• Story: The Reaper's Game (Update Part 15!)

    [Crossover][Dark-Death] The World Ends With You crossover time!

    Author: SIaanme
    Description: Twilight Sparkle wakes up on the streets of Manehatten with no idea how she got there. Things take a turn for the strange when a scroll appears in front of her, threatening erasure and signed by "The Reapers". Just what is this game that Twilight has gotten herself into, and can she survive for seven days?
    The Reaper's Game Part 1
    The Reaper's Game Part 2
    The Reaper's Game Part 3
    The Reaper's Game Part 4
    The Reaper's Game Part 5
    The Reaper's Game Part 6
    The Reaper's Game Part 7
    The Reaper's Game Interlude
    The Reaper's Game Part 8
    The Reaper's Game Part 9
    The Reaper's Game Part 10
    The Reaper's Game Part 11
    The Reaper's Game Part 12
    The Reaper's Game Interlude 2
    The Reaper's Game Part 13
    The Reaper's Game Part 14
    The Reaper's Game Part 15 (New!)

    The Reaper's Game (All Links)

    Additional Tags: TWEWY, Reaper's Game, Zetta Slow

    62 kommentaari:

    1. It was only a matter of time before this story happened.

      Partner up and battle it out with frogs, kangaroos, elephants and winged reaper ponies! Lets not forget Trollestia is the conductor!

    2. FFFFFFFFFFFF- I was thinking about writing this crossover as well. This better have something like Sho Minamaneoto >:|


    4. Ah yes, Reapers. The immortal race of sent-
      -oh, wrong series.

      Excuse me...

    5. As soon as I saw the title, I was thinking 'could it be? Could it be?!' And lo and behold, it was a TWEWY crossover fic! I'm stoked for the next chapter(s)!

      mixed with one of my favorite things.
      Is this guy who writed this a god?

      BTW, this better have a good Sho Minamemoto.

    7. I just hope she doesn't...

      Lose the game.

    8. Aw darn it, I was writing a crossover between these two...then again mine is quite different so yeah. I'll definantly read this later, I need to get back to writing part 2 of my fic.

    9. Not exactly that good, and Pinkamina's OOC. 3 Stars from me.

    10. @Varanus FFFFFFFF-

      Anyway, this could turn out to be something really great... I'll keep watching this one :)

    11. ...Oh Celestia, one of my favourite games.
      I don't really have time to read today, but expect a new reader (and feedback) in the next few.

    12. Damnit, I was working on this myself. :( Is it worth reading if I still want to do my own version?

    13. OH GAWD I JUST....my phone...you owe me one now

      i cant wait for The World Begins With You squeee~

    14. Sin! Cosin! TANGENT!

      And since it hasn't been officially said yet:
      "So zeta slow."
      No 'so' is a no-go.

      I wonder if this was influenced by the recent revelation of Neku appearing in Kingdom Hearts: D3...

    15. This was my favorite game ever on DS. Time to read this story!

    16. HOLY SH*T




    17. @Pinkamena Diane Pie
      Have more Sho Minamimoto godness:
      "SOH CAH TOA.
      You're outta your vector!
      The world is garbage!
      Stupid zero's!
      Where's your beauty!
      DIE RADIAN!!"

    18. http://img828.imageshack.us/img828/6286/twewycoverponies.png

      I made that for the Drawing Month event thingy that EQ held a while back. Thought the people commenting here would enjoy it ;)

      Also TWEWY is the BEST GAME EVER.

    19. Oh Celestia yes. This is the story I've been waiting for. *begins reading immediately*

    20. @dwarfyz
      It's kind of hard to say Pikamina is out of character without knowing her entry fee. That could very well change her character. Also on the subject of entry fees, it seems like Twilight's is a bit cliche and not very true to herself. From the parts that are out, it appears that her fee is her friend's memories of her. Taking Twilight's character into account, that doesn't make much sense. Twilight has already lived without friends. Why would not having them again force her to reevaluate herself and change, as the point of the entry fee is? Also, it comes off as a bit of a copy since a similar situation happened with Beat. However, entry fees aside, I do think that this is a very good story. The plot is solid, and it looks like you are going to go in an interesting direction with it.

    21. I really need to finish that game.

    22. One of the best DS games made... mixed with ponies? I just don't know what to say it's so awesome! I don't typically read fanfics, (unless they have hype like Cupcakes did, curiosity got to me) but I just may make time for this.

    23. One complaint: If you're going to do each chapter day by day, then shouldn't the chapter names be what they were called in the game? (i.e. Chapter 1: Reaper's Game, Chapter 2: Don't Kill Me)

    24. Man, fan-fics are getting desperate.

    25. Aah I still feel really weird commenting on my own story. Oh well. Some points I wanted to address.

      Re: Pinkie OOC: I'll admit, she does feel a bit OOC right now. I'm working on making her less so, but this is Pinkamena we're dealing with here, not Pinkie. Pinkamena is technically fanon, no matter how much you love Party of One. And as fanon, interpretations differ. Like I say, I'm working on that, so hopefully she feels less off in later chapters.

      Re: Sho: I'll be honest, if he's in, he'll be a cameo. I don't want him taking over the plot, as fantastic and meme-spouting as he is. And I currently can't figure out a way to insert him in a natural feeling way.

      @Dubs Rewatcher
      That would be true if I was just retelling TWEWY but with ponies. I personally think a good crossover isn't just saying "What if in x, y was a pony?" So my chapters have different names based on what's happening, while trying to keep the same style of naming as TWEWY.

      Okay yes, guilty. Twilight's entry fee is her friends memories of her (spoilers I guess?) Sure, she's survived without friends before, but I'd like to think that since meeting her friends, they've become an important part of her life. As to the point of an entry fee, forcing someone/pony to re-evaluate and change themselves, it can be just as simple as realising how important they are to her. Yes, it's basically a copy of Beat's and I may or may not have known that when I came up with it. I'm sorry you think it's cliché.

    26. @SIaanme
      I didn't really mean it bad. I was just pointing it out. I still think the story is good, and I'm interested to see what will happen. And it doesn't even necessarily have to be a cliche. It all depends on how you write Twilight adapting to what happened, and, based on what I've seen you write, it seems like it will be compelling enough. I'm also interested to see what you did with the other characters, especially with Pinkie Pie. Or would it be Pinkamina? Either way, I can't wait for the next chapter.

    27. Okay. Twilight's entry fee is her friends memories of her. That is decidedly what is most precious to her.

      But Fluttershy's voice? She's barely ever used it! How is that her most precious something?

      Rarity's HAIR STYLE is her entry fee? Okay, I know Rarity can be vain and uppity, but she's not THAT SHALLOW! Sweetie Bell being her entry fee makes more sense.

      As for Pinkie Pie . . . she lost her Pinkie Pie personality, which was most precious to her, which left only Pinkamina in charge of the body.

    28. @Alex Warlorn
      Re: Rarity: Not just her hair style. And taking Sweetie Belle from her would have been a bit hard to show. Yes, Rarity's not that vain, but to a degree it's to do with what that represents.

      Re: Fluttershy: I can't remember the fic its from, but there was a quote that had something to do with the important thing with Fluttershy is that when she does speak she knows she'll be listened to. My original plan was going to be her empathy with animals, but that wasn't going to be something that could come up naturally.

    29. @Keeperofthedark
      I think i have to play TWEWY again.
      I think.
      And i like this story.

    30. Well, what to say, this story certainly has interesting premises.

      I was thinking at first you'd go and put Twi with stranger OCs, since it would be too easy if they were friend from the start, but having her friends forgot her was a nice touch, and by entry fee nonetheless. So that was definitely a good move. The thing is, I feel Rarity's and Fluttershy's entry fees were a bit too obvious, but most importantly too rushed. I mean, you've got a great plot device you can use later on at any time, keeping it stored to use it whenever, and you go and make Rarity's her mane style? Feels like a waste to me.
      On that note, should I expect a wingless RD and a hatless AJ? No, don't tell me, I'll wait for next chapters :p

      I felt the combat scenes lacked the real action, and could have used more description. I mean, "lashing out at them with a flurry of hooves"? Cmon, I know you can do better than that, especially for the first evocative battles, that are supposed to set the mood and imagery for the rest of 'em.

      More in general, I'd have appreciated more descriptions really. Setting up a correct mood and environment is a great thing to do during the first chapters, and it feels a bit lacking and/or rushed to me without.

      The characters were acceptable, personally I liked your version of Pinkamena, it sounds reasonable given she's been stripped of her actual personality. Twilight and the others sound OK, but I'll wait for them to have some more lines.

      Also, I'm certainly very interested on how you will handle Twi's proper magic. Making her previous magic useless sounds a bit lame, especially since she'd lose her preferred way of moving things around by TK, not to mention a notable chunk of her character. Maybe just dampening it, or making it irrelevant in the noise plane? I'll wait and see what you come up with :)

      Overall, good story! I'll keep an eye out on it.

    31. Crap! I really was ZETTA SLOW. Well time to delete the 4 chapters I had done but oh well I was only working on TWEWY/FiM fic because nobody else had but now that it is being created by you I have no point on continuing. Good luck with the rest of your story.

    32. @VGmaster78
      Hey, don't delete anything! Good ideas can be reused for other fics you will make you know ;)

    33. A good entry fee for Rarity... Rarity's element is generosity and something she always does is give allot for other people. She also likes being refined and and elegant. What can be done with this that would make an entry fee that is heartfelt and not humorous? Perhaps have it so she can't actually interact physically with anything. If she is unable to hold physical items (Aside from pins) then she can't be generous towards other people, outside of fighting and using pins, she can't help anyone else.

      For Fluttershy. Fluttershy isn't only empathetic with animals, she's empathetic with other people. Make it so she can't trully care about things. I'm not saying make her be cruel to other people like how Discord made her, I'm saying make it so she can't be sympathetic or empathetic towards other people but also make it so she's really aware of it. She wants to care but she can't get herself to do it.

      To put Minamimoto into the story, just make a pony that's a facsimile of him. A pony that acts and look like him if her were a pony but has a different name and perhaps added personality traits if you want to make him unique from Minamimoto. Add to that a name that has some sort of mathematical meaning and you got a great way to put the best character from the game in the story.

    34. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    35. Assuming they were all using pin psychs, I'm guessing Fluttershy was using Black Saturn. Was I right? Also, great story. Keep it up!

    36. Oh hey, it's pony-lazy lollipop guy and pony-pink haired psycho chick!

    37. I think a couple of you people are misreading what Entrance Fees actually are; despite appearances, they aren't simply what's most important to you. They're what the -reapers- feel is most important to you, and that you stand to learn something by acting without it. If Rarity lost Sweetie Bell, for example, literally nothing would change about the situation; Rarity wouldn't learn anything.

      Twilight's friends losing their memories of her feels a bit obvious, but all in all it's a pretty safe choice. Since meeting them, Twilight's always been offered friendship, she never really had to work for it- finding out how much she actually cares for her friends, even if they don't feel the same in response, would be a rather interesting lesson.

      Fluttershy's voice was actually my favorite, though. You don't know how much you love something until you lose it, and Fluttershy being forced to be docile at all times will definitely help her develop more of a backbone going forward; she can now physically feel how helpless she willingly made herself in previous situations.

      Rainbow Dash's seems a bit obvious, unfortunately, since everyone and their mother has explored the path of what Rainbow would do if she doesn't have her wings. Then again, I suppose there isn't much else you could choose for her.

    38. @Hydra in a Top Hat Actually, I do have another possibly entry fee for RD. I'm just trying to decide if it turning out that she has had wings all this time would end up creating a plot hole. It might be worth it just to defy expectation though.

    39. @SIaanme
      By telling us that, aren't you making us expect for you to defy expectations, therefore not making it a surprise anymore?
      Although you could've foreseen that, and are telling us so that we expect you to do something else, only to be even more surprised when it turns out to be her wings.
      But now that I've said it...

    40. Right off the bat, the first things I can think of to take from RD that are not her flight, are her speed and confidence.

    41. Just started reading this today... And... Wow. You blew me away. I'm generally not a fan of fanfics, or crossovers in general, but I read the summary and decided to give it a try. When I got in a few paragraphs and saw it was The World Ends With You, I got excited. I thought I was the only one who played that game. :P This right here, is a thing of beauty. You're pulling off this crossover perfectly. I loved what you used for everyone's entrance fees, I love how you're writing the Noise Battles, and the interlude where what happened before the game was explained was perfectly done. I usually don't like fics like this that take such a sharp turn from canon, but I can roll with this. Excellent work. I hope to see new updates as soon as you finish them.

    42. Ehhhh, its not that its bad, but this is a pretty dificult crossover to pull off cause ponies don't really match with the tone twewy had. It pretty well written though, for the challenge. I completely forgot about twewy until this, now I want to play it again:D

    43. I saw this in the story updates today and got all excited. I really like what you've done combining TWEWY and MLP, and it's enjoyable to read. This fic helped set the standards I'm trying to reach with mine. I hope you keep with it; I'm dying to see how it ends!

      ...Har. Reaper humor.

    44. Well, that last chapter was morbid.

      Does this mean that Twilight is remembering how she died?

    45. @bronydash: Glad you're enjoying it. Yeah, TWEWY is an awesome game, and after a replay of it I came up with idea for the fic. Updates should resume not too long into December I hope.

      @Aullie96: To be fair, nothing really matches with the tone TWEWY had. It was unique.

      @Trixie's Hat: Really, you're using me as a standard? I'm flattered, thank you. I'll have to keep an eye out for any fics by you.

      @LordZephyr: That last chapter was the main reason I had it mark as Dark. And I probably had far too much fun in killing the mane six.

    46. So you named Uzuki's pony version "Candy Cane"...
      I REALLY love that Twister reference (Need moar candy canes!)

    47. I Dunno how I feel about this fic. I mean, Yay, TWEWY fic. But it feels kind of weak. Not bad, just neither fully Capturing the TWEWY Vibe or The MLP one either. Also, to note something that kind of killed Chapter 8 for me: You mentioned Taboo noise (the Noise that Attacked of its own accord), like it was a common occurance in the Games. It Most certainly Isn't. For one, its utterly forbidden. For Two, unless directly told how to make them by an Angel (game term, not mine) Chances you're not going to be able to make the Refinery Sigil. For Three Telling people how to make them gets an Angel marked as fallen, which means as soon as they're found, they're erased (presumably) So, basically, you've shot yourself in the foot if you want to include Taboo Noise later on in the story. If You're going to write a fanfic, work with all the knowledge you can get from the game. That means unlocking and reading the special Reports. Theres So much explained in them that gets mentioned no-where else.

    48. @Lordlyhour
      Yeah, I know Taboo Noise is an oddity. The question is though, do the players know that? I've read all the secret reports, I do know this stuff. Bear in mind the Taboo Noise appeared in the previous game Pinkie was part of, which I probably will fill in information for.

    49. Was I the only person to notice the Charlie Sheen reference in chapter 8. "Yes!" Rainbow cheered. "Better bring your A game Sparkle, 'cause this Pegasus only has one gear, go!".

    50. yesss!!
      enjoying the fic so far :D
      especialy that mothafucka creepy interlude :)
      keep up the good work!

    51. haha i think rainbow dash and applejack are enjoying telekinesis huh? :)


    53. Don't do it, man! Don't make this story make me cry! You wouldn't make them kill each other, would you?

    54. Wow, I was really expecting more agonizing over the whole erasing others from existence thing.
