• Pony Drinking Card Game

    Hey guys! Remember those pony playing cards I posted a while ago? Well, now there's a set of pony drinking game cards from the same creator. Go get drunk! Unless you're underage. Then drink a soda or something. I mean, unless you like soda with your adult beverage of choice. Then you can have both.

    You can find the decks here, here, and here.

    52 kommentaari:

    1. Alcohol is very bad for you yet that probably wont stop me from drinking it when I'm of age.

    2. Oh nice! Now I know what I must do... print and play. But I don't have alot of friends...

    3. I'd almost say this is a bad idea, but bad ideas tend to be the most fun, so let's all get hammered!

    4. My life will be complete the day I will convert enough friends of mine to MLP to play this drink game.

      And it's only 10$ the deck, woo-hoo!

    5. I took an oath that I'd NEVER drink alcohol in my life, and I really hate when people drink it... <.< Anyway... Even if I'm at the age of drinking, according to Portuguese law... I'll stick with Coke. |:

    6. @ElementalOgre

      You're damn straight they're the most fun. WE MUST GET DRUNK IMMEDIATELY!!

    7. My friends and I played this.
      It's really balanced and tons of fun!

      We learned a lot about the magic of (hilarious) friendship. ^^

    8. @Latias4Ever

      Really ...? Never ever? Wow. I totally respect you for that. Seriously, that's a tough thing to stick to in this day and age.

      I, myself, have not taken such an oath, but I totally support you in your endeavors to stay sober. FIGHT ON!!

    9. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    10. @Latias4Ever
      I respect your decision, just want to point out I hope you are ware that drinking Coke is about as healthy as drinking alcohol.
      Actually, some acoholic beverages might be better in that regard.

      As for the card set, isn't this basicly the same 4chan card set that was posted a while ago?

    11. @Latias4Ever Kudos to you man. I know I'm never going to drink too, but doesn't mean we have to miss out on the fun. :P

    12. @Simy

      Did you use all 161 cards, or one of the three decks? I also wonder if it might be a bit more interesting if you were to deal 5 cards to every player and (aside from mandatories) allow them to choose when to play which ones and keep drawing back up to 5. Draw one, play one seems to simple.

    13. 161 cards of pure awesome though I do call it needing at least 4 players to not result in in coma.

    14. @Latias4Ever

      Hmm, it's a really brave oath, but still meaningless, you know? I don't really see the point of that kind of swear... A beer or a glass of wine with your friends once in a while never hurt nor killed anyone, and unless you drink 5 bottles a week, it is very unlikely that you become dependant, especially since you are not used to drink, so you have more chance to not become alcoholic now that you're old.

    15. You are now 20% drunker

    16. @Polaris

      It's not about the actual act of drinking, I think. It may very well be about the discipline of not drinking, and the strength of will that such an act takes (or rather, denial of an act).

      OR maybe he/she took the oath because someone in their family was a heavy drinker, with horrible repercussions. They NEVER wanted to ever risk falling into the trap ... EVER!!

      OR maybe it was one of a dozen other reasons. But come on now, don't try to make light of his/her oath, or say that it's inconsequential. That's just bad form.

    17. Whoever made the 'Hooves Up' card in deck #2 is an troll.

    18. @Rex Ivan

      It is a very brave behaviour for your first reason.

      And Latias, I'm really sorry if I offensed you with my opinion, I didn't mean to.

      It's just there is all that fuss about alcohol, although with just an ounce of reponsability and good sens, it is a very good substance, and if they weren't dumbasses who drink too much, they would be no car accidents or such things, and we could have fun with alcohol without being annoyed by the anti-alcohol ads campaign. And it is far less dangerous than many other things, like drugs or narcotics amongst other.

    19. oh man i so want to buy this. ;p
      I'll have to try to print this out though. Might require some photoshoping.

    20. Confound these ponies, they drive me to drink!

    21. i like how the rules are only in deck 3

    22. how much do you drink every time you do drink??

      10 oz, 16 oz, 8 oz,...100oz? XD

    23. If I can't print it out, there's no point.

    24. I want to play this drinking game. Now.

    25. Well, I'm getting Drunk. But at least I'll be having a good time.

    26. is there a way to enlarge the imagaes? I cant read some of them.

    27. Never ever drinking alcohol, so BRING ON THE MOUNTAIN DEW!

    28. Considering it's the exact same format as the various 4chan/7chan/whatever-chan drinking games, this should be a ton of fun. Bonus points go to whoever decides to take the templates and make a jillion more cards =D.

    29. I love the concept but really now, three decks? That's over 30 bucks for these cards, all the other '4chan drinking game' cards for other memes are found free to print.

      I'm assuming the maker gets commission from these sales, I can't blame someone for trying to make a quick buck, but its still kinda a jerk move to charge people $30 when these cards are usually free.

    30. @Nämahs

      There's a link in Seth's previous post about this to download all the images. I'm pretty sure they're all the same, maybe with the exception of the back graphic and the two instruction cards.

      You could print these out, but you'd have to provide your own card stock and cut them all out. I would assume most of the cost is artscow's markup and the cost of printing on actual playing card stock.

    31. Playing deck 2 alone it's possible for everyone to have to down 30 drinks. (I Cast Magic Missile + Gary Motherfucking Oak, roll 10 + Don't Feed the Parasprites). And then it's possible for more status cards to trigger Don't Feed the Parasprites again for the same 30 drinks.

      That's scary.

    32. I don't even like drinking but FUCK YEAH I want these.

    33. Artscow offers no commission to designs unless it is stated as a designer set.

      Also, to make the decks cheaper,

      If the codes are gone, just wait a day and they'll reset.

    34. I cried of so much lolling. Would love to play with those!

    35. Oh damn, my friends would be so, the waaaat is this?!

    36. Well, this is perfect to see when you wake up from your 21st party with a massive hangover. Still looks fun though. Maybe next time I go drinking.

    37. So if you buy this do they send you cards or do you still need to print them out yourself?

    38. Oh my god these are so much fun to read! I'm cracking up so hard right now...

    39. Hahaha! Perfect! My 18th birthday's just around the corner.

    40. I'm not fond of drinking games, they force people to drink more alcohol than they want to.

    41. Each Player Starts with 50 points.
      When you drink, lose a point.
      When you finish your drink, go down to the next increment of 10.
      Take a shot is lose 5 points.

      Cards with altered rules:
      RAAAAAAAAAAVE!!: If you have a drink at the table, put glowsticks in it, otherwise wear the glowsticks in a position of the choosing of the player sitting across from you.

      Royal Privelages: You lose half the normal amount of points rounded up for one round.

      Taste the Rainbow: If there is more than one kine of drink at the table get some of them mixed. If not do as it says to your drink. If you do not have a drink, get a glass of water then mix appropriately.

      Syrup: I do not get the joke on this card, so I will write "The Game" in sharpie on it.

      A Touch of Class: Pick a classy action everypony must take when they lose a point. If they fail to do so, they lose an additional point. (For added fun also apply this when they take a drink from their drink.)

      Weather Factory: Put some ice in your drink, if you fail to find ice or do not have a drink "Finish your drink."

      OH-YEA!!!!! : If your drink or your shirt is red, "Finish your drink."

      Party of One: Pick an object to represent each player that you must now address instead of that player.

      Some Burns: You can't pick a number greater than your point total.

      CMC Heavy Drinkers: Lose a point for each player on the table if at least half of them have drinks. Otherwise "Finish your drink."

      Fall Weather Friends: Each time one of you lose a point, both of you must stare at each other for 5 seconds, if either of you fail to do so, both of you lose an extra point.

      So what does everypony think? I based it all in the spirit of drinking so my numbers my be wrong as I don't drink. I'll tweak it as I play-test it some but suggestions are welcome.

      Apart from that, these rules are suggestions and everypony is free to change or ignore them at their own will... but if you happen to get any awesome ideas, feel free to post em. ^^

    42. @Kragt

      Sorry for the double post, but my post got wiped earlier and I forgot to add this back in.

      The point of this is to enjoy an awesome game without getting drunk, because I do not drink either. (Neither Alcohol or Soda.)

      And also because buying that much alcohol or soda every time somepony wants to play gets expensive and tends to allow only one game a night (so if somepony shows up late they miss out on the fun.)

      Have fun everypony.

    43. I just bought the whole set! would anypony like it if I scaned them and through them up on /rs/?

    44. I don't drink alcohol (at all !) but this game could really be fun.
      But I'm not paying for it. (since I'm not even into alcohol)

    45. @cobra commander


      If only so I can make some custom cards later. ^^

      I plan to order the set too but I may make a few custom cards here and there.

    46. Aww I'd love to do this but I'd probably be disowned by my friends if they knew I were into a children's cartoon about ponies. The regular playing cards are pretty awesome though.

    47. I can do this with my friends.

      We'll just drink lemon juice. 8D
