Author: Arctic Tempest, Artee, Clarity, CmdrBrony, Ember Storm, Ebrona, Freightrain, Ikariuga, Nopony, Polecat, StarshineSprinta, Still Apony and Unknownpony
Description: Twilight Sparkle's attempt to spark an interest for books in Pinkie Pie ends in chaos as the pink prankster's imagination runs riot. Her friends have a hard time trying to get some sense back into her and the Cutie Mark Crusaders joining Pinkie on her adventure don't make things easier.
Pinkie P.Ie.
Additional Tags: Fun, Adventure, Collaboration, Ponyville, Party
27 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaThat's a friggen lot of authors.
VastaKustutayeah, did 13 people really write this? If so, it must be interesting...
VastaKustutaWhoa at the authors list.
VastaKustuta12k words, with that many authors? I'm expecting decent quality here ... or else.
VastaKustutaHOW many authors!?
VastaKustutaDat author list...
VastaKustutaHey wait a second I recognize some of those names! What you couldn't invite old crazy to the party!? Im hurt! HURT! lol this story is going to be a hoot isn't it...My mind is not ready...but Im going in anyway!
VastaKustutaFor those of you wondering about the author list this is from a regular thread on ponychan where people can randomly collaborate on various stories. Im actually pretty surprised their stuff hasn't shown up till now.
VastaKustutaI' horrified yet somehow delighted. Will read.
VastaKustutafucking looking like a movie with that many authors and words.
VastaKustutaI'm only about 4 paragraphs in and already I know I'm in for a treat :D
VastaKustutaThat was delightful.
VastaKustutaIt's because it's a stilla story thread story btw. They have a bunch of bronies write each part for fun :3
VastaKustutathis was fantastic!
VastaKustuta>Author: Arctic Tempest, Artee, Clarity, CmdrBrony, Ember Storm, Ebrona, Freightrain, Ikariuga, Nopony, Polecat, StarshineSprinta, Still Apony and Unknownpony
VastaKustuta-... 0_o ! ... That's a LOT of authors !? and Comedy ?
Well... I can predict 2 possible things : 1) It will be strangely interesting. *OR !* 2) It will be confusing and totally chaotic. Let's find out...
(I only recognize, for sure, 1 of them, Polecat, though 'Arctic Tempest' seems familiar... but maybe it just because of the name's similarity with Nine-Tempest)
>I'm going to have to ask the Princess for a new word to describe her.”
-Here, take this word, it's free to use :D : (>^-^)> Quantalogical.
Quantalogical : When only through Quantum means and theories can you explain one's logic or actions. :)
>But instead of actually using them to free her owner she only pointed at Rarity's horn.
-Yeah... Was kinda thinking about the same thing there.
>“What? What did I do?” asked Twilight confusedly.
-Well, what you DIDN'T do was using your MAGIC to get a hold on Pinky Pie, while you clarify things...
But then again, it would have made for a short story, wouldn't it ?
>“Somepony stop her!”
-Maaaaaaaaagic ! *echo... echo... echo...*
>“Oh, I’ll tell you what we’re going to do,” said a livid voice from behind them.
-What did you Said Element of Magic ? Was that Magic that you said ? Magical magic would surely magically make the situation better and faster, like... Magic ?
(Yes, the repetition here is intentional)
>With a crash through a window, she found herself inside
-Construction ponies must make a FORTUNE in Ponyville.
>the coat she wore got lose and as if guided by magic it landed on top of Pinkie Pie's head.
-...''as if'' ? *facepalm*
Who's this pony ? Surely, the REAL Twilight got lost somewhere in the script... probably at the begining.
For Pete's sake, if she can lift an Ursa Minor, she can lift and hold Pinky Pie in place ! ...at least for a moment.
>She felt the grip on the coat loosening and started rumbling again, tossing and turning and throwing Twilight off from above the coat entirely.
-It's starting to get a bit annoying really... Twilight's WELL ABOVE AVERAGE magical powers are blatantly ignored !
Whatever if it's to allow ''extra'' bits of weak humor, it's still becoming more and more annoying as time goes on...
(What good is it to have UNICORNS in a story, if BARELY any magic is involved, especially since THE most powerful -Unicorn- in the series (so far) is there.)
>"Aha! I think I’ve got it." Twilight proclaimed suddenly. The purple unicorn twirled the end of her newly found mustache with simple magic.
-''with simple magic''...
...It's starting to be painful to read... *check the bar on the right. Half-way*... (sigh) damn you OCD...
>Through both magic and makeup, to ensure it is Pinkie-proof.” Twilight said.
-NOW! she's using magic !? (and of course, you can BET that she will forget the existance of magic itself, in less than 3min...)
>Twilight coughed and magically turned a few pages of a book
Yeah, the ENORMOUS lack of magic is... inducing strange phenomena : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KugBfqFNBGI , and is disturbing : http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=EsyzRUKwgng
>So we will play a game of poke-the-cutie-mark-with-the-carrot!"
-Poke the cutie mark... which is on somepony's flank ? ...well, hopefully they will not miss by too far...
>Carefully she unfolded a new piece of scroll and started to write:
-Today I was able to complete my challenge, which was to -barely* use ANY magic at all during a whole day.
... Well, except for the somewhat deeply annoying fact to have Twilight Sparkle NEVER! use ANY magic when she *would/should have*, quite obviously, used it... *cough*... I mean, it was ''mildly'' interesting... very ''mildly''. Yes. Politely said ...
VastaKustutaDid you enjoy the fanfic too?
VastaKustutaAs I previous said... except for Twilight's cruel lack of 'intelligent use' of her magic... It was an ''ok'' story.
A good and crafty use of her magic could have added a lot to the 'quite mild' level of comedy.
It didn't exactly have the level of humor that the ''Comedy tag'' should have warranted, or that I expected to find.
VastaKustutaTwilight can teleport at will. She completely forgets how to after doing it for about 45 seconds just to hold a conversation during Applebuck Season, including during scenes in later episodes where doing so would have been the blatantly obvious solution to the problem. Clearly, every episode after Applebuck Season is awful.
I thought this was a fun read. A few spelling/grammar mistakes here and there, but mostly pretty good. Some good Pinkie Pie writing, too. Skirts close to the edge of overdoing it, but never quite crosses it.
VastaKustuta*rubbing my temples* Not the 'Applebuck Season' nonsense-debate... this was done, and done so many times already...
The amount of concentration for teleporting is usually high, when not moving and in a safe and relaxing situation there's no real problem for TP...
When you are overly stressed/etc (like when an Hydra is running after you), it's much harder to concentrate (and Twilight is prone to be stressed easily, when things don't go as planned).
For the 'Ticket Master' episode... even Twilight said : ''I didn't even know it was gonna happen''.
Also : >Clearly, every episode after Applebuck Season is awful.
-Hey ? Relax a bit, ok. Don't put words in my mouth, that I haven't written.
And also, there's a difference between invoking the events of ONE day/situation, and doing so for an ENTIRE series (which is around 1 year, according to calculation).
VastaKustutaWell, its true. I may be a bit biased here but I dont think twilight not using magic is a big deal. Im sure she could have easily solved most of the problems in the show with magic, but she doesnt. And thats why the episodes are more than five minutes long.
I hate to say it but your argument is invalid.
@Still Apony
VastaKustutaYou must then know that saying ''your argument is invalid'' is a weak/fast excuse ?
In this story, sure : 'magic happens' and it's finished in 5min.
But, from what I remember of what I wanted or meant to say about this specific point, 2 weeks ago, was that... there should be/have been a reason given for it(her not using magic), since Twilight use magic a number of times between the 'important event', but not really during them.
Also... the episodes are more than ''5 minutes long'', mostly because stuff that don't really require her magic happen (or require a level she doesn't have, yet.)... between other things.
The link is broken...
VastaKustutaThe heck is : http://oat.nu/ ...?
VastaKustutaThe link now point toward that ?
The story can be found at:
@Bob from Bottles