• PMV: Pinkie Pie Psycho // Ponyception // Megamare L4 // Somewhere Only We Know

    Still making us all look bad, JJ.

    1.) Pinkie Pie Psycho
    2.) Ponyception
    3.) Megamare L4
    4.) Somewhere Only We Know


    1. Pinkie Pie Psycho sounds intense.

    2. Number 4 was awesome. Inception was pretty cool.

    3. Oh wow. #3 - I did not expect.. that. How the heck? Is this old new stuff? New old stuff? Floored, frankly! Top notch!

    4. that fourth video was... too perfect. seriously. i'm starting to feel bad, with all these fans being more awesome than me.

      i'ma go pout in a jealous slump now!

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. I loved #4, it was a really nice song and the scenes that went with it were chosen perfectly.

      #1 was cool, it was very fitting having Pinkie be the psycho, because she is...

      #2 was done well too, I just think the inception PMV's have been overdone now.

      I really didn't care for #3, it was impressive that it was all fan animation, but I don't care too much for anything anime/retro video game related.

    7. I liked the fourth one. It was pretty touchy.

      Also the inception was pretty cool. The first one was pretty fitting for Pinkie's character.

    8. Megamare L4 is pretty cool. Zero kills Dumbledore, but what is he fighting for?

    9. Dashie on the beach, my life is complete. Loving the header image.

    10. #4: Wow what a great pairing of song and scenes!

    11. How many inception trailers are there now?

    12. 1. Pinkie Pie is a psycho, but a good psycho! :)

      2. Good enough to tie with the other trailer with the same name.

      3. I never played this, but it looks cool.

      4. Cute and great song to mix with.

    13. OH MAN MEGAMARE l4 <3 best megamare L game ever.

    14. Ok, I really need to get this out there. Anypony who's listening and has any sort of coding/spriting skills - give me resprited Megaman X games with Lyra as X. I saw a demo once a long while back, and I have been begging for it ever since.

      Give me these games with Best Pony. I'm begging you. I will pay you.

    15. #4 reminds me only of winnie the pooh, and how much i loved that

    16. Vectors are way better than video, link to the vector version!

      Here it is:

    17. I demand more hardcore gangsta rap PMVs!

      I mean, that's not what that was, but more damnit!

    18. Loved #4, Keane is awesome.

    19. #4 was nice. That song makes me d'awww in the first place. Combined with ponies makes me wanna weep with joy.

    20. #3 Lyra is now Mega Man, err, Mare?


      The characters look ever so slightly off-model but the animation is absolutely amazing. Given the incredible stuff that fans have produced thanks to this series, I wonder if we're in for some sort of Flash Renaissance?


    21. @aramaru
      Now only if we got to see the fruits of that fanimation project that's going on Ponychan, it'd be lovely.

      Also seeing how that one fellow posted that stunning Pinkie Pie animation a day or two back, I'm sure that there will be more ponymations replicating the same level or quality sooner or later.

      If nothing, I do hope my ponymations inspire other artists to tackle their own animation projects.

    22. First one is kinda cool. Though the song isn't really up my alley. Video wasn't bad though.

      Ponyception video was... alright I guess. I don't think I've even seen the original trailer to the movie though. lol

      Not much for me to say on the third, as I have not played Megaman X4 or Rockman. But as a fun animated video, it was nice.

      The PMV at the bottom was nice. Cute song.

    23. Look, at this point I'm pretty sure you could sync the Inception trailer with Mr. Rogers clips and it would still come off pretty badass.

    24. I gotta say I prefer this earlier Ponyception trailer over that one above. Even though it isn't in HD, I still think it's better put together.

    25. I have been waiting on that Somewhere Only We Know PMV ALL.MY.LIFE. My favorite song ever.

    26. I was hoping the inception trailer would use some season 2 stuff.

      Because honestly I had that thought about part 2.
      Would certainly work.

    27. Lyra and Bonbon X and Zero? I am very disappoint.

      AJ is Zero pony if I ever saw one and Twilight makes a pretty darned good X.

    28. I was gonna do 'Am I Psycho', but damnit, someone beat me to it. Although I was going to do the whole song, with Dash (the pervert, duh), Pinkie (You might call me psychotic but it's more like schizophrenic; and can anyone tell me just the F*ck where my medicine is?!"), and Rarity ("...and you are not not a f*ckin' fashion guru") as the respective verses.

      And I have no idea whatsoever how to do video editing, so... Yeah, someone who does get on that.

    29. The First one was Awesome :D

    30. Someday, when MLP:FiM actually comes to an end, I'll look back to #4 and weep many, many manly tears...

    31. #4 for the win...

      Yeah, I'm happy to admit to everyone I know, that even as I guy, I like the show.

      I like the show. But I love the fans more. Peace out, Bronies and Pegasisters. Keep producing gems like these, and the series will never really die.

    32. I have to echo: Lyra and Bon Bon as X and Zero? Not really feeling it, but that's just me. Also: the implications of Apple Bloom being Iris are lol. I did crack up at Appaloosia being Repliforce.

      Definitely creator preference going with those ponies, but it's all good. I'd have personally put Twilight Sparkle as X, Rainbow Dash as Zero, and Applejack as Iris/Big Macintosh as Colonel (the whole Apple Clan as Repliforce would be epic, and would fit into the setting of Appaloosia being their base of operations). Trixie would be Double, just because that would be funny, and it kinda would fit her.

      Silver Star would be General, and as for Sigma, one could take their pick of either Nightmare Moon or DisQord. I'd personally go with DisQord, but either one fits, really.

    33. Also: MMX4 is one of the rare few instances where I truly believe that the NA version of the opening of a game is actually superior to the JP version. The music is more in style of the series and what's being represented, and actually times up properly to the action on screen. It gives the correct feel of what you're about to get into. The JP version is so far off the mark it isn't even funny.

      The voice acting, on the other hand...
