• Story: Twilight Sparkle vs. Bridle-Zilla!


    Author: Tumbleweed
    Description: Twilight Sparkle: Wedding Planner. This goes about as well as one would expect.
    Twilight Sparkle vs. Bridle-Zilla!

    Additional Tags: Weddings. Madness

    Description:The morning after Lyra & Bon Bon's wedding (see: 'Twilight Sparkle vs. Bridle-Zilla'), Twilight wakes to find an unexpected guest in her bed, which causes her to start asking herself some very important questions. Also, hijinks ensue.
    Strange Bedfillies (Or, Nopony Loves Twilight Sparkle) (New!)

    Additional Tags: Really, nopony loves Twilight Sparkle.

    24 kommentaari:

    1. Now I just need one with Rarity for "Say Yes to the Dress," which I've been watching for the past hour.

    2. And the moral of this story is:

      Never tell Bonbon her wedding dress is just "fine"

      That aside, a nice take on the bridlezilla thing.Fun read^^

    3. Never watched the show, don't care too, enjoyed this fic. Simple, well thought-out, and entertaining, 4 stars from me :)

    4. that was a fun read!. its really funny at some parts and i would really recommend this cause it's not that long. 5 stars!

    5. 4 stars from me, good story and I thought it was cute. Bonbon scared the crap outa me a few times, which then caused me to giggle.

      The shipping of other characters was a bit too obvious however, which is why I gave it a 4 instead of a 5. Would have been a three but Pinkie Pie with Whiskey saved it!

    6. Relationship problems?

      Get a rope!


    7. Honestly, when I saw the title and picture, I thought it was Twilight x Zecora shipping... Has that been posted before?

    8. Enjoyable but not outstanding. 4/5 AJ and Pinkie were definitely the show stealers imo.

    9. @Pinkamina Diane Pie I second this wholeheartedly, dear, love that show! ^.^

      And, I also loved that story. Absolutely hilarious, and full of golden moments. Pinkie once again manages to steal the show with some fabulous lines, and Applejack and Rarity's odd-couple banter never ceases to entertain me in fanfics. I loved it. XD

      Feeling the urge to create some good old fashioned Lyra/Bonbon fanart, now!

    10. This was brilliant. oh god, that rarity/aj dialogue, and pinkie pie! "Aw, thats sweet! they'e totally gonna do it when they get home! This is one of the best fics I've read in a while.

      Funny, cute, and the characters seem natural and are fun and match the show excellently. 5/5, all my stars to you.

    11. This was really funny . . . especially Rainbow Dash vs. the bouquet. Oh, Rainbow Dash!

    12. Some good comedy in this one. Spot-on characterization, especially from Rarity.

      -Well, with the amount of sweets, cakes and muffins, and other sugary stuff... Pinky Pie surely can 'taste' and know that kind of stuff, with a relatively accurate guess at the very least, me think.

      >"Did you tell a lady, on the most stressful, important day of her life, that after months of preparation she only looks...fine?"
      -Personally, I don't see why this is a problem, really ? Meh... overreacting people/ponies... Fine, marvelous, splendid, all the same thing when you think about it.

      >It's just...she doesn't handle stress well. At all."
      -It seems like quite the understatement ?

      >"Fine?" Bon Bon said, "FINE?"
      -...the understatement of the century !

      -Saying this while YELLING and OVERREACTING isn't really helping proving the last part of her point, let's just say...

      >"She was all like 'bleaaaagrh I hate everyone because I'm probably stupid and smell bad or something!" >"I CAN HEAR YOU."
      -Ahh, fun stuff. ;)

      >"I thought ya' just bottled it up 'til ya went crazy and started rantin' 'bout bein' exiled with your cat n' stuff."
      -''Going into exile with her cat'', that does sound relatively funny.

      >"Honestly, Applejack- you can't solve every problem by tying someone up."
      -You would be surprised. It does work pretty often. :)

      >"Uh. Research! For science!" Twilight said
      -For SCIENCE! :D ...and profit. Let's not forget about the substantial profits.

      >"It's called whiskey."
      -Oh, you mean the 'Frienship Juice' ? ;)

      >Rainbow Dash laughed- loud enough make Vinyl Scratch glare
      -''enough to make'' (small error)

      >Big MacIntosh and Ditzy Doo were in one corner
      - ~Yay~ ;)
      >Applebloom and an indignant looking Spike were in another
      -Meh... never really understood this one ?
      >Fluttershy had wound up standing in front of Caramel Apple
      -Meh, no real opinion about that one ?
      >Applejack and Rarity bickered quietly
      -It's one of the 'ok' group.
      ...Pinky Pie and Twilight ? I don't know, if this has been done before... but, anyway, Pinky Pie is better with RD. They have a better dynamism together.

      ... Well, it was a rather interesting story. Light, but interesting ...

    14. Nopony loves Twilight - Now it´s right. XDDD

      Funny three chapters. Poor Twi though, her plot isn´t that flat (or is it, i mean it looks the same like the other Mane6 got :P) and her personality is cute-dorky, so with some confidence and some make-up, she´d had half a dozen colts/mares at her hooves.^^

      And Dash is as brash as ever. XD

      Now i wonder if the Doctor is also so uhm blunt with Twi (plain and boring, not my type, flat plot) like her friends or not. :3

    15. Strange Bedfillies :

      CH.1 :

      >"Pinkie Pie," Twilight Sparkle said, very carefully, "why are you in my bed?"
      -...huh ? Is the introduction, or whatever may look like an introduction to the events of the story, missing ?

      >Bouquet toss. Dancing. Whiskey.
      -*GASP !* ‘’Friendship Juice ! Our mortal frenemy... It was you ?

      >Twilight Sparkle coughed, and wondered if she was going to have to write a very special letter to Princess Celestia.
      -Well, certainly not the kind of letter she would expect, but something tells me she wouldn’t mind too much. ;)

      >I bet there's like the secrets of the universe hidden in that pancake!
      -In pancakes ? That would just be silly ! ...it’s in muffins that you will find them. Blueberries’ to be exact. :)
      Derpy/Ditzy is well aware of that, just ask her.

      >he's got one brain in his head and one in his butt
      -...wait, what ? I suddenly find myself second-guessing my limited knowledge of alligators, for some odd and unknown reasons ; Even though I’m pretty sure it’s not true.

      CH.2 :

      >and your flank is a tad...less full than most ponies tend to prefer
      -*COUGH!**Spit water* Hummm... yeah... What she said. <_< ... >_>

      >My own, ah...dry spell, as it were, is entirely a matter of choice, I assure you.
      -Well, it’s rather true. She can just make a seductive look, and several stallions will agree to pull your chariot.

      >"WHY'RE WE YELLIN'?" Applejack said.
      >"I DON'T KNOW!" Rarity shot back.
      -Yelling makes everything sillier ! Also, relatively funny.

      >She was plain and boring.
      -No Twilight, you aren’t boring... you’re ‘classic’, which has its own charm (some would say she’s ‘’adorkable’’). You just need to be a little more ‘’forward’’ with ponies, that’s all. :3

      >"Okay." Rainbow Dash pulled in a deep, steadying breath. "Twilight Sparkle, will you marry me?"
      --*COUGH!**Spit water* ...damnit ! That’s the second time this chapter.
      Also... NOES ! Pinky pie loves you RD, don’t you know it !

      CH.3 :

      >not many ponies like talky eggheads that have kinda scrawny flanks?
      -Again with the size of her flank ? ...well... mmh... *cough* It would probably do her good, to eat more than just daffodil sandwiches, you know... <_< ... >_> *runs in a random direction*

      >Really, I'd be a terrible match for anypony.
      -Pinky Pie has enough energy to power a nuclear reactor, can almost go as fast as her on land (without using her Quantum powers), and love pranks too... Just saying.

      >Like, I'm gonna have to marry two ponies now, right? Maybe three, just so I can set a record.
      -I wonder what’s Equestria’s official stand on polygamy ? I doubt they mind too much, if it’s at a reasonable level... like (not counting the one being married) 2 ponies, maybe not 3 or more.


      Well, so far it’s rather interesting. I just wonder what are the ‘pairing(s)’ the author has in mind, right now (a somewhat delicate thing to approach)... Also, will Twilight decide to have a slightly bigger flank, one day ?
