Author: Blueshift
Introduction: Behold a gauntlet of the most terrifying fiction you will ever read! What is Celestia's unthemely secret? Who does Trixie really love? What would happen if Twilight Sparkle was a lobster? All this and more will be answered in the below selection of short stories.
Tags: [Shipping] [Comedy]
Title: Trixie's Favourite Pony
Description: Trixie has met the most beautiful pony ever - Trixie. But how will Trixie react to the relationship between Trixie and Trixie?
Characters: Trixie
Tags: [Comedy]
Title: The Secret of Celestia
Description: Just what is the terribly unlikely canon-shattering secret of Celestia?
Link: http://blueshift2k5.
Characters: Celestia, Spike, Twilight
Tags: [Shipping] [Comedy] [Dark]
Title: Bloomberg's Last Hurrah
Description: Caramel's jealousy of the relationship between Bloomberg and Applejack makes him do something stupid. But he has more to lose than just his dignity...
Characters: Caramel, Applejack, Bloomberg
Tags: [Comedy]
Title: Rainbow Dash vs Summer
Description: It's a hot day and Scootaloo is annoying. How can Rainbow Dash turn this to her advantage?
Characters: Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo
Tags: [Shipping]
Title: Airshipping is Magic
Description: What if Twilight and Trixie were both zeppelins who were in love?
Characters: Trixie, Twilight
Tags: [Shipping]
Title: My Little Lobster
Description: What if Twilight and Trixie were both lobsters who were in love?
Characters: Trixie, Twilight
Tags: [Shipping]
Title: The Art of Friendship
Description: What if Twilight and Trixie were both inanimate paintings who were in love?
Characters: Trixie, Twilight
51 kommentaari:
VastaKustuta*sigh* Yay for my least favourite shipping! Twixie all over this place! Ah well, might as well read 'em.
VastaKustutaI really can't wait to read these.
VastaKustutaI'm okak with adding 1 story to my favorites an hour that won't be read for months if ever, but now seven? I should be sleeping right now! Instead I'm trying to schedule fanfiction, books I need to read for school, school work, gaming, other pony things. (In no order except from least likely to be done to most :P)
VastaKustutaso much shipping. and i've read far too much shipping. <.<
VastaKustutaI don't even... so. much. Twixie.
VastaKustutaAnd it's all random stuff too! Zeppelins? Lobsters? Inanimate paintings!?
I approve of this madness, will read later.
Oh god, just the descriptions are hilarious. Can't wait to read.
VastaKustutaMy mind is blown from the reveal Celestia pulled!
VastaKustutaBLOWN I SAY!
Oh man that first story was hilarious, and the ending twist blew my mind. I'm gonna have to read all of these now.
VastaKustutaI thought the interview was going to stay on top?
Blueshift might just be my favorite pony author.
VastaKustutaThe Secret of Celestia is amazing every time I read it.
VastaKustutaI loved the lobster one and the Rainbow dash/ scootaloo one.
I really liked The Secret Of Celestia. XD
VastaKustutaOmg the Trixies! *swoon*
VastaKustutaThe amount of Twixie does not surprise me in any way, shape or form.
VastaKustutaThe Secret of Celestia is CANON.
VastaKustutaIt seems as though a certain blue unicorn is more important than a mere supervising director for an animated TV show.
Really, Seth?
These. These win the internet.
VastaKustutaMarry me, please.
My only question is - shouldn't these all have a random tag?
VastaKustutaSilly trixie breaking my rules.
VastaKustutaim sorry but umm, what did i read!?! this is so random it needs its own tag
VastaKustutabut seriouly these storys a prety awesome
My body was not ready for Airshipping.
VastaKustutaI think we just got the first fic to ever feature Bloomberg fellow bronies, I definitely have to read this XD (I wonder if Bloomberg will stay in character, after all, his personality is so complex)
VastaKustutaProbably my favorite ED post ever.
VastaKustutaMy brain just exploded, and then exploded again. That was even more insane than The Combinatorics Project.
VastaKustutaWell-done, author. Well done.
Poor Caramel...
VastaKustutaOnly one worthy pairing - Trixie\Trixie\Trixie\roboTrixie\Trixster
VastaKustutaI dont even....
VastaKustutaThe writing is good. My only complaint is that all the Twixie-object ones seem to have a VERY similar plot. Still great though xD.
VastaKustutaWhy are these so good?
VastaKustutaI also have to add the line in the picture one about being well hung was freaking hilarious!!!
VastaKustutaAND SO IT WENT
VastaKustutaNothing really more intelligent to say.
VastaKustutaCaramel should have put more thought into his plan. :D
VastaKustuta@Cyber.Kuriboh The formulaic plots of the Twixie stories are deliberate. :D
VastaKustutaCan someone call me a taxi to the mental asylum.
VastaKustutaThe blimps and art are a bit too much to take.
I'm just so confused. I just didn't see it coming. I don't think anyone did. I am actually sitting here falling into fits of uncontrollable giggle through madness caused by this.
Still very good though and though you are a God of Insanity Blueshift, you are hilarious.
This is the best fanfiction I have ever read. Blueshift is a god. This is the greatest post on EQD and should be bronzed. Nothing will ever top this.
VastaKustutaUh, all you guys who dislike Twixie: Trixie ends up doing bad stuff to Twilight in every single one of these.
VastaKustutaSimple stories, but most of them went to hilarious places.
VastaKustutaThese are funny, short, but brimming with exquisite writing style, thought and effort. Please keep writing!
VastaKustuta--Common Room Bronies
VastaKustutaWRITE MOAR!
In the description, you very nearly crashed my brain. My chest still hurts...
VastaKustutaIs it possible for a fanfic to actually drive you mad? o.O
VastaKustutaOh fuck these are retarded. They should totally be tacked onto the ends of the episodes as omake.
VastaKustutaThe second one is absolutely brilliant.
VastaKustutaUUUUUUUUGH I cannot do this again. I read the Airshipping one a few weeks ago, and had the part of my brain that contained it lobotomized...
VastaKustutaI sat down and read all of them and don't regret a thing. There really should be more parodies of mlp fanfiction. And in that sense, these are gold...