Author: Ruby Shores
Description: This is the story of an Earth Stallion, living all alone and by himself in the ruins of Manehattan.The Librarian - Act I
Additional Tags: Post-Apocalyptic, First-Person, Broken Wings
Comic Version
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
21 kommentaari:
Sad and Grimdark? hmm....
VastaKustutaReminds me of Metro 2033's Librarians.
VastaKustutaLIGHT grimdark
VastaKustutaInstead of, you know, grimlight, or dark.
LIGHT grimdark
*facepalms at authors*
Interesting. Story was written well, and there's enough stuff going on behind the scenes that I'll be looking out for the next act.
VastaKustutaAll I can think about when i see the description is that episode of The Twilight Zone.
VastaKustuta@NinesTempest As I understand it, GrimLight is a grimdark story with a happy or hopeful ending, while 'light grimdark' is one that's only a little bit grimdark.
VastaKustuta>Not Fallout
...the first pony style is a turn off. Might be because the last first pony fic i read was sorta awkward to read. <.<
VastaKustutaI Am Legend.
VastaKustutaWith Ponies.
I'm giving this fic the MyCutieMarkisaGun Grimdark Seal of Approval™!
I'm loving it. Can't wait to find out what's happened in Ponyville and to the rest of the Mane 6. Love the 1st person narrative. Great job!
VastaKustutaHm, dunno. The only GrimLight story I've read (the Celestia chapter of Secret Tub Fun) certainly didn't have a happy ending.
I' haven't even read it yet really, but the description alone makes me think of "The Omega Man" and "The Last Man on Earth"
VastaKustuta(Which, for the younger folks who don't watch classics are both movies "I am Legend" is based off of)
Can't wait to get to this later tonight :D
spoilers follow, don't read if you don't want spoilers.
VastaKustutait's, uhm, ok? it starts out rather well written but it kinda breaks down towards the end. the dialogue is very clipped. even the sentences seemed like they're half finished.
is english a second language? i've read translated things that sounded like this, actually. Russian and Ukrainian, Slavic languages and their cousins. i don't mean to insult if it's not ... i'm sorry if i did. i'm just curious.
by the way, how is he an Earth stallion if he has got wings? even ruined wings mark him a Pegasus, regardless of their utility.
it's not bad, not at all. it just needs a look-over. uhm, sorry i can't help more.
@Crimson Valor
VastaKustutaI know right? That's why I'm here!
Which reminds me; I need to save up for Metro 2033...
Anyway, into the "Must Reads" folder with you!
Hhm... Nope. Don't like it. How do I put it?... Hhm... Stuff that sounds like Tyrant Celestia, too much tech that's out of place in Equestria, like land mines, I see from here that characters will be given huge make overs, like Rainbow Dash. I don't like it when authors make characters just BAM, now they're like this, without having us walk along with the process. If Celestia and Luna are dead then that means the world is doomed to a perpetual day which will lead to death. It changes how the military works in Equestria, from that of the old days of fighting to the one of guns.
VastaKustutaNow that I think of it, it's allot like 7 Ponies, it changes too much. Though I liked it better than 7 Ponies.
I'm liking it so far, but I did feel that just about when the pegasai showed up, the storytelling got really rough. I think that section could use a little re-editing.
VastaKustuta"Grimdark" as it was originally conceived (and derived in name from Warhammer 40K) originally referred to a setting without any hope whatsoever, or at least there was no hope that could reasonably be achieved within a hundred lifetimes.
VastaKustutaSo, if your story has a hopeful ending in spite of its macabre nature, it should be simply "Dark".
At least, that's my two cents.
Welp, I read this one or two nights ago and I'll put in my thoughts.
VastaKustutaI like how the story is set up, it's really making me look forward to the next Act. So far, I can't tell if it's being based off of anything yet, but if it is, you've given enough space to make it separate-- Which is, in my case, a VERY good thing! It leaves room for much expansion that I won't have spoiled because of an expansive movie library~
Now, there were a few issues, too. One would be the grammar in the story, which looks like it's been run through a Translator. If it has, I'm sure somepony here is willing to clean up the translated text pre-release.
Regarding the whole "Grimdark or not?" thing going on here..
If you want to debate that, take it elsewhere. This page is for talking about the content of the story, NOT what it's tagged as! And no more little thoughts about it! Looking at some of these comments, they mention NOTHING about the story itself!
'This is a story of a *self-proclaimed Earth Stallion'
VastaKustutaIf not this then I don't know what.
Nicely written, from what I read. Lots of spelling mistakes, but that's to be expected from frantic writing (trust me there). This is part 1. I wanna see what comes up for part 2. A post-apocalyptic non-fallout story sounds like win to me. Reminds me of the atmosphere I was creating when working on a story for a friend of mine set in a post-apocalyptic Earth (about 5 years after the War)
VastaKustutaA shame this story is dead.