• Story: Equestrianet (Update- Chapter 11!)

    Description: An everyday pony named Inkblot discovers a strange device left behind by an odd group of people who hide in the shadows and wipe the memories of anypony who interacts with them. Can Inkblot save the memory of the greatest night of his life?

    Equestrianet: Chapter 1
    Equestrianet: Chapter 2
    Equestrianet: Chapter 3
    Equestrianet: Chapter 4
    Equestrianet: Chapter 5
    Equestrianet: Chapter 6
    Equestrianet: Chapter 7
    Equestrianet: Chapter 8
    Equestrianet: Chapter 9
    Equestrianet: Chapter 10
    Equestrianet: Chapter 11 (New!)

    Additional Tags: Fourth Wall has been obliterated

    17 kommentaari:

    1. I can't wait for the continuation. Also, I need to know what the acronyms stand for!

    2. Inkblot? I've seen like three other OCs with that name. However I will read this.

    3. Well... Ignoring the somewhat sketchy OC ship it IS an interesting concept. I think I'll keep reading for a bit, but it's way too early to really give any sort of review or rating.

      Still, I have to give credit... that's an interesting plot twist you have going there.

    4. @Hymmnos
      I think HPIRT stands for "Human-Pony Intel and Recon Team"...maybe...just guessing. But anyway, interesting setup you have here StoryBirth, looking forward to see where you go with this. *Bookmarked for further readings =)*

    5. I hope to see further updates. Memory tampering is one subject that ALWAYS irks me. Short as this opening chapter was, my stomach was twisted into a tense, anxious ball of sick by the time I'd gotten to the end. I certainly hope that some invaders get taught the meaning of friendship and flank kicking!

    6. Trixie? With an OC pony? Please. We all know the only OC pony worthy of Trixie's affection is Seth.

    7. How come I just now noticed this? I check here every 5 minutes, unless I'm busy.

    8. For Luna's sake! That's the third comment in a row where I've been 8th to comment. Coincidentally, that's also my favorite number. It's getting kinda creepy. Sorry if I seem off-subject, sometimes I get distracted.

    9. What's with this story getting almost no comments? No it's hardly the best story but it's terrible either. Pretty interesting. Though my suspension of disbelief kinda falls at the way side about how email could be showing up....

    10. Intetesting... this isn't another Seth/Trixie ship is it?

    11. This reminds me of a movie I think it was dark city or something, where psychic beings played with peoples lives by freezing time, and playing with there memories like you could be living one the streets at one moment next day you could be a rich business man.

    12. >6 chapters

      I don't want to be a whiner, but where are all the comments?

    13. Wish I knew as well. So much boring forulaic shipping gets 100s of comments yet this attempt at at least being different gets so few.
