• Story: Cantering Death (Update 11!)

    [Grimdark] [Crossover]

    Author: Scriber
    Description: A mysterious viral outbreak grips Equestria, threatening the very life of the country. In an effort to stop the infection, Princess Celestia orders all individual settlements within Equestria to be quarantined. Can Twilight Sparkle, along with the other Elements of Harmony, figure out the cause of this horrific virus and put a stop to it? More importantly - can they survive?

    Cantering Death (New Chapter 11!)

    Additional Tags: Zombies, Grimdark, Infection, Virus, Survival

    35 kommentaari:

    1. Damn, this sounds pretty good. I know what I'm doing tonight.

    2. Hehe, Zombie ponies, very nice.

      That picture is way to happy looking though >.>

    3. @rivid

      I've noticed that's an issue for a lot of people, myself oftentimes included. What we need is some sort of way to get across exactly what level of grimdarkosity (couldn't resist that one - matching a k with an -osity just looks too good) each story has without giving major spoilers. Y'know: any show-named character deaths, torture, gore levels, treatment of subject matter, etc. etc. etc. Not sure how one would go about implementing that, though, short of just having the author tell Seth/Cereal/Phoe what to expect from the story and then having them put it in the description (possibly in spoiler tags). Even then, it's not quite a satisfactory solution.

    4. There seems to be some RD/ AJ shipping. I HATE shipping >_>

    5. What is this a crossover of? L4D? Some other zombie thing?

    6. @william
      If it is, I'm going to be pissed as I am still writing mine...

    7. @NinesTempest

      It is a crossover of 28 days later and MLP, so no worries :P

    8. @Unknown
      That's my favorite zombie movie (and the sequel) of all time.

      Holy shit reading

    9. Yeah well, I friggin love Grimdark. Leave my Grimdark shit alone, and I'll leave your asinine Twixie shipping fantasies alone.

      Zombie ponies? Hell, I'm shocked there aren't like 30 of these fics already.

      And of all the zombie franchises....28 Days Later. Sweet.

    10. this story has been on FimFiction fot awhile now, just barely it got here?

    11. "Author’s note: the edition of this story you are about to read is a gore-lite version, edited for those with a squeamish disposition in mind. If you are not offended by a bit of the ol’ ultra-violence, please proceed to this link"

      Mein Gott. THIS is what its come to? Really? Really? REALLY?

      I swear, its some of you fuckers PREFERRED the SNES version of Mortal Kombat 1 or the godawful TV edits of Rated R films. "Freak me? Freak YOU!" "Yippee-ki-yay, Mr. Falcon!"

    12. @mycutiemarkisagun

      I know, right?!? How DARE an author make a voluntary revision pass - WHILE keeping the original work available for viewing - in an effort to expand his readership to those whose ideals may differ slightly from his own.

      God, next thing you know, we'll have savages spewing filth like 'excuse me', please' and 'thank you' in the streets!

    13. @Rekiara

      Its ZOMBIES. There's no such thing as PG-13 Zombies. If you can't handle mindless cannibal hordes eating people alive, then ZOMBIE fiction isn't for you. Gore comes with the package buddy. Who the HELL shows interest in a Zombie story, then balks because its "too bloody"? That's like watching a gangbang vid and stopping because you're offended by the nudity.

    14. @mycutiemarkisagun

      Keep in mind that this is a site for all ages. It is -not- strictly for adults. There -are- children and underaged folk that come here and enjoy the stories, after all.

      The author willingly offered to tone it down so that it would be more presentable to a wider range of ages.

      Alternatively, the pre-readers could simply ban all 'grimdark' or 'gore' and such, but it's obvious they do not wish to do so.

      Surely you can see this is a decent compromise?

    15. Shipping? Dammit, I hate shipping! Why does every story on here (with only a few exceptions) have to have shipping? I was excited for a good zombie story too...
      Also, @mycutiemarkisagun I am Legend was maybe the best zombie movie in the past decade, and it was PG-13. Just saying.

    16. @Overlong Analysis Cobalt

      Yeah, but you have to admit, that'd still be better than nothing! Pretty much every other story for the past two or three weeks has had a Grimdark tag on it somewhere and it's starting to get me irritated because I don't like main character death or too much gore in a pony story. I'm sure a lot of the grimdark stories I've been skipping over would have been perfectly fine but I, and a lot of other people probably, have been missing them because we don't know what we might be getting into.

      What's even more annoying is that this has been suggested for eons now and Seth hasn't even seemed to consider adding one!

    17. Scriber here - trust me, there is no shipping in this fic whatsoever. Don't know where you guys got that impression!

    18. This is a great idea badly executed.

    19. Finished just the prologue and I have to ask this. Why didn't they use THIS http://bronibooru.mlponies.com/post/show/5012/johnjoseco-pinkie_pie-rarity-spike-twilight_sparkl image for the story? Or even this one. http://bronibooru.mlponies.com/post/show/6205/applejack-crossover-derpy_hooves-fiarel-fluttershy

    20. @Daluz

      Sorry you feel that way, mate...what could I be doing differently? What, specifically, didn't you like about what you've read thus far? I'm open to all constructive criticism.

    21. Liking it so far. Keep up the good work.

    22. Update derped the link again, the new chapter 6 links to chapter 5. Interlude works, but I don't want to go read that until I've read chapter 6.

    23. Yeah, chapter 6 isn't working for me either. On the toic of the interlude though, if Lyra and Bon Bon weren't my favrite ponies before, they most certainly are now! That was kick ass-

      *smacked in the head with a firm buck*

      Bon Bon: Watch your language.

      ... Yes ma'am.

    24. Hmm...don't quite know what happened with the chapter six link, given that I have not released that chapter quite yet. The interlude takes place after chapter five, so feel free to give it a read!

    25. Why is such a cute, funny pic attached to another grimdark crossover fanfic?

    26. Add kung fu to the additional tags and I'm happy.

    27. I don't really like the zombie genre because all the drama and deaths are the result of someone carrying an idiot ball. Can I expect different from this fic?

    28. @bronydash

      Yeah NO. Don't get me wrong, I loved that movie but it totally went off the friggin rails in the third act. They should've stuck with the original cut ending and even that would've been a marginal improvement. And the CGI zombies looked terrible. Honestly, I really think it would've been a million times cooler if they went the Jaws route of never showing the monsters until the end.

      Hell, I don't even think of it as a "zombie" movie, I think of it as a Post-Apocalyptic movie.

      28 Days Later, 28 Months Later, Dawn of the Dead remake, Shaun of the Dead, Planet Terror, Zombieland to name a few are all superior zombie cinema.

      @The Mechanic

      Okay, so yeah there's kids here. First of all, minors, in fact, do not automatically shrivel up and die at the concept of fictional gore. Some minors love it, in fact. Don't believe me, ask the kids sneaking into every R rated horror flick EVER. 2nd, the Grimdark tag is there for a reason - to warn people that can't handle/do not want Grimdark. Adding a layer of censorship to something that already has violence warnings slapped all over it is redundant. 3rd, banning Grimdark would be a unfathomably stupid move that would only cost EQD readers and deprive it of some damn good fanfiction. What, no more Fallout Equestria updates? Pony please.

      And with that good citizens, my job is done.


    29. @mycutiemarkisagun

      First off I agree with everything you just said.

      The main reason I'm commenting was to applaud your epic "sign off".
      It really was one of the few things to make me smile today.

    30. "_Cantering Death_ was as thrilling as I remembered. Chapter nine put my mind in a true, vivid, cinematic mind set of the chapter of what was going on. I was in a R rated film and I couldn't get out. It sucked me in to the point I heard the ponies and felt the area around me. It interested me the use of language that the characters spoke with. It didn't sound like proper vocabulary, however the time and place around the situation gave me a minor exception._Cantering Death_ is a GRIMDARK of quality and so I award it with a 6.60% star. I shall give further word in my next critic."


    31. I'm going to be honest. Listen to the 28 Days Later soundtrack (specifically the main theme, "In The House, In A Heartbeat") while reading this. Very good feeling to it.

    32. Um, Cereal? You do know that there's 2 more chapters out, right?

    33. You know you have a great fanbase when there isn't a single subdivision of fanfiction that hasn't been delved into.
