• PMV: Lazy Ponyday / Les Miserables / Pinkie Pie had friends in other places

    Random PMV time, everything from comedy to sad.

    1.) Lazy Ponyday (Lonely Island)
    2.) Do you hear the people sing (Les Miserables)
    3.) Pinkie Pie had friends in other places

    22 kommentaari:

    1. "Lazy Ponyday" was awesome... I love it when people go the extra mile to really synch up the lip movements that well.

      The Pony revolution in Les Mis made me chuckle as well, and the last one was good too with the fun "old timey" effect.

      A great batch!

    2. If 2 was just slightly better edited it would be my favorite thing ever.

    3. #2 FOR THE LUNA REPUBLIC! (but seriously, it's kind of awesome to see all the ponies marching together in protest. They need to find someone for the ponies to revolt against that's not either of the princess)

    4. @Leeky
      How about that Satan-Pony we thought was Discord a few weeks back?

    5. I really like the last one. Its the ukulele. Its hard to hate a good ukulele.

      I really should sit down and watch Les Miserables some time. I kept meaning to after watching Nostalgia Chick but now I really have to.

    6. FINALLY! I've always wanted that song to become a PMV. It gives me chills every time I hear it.

    7. I give these ALL the good rating of 4/5!(though they still get all my 5 stars) There wasn't anything that was really well done, but the music was good and had good syncing to match.

    8. Vive la république lunaires!!!

      Loved the second one, that song is so fitting.

      I've loved Les Mis All my life, so this just makes it a thousand times better.

    10. OK, bronies... internet random short story time!

      This litte internet train starts with the webcomic Darths n Droids, which is DND for Star Wars. They're currently in Revenge of the Sith, just after Yoda is done fighting Palpatine. In the artist's description is a mention about adding rules of combat to your game, and it drops a reference to the Burr-Hamilton duel of 1804.

      Intrigued, I pull up the wiki article about it (train part #2: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burr%E2%80%93Hamilton_duel), and I find it interesting.

      Part 3: the Lazy Ponyday PMV in this post. A parody of yet another Lonely Island song (not that it's a bad thing)... which ALSO drops the Burr-Hamilton reference in the lyrics!

      Internet, you weird me out sometimes. lol.

      The other 2 PMVs were also good.

    11. Well that was uncommon: I actually liked all three of the songs showcased on this page.

    12. We need somepony to turn One Day More from Les Miserables into pony...

    13. The first and last ones were really creative.

    14. Wait... in #1, what episode was the scene at 1:40 ripped from?

    15. I am surprised that Le Miz has yet to be Ponied

    16. Author of second video here. My dreams of getting something on Equestria Daily have finally come true. As for people who want one day more, someone else already made it.

    17. 1.

      rapped along the whole damn way
