quick.
ReplyDeleteChapter 4 is really short for how long it took to get out. But still, this is a great fic.
ReplyDeleteThis has got to be the slowest releasing story I've ever read; especially considering the size of the chapters. I mean, there's nothing wrong with the chapter length. But still xD
ReplyDeleteI really like this story, by the way. Most stories bother me in one way or another, and while this doesn't astound me, I can find absolutely no flaws. Which is an incredible feat: bravo! And I foresee tactical d'aw incoming. Oh, and Dashfire is one of my favorite ships :3
I eagerly (and patiently) await for future chapters ^^
I love this fic! Take your time if it keeps being this good. ;)
ReplyDeleteI don't think I've read another that shows what it is actually like for Dash to get accepted into the wonderbolts and you've executed it perfectly (I really liked the scene with the paparazzi on the way to the jet.)
Anyways, keep up the great work!
Good chapter. Although I do feel like it was a bit short (as everyone has already said), and so didn't get us very far in story development. But whatever, I still enjoyed it.
ReplyDelete@DongleKumquat Goooooooooooooooood! Looking forward to it. :D
ReplyDeleteRELEASE IT!!! NAOOOO!!! (jk take all time in world)
ReplyDeleteDoes it make me the bad guy to say I feel disappointed with the latest chapter?
ReplyDeleteIt's really short, the sudden outburst from Spitfire was jarring and nothing actually happened that furthers the story. It seemed almost that Dash is less aware of the Wonderbolts as normal ponies then she was last chapter. The only thing that enticed me at all was the impression that the rainboom has side effects (albeit, good ones) on ponies.
I like it, and want to keep reading. It's just that all considered, this chapter has left me in... want. (terrible pun is punishing Dx)
I don't mean to be belittling or derogatory - constructive criticism is always my aim.
If time and word count are chronic issues, you may need to consider what really needs to be said and what can be dismissed quickly with a single paragraph. The entire blanket-over-head thing probably could've been done away with in just that manner. All it really did is say that Dash is still a secret, the press+fans are crazy, they got on a jet, and that Dash is a bit suprised over the way the moment's turned.
ReplyDeleteOnce 5 comes out, it won't matter anymore. XD
But yes, i agree. 4 was going to be reeealy long (like 20 something pages) and that much of it was done, so I decided to cut it and release it. Once the next chapter is done, the flow will be re-established.
"Once 5 comes out, it won't matter anymore. XD"
ReplyDelete*reads part 5*
... Touche.
Definite improvement over four. I'm really feelin' for Dashie and Spitfire and the situations they're in. Still feels like mini shots of a story where each piece is over too soon, but that's more my grumbling than a serious concern. The ending sort of just happens, which is odd. It feels like a couple of lines were lost, because otherwise it just ends with a big Royal Voice statement that, to me, doesn't seem to be an important crux to hinge a chapter ending on.
Is there going to be a study on what happens when five hundred thousand unspecified, first class exposure cases of an undefined arcanophysiosomaticchromatic phenomenon happen? XD
The fact that the DashFire has yet to be kindled into full on blazing shipping is teasing the hell out of us all, you.. grr... person!
It's starting to feel it bit rushed and under detailed, and the chapters should be longer. The problem is that you're just getting into it, then it ends. Like here in chapter 5, you're getting up all this anticipation, and then it just stops.
ReplyDeleteOther then that, good chapter as usual. :)
ReplyDeleteOnce 6 comes out, it won't matter anymore. :3
Remember, I'm writing a full-on,flowing, connecting story. Not just individual chapters. The chapter breaks just serve as stopping points for updates.
Nice story, very interesting to see Dash's dream realized. And it's intriguing that the sonic rainboom would have a psychological effect on ponies. I'm eager to see where this is going.
ReplyDeleteEDIT chapter 5: Ugh, poor Dash and her pride. Doing it horizontally is a catastrophic idea. What's Spitfire thinking?
I SERIOUSLY hope that "never going to come" was a joke...
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ReplyDeleteRainbow Dash did a upward Sonic Rainboom in the finale. That has to suuuuuuck. Good luck figuring out why she can't do it in the fic. I hope you do too, cause I'm still waiting for 6. You might even say I... Want it, Dohohoho.
ReplyDeleteWELP. This is a problem. Bear with me while I try to figure this out.
ReplyDeleteI was JUST about to update 6 too. Damnit.
If its not a physical issue, than its a psychological one. This iiissss a sssshiiiiping story, no? I'm going to be a nab and call it as Performance Anxiety hardy har har wink wink nudge nudge.
ReplyDeleteOn a more serious note. Want 6 upload soon? Yes please.
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ReplyDeleteHonestly, I still would consider a rainboom a pretty hard feat to do despite the fact that she was almost easily able to do one in the episode. They would probably have made her a tad more nervous if it were not for the time constraints.
I am almost positive that everyone would be fine if you just uploaded it as you were going to before. You could just make a little note before the chapter about the fact that you wrote it before the episode; no one will mind.
This is what I would do anyways.
Keep up the great work and, whatever you choose, upload soon! ;)
Edit: You could also upload two versions; I would still love to see the original.
As far as I care, each story is frozen in the canon universe it was started in, meaning any developments that happen after the initial release may as well not exist for that story. If the author chooses to use or work around them, then sweet, if not, then sweet.
ReplyDeleteAnywho, my goodness, you have a bloody talent for writing juuuust enough to whet our appetites, while still making it seem so short. Every time I read enough that I think the chapter covers what it needs to, but then it's over immediately. You're killing me here, and I love it!
"Chapter seven coming soon" Coming soon?? You!!! after that ending?!? I want it naaaoewww!
ReplyDelete"Coming soon?" SOON?! YOU MOTHERFUARHHFVBJSEBHGKETHB Can't wait.
ReplyDeleteChapter 6 was great! Many chills went down my spine.
What kind of drugs are Rainbooms made of, I wonder?
ReplyDeleteStill working on this?
ReplyDeleteDead story. A shame, it was just going to get good
ReplyDeleteThat Rainboom is really becoming a problem. I hope she didn't just get 500,000 ponies high, and if she did, they better not be addicted for long O_o
ReplyDeleteI actually forgot about this story.
ReplyDeleteOh, another story I start following which updates every few months or so? It's okay, I can wait. I think I'm getting used to it.
ReplyDeleteSeriously though, I like this story very, very much.
IT UPDATEEEEEEEEEEED *faints of happiness*