[Normal] [Comedy]
Author: nifboy
Description: After Celestia and Luna decide to make a casual visit to Ponyville, Celestia is called away to deal with an infestation in Fillydelphia. This leaves Luna to find out about the mess Ponyville is after their own parasprite infestation. Will Twilight Sparkle be forgiven for her mistakes? Will Ponyville survive Luna’s prankish streak? Will Godzilla show up to fight the giant parasprite that’s appeared in the center of Fillydelphia?
The Game of Princesses
Additional Tags: Chess, Song, Guards, Twitchy Tail, Graveyard
31 kommentaari:
i love that picture
VastaKustutaA chess fanfic? where have you been all my life...
VastaKustutachess, pranky luna, twichy tail, and graveyard?
VastaKustutaOk you have my attention.
My Giant Parasprite got loose? aw heck, I was saving him for a special occasion.
VastaKustutaOkay, that thing with the parade? I totally did not see that coming. Five stars.
VastaKustutaLovely story! Many laughs were had throughout :).
VastaKustutaThe somewhat sad bit at the end felt a bit out of place however, even if I guessed at what it would entail at the start of the fanfic. It would probably have fit better in a more "serious" story than this one.
Loved how you tied it all together with the parasprites however.
Very nice work and I can't wait for the next story!
Life-sized statues?
VastaKustutaSounds like and EPIC PRANK is under way.
For a brief, gleaming moment, I thought the title meant the ASOIAF/MLP crossover had finally arrived.
VastaKustutaFuck you, nifboy. Fuck you.
"MaySea’s Day Parade"
*facehoof* It's so silly, yet so genius at the same time. God, I love it.
The ending was really touching, but more than anything this story was just so silly, and a real delight to read! You've really brightened up my day with this, so thank you!
Great story, your Luna is best Luna
VastaKustutaI read this on Deviant Art I think and enjoyed it immensely yesterday. Deserves 6 stars.
VastaKustutaI loved this, my comment would be massive if i commented on everything i liked so i'll just say I really liked how Luna and Celestia were portrayed.
VastaKustutaTwilight asking for an autograph was cute.
This was just like I felt like reading I rated it 5/5
Awesome pic. Particularly FLuttershy's... um... 'illegal move'.
VastaKustutaNot to actually read the fic.
*Now to
VastaKustutaHaha, that was really good. A cute little story, 5 stars!
VastaKustutaPinkie's 'twitchy tail' bit I can let go, since it was established as something Ponyville was familiar with. But the Cutie Mark Crusaders didn't even meet, let alone become a team, until a ways after the parasprite episode, so they shouldn't have made an appearance here.
VastaKustutaWow. That was REAAALLY good!
VastaKustutaI don't think I've laughed so many times reading such a short story. And you interpretation of Luna is great!
And the hints thrown around about Whinnychester add even more depth to the implied story surrounding it. I want to know what happened, or at least this story's version of it. Tell me tell me tell me!
@ShadeTail It's established that the episodes don't necessarily happen in the order that they're aired.
VastaKustutaPoor Lyra.
VastaKustutaAlso, horrid horrid pun. www.instantrimshot.com for that one.
That was a bit odd. Seemed to go all over the place. Well written though.
VastaKustutaAnd before that we were making pasta.
VastaKustutaBugs wouldn't eat it.
HA! I love it.
The ending was a really nice touch there, it was nice to see something somewhat somber after the more normal light heartedness.
That was really funny and heartwarming.
VastaKustutaBut oh god that pun. That was... wow. Nice groaner there.
Excellent work!
I feel really warm n fuzzy after reading this excellent read.
VastaKustutaLighthearted and refreshingly clever. Just as good as your previous fic, if not better. Are you going to go for a third?!
VastaKustutaLoved this story. Very cute, lots of things going on. I like a story with more than one layer to it. Off to read "Idle Luna" now. Can't wait to get some more of this great writing. :)
VastaKustuta>Twilight Sparkle was blindfolded, hooves tied to the chair she was sitting in.
VastaKustuta-Oooook ? That's an odd way to follow the other story and to start this one ?
>How she manages to do it without exploding into flame, she won’t tell me
-It's the floaty-mane... It's fireproof. ;)
>not just because the chair she was sitting in was fun to spin around in.
-Ahhh, spinning chairs... Fun things :)
>Luna meandered into the kitchen, where a plate of muffins grew legs and started dancing.
-Huhhh... Disney musical ?
>if I get any more twitchy twitches you can use your moon tiara magic and take ‘em out!”
-Well... Hurray for Luna's super 'moon tiara' magic ! :D
(It's always good to see stories were the Princess(es) use their High magic power like, well, Goddess-Princess ALICORN(S) !)
>Twilight settled on her traditional hiding spot under her own bed
-Ah ? Why not in the secret laboratory under the house ? She would be protected by : SCIENCE! ;)
>A single giant parasprite rolled over in its sleep
-Huh, ah ? Thought they ONLY multiplied... they ''grow'' too now ?
>“It’s soft and warm!” The Princess’s head poked out from the top, “I might make him my pet, or maybe my bed. Or both.”
-A soft and warm pet-bed from a giant flying-ball-creature... Only for Alicorns ;)
>The event would become an annual tradition in Fillydelphia, with giant shaped balloons in place of the parasprite.
-All those bits of references and humor (counting this story and previous one) are more and more interesting, I must say.
Very interesting style, and well played too.
>MaySea’s Day Parade.
-What does this reference ?
... Well, it was a nice story, and quite easy to enjoy. Again, the humor was especially good, interesting style ...
I discuss this frequently. Why can´t fics be simple and without delusions of grandeur ?! This is the proof they can. This is awesome, is a six star, is cute and touching and doesn´t go into crazy enemies and epic full of logical flaws adventures.
VastaKustutaBecause, in order to have conflict, an extremely powerful protagonist requires an equally powerful antagonist, and the only way to get at the latter is to invent one from whole cloth or re-use Nightmare Moon.
Consider this: The original plan for this fic was to have a chess showmatch between Celestia and Luna (commentated by Day Nine and DJ Wheat) halfway through which Luna puts on a Nightmare Moon act so as to deliberately play the heel, at which point the Mane Six jump in to act as pieces for Celestia's side.
It's epic, but the transition to Nightmare Moon doesn't work even as a joke (see Tabluna Rasa ch. 5, the Pinkie Pie chapter).
MaySea's Day Parade. That's facehoof inducing and hilarious at the same time. Good job.
VastaKustutaThat last scene would have been very sad if not for the cockatrice.
VastaKustutaThis was a great read. PLEASE write more.