• Story: My First Party (Update Part 3!)

    [Adventure][Shipping][Slightly Sad]

    Author: ScyStorm
    Description: Pinkie Pie is haunted by feelings of self-hatred,
    stemming from the day she left her family to be on her own. Never
    wanting to see her best friend in a crazed state of distress again,
    Rainbow Dash resolves to reconnect her with her estranged family and
    bring an end to the personal demons once and for all.
    My First Party Part 1
    My First Party Part 2
    My First Party Part 3 (New!)

    My First Party (All Links)

    Additional Tags: Memories, Regret, Family, Discovery, Romance

    34 kommentaari:

    1. I've always wanted to read a story about Pinkie revisiting her family.

    2. Great to see this up here finally. Great stuff.

    3. Not bad. Not bad at all. Might keep an eye on this one.

    4. I wish there were less "Pinkamina" references in fics. Yes, she had a mental breakdown in one of the episodes, but quite frankly I'd seen enough stories about her psychotic side way back when Cupcakes first came out

    5. This is really really well written, characters are very IC. Looking forward to more.

    6. @Spell Nexus It sounded more like a "Party of One" reference instead of a "Cupcakes" reference. Not psychotic, just depressed.

    7. I really like where this is going. Can't wait to see more. ^^

    8. How ironic. I'm writing a story with a scene about me leaving the farm.
      Actually, the aftermath it caused on the farm and my family.

    9. *sigh*

      ONCE AGAIN. This. Is. Not. Shipping.

      They are together. There is no shipping. See the "ing"? Yeah. There's no "ing" here, only "ed".

      But anyway. Despite being a bit sad, I like it a lot. Looking forward to where this goes.

    10. Thanks a lot for your comments, everypony! ^^ I'm honored to get a second fic featured on this site. I'll do my best to keep the remaining chapters interesting.

      @Spell Nexus

      As BlankFlankBrony alluded to, Pinkamena is her name. That's what her parents call her. It is in no way a Cupcakes reference and I have no intentions of ever writing any Cupcakes references, least of all in a shipfic! I thank you for your concern, though. :)


      Thanks for your comment! I am aware it's not strictly shipping, buuuuut I'm just using the Equestria Daily tags, and "Shipping" is pretty much their catch-all tag for romance stories. Don't take it literally in this case. :)

    11. I loved this story and I think it's a very realistic portrayal of how she might have left her family all things considered.

      Also it's nice to see a PinkieDash fic where they are already in a relationship from the get go because it's nice to see how thigs play out with them alteady in love and also how Dash would go to lengths for her not just as a friend but as her significant other, I do like shipping fics but there are dozens of fics that show ponies getting together so I love to see how things work when they are already together.

      I'm definately watching this one.

    12. ^This.
      I just love the fact that even though they are "together" they're personalities and desires are pretty much identical to when they were just friends. (Eg: They have a day to spend together only once in a while and they spend it doing pranks and hanging out just as they always have when they are together.)

    13. Part 2 out on FimFiction and DA.

    14. Whenever i need cheering up, i always turn to Pinkie Pie.

      Fics like this one make me feel better about myself, even if they are a little sad, just seeing Pinkie be herself is more than enough to bring a little ray of sunshine into my day.

      Thanks Scy Storm. Love this lots, hope to see more. :)

    15. Oh, I love this so far. Can't wait for more D;

    16. Yeah I don't get it. So much crap gets tons of comments, yet sweet stuff like this (only SLIGHTLY sad) just gets...nothing.

      Well I enjoy it anyway and look forward to reading more.

    17. Wow, it's been a while since I read the first chapter of this story. Very glad to see the update, because it was worth the wait!

      So sincere and heartwarming. I felt my throat choke at some moments, especially when Pinkie finally met her mom and dad again - but hey, that was basically the whole point of this story, no? It was suppose to be emotional, and it damn well worked. Good job!

      Though now that's over with, I do question how long this story is. Not sure what more you could work with, really. Either way, looking forward to the next chapter!

    18. Thanks a lot for your comments, everypony~ Shame I haven't gotten many more, but I DID run into Project Horizons on that update post. Urgh.

      Thank you very much for your words, although you're not 100% correct there. Pinkie meeting her parents wasn't the ENTIRE point of this story. She still has to meet her sisters, after all. ;)

      If you're curious, I have 3 more chapters and an epilogue planned. Sorry I took so long to update, hopefully the next one will come in a shorter time frame.

    19. @Scy Storm

      Any ETA on chapter 3? Some friends and I can't wait for the next one :3

    20. @Thunder Ma14

      Glad to hear it, but I can't offer ETAs, sorry! I haven't started on it yet. Writing is a slow, delicate process with me, and it doesn't help that I don't get a lot of free, clear-headed time to do it. I'll try not take two months or anything like that, promise! :)

    21. Ooh, PinkieDash! :) *reads*
      I love Pinkie's backstory here; it seems very fitting for Pinkie and her behavior (especially explaining Pinkamena) and I wouldn't be surprised if it were close to canon! Also loving the chemistry between the couple here...feels smooth, and so much d'awwwww!

      Looking forward to the third chapter of course, wondering what Pinkie's siblings will think! I'm hoping it goes as well as with the parents. :)

    22. Sweet, a new update!

      I loved the new chapter, Pinkie seeing her sister again and showing just how much her leaving affected all of them.

      I can't wait to see the next chapter and to see what Margaret is up to.

      Personally I'm hoping that Pinkie and Dash's relationship evolves as this story goes on, I like it where it is but that's just my thoughts.

    23. This is really less sad and more melodrama...but eh. Enjoyable nonetheless.

    24. @Melodia
      Eh, there's not really a "Melodrama" tag, so "Slightly Sad" will have to do. ;) It's really only sad at the start, then it gets pretty feelgood from there. I just want to evoke emotion in my readers, is all.

      Glad you all enjoy it~

    25. This story just makes me feel so good inside. Thanks so much.

    26. I guess I'm more interested to see what it evolves [i]into[/i]. Then again I noticed some things in the story re-reading it today that I missed the first time. Dash was sort of thinking of Clyde as her father-in-law. I know Pinkie and Dash don't live together but I'm wondering if part of the ending will involve them moving in or even getting engaged. Maybe Twilight could cast a permanent cloudwalkign spell on Pinkie or they could get their own place?

      I know I'm just shooting the breeze but I really love this story and as I've said in other reviews I consider this the very best PinkieDash story out there and I hope that not only do these events bring them closer together but that they show it when they get back home or at the party for Pinkie's sisters with a gesture like that.

      I've said it before and I'll say it again: This is the [i]best[/i] PinkieDash story I've ever read, yes I love it even more than ButterscotchSundae's epic "The Party hasn't ended" albeit the two are close but "My First Party" edges in just a bit over "The Party Hasn't Ended". The reasons are fairly simple, while "The Party Hasn't Ended" is a great story the use of a supernatural entity to bring the two characters together (as a plot device I mean) sometimes makes me feel a bit odd, it's not a bad thing in this case but I've seen that plot device used to often that I've gotten a little tired of it, "My First Party" on the other hand opts to remove any supernatural elements from the story (well stuff that would be considered supernatural in a world of flying ponies and magical unicorns) and it becomes a fully character driven story that allows us to see how things progress naturally.

    27. (continued from above)
      However the biggest credit to this story is that it is so far the only well done PinkieDash story I've found that isn't about Pinkie Pie and Dash [i]falling[/i] in love, by setting up from the get-go that they are marefriends and in love we get to see somethign rare for this fandom: a story that explores a relationship while it's already in progress. There are so many stories showing how couples get together, and while there are really good ones such as "The Party Hasn't Ended" like with the thing mentioned above it gets tiring, once again only a minor complaint about "The Party Hasn't Ended" but it's one of those things that adds a lsight bitter taste to the experience. With "My First Party" we only get a brief introduction that jsut tells us they are in love, which would normally be a downside but thankfully the entire first chapters shows us just how much they love each other and this is what makes this story so awesome, it's not important [i]how[/i] they fell in love (heck I'm just guessing that one day after a solid round of pranks Pinkie kissed Dash and it grew from there) what's important now is how they handle now that they are [i]in[/i] a relationship; it's nice to see that with these two the actual activities don't change because they don't have to, their "dates" don't have to change the only difference is how they feel about each other and how their days of fun would end now; my guess is that instead of days just ending in fits of laughter and a nice parting farewell they now end on the couch, with dinner (nothign formal knowing these two) and sometimes cuddling each other to sleep in bed as Pinkie implied during the first train ride.

      What really shines about this story and how it shows the characters is that Dash is willing to go outside of her comfort zone for Pinkie, she's not good with mushy stuff but she stays to cheer Pinkie up anyway and while it is a long trip she's there for Pinkie when they go to re-connect with her family. Dash is there for her and that's what counts, especially since we've seen both here and in the show that if she asn't doing this for somepony she loved then Dash might not be doing this at all.

    28. (continued from above)
      I also must add that I'm happy that you didn't turn "straight haired pinkie" into an alternate personality, mostly because I don't really like that plot device (nothing [i]wrong[/i] with it persay but I just don't like it even though I understand why some people do) but also because I see it used too much; I'm kinda on board with the fact that her element of Laughter is responsible for the way her hair reflects her emotions... or I could be reading too much into that and should jsut accept it as Pinkieism :pinkiehappy::rainbowlaugh:

      My First Party gets it where it counts, sure I could complain about the lack of real conflict but you know what? Any artifically added tension (such as Pinkie's parents having issues with her and Dash being together) would only detract from the Heartwarming moments that make this story one of only two that I re-read at least once a month if not more; you don't need external conflict to write a good story and this story is all about mending broken bridges, reconnecting with things from your past that you thought you lost, and the love between Pinks and Dashie that makes it possible for Pinkie to face her inner demons and let go of her sadness.

      I've said it before and I'll say it again, My First Party is the best PinkieDash story ever written, no offence to "The Party Hasn't Ended" but like I said before it's just a few ticks higher, plus it's a bit shorter so I can enjoy it withoput having to commit half a day to re-reading it.

      Wow, that review was longer than I wanted, I was going to jsut have two paragraphs so I'm going to end it now before I go on and on abo-
