Lord Giampietro is creating a whole bunch of really awesome Coat of Arms designs for every pony in the show. So far he has a pretty sweet gallery of them going.
You can find them all below!
Pony Coat of Arms
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28 kommentaari:
Ohh sweet
VastaKustutaYAY! Finally! A matching design to the jacket I'm going to make!
VastaKustutaCoat of arms....
VastaKustutaemblem design??
Needs more Fluttershy
VastaKustutaWow, they're great! :D Surely worthy of being put on a shirt.
VastaKustutakinda confused as to why the female-oriented Equestria seems to use lozenges for the females instead of for the males. also, are these personal arms or family arms, as they all seem to be based on cutie marks, which indicates personal arms.
VastaKustutaanother thing, these shields are ... uhm, of a rather flamboyant type. the scroll work seems to indicate a debauched 18th or 19th Century design basis for most of them. uhm, i prefer simpler shields of more martial design. but they're better than anything i could do.
sorry, i really do like them. i'm just curious as to the choices behind some of the selections.
Impressive sir, but what do you plan to do if there are more fan-named ponies in season 2?
VastaKustutawhy hello there new wallpapers
VastaKustutaI thought the same, but then I saw the second page. :P
I really like these especially Big Macintosh's.
VastaKustutahuh, apparently the guy who made these did it because his daughter suggested it. how peculiar
VastaKustutaDerpy´s, Celestia´s, Blueblood´s and Trixie´s are my favourites. They´re all very good.
VastaKustutaKinda funny that someone thought to make coats of arms, when they pretty much already have symbols representing them emblazoned on their flanks.
VastaKustutaThe watermarks ruined them...
VastaKustutaI guess the creator wants little more than just acknowledgement. fair enough, they are really good.
VastaKustutaDat Watermark!!
VastaKustutaAfter looking at them, at first I was going to say that of course Rainbow Dash's would be the most awesome looking one, but I gotta say Applejack's gives Dash's a run for its money...
VastaKustutaHeh, they're kinda cute. Aww, my COA is rather simplistic. :P I like how they incorporated the element of harmony necklaces into them. Also, I'm guessing these aren't family COA's but personal ones since they are so specific for each character.
VastaKustutaThey're nice and all, but completely useless because of the stupid watermark over all of them.
VastaKustutaWatermarks suck, but still pretty badflank.
VastaKustutaI love how everyone is complaining about the silliest things. :P (Not including the ones who think it's awesome regardless of the watermark.)
VastaKustutaLike about the watermark. I'm sure if you guys asked him nicely and politely and told him you'd give him credit and link to his gallery he wouldn't mind giving you a copy. (He's done it for a few I've noticed.) :)
The Art4Luv scandal put everyone on their toes so can't be blamed. DA's population has been weary about it. I think that's why he's done it. Which is sad that due to that issue he has to do that. Just ask nicely and see what happens ^^
Im thinking about that live show "medieval times".... *grin*
VastaKustutaSome should know what i mean....
can somepony photoshop thme into the knights who fight there, THAT would be sssooo AWESOME!
Sweet there is a shadowbolt one! Derpy's is the best one.
VastaKustutathat is epic
VastaKustutai like them, the one problem i find though, is the fact that they are PNG's. so i cant use them as my steam spray or icon... thats always been my problem with dA. they always use PNG. is it to much to ask for a simple JPEG?
VastaKustuta9 days until I can has my own coat of arms.
VastaKustutaI, Fellmoon, was the one that suggested he combine the Celestia and Luna coat-of-arms :)
VastaKustutaI was actually the one that suggested that Lord Giampietro make the coat of arms above, posting such since Celestia and Luna rule Equestria together.