[Normal] [Crossover] [Shipping] Two short stories for the price of one. They have nothing to do with each other, but they're both by the same author.
Author: Roy G. Biv
Description: In this little spamfic, Rainbow Dash's father visits the nervous teal pegasus in Ponyville with Pinkie Pie as backupDash's Family Reunion
Additional Tags: It's Okay to Be Takei
Author: Roy G. Biv
Description: Twixie Shipping... With a 'tweest'!Forever With the One You Love
Additional Tags: Twist ending, Sadfic, Twixie
43 kommentaari:
Can't wait to read these!
VastaKustutaIt's fitting Roy G. Biv, the handy little acronym to remember the colors of the rainbow, wrote a story about the Rainbow Dash family reunion.
VastaKustutaoh lawdy i hope its not a tear jerker.
VastaKustuta>Additional Tags: It's Okay to Be Takei
The first one was absolutely priceless.
VastaKustutaI read the first one, it gave me some lulz. Very nice. Even though I don't like shipping, this was more of a shipping for the lulz than a serious shipping. *glares at the second story*
VastaKustutaAsian Dashie... Can't get that picture out of my head.
VastaKustutaMy head banged on my desk several times...also, there was probably some laughter in there too...
VastaKustutaFor the lulz indeed on number one.
Can I read the second one or will I be sad?
VastaKustuta@Glomkettle you will cry good sir, you will cry.
Not if I don't read it, I won't...
I'm going to read it, aren't I?
Was the 1st one just a one-shot or a multi-chap story? I almost cried at the 2nd story.
VastaKustutaRoy, you are amazing!
VastaKustutaFantastically so!
I dunno, maybe I'd have to be deep into some Twixie to really get into the second story.
VastaKustutaIt worked despite the lack of subtlety with the twist towards the middle...actually it might've worked a little better for it.
Usually I'd be all over this sort of twist too...(brain fried perhaps?)
Oh... Now I'm sad...
VastaKustutaFirst story made me giggle. Second story made me laugh. I don't mean to belittle the twixie fans, but the twist just didn't feel organic in the second story.
VastaKustutaOmg omg omg Niji's father is just too much!
VastaKustutaThe tags on the first one there are amazing.
VastaKustuta1st story: ROFL
VastaKustuta2nd story: ...Oh, that was a low blow, dude...
whats the first one a crossover with?
VastaKustutaThe first one was funny and I want a continuation. The second one was just annoying. The twist didn't feel natural at all.
VastaKustuta@D'Artagnan Rossfeld
VastaKustuta... Turn in your badge, now. I don't know which badge, but turn it in. Takei. Gay Takei? George Takei? Was Mr. Sulu on the original Star Trek, came out of the closet and hooked up with some dude I forget?
He's kind of a passive net-culture icon, only the sort that most trolls won't try to troll about. Heck, can even find references in teamfourstar.
i didn't know dash's dad was mr. sulu...
VastaKustutaNot TRIXIE!
Real People fic? Really, Equestria Daily?
VastaKustutaHolly shit, the second one broke me apart :'(. I want to genuine smile to uncontrollable tears in a few sentences. Damn, this guy is good.
VastaKustutaI actually read the first one before it was up here! It feels so weird to be able to say that. It's not bad weird, but still...
VastaKustutaAnywho, it's adorable, to say the least.
The first one I give a 7/10, wouldn't mind seeing it continued. I chortled merrily and I'm not even entirely sure why. I'm holding off on the second one for now because I'm in a good mood at the moment and it seems from the comments that other people were too until they read it. Later today though.
VastaKustutaSecond one broke me in places I didn't even know I had them.
VastaKustutaJust read the second one. Pixar-size fist in my stomach.
VastaKustutaSecond one was trying quite a bit too had, I think. When the reveal finally happened, the way it was done caused eye-rolling rather than anything else.
VastaKustutaThe first one, however, was absolute gold. Read every bit of dialog in Takei's voice and it was fantastic.
I seriously need to stop reading sadfics, but I just can't resist Twixie or shipping for that matter. Oh golly.
VastaKustutaOh my....
VastaKustutason of a... you have ruined me author! Before, I never ascribed racial traits to ponies (they're multihued marshmallow horse for god sakes) but now... you've made dash asian somehow in my head. What has been read cannot be unread.
VastaKustutathe second one was sad... i nearly cried :'(
VastaKustutaI can't wait for the second part of both stories. That is if there is one.
VastaKustutaTakei is a proponent of gay rights.
Number one needs a sequel, and I knew I should not have read number two, but suffice to say I have to leave this unrated because one is so much better than two. Two is just so cliche once I saw it coming I started to skim, and when I hit the end I closed the tab in disgust. "It was all just a dream" is the greatest sin against good storytelling, even worse than Deus/Dioblus Ex Machina.
VastaKustutathe first one was..... i just realised we need to think of an official rating system for things. like, on a scale of 1-10
VastaKustuta1 being something like "parasprite crap"
10 being something along the lines of "dragon gold"
Number two / "Forever with the one you love" is so amazing! And sad... But really descriptive and well written still!
VastaKustutait's ok to be takei....I see what you did there.
VastaKustutaSo basically... Read the second one first so you end on a smile?
VastaKustutaToo bad these weren't posted that way.
Emm what does the first story ship?