[Comedy][Shipping] A direct sequel to this story. Whee~
Author: EsperDerek
Description: Hoping to impress the filly of your dreams? Well, you've chosen the right book! The expert advice in this guide will turn your date from something ordinary, to something extraordinary! Need proof? Turn the page, and read the real-life testimonial of a couple who, by following the simple rules laid out in this guide, turned their simple night of love, into one that they'll always remember! (A Midnight/Out In The Cold Universe fic)
Midnight and Shimmer's Guide to Dating
Bonus Material: A Young Pony's Guide to Dating
Additional Tags: Disclaimer: Author Takes No Responsibility
33 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaU mad?
VastaKustutaFuck you, EsperDerek, damn it!
VastaKustutaI'm up 'til 1AM writing my fanfcis, quick fly round EDaily to check, and oh, what's this? ONLY ANOTHER BLOODY OitC CONTINUATION!
Sleep can wait another hour, I don't have work tomorrow anyway.
Oh GAWD another Out in the Cold sequel.
5 stars before I even open the fic.
VastaKustutaThese Midnight/OitC fics are still being made? Color me pleasantly surprised.
VastaKustutaI come out of nowhere to strike again!
VastaKustuta"She is the terror that flops in the night! She is the pony who will ruin all your dating experiences! She is Midnight Mare!"
That...was awesome.
VastaKustutaBut yeh, done now. Get to work, boyo, I want more of your writings!
It's been too long since the last one. Now it's 1:50, and I am very, very tired...but also, very happy...
Flawless Victory. Everything. The dialogue. The little callbacks to earlier entries in this continuity. The subtle little in-jokes sprinkled here and there. The parts where Midnight basically started channeling Twilight's thought patterns, and was so oblivious to it that other people noticed it first. The actions of Prince Douche II. Fantastic.
VastaKustutaI only wish there was more Trixie in this chapter, but I am perfectly willing to call it now:
I think one star per chapter ought to cover it.
Ponysanity strikes again!
VastaKustutaOnce again, amazing work from EsperDerek and another beautiful addition to the series.
VastaKustutaThis book helped me find the pony of my life! We met one day when she came to Sugar Cube Corner and we've been together ever since! I can still remember what she ordered: two strawberry cupcakes, five chocolate-chip cookies and a banana-mango smoothie.
VastaKustuta*spit take*
VastaKustutaWHAT THE-
*glares at Doctor Whooves*
*crosses fingers for a Ballad of Twilight Sparkle update*
Hey, now, it's not been that long since I posted something! Only since July or so! :)
VastaKustutaEsper, that's FOREVER in internet time. :P
VastaKustuta“GET ON WITH IT!”
VastaKustuta...Holy Grail reference? I always DID think Blueblood would make a good Lancelot...
The terrible dating advice came far too naturally for my comfort. I am now deeply scared of what my next date is going to be like.
VastaKustuta@Inkwell Pony
VastaKustutaOI! GET OUTTA HERE! *throws pie*
... XD JK! XD CELESTIA'S BEARD! That's exactly something that *I* would have commented! XD YOu stole my witty comment! I'm not sure if I should hug you or punch you!... Meh, does it really matter?! You're awesome! The GREAT and POWERFUL Trevor approves of you!
Now, onto the actual comment on the fic...
Win. My stars. All of dem. And mine internetz. I'm sure you could use them better than I can! XD
I just finished reading the whole part of this fanon, and... it might be that I haven't thus slept all night, but I don't really have words.
VastaKustutaThis last one had me laughing pretty heartily. :)
Pinkie Pie wrote the dating guide? lol
VastaKustuta"Remember! Giggle at the Ghostie!”"
Got started late in the fandom so i havent heard of the series. I spent all of last night reading the series. Finished this morning now i want more.
VastaKustutaThat tag...
VastaKustutaThat bonus material...
"a young pony's guide to dating"
VastaKustutachapter 3- okay, enough of this silliness, i have to stop reading. regardless, another welcome addition to this fanon, and as always, ill be keeping an eye out for more stories in the future.
Well, good enough story. Enjoyed it. But it does feel like a pity we get to see so little of Midnight's parents in these continuations. Trixie didn't even make an appearance. Focus is on Midnight of course, but still...
VastaKustutaI want a true-blue Trixie and Twilight OitC scene at the least, if you're planning another chapter...which - unless you like lynch mobs - you should be.
VastaKustutaMidnight and Shimmer's Guide to Dating:
VastaKustuta(First, let's get the 'quotes' out of the way: )
-I was so glad, that 'this' had been included, when I read it. If there's ONE family-trait (aside from the love of reading) that the every ponies in this family should have, it's that one. ;)
>“This book was written by a Blueblood.” Shimmer interjected. -You know, I became suspicious after the first advice; The way the advices were formulated... it was subtle, yet clearly(for anyone who saw the Gala episode, at least) hinted that it was from the Blueblood(s). ;)
Well, we see (one of) the strong point of this series (and maybe the author) once again... The balance.
The well made balance between the events, the emotions from the characters, and the emotions coming from those events... and other writting stuff that I don't remember at the moment (aka: etc...).
So, once more, it was pleasant and interesting and fascinating to read.
(last note : Blueblood II actually seemed less ''blueblood'' than his father, but just by a little.
I found that good, and fascinating in a way.
I mean, he used less ''obviously offensive'' words that his father would have surely used, and he actually tried to battle (unsuccessfully) a beast IN the Everfree forest...
Who knows ? Maybe there's hope for the Blueblood's ''dynasty'' ? After 1 or 2 more generations, they might their foals might become ''real'' charming Princes ?)
OMG I'm so happy that I stayed up late!
VastaKustutaI was so happy to see this update!
Please make more!
VastaKustutaI got to read an early draft of the story, and help EsperDerek as he was revising it, and one of my comments early on was that Blueblood II felt like a pony version of Tatewaki Kunou from Ranma 1/2... not that this is a bad thing, of course. :) As the dialog was refined, with a great deal of Inkwell's help, Blueblood became more and more Kunouesque.
These are awesome characters. So glad I read this. I'm going to have to go read everything by this author. Out In the Cold is one miracle among fics, the sequel/spinoffs were amazing, and now this.
VastaKustutaOf all the various fanons and series, this one is perennially a favorite. You have a real knack for maintaining the integrity of it, and while others might rise to higher places in the fandom, yours is as consistant as it is touching, and wonderful to read every time. While I'd love to read more and more of them, you produce quality over quantity, and that is a gift.
VastaKustutaThank you EsperDerek, I cannot wait for the next continuation!
Mooooooaaaaaarrrrr. Nao. More for this series.