• Story: Any Port in a Storm

    Author: JqlGirl
    Description: Rainbow Dash is grounded in some rough weather and must
    find shelter. She gets that, and more, from an unexpected source.
    Any Port in a Storm

    Additional Tags: RariDash, first person, flashback

    26 kommentaari:

    1. Another ship I've not seen before!

    2. Wait.....any PORT in a storm.......SHIPPING........ROUGH WEATHER......i think that I might know where this is going.......*gulp*

    3. Wait, what? How would these two even possibly work out?

      I'm going to have to read it just to find out, huh?

    4. Don't know if want...
      Stay awake or read?

    5. Seems like a decent fic so far. It isnt exactly 6-star flat-out awesome, but its good for its idea

    6. That was very good. ^^ Not too slow, not too rushed, and very cute.

      Is this a one shot, or will we be seeing a sequel?

    7. @Stephen Cawking
      Ahh, close enough.....

      Thank you for that, by the way

    8. I know the perfect nickname for this paring:

      Dresses in style!

    9. I was bored and felt like reading something so I gave this a try, unless its for a comedy situation I tend to be very very picky about shipping and Rarity and Rainbow isn't something I would usually read. that said it was pretty good especially for a story done in first person which tend to be a little awkward.

      It wasn't super brilliant but it was good, i'd rate this a four and say very well done for it since I quite liked the style and it was pretty sweet. Rainbows thought process was well done too; as is premise behind it and how it plays out.

    10. This may be blasphemy, but RD is far and away my least favorite of the Mane 6. Still, I gave it a shot for Rarity's sake, and for the sake of a 1st-person viewpoint (is it just me, or are most stories written in 3rd person?). It was well-written and the author captured Rainbow's mindset well. If I was going to rate it, I'd give it a 3.5/5, but I don't think that'd be fair, given my anti-Rainbow bias.

    11. Noooo! You beat me to it! I was going to try and write EqD's first RariDash fic. :(

      Haha, oh well. I'll give this one a read when I get a chance. I'm still going to do my own RariDash. The plot I cooked up for it is too good to pass up.

    12. @Scy Storm

      Your not too late on the follwing pairs (as far as I know):

      Octavia and Derpy
      Screwball and Derpy
      Big Macintosh and Lyra
      AppleJack and DJ P0n-3
      Trixie and Pinkie Pie
      Discord and Luna

      ......and many more

    13. The last RarityDash fic I read was so out of character and weird, but this, this works and I really like it!

    14. @cursormortis

      Almost ALL stories are written in 3rd person.

      >likes Rarity ???
      >doesn't like Rainbow Dash ???

      Not blasphemy but you may want to get an MRI

    15. I've read nearly all lesbian Dash fics, I've NEVER seen this. <_<

    16. This is great. It left me feeling all fuzzy inside after I read it.

    17. @Autumn Wind I plan on writing a next chapter eventually, but not immediately. For now, the story stands up on its own. :)

    18. I quite liked this! We need more first-person stories, that's what.
