Anyway, have some news.
Fighting is Magic Looking for Applejack Voice Actor
If you can pull off an Applejack southern accent, the guys over at Fighting is Magic need someone to do voiceovers for her. Go help them! I want to play this game already!
Light and Dark Pony RPG Battle Test
Another stream of the Light and Dark pony RPG has been posted. Check it out here!
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More!
Australian Steam Group
Colorado Statewide Brony Group
Facebook Group
Website (Under Construction)
Atlanta Georgia Meetup (See Poster)
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Atlanta Georgia Meetup |
Ottawa Brony Meetup
"Ottawa Bronies(Pony Up! in the nations capital!) are having their first meet, details can be found at
Ragnarok Online Guild
Name: New Lunar Republic
Server: Maia-RO
Contact: Calmai/Faolain
Alternative contact email:
Alternative form of contact deviantart: malrai
Hoping to WoE and start up Endless Tower runs and do MVPs eventually.
Meetup Reports
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Malmö Brony Meetup |
It looks... delicious. Bronycon better have cake!
Hardon Lewdad Dramatic Reading
Some crazy parody of Arddun Lleuad popped up. For those that enjoyed the less-controversial-than-I-thought LunaxHuman shipping fic, check it out below!
Pony Toys in Colombia
That's a new one. Looks like ponies are showing up in Colombia. Sadly they were unpriced, but at least they are available.
Swedish Brony Poster Takeover
A bunch of Swedish bronies are posting these all over the place. Apparently they link to EQD! Hopefully I don't scare anyone away... I'll have to keep the saucy down for a few days.
The Nerd Signal Posts a Pony Report
A website called "The Nerd Signal" recently posted an article on pony. Pretty neat!
Project to Animate FiM in Gmod
Some crazy brony is planning to animate all of Season one in GMOD. I'm pretty sure hes going to lose his mind, but if you want to toss him some love, hit up the channel for it.
Friendship is Betrayal Comic Project
Not to be outdone by the brony above doing everything in GMOD, someone else plans to convert the series into a grimdark comic. For those that are into that, go check it out!
Friday MLP Online Livestream
On Friday at 9:00 PM Eastern, MLP Online is going to be doing a live demonstration. Apparently they have some other huge news to announce too. Hopefully it will be hitting beta soon or something!
MAD Magazine Mentions Ponies
I didn't know MAD still existed!
MLP 1-Up Game
Based on the ridiculously popular My Little 1-Up Video, a new game is in progress. Right now he has the start screen and character select completed. Hopefully this completes soon! I'd play the hell out of anything based on that PMV.
That Guy With The Glasses Reviews MLP
Apparently these guys are crazy popular, because my poor inbox has been slammed with news about this pretty much all day. A new series has been set up to review all things pony. Right now it seems to primarily focus on G1, but hopefully later on we will see some of the new stuff. Find it here!
Flankbook Techno Livestreams
Someone from Flankbook posing as Scratch is doing daily live stream events. If you like techno, check out the page for it!
Not Even Calculators are Safe From Shipping
At least it's not Rainbow Dash!
So You Think You're a Brony Episode Two
The second installment of So You Think You're a Brony has released, check it out here!
Applejack/Rarity Ringtones
More ringtones from the person that brought us the Fluttershy one a few days ago, check them out below!
Merch/Ebay StuffKeychains, Sculptures, and more.
Custom Pony Shirts
Ridiculously Cute Luna/Celestia Filly Clay Ponies + More
Equestria Daily News
Fic report for Tuesday, September 13, 2011
- Fics received today: 9
- Fics that received Feedback today: 15
- Fics still awaiting feedback: 10
- Fics approved: 4
- Total new fics scheduled for posting: 4
- Total fic updates in Queue for posting: 14
- Fics sent back for revision and/or proofreading: 9
Oh, Bon-Bon, you so silly.
ReplyDeletePonies and Math!
ReplyDeleteYay aussie steamgroup mention :D
ReplyDeleteYay for Scratch Radio \^3^/
ReplyDeleteand the TI-89 has never had a better purpose than ponies.
What that Mason guy said :D
ReplyDeleteNice lots of game news, I can't wait for some of this stuff to be done. This community does such amazing work!
ReplyDeleteLyra always deserves better. For some reason she is rapidly moving up my list of favourite ponies, even though nothing has actually changed with regards to her, lmao.
ReplyDeleteAlso, you should stick up the UK TRU merch pics I sent in Seth. ;)
the cake will always be a lie....
ReplyDeletethe toys in columbia are the EXACT 2 i was looking for at the local TRU
I may be alone on this, but I absolutely loathe That Guy With the Glasses
ReplyDeleteShe could eat some CUpcakes instead...
ReplyDeleteWait, What?!
Animating all of season one in Gmod sounds hellish...
ReplyDeleteSo, who is Applejack being shipped with on the calculator? Because as far as I can tell, shes being shipped with fancy mathematics.
whoever did the ring tones should get ahold of mane6...that AJ isnt half bad..not as good as the shy one but definatly "game" worthy!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteSomeone needs to share on how to graph a pony. Id put it on every calculator I find.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Lost Echo, Vinyls live stream kicks ass
ReplyDeleteI am shamed... I had a Mortal Kombat imitation on my TI-82 in high school, and even grey scale graphics and animations, yet I NEVER thought to ponify my calculators... God, calculators are what I DO, what I've ALWAYS been known for... And now I am shamed...
ReplyDeleteAt least I solved the 50x50 Discord nonogram from the new coloring book, and got 2 boxes of Toys R Us Pony Collector sets today. 24 little blind bag size ponies. 12 to keep, 12 to customize. Luna, Derpy, Octavia, Lyra, and Bon Bon, here I come! :D
I dug the Pony Up! reference.
ReplyDeleteMFW AJ was shipped with fancy mathematics! /)^ɛ^(\
The mode is simple pen plot mode. you can draw points or lines, and it's usually done manually. It can be programmed using X/Y coordinates to plot points, or the start and end points (in the case of lines). It's basically a sketch mode. You can save the pictures for later though.
Aww, I think Lyra and Bonbon make a quirky cute couple. Though perhaps Pinkie went Cupcakes on Bonbon's parents and that's them in the bowl. Sorry. ;)
ReplyDeleteYay, more pony cakes. Can never get enough of those.
Hardon Lewdad dramatic reading was... interesting, to say the least. But it made me smile as it's absurd random hilarity. :D
That image the Swedish bronies are using for their little posters looks so much like an old Communist poster or the like of course. The police will probably see them and think they have a group of Communists or something. lol
The Nerd Signal brony report was pretty good.
Wow, someone's going to be turning the entire series into a grimdark comic? That might be rather interesting and cool to see.
MLP Online live demonstration! Very cool. I'll try to catch a glimpse of that if I'm not too busy with Brony Movie Night at the time. Which I probably will be though. Sad face. lol
MLP 1-Up game in progress, yay~ I'd certainly play this too. Wow, so many pony games. Everyone is going to loose SO much sleep to all these pony games. I know I probably will be.
The Guy with the Glasses review wasn't too shabby. He even went pretty deep into the past gens. Which, I admit, I did watch a little of when I was little. Though I agree. Needs more FiM. :)
Applejack on a calculator, nice. I still don't know how to do that yet on one. I never fiddled around enough with them I s'pose past what my math classes had me do. :P
Applejack and Rarity ringtones are pretty good. This person is pretty good having done a Rarity, Fluttershy, and Applejack all decently close to the their show voices.
And those little Luna and Celestia sculpted ponies are adorable. :>
The Fluttershy and AJ ringtones were the better of them all. Rarity and Pinkie Pie seemed too off. All of them are DEFINITELY a good imitations, but certainly not convincing enough to ever foal any true brony. I can hear the voices of those characters when I read fanfics. I'm too tuned into what they should sound like.
ReplyDeleteHmm... Maybe it's NOT a good thing to hear the voice of Pinkie Pie in my head... EVER!!!
I just watched CR's MLP retrospective a few hours ago and it was pretty good. His reactions to the G3 and G3.5 stuff were pretty much the same as mine, mouth agape in horror.
ReplyDeleteYou don't want to hear me? ;_;
Why haven't I seen a mention of Tezzle's DSotT review of My Little Pony: FiM? He's also on channel awesome (that guy with the glasses collective), and his review is very good. He starts by giving a general overview of the Hub channel, and then dives right into FiM, giving a hilarious overview of what makes the show so much fun.
ReplyDeleteHope more people watch it!
Here's a link:
@Woof Hooves
ReplyDeleteHIVE-MIND. I was thinking the exact same thing. Her AJ was pretty damned spot on, probably the best fandub AJ I've heard. I'd say shes in the same league as the current Mane6 Twi voice.
Call Mane6 now, they deserve the best. And please, never do Pinkie Pie again.
Oh wow. You will reach the 100th Nightly round-up right before Episode 1, season 2 premieres. And hopefully you will get past 40 Million views before that too!
ReplyDeleteHooray for unexpected coordination!!!
Them fancy mathematics AJ, them fancy mathemathics...
ReplyDeleteI was waiting for that AJ ringtone! but when I listened to it, hmm.. something is a little off. I dunno why.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to agree with Dr. Brony and Lost Echo here, Scratch's radio stream is great. The only thing that's missing is more ponies to party with. You should check it out!
ReplyDeleteIdk why, but Lyra looks really old in that Nightly Roundup pic.
ReplyDeleteThis is the perfect place to say that I got a question on a test correct by guessing the day 'Sept 17'. Hey bronies, Season 2 starts on Constitution Day!
ReplyDeleteIt's Equestria Online, not MLP Online.
ReplyDeleteWow... Erm...
ReplyDeleteFluttershy's ringtone was much better. Applejack sounds like a dead ringer for Tom Sawyer, and Rarity's voice is better than AJ's, but it doesn't have the higher tones I expected.
Now I have to find Pinkie's.
Regarding the MAD Magazine bit: I...don't get it. I mean I really don't get ANY of those jokes there, not a single one. They don't seem to make any sense in relation to each of those cartoons. Did they just randomly pick negative things and match them to each cartoon? Or am I missing something here?
ReplyDeleteIf I'm not mistaken, the 100th Nightly Roundup is the same day that Season 2 is out right?
ReplyDelete@P. Pony Ponyson
ReplyDeleteI thought the level of imitation went like:
They were all good though. I still think the Fluttershy one is the closest to the real VA.
Yay! Our pic from Malmö! /)^3^(\
ReplyDeleteI wish that the original voice actors could do those ringtones.
ReplyDeleteYay! You put it up!
ReplyDeleteOh god, 3.5 abominations...
ReplyDeleteHand my my flamethrower. It's the one that says "Mmmph mmph mmmmph" on it.
I have HUGE respect for CR. Why?
ReplyDeleteBecause he's the one who turned me into a brony by getting me interested in FIM and, by extension of association, Pen Stroke as well.
So yes, CR is indirectly responsible for Better Living, Creeping Darkness, and Past Sins.
Wait what? i recognize those name in the swedish poster-board, that's freaking close to where i live!!
ReplyDeleteIt should be mentioned that the clip CR used for 3.5 included Sweetie Belle saying something about her "Stuffy-Stuff" drawer and she sounded awfully familiar.
ReplyDeleteOh right, Andrea Libman.
ReplyDeleteSame here. On Ben 10, it says "causes juvenile diabetes", and on My Little Pony, it says "Diminishes adolescents' capacity to distinguish between wrong and really wrong."
Were they afraid that switching the two descriptions around would cause an internet backdraft of epic proportions, or what?
Oh, Seth... I pity your inbox if the Nostalgic Critic himself gives in to peer pressure and does an Old VS. New of G1 and G4 MLP... XD
ReplyDeleteI am the owner of the Aussie Bronies group and you would not BELIEVE how proud I am to see our group featured on Equestria Daily! We have received over 50 new members alone today so I cannot express the sheer amount of gratitude I have towards you Seth!
ReplyDelete@Sethisto MLP Online is the 2D MMO, the livestream is for Equestria Online, the 3D MMO. ;3
ReplyDeleteThe My Little 1-up game is looking good. I'm a bit curious to see if there will be an difference between all the characters. It would be awesome if there was but I'm not sure what you could use.
ReplyDeleteWhen you said "ThatGuyWithTheGlasses", I was honestly expecting this week's NC to be "Old vs New: My Little Pony"
ReplyDelete...I'm still holding out hope that this happens eventually.
Pony games: They must be made! I can't wait till fighting is magic is made. Also, that retro arcade style video was pretty awesome. It almost makes me want to learn how to do all that coding crap and make my own video game! (Actionscript is my only weakness D:)
ReplyDeleteApplejack is awesome. It is a mathematical fact.
ReplyDeleteGah! I've got my own plans with my friends on the 17th related to Season 2; why must the Atlanta meetup be then? I'd LOVE to go!
ReplyDeleteWe need the girl from the ringtones to do Applejack in Fighting is Magic. SHE WAS SO AWESOME!
ReplyDeleteMy Little Pony: Diminishes adolescents' capacity to distinguish between "wrong" and "really wrong."
@James Corck
ReplyDeleteThat's amazingly cool. Who would have thought a little blog would reach 40 million hits? Like, ever? I'm pretty sure Sethisto had thought it would peter out between seasons.
And 100 Nightly Round-Ups? That's amazing! I remember when those were just starting.
I think it's amazing that there always seems to be something to even report every day! Not only that, but that list seems to keep growing! :D
ReplyDeleteYes indeed! I am really hoping for an utterly amazing Applejack episode in Season 2, one that will rightfully cement her place as Best Pony. :D
I'm really glad you like The Nerd Signal article! I'm really new to the FIM series, and I'd hoped my post would interest those people unfamiliar with it, yet still be something the existing community would appreciate.
ReplyDeleteYou parents shell out $200 for a calculator so you can draw ponies... Worth every cent.
ReplyDeleteRe: Applejack VA...I left a message for Ashleigh.
ReplyDeleteWhile it'd take a miracle for her to respond (let alone audition), it would be hilarious if she didn't get her own part.
still no mc chris mention :(
ReplyDelete@Pinkie Pie
ReplyDeleteEverypony wants to hear you, just not all the time.
There would probably be some side effects from having you in their ear constantly; parties, excessive giggling and over excitement for example.
Sweden! Woho!
ReplyDelete...why wasent I there? :(
ReplyDeleteThe Atlanta meetup isn't until 8:30 PM; think you all might still be able to make it?
I have the same calculator!
ReplyDeleteBetween this post, hearing 8-bit Winter Wrap Up while my iPod was on shuffle, and finding out EqD is iPod friendly, my day has been made.
ReplyDeleteDepending on the turnout and the response we get, we may or may not end up doing screenings for all of season 2.
YESYESYESYES! Colorado Statewide group! Now Denver COSprings don't have to be separate!
ReplyDeleteI'm liking this idea!
@Pinkie Pie
ReplyDeleteAww, silly Pinkie! Of course I love to hear your voice! I just hope that if i hear your voice in MY head, that I'm still SANE, and not under the influence of a party enchantress! /)@ɛ@(\
Anyone know how to add the ringtones to a jailbroken iPhone?
ReplyDeleteDayum, I'd love to see that video in an actual playable game.
ReplyDeleteWill be listening out for more info!
Winking out, eh? I'm okay with this.
ReplyDeleteThat Guy With The Glasses Reviews MLP, Whoa! Dude, that's creepy...
ReplyDeleteCake? In all caps? In that font? Damnit Seth way to get my hopes up for something completely improbable.
ReplyDeleteGAH! Why was I not informed of the Malmö brony meetup? I demand a rerun!
ReplyDeleteI've been waiting for CR's review at for a while. He's the one who basically introduced me to the show.
ReplyDeleteThe clay ponies made me forget to breathe for a few seconds. They are that ridiculously cute.
ReplyDeleteAin't all that hard. I used the pen function on a zoomed in version of the graph. It's very tedious though. xD
/sees that there's an Applejack ringtone, the universe is now officially complete