• Story: Pony Age: Origins (Update Sequel Part 3!)

    [Crossover][Adventure][Grimdark] I think this time slot is dedicated to throwing random crossovers out and seeing how you guys react.  Naruto didn't work so well yesterday, but the pre-readers actually liked this one! (I honestly gambled with the Naruto one since no one would review it, sorry :p)

    Author: OmegaPony11
    Description: The Ponyspawn have invaded Equestria, and it is up to the newest addition to the Grey Wardens, Twilight Sparkle, to find them means to drive them back! With her friends and allies at her side, can Twilight defeat the evil tide before all of Equestria is devoured?
    All Links after the break!

    Pony Age: Origins Part 1
    Pony Age: Origins Part 2
    Pony Age: Origins Part 3
    Pony Age: Origins Part 4

    Pony Age: Origins Part 5

    Pony Age: Origins Part 6

    Pony Age: Origins Part 7
    Pony Age: Origins Part 8

    Pony Age: Origins Part 9

    Pony Age: Origins Part 10

    Pony Age: Origins Part 11

    Pony Age: Origins Part 12
    Pony Age: Origins Part 13
    Pony Age: Origins Part 14
    Pony Age: Origins Part 15
    Pony Age: Origins Part 16
    Pony Age: Origins Part 17
    Pony Age: Origins Part 18
    Pony Age: Origins Part 19
    Pony Age: Origins Part 20
    Pony Age: Origins Part 21
    Pony Age: Origins Intermission Part 2
    Pony Age: Origins Part 21
    Pony Age: Origins Part 22
    Pony Age: Origins Part 23
    Pony Age: Origins Part 24
    Pony Age: Origins Part 25
    Pony Age: Origins Part 26
    Pony Age: Origins Part 27
    Pony Age: Origins Part 28
    Pony Age: Origins Part 29
    Pony Age: Origins Part 30
    Pony Age: Origins Part 31
    Pony Age: Origins Part 32
    Pony Age: Origins Part 33
    Pony Age: Origins Part 34
    Pony Age: Origins Part 35
    Pony Age: Origins Part 36
    Pony Age: Origins Part 37
    Pony Age: Origins Part 38
    Pony Age: Origins Part 39
    Pony Age: Origins Part 40
    Pony Age: Origins Part 41
    Pony Age: Origins Part 42
    Pony Age: Origins Part 43
    Pony Age: Origins Part 44
    Pony Age: Origins Epilogue

    Pony Age: Catalyst (New Sequel Part 3!)

    Pony Age: Origins (All Links)

    Additional Tags: Very Long, Dragon Age, Fantasy, War, Corruption


    1. Naruto? Did i miss something?

    2. @kriss1989

      Yes, there was a post yesterday(June 7th, 2011) for a Naruto Crossover story that stayed up for just an hour or so before it was pulled.

    3. Cool, nice to see that omegapony11's fan fic got up here. He was working on it in the Equestria Chronicals forums.


    4. Okaaaaaaaay...

      I'm not sure I want.

      I mean I have good memories from a plot perspective and "The Fade", and bad ones from how things that seemed important where overshadowed by something mundane or how things started stacking up a little too much to be in any way believable, even for the crazy situation. I'll look at it...

      Also, is this dealing with DA 2 stuff as well? I haven't played that yet.

    5. actually i was quite hooked on that naruto one. ehh oh well.

    6. If there was one thing I couldn't get past, it was that everything moves by so fast! It's a fantastic premise, full of ominous foreshadowing of things to come, but Twilight's experience in the Fade could have been twice as long and I'd have still enjoyed it, if only because so much more description could have been employed.

      Other than that, it's hard to start an epic, but you managed it well.

    7. Wait a minute. I thought clopfiction wasn't aloud on this web site. Am I missing something?

    8. I actually liked the naruto one... oh well i managed to bookmark it before you took it down.

    9. As mentioned previously, this chapter seems a bit short... But I'll give the author the benefit of the doubt. What parts we did have were good enough, and there weren't several grammatical errors repeatedly slapping me out of my immersion.

      All in all, take four stars for now, rating may change based on the quality of future chapters of course.

    10. Wait, so they are pulling things now because a vocal minority doesn't like them despite being nonharmful? CREATIVE CENSORSHIP FOR THE WIN!


    11. @Anonymous
      While you are correct, what exactly are your referring to? Maybe the conversation between Trixie and Duncan? If you haven't played the game I can understand why you're confused.

      Liking this so far, waiting patiently for the continuations.

    12. Absolutely love the game! Beat it several times! If the story is like the game then i have another addiction :)

    13. Hello,

      I hope everyone enjoyed this first iteration. As an aspiring writer, I still have a lot to learn, especially in regards to pacing the story.

      @Muffinsforever: First, this story will only pertain with Dragon Age: Origins. I have yet to decide to continue with Dragon Age Awakening, or even go for 2.

      @drewdle: In regards to the Fade, though I do feel I went by it quickly, I did not want to hang around the Mage Origin for a long time, and move on to Ostagar in the second chapter. Also, recall the Tower questline, and why I would not want to spend too much time in Fade.

      @Kyle: Pacing has always been an issue with me, even back in school, so its hard to know when a story is at the right length, too short, or TL:DR. I know some folks don't like an abundance of purple prose, so I try to avoid that as well. At the time of this post, chapter 2 is gearing up to be much more significant than chapter 1. Don't know if that is a good thing, we'll see.

      A note: I am taking liberties in regards to the crossover. As anyone who played Dragon Age knows, it is rather large, so some snips will be made to make room for more ponies. I am, of course, open to suggestions. Thank you.

    14. I literally just finished my first time through Origins last night, playing as a mage. My boyfriend mentioned this one to me, and I demanded that he send it to me immediately. HUGELY looking forward to seeing more of this.

    15. Followed the forum account and saw you take on SonicBoom01's idea about having Zecora and zebras as qunari, but why have Pinkie Pie as another Warden when could she could be Oghren?

    16. Hmmm, it was... decent, but felt horribly rushed. I hope you slow the next chapter way down. Refer to Fallout: Equestria for how do this.

    17. Professor TwilightJune 10, 2011 at 9:16 PM

      Wow. I really liked this, im sort of have a soft spot for DA lore so seeing The Harrowing done in pony form may have been the single greatest thing ever. Plus i read the entire thing in a British-ish accent haha.

    18. -SPOILER-

      As soon as I heard that Big Mac was Arl Eamon, I knew it would be Applejack who would be Alistar. I wonder who the other companions would be? And I wonder who Oghren would be, since dwarves are mules >.> probably OC.

    19. You know, I bet The Great and Powerful Trixie passed the pride part of the Harrowing by saying something like,

      "Of course The Great and Powerful Trixie would pass this simple test in the least amount of time. Now, begone with you, I have to finish this."

      That is, if she already went through the Harrowing.

      Anyway, keep up the good work!

    20. Wait, if elves = pegasi, and the only elf from DA1 is Zehvren... OH MAKER!

      Twilight: Can I ask you some questions Rainbow Dash?

      Dash: Fine, but only if I get to stared luridly at you while you do...

    21. Good so far awesome premise keep at it and this could become amazing

    22. A good read so far. So, wait... next chapter they meet Morrigan, who enjoys insulting Alistair (AJ), casts magic and has a love for shiney trinkiets... Rarity?

    23. Wait, if there's only one elf companion, then that means either Dash or Fluttershy get shafted! Oh no! Though Fluttershy probably makes more sense as the lady of the forest anyway.

    24. Just wondering, what's with the horn phylacteries? I thought the whole phylactery thing was a bit of chantry-sanctioned blood magic. I always found it deliciously hypocritical that the chantry would use blood magic to control its mages, all the while spouting that magic should serve man and not rule over him.

    25. Hello,

      I'm glad many a pony is enjoying this series. I am at work on chapter 3 as I type this, but wanted to take some time adressing questions made about the story.

      @Kyle and Anonymous: None of the mane cast is getting shafted in any way shape or form. They will all represent a member of the Dragon Age party, even if the two do not mesh completely. Like I said before, I am taking liberties with the story of Dragon Age to fit in more ponies. And yes I realized the unfortunate implications of Rainbow Dash taking Zevran's place, but it is what it is.

      @Anonymous: The horn phylacteries made alot of sense to me, since the horn is the source of a unicorns magic, just as magic was in a mages blood. This is, as I refer to them now, a liberty with Dragon Age. Blood Magic has not been replaced, but compile with other nasty black magic to make the Dark Arts. Practicioners of Dark Arts are the Maleficar, and it should come to a surprise later on who can be a Maleficar once they have access to the Dark Arts.

      @Darkjester: Yes, the first chapter was very rushed. I somehow got it into my head that I needed to get the first chapter out there ASAP to reserve some sort of non-existant "space", whether it was a place on EQD, or the name Pony Age Origins.

      All in all, I am pleased with the progress so far, and look forward to the response from chapter 3. Thank you all for the feedback, it is immensely helpful.

    26. Just finished chapter 3. Well played, good ser. Extremely nostalgic, which is important for cross-overing such a good game. Also, I saw that Star Wars reference. Good for a brief chuckle.

      Looking forward to more. Keep it up

    27. Don't know why, but I cracked up at "Step forward, Twilight Sparkle"

    28. I'll assume that Pinkie Pie is going to be either Leliana or Oghren.

      I'm leaning toward Oghren, solely because alcoholic beverages replaced with baked goods and sweets sound REALLY awesome.

    29. has anyone got a link to the naruto fic?

    30. Big Macintosh and Applejack aren't brother and sister ?
      ...huhhhhh... ? Whyyy ?
      I doubt it would have changed or forced anything to keep that detail from the show ? It's just a bit annoying.

      >she summoned a blast of arcane energy
      -...isn't ''summoning'' for, you know, summoning stuff like creatures and the like ? Sounds like she's ''casting'' a spell, not summoning.

      >her mind racing for another spell to summon.
      -You CAST a spell, you do not summon it.
      -You summon a creature, you do not ''cast'' a creature. (sigh)

      ...2 NPC dieing, while 2 Main Cast live. I call ''Star Trek - Red Shirts'' on that.

    31. @Nova25

      "Summon" was likely used here so that the author was not simply repeating "cast" over and over again. The word "summon" is frequently used to mean gather or muster, as in summoning one's strength. The idea here is probably that Twilight is gathering magic within her. In fact, since magic is wholly fictional, the author could be using it to mean "call" and have the power used for the spell simply be called from some magical plane. The usage not incorrect.

      As for the two "NPCs" dying, have you considered that the reason Twilight's story is being followed is because she is the one who survives in the first place? Either of the other two characters could have been the 'main character' that we followed up to this point, but then, gee, they would die. Great story. More importantly, those characters both died in the game that this story is based on. The author was hardly going to alter the plot arbitrarily.

      I don't have anything against criticism or nitpicking, but I do have something against people who insist on doing it when they simply aren't very good at it. Do your homework next time before you whine.

    32. We've got Mass Effect and Dragon Age.

      All we need now is KOTOR, Jade Empire, and Balduer's Gate and Neverwinter Nights and we got the whole Bioware pack.

    33. How about Poniscape:Torment?

    34. I know nothing of the game, but this is truly cool. Great job!

    35. I knew this would happen as soon as I saw the Mass Effect ponies. I KNEW IT.

    36. This is awesome! Really well written and I'm having fun trying to predict which ponies will fill certain roles.

      Personally, I don't find pacing to be a problem. The novelizations of movies and books have to be structured differently.

      Movies-to-books have to be longer, filling in details and expanding minor scenes. Games-to-books have to be shorter, or else everything will be bogged down by trying to capture every significant encounter. In the latter, streamlining is to be expected and I think OmegaPony11 has done an admirable job thus far.

      I am definitely looking forward to the next chapter!

    37. @rob



    38. @Grendy
      *Summoning* the strenght to... Drawing the power, the energies to...
      Also... ''casting'' a spell is just the most common term used in games, while related to the use of Magic in general, just saying.

      For the NPCs, you do know the *Red Shirts* trope thingy, right ?
      Applejack and Twilight are main characters, important-vital characters... The other 2 were tag-along characters, thus the probability for them to die during the mission (or shortly after) was rather high...
      -I was mainly just stating the point, what was/had happened, not contradicting it... like you thought I was doing.

      >Do your homework next time before you whine.
      -And I do STRONGLY suggest you that you remain polite and not try to weakly insult me, and do not SUPPOSE things on my account, Thank You!


      I wonder if the dwarves will be Diamond Dogs ? ...that would be a logical choice.

      And the elves ? Exotic Zebras, maybe ?

    39. This comment has been removed by the author.

    40. @Nova25
      Guess I misunderstood you. I was being rude 'cause I thought you were being rude, which wasn't really mature of me. Sorry, man.

      More on topic, wonder what purpose Spike'll serve in the course of the story. He's the only thing I can't see obviously matching up to game's plot. Could be interesting.

    41. Spike? He's Bann Teegan. Totally. :P

      Alternatively, he could be Shale. Because a rock dragon totally rocks.

    42. So Fluttershy is an Earth Pony now?

    43. Dubs... Check em

    44. Re: Ch.5
      Interesting way of working Pinkie into the party. Making her the party 'alchemist' is a neat compliment to her baking skills.

      But now I'm wondering how long it'll be until Dash shows up?


      I originally figured Spike would fill the role of the Mabari warhound (which isn't much of a role at all). I could totally see Spike flipping out and using Overwhelm on somepony. =D

      @Gozer the Equestrian

      Maybe her wings are being hidden by her Chantry robes? It might play into the reveal about her backstory later.

    45. Oh. My. GOD. You just cast Sten as Pinkie Pie. I literally laughed out loud for approximately two minutes. Write moar, please!!

    46. Wow, this is actually really good! As a fan of the Dragon Age series, I'd love to read more of it. :)

    47. although i liked how well written this is , theres no point as to reading it because i already know whats gunna happen so i stopped at chapter 3 :/

    48. Interesting. Really interesting.

      Kinda surprised that certain elements of the story were "rushed", but I guess we needed the Mane 6 together (Twilight Warden, Alijack, Rarigan, Lelishy, Pink, and Zevran Dash). I thought Trixie would end up being Jowan, but since that part of the Magi Origin didn't happen, either she escaped the tower on her own, or she's Wynne. And I can't decide what's worse.

      I am also wondering about Oghren and Shale, but one can be ignored until the last treaty (and probably only included as a guest-star party member) and the other was DLC and can probably be ignored.

      I feel bad that I'm mostly interested in the differences. Kinda wondering if Twi will go "Dark Mage" or what the Archdemon is.

    49. High Five on the RedWall remark in chapter 5

    50. >A rainbow maned pegasus in eather armour carrying multiple daggers...
      -Ah ! The pegasi are the elves, I knew it :)
      ...and RD is Zevran ?
      ...and the Wonderbolts (huh ? why not Shadowbolts ? It would have worked far better, since here we are talking of criminals and bad ponies. And, the Shadowbolts are basicly the Evil version of Wonderbolts.) are The Crows ?
      ...well, this holds 'ok', with RD wanting to join the Wonderbolts(Shadowbolts?) as much as Zevran with The Crows.

      >“Twilight,” she said, “Thank you for listening. >It feels good to have someone to confide in.
      -I wonder if 'this' will go, as how it can go, like in the game ?
      ...Probably not, but who knows ?

      >No matter what, Twilight, I’m going to make it up to you, Spike thought, No matter the cost, I’ll make sure you’re happy.
      -I have to say that I don't quite know where this could go ?
      I mean, what would be his equivalent in the game ? The mabari, the golem ?

      (I wonder, if Ditzy will have a role... maybe as Wynne ? She has a ''son'' too (possible Dinky ? ;) )... minor changes would have to be done, since she a mage, but that's not too hard. Plus she's a healer ;) from what I remember)

    51. This comment has been removed by the author.

    52. This comment has been removed by the author.

    53. Been a while since I answered any questions. Let's see if I can clear things up a bit:

      @Nova25: I appreciate you comments, ser. To start off, I know of your concerns between the relationship between AJ and Big Mac. I wanted to keep thier relationship caring, while still incorporate that AJ has a claim to the throne just like Alistair had in DA. When it comes to crossovers like this, something has to give. It was not an easy decision to make, but one that had to be made.

      Yes, I used the term 'summoning' a bit, but as was mentioned by Grendy, I don't want to use cast or channel alot. This has been recitified somewhat in later chapters.

      As for the deaths of Digger and Ser Magni, as Grendy also mentioned, thier DA equivalents died. But they are not redshirts; they had names and backstories. More like mauve shirts, to show that this is not a very nice setting. You think you know a guy, and then he drops dead.

      Dwarves are not being replaced by Diamond Dogs, but by donkeys. My reasoning is thus: I like the Orzammar questline, and want to leave it somewhat as it was, I'm trying to keep the party characters quadriped, and I just don't see the Diamond Dogs having a society as complex as the dwarves. Maybe I could have made them intelligent, but then comes the last reason: I just didn't like the Diamond Dogs. Call it writers preference.

      For why the Wonderbolts and not Shadowbolts, mostly due to everypony knowing who they are anyways, and the Shadowbolts merely being three ponies but still Nightmare Moon. Also allows me to use Soarin and Spitfire as potential...characters. Enemies? Allies? Who knows.

      Is there going to be shipping? Who knows, maybe even I don't.

      The pony who takes on Wynne's spot will be revealed in the next chapter. I want to make a point very clear: The ponies are not the characters from DA. They are themselves in a setting similar to DA, or as close as I can make them.

      This is why Spike is taking Dog's place. As for what Spike had to say...Well, call it forshadowing, and you'll have to wait until you see what it all means.

    54. Part 7 :

      >One of the larger templar turned to face the unicorn. His eyes were filled with disgust at the prospect of even exchanging greetigs with a pony of magic.
      -I never liked those Templars and their dedicated Hyper-Hate of magic...

      I know, magicians can throw big fireballs and levitate you above a hole full of spikes... but when your Order is focused on exterminating any mage that dare sneezing in the wrong direction or levitate some water to drink without a licence, well... You kinda need to relex a bit ?
      (I'm a pro-magic user ;) Booo, Templars.)

      >Your templar are in no shape to face the demons, but we are.
      -Yay for Adventure/RPG games, where a group of 4to6 individuals is ALWAYS stronger than an entire army ;) ... :D


      ... About the Shadowbolts ...
      It's a name, as far as ''Wonderbolts'' is too, except that the last work for Celestia, while the first ''technically'' work for Nightmare Moon.
      The difference is that, considering the possible background/implications of ''Shadowbolts'', this name is more suited for, say, a group of bad/evil-like people/ponies with *Assassins* as their main members...

      And, like RD/Zevran have shown it, it's 'possible' to have 'potentially' good characters working for the ''Shadowbolts'', who then join the 'good guys' for X reasons.

      More fitting, and it doesn't force or exclude anything. Just saying.

    55. Trixie is Wynne?.....Okay I can accept that.

      Now your idea of having the fade dream level in Ponyville is just fricken genius! Not only does it go well with the concept of mixing MLP with DAO, but Ponyville does represent what each character psychology does want and wish to be in their lives, much like what the Sloth demon did for the original characters in the game. It's a perfect fit and I think at this point the story should be six stars instead of five.

    56. Great use of Ponyville for the Fade setting. And thanks for skipping all the shapeshifting nonsense from Lost In Dreams. That would have been tedious to read.

    57. Since secondary characters appear to play a part, I wonder if derpy hooves also known as ditzy doo will appear in the dwarven or elven questline if appear at all. If you can give a hint.

      I like the hidden references [Kirkwall/Redwall] and finding the changes in DAO storyline. Sten doesn't exist...well maybe as a zebra and not in the story. What I find funny is the implication that there is a Pinkie relative of Hawke Pie out in Redwall/Kirkwall.

      How will AJ rule with Armeria since I choose to have a king and queen in my ending as well as me living for awakening to be relevant. Don't mind this since I wouldn't want the spoilers to the ending in PAO.

    58. Must...fight...urges...gah!
      This is blasphemy towards an otherwise awesome video game series and the most pure and innocent kids show I've ever watched.
      *Looks at the number of grimdark crossovers*
      I guess it can't be helped...


      *loses his shit*

    60. Ten chapters later and I'm still at it.

      Hope everypony has been enjoying this story. I've enjoyed writing it, and will continue to do so.

      Curiosity though makes me wonder; does anypony who commented when this fic first came onto the EQD scene still follow it? If so, what did you enjoy? If not, what made you stop?

      In any event, the story will continue as planned. Stay tuned to chapter 11, coming soon.

      Have a good one!

    61. I think you were already a couple chapters in when I started reading, but I immediately saw the potential of a MLP/DA:O crossover. I enjoy seeing how the various ponies get worked into their roles in the DA universe.

    62. @OmegaPony11
      We need a more permanent Wyyne pony that way she can teach AppleJack how you make fillies, or compain about socks, point is I wanna hear the random conversations/arguments the various characters had while you traveled in awkward silence XD pretty please?

    63. @OmegaPony11

      You sir are awesome! This brony loves your fanfiction! Their journey is exactly like my original runt through! Exactly, well... I killed Wynne, but what ever.

      Also awesome character choice. Pinkie Pie as Sten is so ironic, and you did the change in back story well! I used to hate Trixie, but this version is awesome! Rarity makes a perfect Morrigan. And the rest are all equally awesome.

      Please keep up the good work! I want to see this end! I love endings in a good story.

    64. @OmegaPony11

      nice chapter. i wonderd what pony shale would be based on but it semms you let her/it stay the same as in the original story.

      ditzy and dinky as bodahn and sandal is a great idea .. and i liked the way you used the "enchantment" phrase.

    65. Great way of introducing Shale, characterization intact. I was wondering how you might work (it) in without getting sidetracked.

    66. I love how dinky and ditsy doo are the merchants. I love this story can't wait till chapter 12!

    67. It's a sort of relief that BoDitzy and SanDinky are based on characters that show up in Dragon Age II; otherwise, I might be worried about then.

    68. So, Trixie can shield herself and Twilight from a Sloth Demon for ages but can't shield a single Minotaur attack?

    69. @Badwolfwho

      I seem to recall that Mages draw their power from the Fade, so magic is more potent there.

      Against darkspawn in the material world, Trixie must contend with her natural limitations.

    70. want more :D any idea when next update will be this is almost better then the game don't have to do all the sidequests to max out your parties power in this

    71. I've never played the game, but I have read every chapter of this. It's made me go out and purchase Dragon Age 2. That is a seriously impressive feat and I hope you don't stop writing this any time soon.

    72. Buck yeah this awesome ;) Keep it up man...

    73. I love how Twilight delegates all the side quests. XD

    74. Itchy. Tasty.

      I see what you did there. ;D

      What with Rarity's situation, it's nice to see Sweetie Belle hasn't been written out.

    75. A well-deserved break after all the fighting.

      I'm also really intrigued by Spike's developing subplot. (Wait... ew, not like that.)

    76. This is a pretty good crossover, I like how it stays close to the DA plot while adapting both the MLP:FiM world and the DA world to fuse evenly.

    77. Hope everypony is enjoying the story thus far. Just came to say that there is going to be an intermission of sorts after chapter 20, Fluttershy's Song. It is something a bit different when compared to the rest of Pony Age, as I did not play Leliana's song.

      Look forward to it!

    78. Good one, I really liked how the riddles were framed.

      Just as well that Ch.20 will be a departure. I don't think a straight ponified version of Leliana's Song would suit Fluttershy.

    79. Omega here, and from all those here who work to bring you all Pony Age: Origins, we wish you a Happy Hearthswarming Eve, and may all your new years wishes come true!

      Celestia and Luna light your ways to harmony and happiness!

    80. Great teamwork!

      I wonder which sword AJ is going to end up with? So many cool ones in Dragon Age...

    81. Ah, I wasn't expecting that! Glad to see this isn't just a retelling of Fluttershy's story, but a continuation.

    82. “And thus the light of Celestia has darkened,
      With each trot you take in My hall,
      Marvel at perfection, for it is fleeting,
      You have brought Sin to Canterlot
      And Doom upon all the world.”
      -Canticle of Coltenides, 8:13

    83. I usually find Fluttershy-centric stories to be exceedingly tedious, but you've done a great job by keeping her in-character, despite the awful circumstances.

    84. That ends the first intermission. Now back to the main story.

      It was quite an experience to write, so I'm wondering if more intermissions like this would be enjoyed? I have plans for Warden's Keep and Golems of Amgarrak in the works to be similar to Fluttershy's Song. Since I haven't played either, I'd be doing something completely different.

      Thank you all for your support. Stay tuned for the next chapter of Pony Age coming soon. Orzamule arc awaits!

    85. Next arc should be interesting. Cranky Doodle Donkey and Matilda as Ohgren and Branka would be awesome. =D


      I'd be interesting to see how those get reworked, given that one is a side-quest unrelated to the main plot and the other occurs well afterwards.

    86. It was awesome to meet the author in person at Everfree Northwest! Thanks for the poster! I love MLP and Dragon Age, so I look forward to a good read.
