• Sibsy Stops By the EQD IRC

    Sibsy, a Senior Storyboard Artist from FiM  recently stopped by in the EQD IRC and answered a whole bunch of questions for everyone to go crazy over.  Nothing too spoilerific, but there are some really neat insights into the animation process.

    You can find the entire thing after the break!

    (Feel free to yell at me if anything needs to be deleted Sibsy! I didn't see anything dangerous though.)

    And thanks to Sketchy Sounds for the logs!

     Sibsy: So, like, I know a lot about the production of film and TV 
    shows, but not so much animation. And if the music thing doesn't work, I
     wanna record dialogue.
    <Pizzicato> Sibsy: And I've wondered...do they record dialogue first, then animate, or vice versa?
    <Sibsy> yea pizz...scripts first, then voices
    <Sibsy> I was talking to my friend...she's an animator on the show
    <Sibsy> and apparently someone said that she should watch all those blooper videos
    <Sibsy> to "learn from them"
    <Sibsy> and it's like...do you know how much TIME we have to make these shows?!
    <Sibsy> not much.
    <HotCocoa> Sibsy: less than a couple weeks per episode in man-hours, right?
    <Sibsy> ugh.  we're on a TV budget
    <Sibsy> yea like a month
    <Sibsy> we have a month to board
    <Sibsy> I know...believe me, we don't like mistakes either, but it happens
     Sibsy: that's something I've been wanting to grill you and Jayson 
    about, is the start-to-finish episode process.
    <Sibsy> sure
    <Sibsy> what do you wanna know that you don't?
    <Sibsy> I like that we're allowed to be wacky w/ the characters...especially Pinkie
    <Sibsy> at first PP and RD were my faves
    <Sibsy> like WAY back in season one
    <Sibsy> but TS is my fave
    <Sibsy> in the studio...they say I'm a mix between TS and RD
    <Sibsy> I'm TS, because I'm always right, but no one listens to me
    <Sibsy> and RD cause I'm always ready to fight ;)
    <Sibsy> I think what I'm most excited about season 2
    <Sibsy> is the music
    <TuxOtaku> Sibsy, no spoilers...but can we get a little hint as to some upcoming pop culture nods or references?
    <Sibsy> pop culture refs?
    <Sibsy> lol
    <Sibsy> ummmm
     Sibsy, like with the yakity sax stuff or the pepe lepew hop, the back 
    to the future reference in Feeling Pinkie Keen....that kind of stuff
    <Sibsy> I can only tell from the episodes I've worked on, there wasn't much
    <Sibsy> I don't always have time to watch the other animatics
     we used to take time to watch everyones as they finished...but it just 
    takes too much time out of the day, so we stopped
    <Sibsy> another funny thing about the CMC song
    <Sibsy> I remember when my friend was boarded that sequence
    <Sibsy> there was a good version of the song, and the one in the show
    <Sibsy> and I would NEVER listen to the show version cause i hated it :P
    <@Ali1017> I would love to hear the good version though.
    <Sibsy> it's sooooo much better Ali
    <Topshot> haha I heard it broke daniel's heart to make her sing so bad
    <Sibsy> he's awesome
    <Sibsy> it broke MY heart when I found out there were using the crappy version!!
     So... do we get to see more of Luna in Season 2? Or will she just make a
     brief appearance in one episode then vanish until the next season?
    <Sibsy> you'll see more of her, dont worry.
    <HotCocoa> Sibsy probably doesn't know anything that Jayson doesn't know :P
    <Sibsy> yea me and Jay are friends
    <HotCocoa> Jayson has no idea what Hasbro is doing with the soundtrack
    <Sibsy> none of us know much about that sort of thing
    <Sibsy> we never even know when they air stuff
    <Sibsy> I must say..the extended intro is much nicer
    <Sibsy> I have both versions of the CMC on my car mix ;)
    <JanusII> I'd love to have the honest singing version, haha
    <Sibsy> I wish I could share it, believe me!!!
    <Sibsy> once our stuff goes to layout, we don't see it
    <Sibsy> till a rough cut is done in animation
    <Nashy> Do you watch the end result, i.e. the show?
    <Sibsy> heck yes nashy
    <Sibsy> we wanna see how everything looks and is timed out
    <Sibsy> there's a lot of things when I see them, where I'm like, "aw man that's not the right timing!"
    <Sibsy> I got saddled with SO much Fluttershy and CMC in season one
    <Sibsy> I started hating Fluttershy
    <Hicrodonma> Blasphemy!
    <Sibsy> nah, I love ponies!
    <Leika> How can you hate Fluttershy?!
    <Leika> D:
    <Sibsy> well Leika
    <Sibsy> my first episode was dragonshy
    <Sibsy> and it's like HOLY CRAP STOP WHINING!
    <HotCocoa> Only Jayson has said he's just a little burnt out because he's with the ENTIRE PROCESS from beginning to end
    <Sibsy> oh we're all burnt out
    <Sibsy> but Jay is still there..haha..I'm working on some comics right now ;)
    <SillyNilly|Sketch> Sibsy, strange question here but what is your favorite fruit? :3
    <Sibsy> fave fruit...ummm
    <Sibsy> strawberries
    <HotCocoa> Sibsy: you guys only did two episodes though, right?
    <HotCocoa> Sibsy: or do you board the Top Draw episodes too?
    <Sibsy> no hot cocoa
    <Sibsy> I worked on Dragonshy
    <Sibsy> Bird in the Hoof
    <Sibsy> Cutie Mark period episode
    <Sibsy> the discord eps
    <Sibsy> and the staremaster
    <Westy543> [22:22:03] <Sibsy> the discord ep s 
    <Westy543> plural
    <Westy543> episodes
    <Westy543> more than one
    <Sibsy> YES
    <TheGreatPeter> Sibsy, any other season 2 eps (no need to name names)
    <Sibsy> oh yea, I worked on a bunch on season 2
    <Sibsy> I was pissed when they did that lol
    <Sibsy> we worked so hard on that discord stuff
    <Sibsy> and it got all done and it was awesome
    <Sibsy> and we had a viewing party
    <Sibsy> and then they're like, "oh we're not airing this for like 6 months" lol
     Sibsy, just wondering, did you do the Discord episodes at the end of 
    the season or were they just at a random point in production?
    <Sibsy> nope, end of season one feio
    <Mason_Trowel> It must really irk the animators to have the finished product just sitting there for months on end. ^_^
    <Sibsy> that's what I mean Mason!
    <ChJees> Sibsy: How do the studios react to the ponies in socks meme :P?
    <Sibsy> haha I'm sure only a few know
    <Sibsy> the girls you saw that cosplay, they are huge fans
    <Sibsy> I think for most people it's just a job
    <@Ali1017> Sibsy, are the necklaces going to make a comeback?
    <Sibsy> can't say Ali
    <Sibsy> is it wrong that I hate the names Lyra and Octavia? lol
    <@Octavia> Sibsy thpbpbpbpt
    <Sibsy> I LOVE berry punch
    <Sibsy> omg
    <Sibsy> in that one ep w/ her by the punch bowl
    <Sibsy> she was supposed to burp
    <Sibsy> but it never got thru
    <Sibsy> hahah
    <Sibsy> I always want to make her drunk
    <Sibsy> stupid standards! lol
    <Sibsy> I put her there on purpose
    <Sibsy> I don't usually care which bg pony I use
    <Sibsy> but in that case it was thought out.
    <Sibsy> yea that was the reason I picked her out of the designs
    <Sibsy> hee hee
    <Sibsy> as soon as I saw the grapes, I was like..she's the drinker!
    <Sibsy> I'm glad it caught on
    <Sibsy> even though it kinda got cut out haha
    <Solo> So Berry Punch wasn an intentional BG pony, then? That's interesting.
    <Sibsy> well we just have a sheet of ponies
    <Sibsy> they're all recolours with different cutie marks
    <Sibsy> (it's the most efficient way)
     but when we board, we don't usually have time to pck out which ones..we
     just kinda draw the hair to match and the layout guys fill them in
    (Regarding Lyra's slouch)
    <Sibsy> I guess the board arist just drew her that way in the board and that was that
    <Sibsy> I guess it's cause it kinda gets boring to draw them standing all the time
    <Sibsy> so we like to mix it up
    <Sibsy> sometimes we draw them with hands for jokes
    <Sibsy> we're not even really "allowed" to draw them holding stuff
    <Sibsy> only if we can't find another way
    <Sibsy> we HAVE to do it "horse like"  Laurens orders :)
    <Sibsy> especially when the writers are dumb
    <Sibsy> and don't think about that stuff when they write.
    <Sibsy> we're like GEEEZUS
    <Northern_Lights> "HUMAN POSES AUUUUUGH"
    <Sibsy> YES she hates them :)
    <HotCocoa> As far as I'm aware, she doesn't mind humanization, she just doesn't want human-like things in the show
    <Sibsy> yea
    <Sibsy> it's tricky ...I mean, we DO do it once in a while
    <Sibsy> that's why I like the magic ponies, it's easier
    <feio345> Apple Bloom using a pencil was pretty inspired
    <Sibsy> that was me feio
    <Sibsy> I made AB do that
    <Sibsy> cause again...I got the script and was like WTF
    <Sibsy> and Cherilee with the pointer in her mouth
    <Sibsy> the'yre like...she has to hold it AND talk
    <Sibsy> well, how the hell does that work
    <Solo> There are a few times where they have held things in their hooves as though they were hands, though
    <Sibsy> yea there are solo
    <Sibsy> we can't get around it
    <Sibsy> that scene w/ Fluttershy pouring the birdseed in the chair
    <Sibsy> I TOTALLY thought that was going to get nixed when I did it
    <Sibsy> but it stayed!
    <Sibsy> I wanted it to look like a talk show shot
    <Sibsy> and that part where the bird licks the birdseed with the tongue
    <Sibsy> that was SUPPOSED to be road runner gag
    <Sibsy> but again, the timing wasn't right.
    <Sibsy> I wanted that roadrunner sound effect
    <Sibsy> I don't get the saddles.  I think it's just to sell toys.
    <Sibsy> more accessories!
    <Solo> She gives Spike rides on her back all the time, but never while she wears a saddle.
    <Sibsy> I know eh?  unreal.
    <@Ali1017> Why is toy Celestia pink?
    <Sibsy> your guess is as good as mine
    <Sibsy> I don't think they're going to fix her either
    <Sibsy> I want a show accurate everything.
    <Sibsy> I only have the mcdonalds toys
    <Sibsy> no that's a lie.  I bought the party pack to get Spike.
    <Sibsy> I had someone on DA make me an AWESOME pipecleaner TS
    <Sibsy> holy shit
    <Sibsy> it's amazing
    <TheGreatPeter> ooh, the pipecleaner ponies? those own
    <Sibsy> YES
    <Sibsy> they own even more in real life TGP
    <TheGreatPeter> how large was it?
    <Sibsy> I got a big one..like 7" I guess?
    <Sibsy> it's...amazing.
    <Sibsy> I want that crazy FS plushie that girl made
    <Sibsy> that was like 100 million dollars
    <Sibsy> but I wanted a Twilight version.
    <Sibsy> it's like....how can I work on the show and have NO TOYS!
    <Sibsy> I worked on Ed edd n Edd, NO TOYS
     Sibsy, if you're willing to accept gifts for your hard work, there are 
    plenty of fans who would be DELIGHTED to get you ponies. ^_^
    <Sibsy> I could never accept that Mason
    <Sibsy> I guess I dunno, I always feel weird about stuff haha
    <@NightmareMoon> Sibsy, you'd have bronies lining up JUST TO GIVE YOU FREE STUFF.
    <Squeetastic> FREE STUFF
    <Sibsy> LOL that's cause they're crazy
    <Sibsy> the girl who made me the pipecleaner toy did it for free
    <Sibsy> and I was like fuck that
    <Sibsy> I drew her her OC pony and sent it :)
    <JackiePie> Sibsy you know what was under Edd's hat?
    <Sibsy> I don't Jackie
    <feio345> i dont  want  to know what's under Edd's hat
    <Sibsy> I don't either :)
    <Squeetastic> I told myself if I ever had the chance, I'd ask so many questions of those who brought us the ponies
    <Sibsy> haha you can ask
    <Sibsy> but I can't always answer
    <Sibsy> I'm just so excited for some new eps to start airing
    <Sibsy> it's worse when you know what they are!!!
     Sibsy this is important what is your opinion on the movie Robocop (I 
    just wanted to ask something non pony related to be different please 
    don't hate me)
    <Sibsy> I haven't seen robocop since I was a kid
    <lyude> Sibsy, any idea if they'll be a DVD?
    <Sibsy> I'm sure there will be
    <Flutterbro> Oh! Sibsy, how much is Luna in season 2? Can you answer that? D:
    <Sibsy> Flutter, she's in enough that SHOULD keep fans happy
    <Sibsy> I'm still a kid at heart.
     I have worked hard to give myself very little in the way of 
    preconceived ideas regarding characters, that way I won't be upset if 
    they "didn't do something the way I wanted".
    <Sibsy> good call Mason
    <feio345> SO ANYWAY sibsy who's the best pony
    <Sibsy> TWILIGHT
    <Xiagu> Sibsy is the best pony
    <feio345> noted!
    <Sibsy> duh.
    <Topshot> sibsy: what's your favorite beer
    <Xiagu> also ^^^
    <Sibsy> Becks
    <TheGreatPeter> it's official: Twilight best pony
    <Squeetastic> What's your favorite non mane pony?
    <Sibsy> Berry Punch...or whatever you've named her
    <Sibsy> I like Apple Bloom too
    <feio345> Sibsy: do you prefer Snips or Snails?
    <Sibsy> I hate them both...but I like drawing them.
    <Sibsy> because we can draw their cheeks
    <Sibsy> I LOVE sweeties voice
     Guys it would be good if you can make any questions you may have 
    meaningful and insightful. I'd like to pick through the log later and 
    submit anything of interest to EqD - so long as Sibsy is OK with me 
    doing that.
    <Sibsy> I don't know if there's anything worth posting sketchy lol
    <Sibsy> I'm just chatting :)
    <%Sketchy_Sounds> Sibsy, you'd be shocked.
    <Solo> Sibsy: What are your thoughts on Sweetie Belle getting Aretha Franklin for her cutie mark? :P
    <Sibsy> LOL solo
    <Sibsy> that is hilarious
    <@NightmareMoon> Sibsy: A lot of the fandom will freak seeing that you were in the chat with us.
    <Sibsy> I'm sure it won't be the last time
     Forgive me for repeating this question, but Sibsy, do you find it odd 
    that you are basically a celebrity just for drawing some ponies? ^_^
    <+Sibsy> I wouldn't call myself that though
    <+Sibsy> I just do my job
    <TheGreatPeter> I think you're exaggerating the "celebrity" thing
    <+Sibsy> I agree TGP :P
    <TheGreatPeter> most of the staff are just cool people who love what they do
    <+Sibsy> I'm just like you guys
    <+Sibsy> I just draw
    <+Sibsy> ponies..
    <+Sibsy> for..a living.
    <+Sibsy> :O
    <JackiePie> Sibsy yeah, I've wanted to get involved with cartoons somehow, but then I realized it would take effort.
    <+Sibsy> lol jackie
    <+Sibsy> well I always wanted to work in animation since I was a kid
    <+Sibsy> it's hard work.
    <SillyNilly|Sketch> If you had not chosen to pursue animation as a career, what else would you have done Sibsy?
    <+Sibsy> oh geez sill honestly...
    <+Sibsy> I wanted to be a pilot
    <+Sibsy> but that required brains.
    <+Sibsy> I LOVE airplanes and cars
    <TheGreatPeter> Sibsy, you're lead storyboarder, correct?
    <+Sibsy> yes TGP
    <Squeetastic> Sibsy What are your thoughts on Big Macintosh?
    <+Sibsy> he's okay
    <+Sibsy> haven't really dealt with him much in my episodes
     Sibsy, I'm curious, is being in a position like yours a relaxing work 
    environment?  casual, amusing, etc?  I imagine animators and such are 
    fun people to work around
    <+Sibsy> omg yes
    <+Sibsy> us boarders have our own room
    <+Sibsy> so we can be loud
    <%Sketchy_Sounds> OK Sibsy now I have to ask. Any amusing anecdotes you can share? :D
    <+Sibsy> oh gosh sketchy
    <+Sibsy> it's not a PG rated area...we'll leave it at that :P
    <Northern_Lights> You can be loud?  Do you guys blare music ever?  I would love to work somewhere where I could do that :P
    <+Sibsy> oh yea, we play loud music
    <+Sibsy> we shout swear
    <+Sibsy> we'd be so fired anywhere else
    <GraphiteLuck> lol.  Awesome work environment indeed.  What kinds of music go on?  Please be 90's, lol
    <+Sibsy> graphite, we listen to so much crap
    <+Sibsy> just to laugh
    <+Sibsy> I'll put on rebecca black on Fridays
    <+Sibsy> whether people wanna hear it or not
    <lyude> What kinda music generally?
    <+Sibsy> kinda depends on who starts first
    <+Sibsy> sometimes I'll put on something terrible from the 90s
    <+Sibsy> and then someone will send me something to put on next
    <+Sibsy> and it just goes on and on...SUPER random
     Sibsy: I just realized the sheer irony that this sweet children's 
    cartoon is produced by a group of crazy people in a small room, yelling 
    swearwords and listening to loud music.suddenly, it all makes sense.
    <+Sibsy> most cartoons are made that way solo ;)
    <Topshot> sibsy: what type of computer do you work on?
    <+Sibsy> pc
    <JackiePie> Sibsy does anyone like Rammstein?
    <+Sibsy> um..don't think so Jackie
    <Solo> Sibsy: I thought most cartoons were made involving more booze. Like looney tunes.
    <+Sibsy> haha solo
    <Flutterbro> the only obvious question left is, favourite band?
    <+Sibsy> it's a toss up flutter
    <+Sibsy> between The Slackers and Mad Caddies
    <Semysane> Sibsy, is there anything about the fandom that has creeped you out yet?  If so, what?
    <+Sibsy> Semy, I try to stay away from stuff that seems "off" to begin with
    <+Sibsy> I don't read the fandom stuff
    <JackiePie> Sibsy you think in the future there might be a MLP: FiM video game?
    <+Sibsy> good question Jackie...that'd be awesome!
    <Solo> Sibsy: Really? You just read the scripts?
    <+Sibsy> that's right solo
    <+Sibsy> the scripts are written WAY before we board them
     Sibsy: That seems like an awful way to do business.... how do the 
    writers know if they made a part that's hard to animate, and need to fix
    <+Sibsy> they don't solo...thats what sucks
    <+Sibsy> we have to fix their problems.
    <+Sibsy> we have to work around problems...we sit down with Jayson or Wootie in a script meeting
    <%Sketchy_Sounds> Wootie?
    <+Sibsy> James Wooton...the other director..I worked with him on the Eds too :)
    <+Sibsy> but yea..we'll sit down
    <+Sibsy> and pick out what doesn't work 
    <+Sibsy> and cut a lot of stuff for time
    <+Sibsy> and rework stuff so it WORKS
    <@Ali1017> Odd question, about Derpy in episode one, any idea why her eyes were derped for that brief moment?
    <+Sibsy> it was an accident ali
     Sibsy: I apologise if you've already answered this question, but what 
    prompted you to do storyboard art? Also why choose My little pony?
    <+Sibsy> I wanted to tell stories balloons
    <+Sibsy> visual stories
     Sibsy, did you ever work on any comics?  Can't imagine it wasn't a 
    thought in that kind of field.  Though I suppose it's what you do now 
    anyway (in a way)
    <+Sibsy> Graphite:  Darkwing Duck
    <+Sibsy> lots of disney covers
    <+Sibsy> I'm working on a Casper series right now
    <GraphiteLuck> Sibsy, that.  is.  awesome
    <+Sibsy> I know Graphite.  It blew my mind too
    <@Ali1017> Question again. What was your reaction to the unexpected fanbase that has embraced the show?
    <+Sibsy> I think it's awesome Ali
    <+Sibsy> makes me feel good about the show I work on
    <+Sibsy> we work hard on it
    <+Sibsy> so it's nice that's it's for the most part, very well recieved
     Sibsy, if you culd chance a guess, if MLP was to go on indefinitely, do
     think you could see yourself working on the show for several years?
    <+Sibsy> probably not Mason
    <+Sibsy> don't wanna draw the same thing everyday for years and years
    <MrMooMoo> Have you personally made anyone watch MLP?
    <+Sibsy> just my husband :P
    <lyude> Sibsy, have you ever met Craig Mcraken?
    <+Sibsy> I have lyude
    <lyude> What's he like?
    <+Sibsy> nice guy!
    <+Sibsy> I know Lauren more though
    <+Sibsy> she used to come to the studio 
    <Solo> Sibsy: Do you visit the Equestria Daily blog?
    <+Sibsy> everyday solo
    <MrMooMoo> No Fanfic mode?
    <+Sibsy> no fanfic mode :P
    <+Sibsy> lol
    <+Sibsy> well I leave it on cause I like see the art
    <+Sibsy> but I never read it
    <@Ali1017> @ Sibsy. With Season Two about to start, how do think the fanbase will respond to the new season?
    <+Sibsy> I think they will enjoy it the same as the first ali
    <JenJen> Sibsy: Will there be another Fluttershy rage? That was really funny...
    <+Sibsy> um...not sure JenJen
    <Solo> Sibsy: Who storyboarded the sequence where Twilight turns into a flaming Rapidash temporarily?
    <+Sibsy> my friend Scott
    <+Sibsy> he was a lead guy on Ed Edd n Eddy
    <lyude> Sibsy, what was the reason he stopped making it?
    <+Sibsy> The Eds?
    <+Sibsy> The Eds ended cause well..it was just time.  Danny wanted to move onto other projects.
     Sibsy, do you guys get to hang around other Hasbro animators (or do a 
    lot of you cross projects?)  I'm not sure it's much loved in the Brony 
    Community, but I'm really liking Transformers Prime too.
    <+Sibsy> well, the animation is done overseas for Ponies...half here half there
    <+Sibsy> and I'm not in the same room as the animators
    <+Sibsy> so I don't really see them other than at lunch time

    73 kommentaari:

    1. being a mod during this was hell lol

    2. Filtering that log down was a pain, but worth it. :D

    3. just to clear it up, she is the senior storyboard artist, not an animator.

    4. " and it's like HOLY CRAP STOP WHINING!"

      But I thought you WAAAAAANTED WHIIINING. (hoofstamp)

    5. Imagine having all that knowledge whats on Season Two, and not sharing it for the lulz.

    6. @PlaceHolder With great power comes great responsibility

    7. not really withheld for the lulz, more withheld for both present employment and future. (fired? ohwell new job. Oh you revealed important plot twists? naw no job for you. work in a supermarket. NUUUUUUU)
      kind of thing.

    8. Sibsy! I'm the originator of the Octavia name! lol And of course the fake me was in the chat at the time pretending to be me. :P

      I knew some of this, because I'm just so darn smart like that. ;) But Sibsy dropped by the chat. I thought she might at some point. Had a hunch. :P

    9. As for withholding information. Well, some things you simply can't tell. It's part of the job. Also, you don't want to just blurt out -everything-. That takes away so much suspense and surprise for later on. ;)

    10. @PlaceHolder
      Glad I don't have that job, because I would So do that!

    11. inb4 Drunk Lesbian Nymphomaniac Berry Punch is 'canon'.

    12. damn ali1017 still on the chat

      anywhooo cool to know some stuff on season 2 hopefully they still stuck to making a little girls show and not gear it twords the older audience

    13. So some of the background ponies had intentional actions given to them? I almost don't want to see Series Two just because of all the fan art that'll be undone.

    14. Yes, indeed. I was a mod during that. Queue continuous side tracking, multiple discussions, massive amount of flooding and spam, and the chat moving at Warp 6.

    15. Many, MANY thanks, to Sibsy for taking the time to chat with all of us fans, and to the mods for taking the time to filter out the gold from the dross for those of us who were not there live. This was an educating and entertaining read. (Huzzah for Berry Punch being the drinker I always thought she was!)

    16. > there was a good version of the song, and the one in the show.

      We need the good version of the CMC theme, seriously, we do.

    17. I never cease to be amazed how cutthroat can the animation/illustration/game-making businesses be.

      I mean, I understand how it get's there:
      thousands of kids grow up willing to do something they enjoyed as kids for living*
      And these kids grow up into artists that find that there are only a handful of jobs in these areas - so the competition is really fierce.
      And in result you really have the best of the best willing to work for peanuts because - hell, there's a line around the block for each and everyone of those seats.

      I get it. I just never cease to be amazed by it.

      *I totally just posted "Sibsy: I draw ponies for a living. O.O" on my FB - too funny to miss :)

    18. I always love seeing into the mind of production staff. Its always fun. I really want to hear the good version of CMC, I really hope it makes it in to a CD if it comes out.

    19. Aside from that, its wonderful to see Sibsy taking time to chat with the fans of the show as well as learn some nice little tidbits of stuff behind the show. :)

    20. Fuck yeah Berry punch is best non mane Pony

    21. @Electro MadnessTotally Agree. One day maybe. One day....

    22. Former aspiring pilots unite!

      Very nearly went that route before talking with a friend's father who described (in a dream-crushingly detailed manner) having to go massively in debt to get licensed to then making peanuts at regional carrier to then finally (maybe!) getting to a major where you're one layoff away from having to start all over again from the bottom with no consideration for the number of hours you have.

      Went with CS instead and wound up at a small company that keeps a well stocked arsenal of booze. Much better.

    23. It kinda sucks that she doesn't read any fanfic at all in case it's "off". I bet she'd love Past Sins or Fallout or It's A Dangerous Business.

    24. TL;DR


      really though, this is a great time killer :P

    25. @Octavia
      Who what now? I named Octavia when I made a ridiculous image macro.

    26. Wait a minute, this guy not only worked on Dragonshy and Stare Master, but he also worked on Ed Edd & Eddy? TAKE ALL OF MY MONEY!

    27. 'Rammstein'

      Inb4 Rainbow Dash yelling 'Feuer Frei!'

    28. @Spyda K

      I also came up with the name "Octavia" for her. It was among several names I had for her when I first saw her. I literally came up with it right after the episode aired. I did it for many background ponies. But since I saw Octavia was so popular a while later, I decided might as well stick with that.

    29. Requirement for a cartoon about ponies and friendship is a soundproof room for playing loud music and swearing like a sailor?

      me gusta...

    30. Blah! I always miss the good stuff!

      This was fun to read :3 too bad Sibsy doesn't read any fanfic at all. You'd think the comedies at least wouldn't burn too much, lol.

    31. Hah! I just realized I called Sibsy an egghead. xD

      But it was all in good fun. She liked Twilight and I do too x3.

    32. @8ftmetalhead
      Oh, it's about far more than just employment.
      Companies will take legal action sometimes (read: always) when someone breaks an NDA.

      A casting rep for a movie that started shooting in the area said that, during the shooting of another in-the-area movie, someone broke the NDA and is currently getting jail time of around twenty years.

      They may not be facing potential federal charges, though, if they break it.

    33. Awwwwwww... No mention of Coheed and Cambria? Sad faic. But cool that you guys got to talk with a storyboarder. Lucky. And I wish I had that kind of soundproof room! Blast ALL the Austrian Death Machine!!!

    34. Awesome. just awesome. I just wish I didn't leave the chat early yesterday. MFW: :Rageguy:

    35. Also, she doesn't mention any names, but the layout artist who caused Lyra's bad posture and inability to stand still is Nayuki, the same pony who worked on the Toy Con poster.

    36. So being part of the team is much like that? Figured as much, since I've visited a few animation studios in Vancouver (not DHX Media though). I'd love to work in that sort of environment. I'll get a new demo reel made, and apply like crazy!

    37. "
      So... do we get to see more of Luna in Season 2? Or will she just make a
      brief appearance in one episode then vanish until the next season?
      you'll see more of her, dont worry."


      Also, I figured out a long time ago the animation errors were more because time constraints. Transforers G1 cartoon suffered the same way, the animators knew of the errors too. Unfortunately, they had to get new episodes out to coincide with the release of the new toy of the week that appeared in that episode.

      Still got more to read, nice to hear from those involved.

    38. ... Rebecca Black? Haha, the story boarders look like they'd all be really fun to work with. :P

    39. Sibsy is the real deal. Nothing but the straight goods from that girl.

      Love her pony persona. Attitude.

    40. It amuses me that after all these years no even someone who worked on the show still doesn't know what was under Edd's hat. I miss that show, truly.

    41. This is awesome, made me want to go watch Ed Edd n Eddy.

    42. I need a clean CMC song so badly it hurts.

      Maybe they are planning to use it in later episodes? Please someone ask Sibsy about that when she shows up next time.

    43. I'd like to know how one could become a writer on the show.

    44. There's a Back to The Future reference in 'Feeling Pinkie Keen'?

    45. A> Awesome. Had fun reading this. Gives me a tiny bit of insight of what I could expect were I to try getting into the field.

      B> There's someone on that chat named Balloons? They're instantly my favorite chatter now. /silly

    46. OMG... Mad Caddies are so good. Favorite band when I was back in High school.

    47. @Pony In Chief

      Fairly sure that was supposed to have been the helmet Twilight made Pinkie wear early on when she was trying to find out the source of the pinkie sense...Doc Brown wore something similar in the first film when you first see him in the past, I believe.

    48. (Sibsy) and Cherilee with the pointer in her mouth
      (Sibsy) the'yre like...she has to hold it AND talk
      (Sibsy) well, how the hell does that work
      I laughed much harder at this than I feel I should have.

    49. So it's confirmed: Twilight is best pony.

    50. Oh, Sibsy, you're so entertaining. She's slowly becoming my favorite personality among the known dev team.

    51. Dang, I missed it lol...

      Danial needs to release the good CMC song version lol =P

    52. sibsy is so cool to talk to the fans like this! She seems like a fun and funny person. My only beef is about the CMC song. If the song sounded good, the audience would have clapped and they all would have gotten their QT marks for being rock stars?? The whole point of the story would have ruined. (I want to hear the good version of the song anyway, I'm just sayin)

    53. So does this mean that the tactile manipulation field is canon?

    54. ....wow this person is outrageously awesome

    55. Thanks guys so much for bringing this to us! :D

    56. I love reading these

    57. if something like this happens agin...and someone can remember..there is a question id LOVE to see answered.."shoes"...best example is rairity whining on her bed in her robe..she has shoes ONLY on her front legs but not the back..shouldnt it be the otehr way around?

    58. I've always wondered why bronies are so trusting over this kind of thing, is there any proof that it's actually her?
      Same thing with that time someone showed up on ponychan, was there any proof?

      Still really cool to read though, I love Sibsy.

    59. That was so very awesome. I kinda wish that the animators might look at the fanfics, though. Even if they didn't take anything from them I'm sure they'd enjoy a lot of them.

      That last comment makes me seriously want a Transformers Prime/MLP:Fim crossover with KP-ShadowSquirrel's 3D designs. That would be so awesome I'd probably explode. Twice. My childhood cartoon mixing with my adulthood cartoon...

    60. @Pony In Chief

      The helmet that Twi puts on Pinkie Pie in her lab/basement. It's very similar looking to the helmet Doc Brown was wearing when you first meet him in 1955.

    61. Sibsy> I LOVE berry punch
      in that one ep w/ her by the punch bowl
      she was supposed to burp
      but it never got thru
      I always want to make her drunk

      Funny, this gmod video heavy in ponyville part 8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GugXTW92Mc came few days or so ago too. Berry and Demoman's Beer >.<

      Sibsy you know what was under Edd's hat?
      I don't Jackie
      i dont want to know what's under Edd's hat
      I don't either :)

      OH GOD they just HAD to bring that up

      lol. Awesome work environment indeed. What kinds of music go on? Please be 90's, lol

      What about mid0-late 80s? >.<

      <+Sibsy> Semy, I try to stay away from stuff that seems "off" to begin with
      <+Sibsy> I don't read the fandom stuff

      I agree...


      <@Ali1017> Odd question, about Derpy in episode one, any idea why her eyes were derped for that brief moment?
      <+Sibsy> it was an accident ali

      But we already knew that!

      Sibsy, did you ever work on any comics? Can't imagine it wasn't a
      thought in that kind of field. Though I suppose it's what you do now
      anyway (in a way)
      <+Sibsy> Graphite: Darkwing Duck


      Sibsy: Who storyboarded the sequence where Twilight turns into a flaming Rapidash temporarily?
      <+Sibsy> my friend Scott
      <+Sibsy> he was a lead guy on Ed Edd n Eddy

      Somehow that makes SO much sense!

    62. The bit about how the background ponies are used is interesting. I'd like to see more thought given to them, but it sounds like they just don't have the time to do that.

    63. That was epic; a lot of things going on in the animation and TV world combined together. A lot of humorous stuff along the way too! I'm a bit saddened that some content actually had to be cut out, either for timing, restrictions with using Adobe Flash, or corporate reasons. I hope those people save up the unused goods in the future for upcoming episodes; or if not, save it in a folder like a time capsule so you'll share it to your fans of the show. Hope to hear you more Sibsy! Rock on!

    64. I always want to make her drunk
      stupid standards! lol
      I put her there on purpose
      I don't usually care which bg pony I use
      but in that case it was thought out.
      yea that was the reason I picked her out of the designs
      hee hee
      as soon as I saw the grapes, I was like..she's the drinker!
      I'm glad it caught on
      even though it kinda got cut out haha

      IT IS CANON!!! XD

    65. Cant wait to make my Discord folder in 15-22 days

      Hopefully he will be done like a baus.

    66. @Woof Hooves

      Actually, I think I can address this.

      Ponies use their forehooves to manipulate their world to at least some extent. Think of the shoes they wear on the front two almost as gloves, to keep their hooves clean.

    67. I can't believe nopony asked about 80s Cheerilee. For shame.

    68. >Cutie Mark period episode

      LMFAO am I the only that caught this?

    69. As someone who's a huge HUGE fan of Ed Edd n Eddy, (I've followed Sibsy's for years on deviantart)to see so many of my favourite artists now working on FiM is amazing. No wonder I love FiM so much!

      This was a great read!
