It was an extra p-word, sue me. Also it's totally true. I actually asked to be put "in charge" of these plushie showcases because looking at them brings such a big smile to my face. It's like... they're ponies, and you can hug them. The official market hasn't yet shifted to accommodate this rather basic but profound realization, but in the meantime talented fans from all over continue to pick up the slack for our corporate overlords.
I can tell you one thing, ponies. My computer screen is not as soft and fuzzy as it looks like it should be right now. So close and yet so far...
42 kommentaari:
Largest SQEEE ever. i want these.
VastaKustutaoh my Celestia, adawwaable
VastaKustuta'You may call me P.'
VastaKustutaOddly, I want one.
VastaKustutaProbably Colgate or Derpy.
I will kill for the second fluttershy one. Whole villages of pony folk might I add.
VastaKustutaI want that Luna V2 Plushie Now!
VastaKustutaOh damn these are amazing.
VastaKustutaMore ontopic than my earlier comment: these are adorable :)
VastaKustuta=( still waiting for an awsomeness-quality pinkie pie
VastaKustutaAdded alliterative appeal is amazingly awesome. I think the title needs more "p" words. Perhaps "Pony Plushy Post Produces Perfectly, Positively Pacified Phoe". But I digress. PLUSHIES!
VastaKustuta*eyes graze through post quickly* Hmm, these are pretty cute...
VastaKustuta*pause, move back to second Fluttershy*
Flutter-plush! I want to flutter-hug it!
VastaKustuta>mfw then don't ship to Europe =P
VastaKustutaSaw that second Fluttershy on Ebay a few back. As as much as I'd love to have her, it's a bit more than I'm willing to pay. :P I love all these plushies though. They're so cute and huggable. <3
VastaKustutabeen growing my hair for years, my mom says she's gonna get me a Fluttershy if i let her cut it...farewell hair!
VastaKustutai hav no moneyz i have no moneyz i hav no moneyz!
I hope this fandom dosen't die for years and years, I need time to grow old and have fun being a brony. I'm 14 and going into high school for the first day tomorrow, and I just wish I could find a way to express my love for My Little Pony... and no I'm not going to sing Giggle at the Ghosties because people would think I'm a copy cat. I hope this lasts for 10 more years at least, and by lasting that long I mean the show not cancelling. I can wait a whole year for the season as long as the fandom dosen't die in between. I want it to last long enough for me to be able to spend money on Pony shirts or plushies. I look around my room and am saddened by how boring it is. White walls, no decorations at all. Even if I wanted to decorate all I've got are Nintendo plushies from 2000, but I don't have anywhere to put them! Seriously, my room has 1 bed, 1 cubs blanket (I don't care about the sport or the team, I've just bonded with the blanket I got from my dad... yes I said I was 14, what about it?) 2 mismatched pillows (Doggy one and a red one... yes I am 14! STOP ASKING!) 2 tables (one for my laptop and one for my light, handheld systems, TV remotes, and drinks), 1 shelf (Has only 3 levels, bottom has a door and all my console games, middle is open and has my consoles, and top is just a table with my TV and a few other useless things)
VastaKustutaI know right, but the more and more of these Flutershy Plushies I see, the closer and closer I get to emptying my pockets for one.
How do you even say "Phoe"? Is it like how you say the names of those Zelda ghosts, or more along the lines of "Foe"?
VastaKustutaBecause if it's the latter, then the title doesn't fit the theme of alliteration you were initially going for with this.
VastaKustutaWish my Mom would do that, she lets me do whatever I want with my hair. So even though I don't want to do anything fancy I could if I wanted. You are soo lucky to have a Mom who dosen't like your hair.... never thought I'd say that.
@Jebediah Oldenheimer
VastaKustutaI've allways have read it as Foe, but that is an excellent question! I hope Phoe responds!
MY MONEY! TAKE ALL OF IT!Just give me that Luna Plushie.
VastaKustutaI envy you to no bounds at this moment in time.
Maybe I can use my beard as leverage, let it get all viking like and braid it hmmmmmmmmm.
@Jebediah Oldenheimer
I'm pretty sure Phoe said it's pronounced like this way. Fee, like in Phoenix.
I Love the luna one. Sadly, I only have like ten bucks so I'd be out bid in 10 seconds flat ._.
VastaKustutaI hope these things start to become mass market soon. I can't really see the point in the plastic models, but a plushie...that's a different matter. That 2nd Fluttershy is fantastic (it's up to $160 now), how about a similar Luna, hmmm?
VastaKustutaAh well, time to try a bit of papercraft methinks!
I wish I could get plushies without being questioned by my parents... and without spending all my money at once.
VastaKustutaThe demand is too damn HIGH!
Put a few bids in for the Derpy plush. It wasn't enough :(
VastaKustutaI've been watching those plushes on ebay for a while, all the really good ones go 300+ lol.
VastaKustutaI'd like Luna v2 though, and that really really nice Fluttershy from a while back. Then I'll one of my favorite 2 ponies!
Apart from the second Fluttershy and the Luna, they're all look pretty "meh". Their heads, I think, may be the main cause of this.
VastaKustuta@Andeeem *They all look.
VastaKustutaI've always said Phoe Foe-e. I have no idea why,I just have.
VastaKustutaThat Derpy REALLY needs to be for sale somewhere!
VastaKustutaThat's some amazing quality work.
VastaKustutaoh wow... colgate plushie... WHY DON'T I HAVE ANY MONEY?! Yah... I need to get my bandcamp set up NAOW...
VastaKustutaPhoe actually touched on her name in the first Q & Neigh. It sounds nothing like it looks lol. Fee is how it sounds (as in like feed)
VastaKustutaThat luna looks fantastic.
Derpy is not derp.
(Looks at wallet)
VastaKustutaWallet! Y u no have Money?!
I wanna Fluttershy one, and a Twilight, and a Luna and then we can all cuddle and do pony things:D
@ninto55 Sing Winter Wrap-up.
VastaKustutaOhmygosh ommygosh ohmygosh on the Rainbow Dash price!!