Author: UGuardian
Description: A class field trip to Sweet Apple Acres goes awry when rogue weather from Everfree Forest drifts in. Making matters worse, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon find themselves separated from the class and left to deal with the storm on their own.Heart of Silver Part 1
Heart of Silver Part 2
Heart of Silver Part 3
Heart of Silver Part 4 (New!)
Additional Tags: Flood, lost, class trip, true colors
58 kommentaari:
Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon? Wow.
VastaKustutadem additional tags. now i have to start it...
As one of only three people on Earth who actually like Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon I thank you.
VastaKustutaHmmmm, kinda was waiting for a fic like this
Wow, took a while for them to get a fic.
VastaKustuta*sees pic*
VastaKustuta*switches on red lightsaber*
VastaKustutaAs another of those three people, I extend my thanks as well. Jeez, I can't believe it took this long for them to have a story. (Besides the one I'm doing)
I didn't care for DT and SS cause they're your typical dickish elementary/middle school girls.
VastaKustuta@Patchwork Poltergeist
VastaKustutaGreat! I'll be sure to read yours too.
Hello, what have we here? *reads*
VastaKustutaYes they are. Although that was the point, they weren't meant to be liked. Although an episode in season 2 showing their true colors or origins would be great, but I suppose this would have to do.
Also, Flutterfan, Patchwork Poltergeist and whoever your third friend is you should go make a club or something, and convert all of the haters to your side. I wish you luck because you will need it, brony.
Their cutie marks are a TIARA and a SILVER SPOON. Thus, their "special talent" is being spoiled, stuck up bitches. C'mon, even Sethisto pointed this out. They probably got their cutie marks while whipping a servant zebra that spilled tea on the rug.
As the third of quite possibly the only three people who like Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon...
VastaKustutaGAH! I can't read this cause of self-imposed exile from DA! (after it killed my computer, twice...)
I'll have to get one of my friends to make a copy of this so I can read it. I'll be looking forward to it, and I'll be back with a hopefully more meaningful comment in a day or two.
There's something rather ominous about this story, and it just isn't the storm. Regardless I'm happy someone actually wrote about these two; I'd honestly forgotten about them! This is a great start.
VastaKustutaI clicked on this story out of pure curiosity so I was surprised to find that it was...actually pretty good. I loved how every sentence out of SS or DT's mouth included "totally" or "like" as fillers. An overenthusiastic Apple Bloom getting stuck to the counter made me laugh, and I snorted at the Twilight playing chess line...She was playing herself, y/y?
VastaKustutaYeah, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are pretty much the worst (they're on my shitlist forever for making Apple Bloom cry), but I do love their character designs (esp Silver Spoon's; those pearls! DAT HAIR). Plus, their Libby-ness in this fic is so funny and over-the-top. Loved when they inadvertently insulted the CMC when they were making fun of the drawing.
Hopefully this story isn't going to turn into SS/DT shipping but I don't see the shipping tag, so crossing my fingers. Good stuff here! Can't wait to see how they get themselves out of this mess. I almost feel sorry for them --almost!
As the fourth of the three people who like these two (well, "like" may be too strong a term, but they make wonderful antagonists), I'm looking forward to this fanfic as well.
VastaKustutaAs the fourth person who... Wait, I hate those two. Not to mention there should only be three... Anyways, I might give this a read. Maybe it will chage my opinion of the two worthless b****es.
VastaKustutaCrap. I got ninja'd.
VastaKustutaSilver Spoooooooooooon <3
VastaKustutaFifth of probably the only people who like DT and SS, but for me it is only because they have the potential to be really interesting if explored more.
VastaKustutaI also think they they are actually cuter then the CMC (I know, blasphemy and all that)
VastaKustutaI dunno, at this point it seems like every single villain is being turned around into something other than they were presented as.
VastaKustutaTrixie's been turned from a prideful, arrogant braggart with a penchant for making up wild lies into a woobie with dead family/sensitive feelings/lust for adventure/misguided life... take your pick...
Gilda's been turned from a bully and "the one that made Fluttershy cry" into a lost soul who was exiled from her family and ended up misplacing her aggression...
Blueblood has gone from a stuffy, pompous noble to another lost soul that isn't sure what to do with himself after having been doted on his whole life and now seeks for love and a purpose...
Heck... Even Nightmare Moon got "Past Sins."
And it's not to say that I didn't enjoy Past Sins, or the fanfics that characterize the villains this way, but it's like we can't have straight up villains anymore. Part of the reason I really fell in love with the series was that it did have what could easily be seen as "bad people" and yet it _didn't_ unbalance the idyllic lifestyle that everybody followed. I dunno, maybe it's just 'cause I was bullied my whole life by assholes who really had no decent "backstory" or "reason" to lash out at me other than the fact they didn't like my glasses, but I was KINDA hoping that we could at least leave these two as an example of how unarguably bad things can exist in your life and yet you can still have friends and be happy, rather than turning it yet again into a shade of grey...
But you know what’s even weirder? Not only do we keep turning our villains into heroes, but we keep turning our heroes into villains! Pinkamena anyone? And there’s a fic on FiM Fiction where Twilight systematically murders the rest of the elements of harmony. Also on FiM Fiction there’s a story where Fluttershy goes evil and releases a swarm of flesh eating parasprites onto Ponyville, which ends in perhaps one of the most gory and utterly appalling sequences I’ve ever read. Big Macitosh got stuck with Sweet Apple Massacre. There was one fic recently where Celestia and Luna engaged in the ritual sacrifice of a bunch of foals, which involved feeding them something that made them shit out their own guts and then eating them and fucking their remains, and there was not necessarily any consistent order to those three events.
I just don’t get it. It’s like no matter what we’re given people won’t accept it, no matter how good the original article is, until we’ve turned it on its head and made it completely different. For better or worse.
Okay, sorry... I just had to get that out.It's been bugging me for a while now and if for no other reason than my own mental health I had to get it out there.
All this aside, the fanfic itself... It was pretty good. There was nothing wrong with it from a formulaic point of view. You went into good detail and characterization and I liked the twists and turns the sequence of events took. All the characters were really well done, especially DT and SS for how much I hate them. Weirdly they don't seem to be showing much of an "other side" yet, but somehow I can't help but thing they'll start "bearing their true souls" or something real soon... I'm not sure if that's really something I want to see or not.
I also like how, while DT and SS are something of the center of the story, they're also a sort of framing device for Rainbow Dash and Applejack, who I found to be pretty interesting in this fic. Weirdly enough (or perhaps not weirdly at all) I'm less concerned about DT and SS than I am interested in just how the Weather Team works and what their stories are... huh...
Anyways, while I may not necessarily agree with it fundamentally, good story. Gonna refrain from giving a star until I see more but I'm gonna guess it'll be about a 4.
VastaKustutaI finally got my FIM Fiction account working. It's on there too now.
Personally, I don't care much for shipping so no worries. Besides, in the case of DT/SS it's more "Why don't you have a seat right over there?" than "No thanks".
@Dusty the Royal Janitor
I know what you're talking about here with the villains becoming heroes suddenly and visa versa. It can be jarring. In this case I'm going off of some cues I spotted in Call of the Cutie, so they'll stay close to character as possible. They won't suddenly turn into nice girls overnight.
This fic was originally going to be a ~2,000 word one-shot, but kinda grew. The "true colors" aspect appears at the climax, which will likely be in the next chapter.
@Dusty the Royal Janitor
VastaKustutaAnd yet, the fandom has made no such attempt to redeem DT & SS.
What. Does. That. Tell. You.
VastaKustutaIt tells me that the fandom, in general, doesn't like them much. At least not yet.
Most people hated Gilda for the longest time... until Heart of Gold Feathers of Steel came out. Which was a good fanfic, but it changed our attitude about her.
Whether this is a good, bad, or neither I don't know, but I will admit that it's kind of confusing, especially to me. Because like I said, one of the reasons that I liked the show so much was that there were "bad" people in it, and yet the society as a whole was strong enough to not really be fazed by it and keep on being idyllic and enjoyable rather than retaliating and striking back.
"Also on FiM Fiction there’s a story where Fluttershy goes evil and releases a swarm of flesh eating parasprites onto Ponyville" OMG I need to read this fic.
Well, I guess if you are interested, it's called "Night of the Shy." Be warned. It's graphic and horrifying.
VastaKustutaI love those two fillies too! Then again, I'm a sap for fillies in general. Diamond and Silver spoon and incredibly adorable to me!
VastaKustutaOh thank you very much, I do appreciate you taking the time to put it up there too (because my friends are incredibly unreliable heh).
So far it seems like a very sweet and 'natural' feeling story (I mean that nothing in it seems forced at all). I especially laughed at how the two got started playing LIFE (I want a pony version of LIFE now...), and Applebloom getting stuck to the counter.
I'll definitely be looking forward to the next chapter.
Only one tiny issue I noticed:
"The pink unicorn pulled out two containers from her saddlebags"
Should be changed since DT is an earth pony, but it's hardly a serious problem.
@Dusty the Royal Janitor
Perhaps it's simply that people like certain characters for whatever personal reason and want to give them a shot at redemption, and want to give others a chance to appreciate them in the same light.
I'm just a sucker for redeemed villains, or for characters that no one likes.
Except Blueblood, after reading Fallout Equestria: Project Horizons, I'll never be able to forgive that pony.
@Dusty the Royal Janitor
VastaKustutaFluttershy unleashing hordes of carnivorous Parasprites you say? I NEED TO GET ME SUMMA DAT!
VastaKustutaThen I refer you to my reply to Flutterfan. Personally I found it quite unpleasant, but if you're into that sort of thing go right ahead.
@Dusty the Royal Janitor
VastaKustuta"I just don’t get it. It’s like no matter what we’re given people won’t accept it, no matter how good the original article is, until we’ve turned it on its head and made it completely different. For better or worse."
I realize that it's a large fandom and (I hope) the percentage of people who want to turn things topsy-turvy is relatively small, but it does bother me to an extent too. One of the major reasons I like MLP:FiM is that the show is utterly positive and free of cynicism, and thankfully most of the fanworks are like that as well; still, I have to wonder at all the fans who do seem to honestly think that tyrant Celestia or psycho Pinkie (to name just a couple of negative tropes) can fit within the show's canon. And I utterly cannot fathom the appeal of fanfics that flat-out turn the characters evil, or that unleash horrific carnage on Equestria.
As for the fandom's penchant for redeeming the show's villains, that doesn't bother me so much, and I'll enjoy it if it's done well; after all, I don't think anyone's beyond redemption iRL, so why would I begrudge redemption to a fictional character? When a story starts out by softening a "villian" (e.g., the fanfics I read that portray Trixie as more of a showmare playing a braggart and a jerk than an actual braggart and a jerk), I think that weakens the redemption angle, but it doesn't bother me much since at least it's an optimistic change from the show's canon.
DT and SS need more love.
VastaKustutaYou're welcome! Also, good catch there. *fixed.
VastaKustutaClearly there is a sizeable audience for FIM fanfics that place the Mane Six in dark and dangerous scenarios. I'm tired of hearing this guilt trip. Fallout Equestria is THE greatest fanfic and it depicts some pretty mind-blowing horror and tragedy in Equestria. ("Hellmare!" poor LilPip ;_;) Sweet Apple Massacre and that other shit story Dusty mentioned are just badly-written efforts at trolling, nothing more. Night of the Shy lost me with the pets morphing into killing machines lol fuck outta here. And Blueblood as Captain Hero? lol what no. Then the author sets up a long adventure quest, pfft, no thanks.
part 2 could've been a bit longer
VastaKustutaI really enjoyed the first chapter. I am a fan Spoon and Tiara and wish there was more done with them.
VastaKustutaSilver Spoon and Diamond Tiara playing LIFE is just so cute! I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one that's had the problem of needing to get a second car for all my children heh.
VastaKustutaI have to admit though, I teared up a little when Applejack yelled at Applebloom (but I'm just overly sensitive, so you should take that lightly, heh).
It was another sweet chapter, please keep up the good work, UGuardian. (And thank you again for having this on FIMFiction, too!)
Aww. They've got board games. How cute. I HOPE THEY FUCKING DIE.
VastaKustuta(10 pts to whoever gets the reference)
So... This was a pretty good read, but I'm not finding our two heroes(?) any more endearing than when I began.
VastaKustuta@La Barata
God how I hated these two.
VastaKustutaI'm actually wondering what their special talents are in canon. I mean, Silver Spoon's is probably something like elocution, but someone's talent can be "Being rich", as many fics like to put it as.
VastaKustutaI thought it was a sweet ending to the story (though I had to laugh at Silver Spoon having the same eye problem I do) - not outright redemption, but not implausible either.
VastaKustutaIn all I'd say well done, UGuardian.
VastaKustutaExactly where I was going: I noticed some interesting tells during Call of the Cutie that needed elaborating on. Neither are saints, but there's more than just a jerk behind those glasses.
Um, well that kinda just ended, didn't it?
VastaKustutaI mean, that seemed like the author said "bah I'm tired of this thing, here's the end". It didn't feel like a real ending at all....yeah things were resolved
VastaKustutaActually, what happened was I thought I'd concluded the story properly. :/
However, much of the feedback I've received today says otherwise. So, I'll be adding a fourth (and really final) chapter soonish.
First time 'round for stuff like this; I've yet to get the kinks worked out.
It was a pleasure to see those two doing something decent, even if it was mostly Silver Spoon's doing.
VastaKustutaTruth be told, I thought this was going to end with everyone in Ponyville searching for these two, with the Cutie Mark Crusaders and the mane six getting increasingly teary-eyed as they imagined increasingly worse fates for these two brats... and then, when everyone's a mess, they find them in the shack, perfectly safe. "Like, you were worried about us? And you got all dirty and nasty looking for us all night long? That is like, totally hilarious!"
Wow. Now we've got this one AND Facets and Flaws. You guys are keeping me busy. I've got a job, you know. XD
VastaKustutaThe ONLY thing I like about Silver Spoon is that her VA is Pinkie's singer.
VastaKustutaDiamond Tiara does not possess this advantage.
Hm...considering the ending is rather abrupt, and the tag still says incomplete...when can we expect an ending? So far, it's been a pretty good fic.
VastaKustuta@The Lovely Penguin
VastaKustutaI ended up agreeing with everypony: it ends too soon and needs an epilogue.
An ending (and revision of the ending of chapter 3) has been in progress since late October. However, just about everything that can go wrong has gone wrong. This includes my hard drive dying suddenly, wiping out a ~3,000 word draft and my notes.
So HOPEFULLY the next and last chapter will be done before 2012. :)
Well this seems interesting. I'll give it a read.
VastaKustutaI've always wanted daughters like DT & SS.
TBH, I always suspected Silver Spoon to not be as bad as she lets one.
VastaKustutaI dunno, the ending still feels very abrupt, but it was a much better conclusion as a whole.
The description sounds like this could lead to some awesome "The Pony Centipede" fun. All they need to do is bring in Snips or Snails.
VastaKustutaThis story kinda makes somepony think that some really aren't as bad as they may appear to be. As much as I don't like Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, I think they would actually be better off without each other, Silver Spoon more then Diamond Tiara. I don't really think that Diamond Tiara would be much of anypony without Silver Spoon.
VastaKustutaOkay y'all, I finally got around to finishing the tweaks to Chapter 3. Hopefully that fixed the rush feeling a bit.