Anyway have some news.
HTC Sensation Lock Rings
For those with a HTC Sensation, Arcane Scroll has released a bunch of lock rings for you all to use on it. I don't know much about this, so direct all questions there!
NC Bronies Meetup
A meetup is taking place on September 17th, they have a few pages though. Have some information!
Events poster:
Donations poster:
Donations link:
They Might Be Giants Posts Pony
Apparently they liked a PMV enough to post it on their facebook page.
Pinkie Pie Ringtone
For the foals out there who aren't cool enough to have a Fluttershy ringtone, a new Pinkie Pie version has popped up.
You better at least use one of them!
Starscream VS Rainbow Dash on Screw Attack
In their Death Battle series, a Starscream Vs Rainbow Dash setup is planned for the 24th, at least that's what most of the comments are suggesting, I personally think the hidden silhouette looks more Fluttershy.
MLP Online Finally Gets a Website!
The 2D Pony MMO is now decked out with a website for you all to follow. It's about time! That Deviant Art page wasn't worthy.
NDK Bronies Meetup Video
Yep, they sang Winter Wrap Up!
Fluttershy Tattoo
Another crazy ponychanner got a pony tattoo. How long until this becomes a requirement? I need an excuse to permanently transfix some Twixie on my back.
More Pizza Success
How many of you want me to make an event out of this?
New Celestia Radio Show
at 5:00 PM EST a new show is popping up on Celestia Radio called "Kandi". It will focus on general news, interviews, and call-ins from various bronies. Check it out later today1
AWA Brony Meetup
For those planning to attend the Anime-Weekend Atlanta event, a pony group is planning to meet up for it. Check out the facebook page if you are interested in attending.
Jet Set Ponio
Ponies invading Jet Set? If only the world was covered in pony tags.
Adventure of the Lunarbolts RPG Update
A new video has popped up for Adventure of the Lunarbolts for those that have been flowing its progress. Check it out below.
Brony Cake
Appledash never tasted so good.
Magneto Ship-Fic Mashup
Yah, it makes no sense.
Applejack Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy Sprite Work Video
The MLP LaD RPG had another demo video livestream today. Check it out here!
Malaysia Brony Group
Another group has popped up for Malaysia, with a meetup planned. Do eet?
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Derpy Hooves
Applejack Shirt
Fluttershy Plush
Etched Glasses
Luna Custom
Equestria Daily News
Fic report for Monday, September 12, 2011
- Fics received today: 15
- Fics that received Feedback today: 13
- Fics still awaiting feedback: 17
- Fics approved: 4
- Total new fics scheduled for posting: 4
- Total fic updates scheduled for posting:
- Fics sent back for revision and/or proofreading: 5
- Banished to the Sun: 1
86 kommentaari:
It warms my heart to see a fic banished to the sun.
I think I might be evil.
Malasya? Seriously? Its Malaysia.
VastaKustutaPizza event Want!
VastaKustutaI also want a brony group for Indonesia
VastaKustutaSo many fics being banished to the sun lately. It frightens me to send the one I'm working on >_> I'd love to know why it was banished. Content? Totally Loss Cause of grammar? The author was a douchenozzle? What was the cause of the banishment?
VastaKustutaThe implications of that cake are.... unnerving
VastaKustutaThat apples video was weird.
VastaKustutaFrom the description of the Derpy Hooves custom on eBay: "She'll be shipped in a box with plenty of bubble wrap for her comfort, and your bubble-popping enjoyment."
VastaKustutaPlenty of interesting news and we've already reached 39 mil and up.
VastaKustutaAt this rate we'll reach 41 mil before the season starts.
I wouldn't mind knowing what constitutes being sent to the sun, if only to know what not to do.
VastaKustutaUnless it was your fic and you were banished with it.... Not so fun.
VastaKustutathe only thing that comes to my mind is. "how bad was it to be banished".
That cake looks lovely. :)
VastaKustutaTo quote from 'Skittles'...
VastaKustuta'Well Ah'll be. If that don't taste just like...'
That MAGNETO ship fic was interesting but I'll have to read the rest of it later since I'm sleep deprived as it is. (Fucking later night work.)
VastaKustutaCan you start posting why fics are banished?
@James Corck
VastaKustutaI agree.
What's w/ the banishment, Sethisto?
VastaKustutaBecause they dont follow these rules.
VastaKustutaClopfics and cupcakes
Oh, nice! They Might Be Giants posted Particle Horse. That is awesome. I've always loved them, and now I love them even more. <3 Plus, that was a good video indeed.
VastaKustutaPinkie Pie ringtone isn't too shabby. Sounded a little odd though. And the voice a bit more off than the Fluttershy one.
Yeah, The silhouette in the Starscream Vs battle looks like it has longer hair. Kinda odd shape though. But I guess we'll see.
MLP Online's new site looks quite nice, dang. Someone's been busy.
Dat Fluttershy tattoo, very nice. I'd really love to get one. But something tells me after the pony craze dies down in one year, two years, etc. I'm going to regret it to some extent. :P
Dominos did the pony-on-a-pizza-box thing now too? Oh wow. lol This is getting interesting. I say make it an event!
The Jet Set "Ponio" video was fun to watch. As we all know, pony graffiti is the best graffiti. :)
Dat rainbow cake. S many pony cakes. My Birthday is coming up soon. Someone get me a pony cake! Please? I'll love you forever. <3
Magneto ship fic? Oh boy... I don't think I want to know how that works. lol
Apples apples apples apples apples!
Personally I hope it ISN'T Rainbow Dash...
VastaKustutaI mean, let's think about it. A one on one fight between a Giant Robot with Guns and all sorts of weaponry that can turn into a jet... against a flying pony. An awesome pony though she may be, Starscream is going to win. Hands down. Face it, despite things like the sonic rainboom and being able to control the weather, Rainbow Dash, by living in an idyllic world where nobody ever really has to train how to fight, would be pretty much immediately taken out by a fifty foot robot with years of combat experience and a huge arsenal of weapons.
And when Rainbow Dash is brutally killed in the Death Battle, and we sit there watching her charred bones fall to the ground, we're going to have thousands of plothurt bronies spamming the comments and crying about it. I know. I'd probably join in.
It's hard to deny it. That's exactly how the death of ponies is received in fanfics on this site. Every time there's a fic with a mane cast, sometimes even a supporting cast death, a large amount of us won't read it, and a good portion who do, no matter the context, will still rage about the death in the comments.
Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if this was actually Screw Attack giving us the finger...
VastaKustutaSame. More Indonesian bronies please. :(
Jsr video was awesome :]
VastaKustutaOnly 20 comments? Wtf is this blasphemy?
VastaKustutaNice nightly roundup btw. :3
Now 21 comments!!
VastaKustutaHm. And I thought I was the first one to join the herd in Indonesia. Oh well....
VastaKustutaAnyways brohoof to all the Indonesian bronies out there.
I would so love a Pizza Hut event, and I would so participate in it. Please, please make it an event!
VastaKustutaIf you ask me, too many episodes last season focused on rarity and I didn't like it.
VastaKustutaSeriously, I need to order a pizza with a pony drawn on it. I know! I'll ask for Pinkie and Rarity!
VastaKustutaI work at Dominoes Pizza as a driver (Gungahlin ACT store) and I might just start drawing Rainbow Dash on boxes regardless of what people ask for.
VastaKustutaNeeds to be an Australian meetup, preferably Melbourne ;)
VastaKustutaThere can never be enuff Rarity. *swoooooon*
VastaKustuta@Fadhil Anshar*brohoof*
VastaKustutaFinally, a NC brony meetup, And one that I can drive to easily. Count me in
VastaKustutaThe shadow from the Screwattacks video might be Rainbow Dash? Really? I thought it looked like Rose from Street Fighter the first time I saw it. It looks a bit like Rainbow Dash but I'm sticking with my Rose guess.
VastaKustutaIs that Apples video by the same guy who made the Girls video from a few days ago? I really hope the ponies get hold of a thesaurus for season 2.
I'd love a meet-up in Adelaide, Australia. Most exciting thing to happen in this state since AVCon, most likely.
VastaKustutaAnd that fan-fic that got banished to the sun... How bad was it? Morbid curiosity, y'know?
If it's anything like season 1 with 26 episodes, then we'll see 4 for Twilight (The Ticket Master, Boast Busters, Bridle Gossip & Owl's Well that Ends Well), 4 for Applejack (Applebuck Season, Look Before you Sleep, Fall Weather Friends & Over a Barrel), 4 for Pinkie Pie (Griffon the Brush-Off, Swarm of the Century, Feeling Pinkie Keen & Party of One), 4 for Fluttershy (Dragonshy, Stare Master, Green Isn't your Colour & A Bird in the Hoof), 4 for Rarity (Look Before you Sleep, Suited for Success, A Dog & Pony Show & Green Isn't your Colour), 4 for Rainbow Dash (Griffon the Brush-Off, Fall Weather Friends, Sonic Rainboom & The Cutie Mark Chronicles), noting some of those overlap, & then about 3 or 4 for the CMC (Call of the Cutie, Stare Master, The Show Stoppers, The Cutie Mark Chronicles), & the rest concern all of them, an extra character, or both (again, overlapping). So Rarity'll get 4, just like the others. :P
VastaKustuta@bronydash If you ask me, not enough episodes last season focused on rarity and we need more of them.
wanting a meetup to happen in Melbourne soon :(
VastaKustutaI'm getting kinda lonely. I've sent a picture to Seth about something like a mark that bronies wear to identify each other, i'm hoping he posts it soon. I won't go into details, but it's simple and easy to recognize, without being too obvious.
That Magneto fic is dead.
VastaKustutaSomeone left that Magneto fic open for public editing, and now it is the grounds for beautiful, beautiful chaos.
VastaKustuta@ProBrono well it was fun at first, but now people are just ctrl+a deleting everything.
VastaKustutaBuck the Police!
VastaKustutaThis seems to be an interesting occurrence. Sort of like a text-only drawball. Somepony should figure out a way to limit the Ctrl-A + delete use, and we might have a community writing project on our hands.
(or more sweet sweet chaos)
HOLY CRAP OUR VIDEO MADE IT TO EQUESTRIA DAILY!!!!!! That was seriously the greatest con
VastaKustutaBanished to the Sun? What?
VastaKustutaAnyway, that fanfic is fun, Megaman.EXE pictures, Metal Slug and Medabots, woo!
250 area code on that pizza picture? That's got to be in BC. (British Columbia, Canada)
VastaKustutaThe magneto fic is gone. RIP.
VastaKustutaSomeone is trying to restore a backup though.
One or two of my co-workers watch Death Battle, that means if they pick Rainbow Dash, they'll have to watch ponies.
VastaKustutaI've had my fanfic banished. I know how it feels.
VastaKustutaDerpy is bid on. *crosses hooves*
VastaKustutaI hereby claim this title for a fic.
"Clopfics & Cupcakes". I don't have an idea for it yet but by Celestia I will!
An Adelaide meet up should definitely happen.
VastaKustutaI thought Screw Attack only focused on video game stuff, hence why they were named after an upgrade from Metroid (have we had a Samus pony yet?)
VastaKustutaAlso I kinda think Screw Attack is biased when it comes to their death matches, I refuse to watch the deathmatch vid until I find out from you guys that Rainbow Dash wins, I DON'T CARE WHAT ANYONE ELSE SAYS! LALALALA CAN'T HEAR YOU!
Actually, the Pony 2D mmo has HAD a page for a while, with weekly developer updates, it's just only now they've decked it out in something based on their game rather than default things.
VastaKustutaI had my fanfic banished for being just a tad too violent for ED ("Night of the Shy" - you can find it on FiMFiction.) BUT - the banishment gave me the perfect idea on making the ending truly epic when I get to it (won't be for a while), so I certainly hold no grudges.
VastaKustuta...Wait, seriously? There's some damn violent stuff on this site. What about your fic was so violent that it was banned?
@Dusty the Royal Janitor
VastaKustutaI think many of those violent fics were lucky and got added before Cupcakes. Once Cupcakes was added, they put in stricter rules on violence/gore in submissions. What Nightmare Shy does to Ponyville in Chapter 2 apparently didn't pass muster.
Well that little bit of news about They Might Be Giants and the "Particle Horse" PMV just made my morning right now, and trust me when I say I really needed the smile. It's kind of amazing, really, the therapeutic magic simple little ponies can work.
VastaKustutaI still can't believe I tried both my Pizza Hut AND my Domino's and no one would do it. At least I tweeted about it, maybe that helped start the trend?
VastaKustutaPizza event must happen!
aww, mc chris posted a pony video on his facebook wall too, where's the love for him :(
VastaKustutaI'd be all for a pizza event. Also, that apples video totally explained why I had a hankering for apple pie and apple juice over the weekend. :-P
VastaKustutaWhatever's on the other end of that Magneto seems to cause Firefox to crash. Weird.
VastaKustutaHaha that Magneto fics epic, though reading it while 16 people are trolling it is a bit difficult. :P
VastaKustutaMlp online website was alright, but was missing Fluttershy and Rarity. :(
More ponies on pizza boxes! Yay!
LOL. I loved the jet set one. The ending cracked me up. "Join the solar empire, or join the space program"
VastaKustutaThanks for posting my Derpy, Seth!
VastaKustutaThat Flutterhy ringtone is amazing. It's so cute I'd swear my heart stopped for a few seconds!
VastaKustutaThat Pinkie Pie ringtone, though... Annoying. It doesn't even sound like her.
I am dissapoint. ಠ_ಠ
Magneto Fanfic has been locked and fixed! Check it out!
VastaKustutaI assume the author gets a note if their fic gets banished?
VastaKustutaI submitted something a little while ago and I'm pretty sure there's nothing that would cause it to be banished (it's probably just still working its way through the queue), but I have to ask.
You mention a band called they might be giants posting ponies but you forgot that mc chris also posted The PMV on his facebook
VastaKustuta@kelzae Luckily for me, I saved a copy of my story before it was blown up. Though somepony already fixed it
VastaKustutaMLP Online site looks sweet, cant wait to see more of the game!
VastaKustutaAnd that Apple vid, now that was funny...time to find some apples..
VastaKustutaHa my friends went to NDK, I'm gonna ask them if they saw the Bronies around. If they did, I'm surprised they never said anything because they know I am one.
VastaKustutaAlso, SOOO trying the "Draw Rainbow Dash" next time I order from Pizza Hut.
I'm not certain about this MMO thing, I guess I need to do a little more research.
VastaKustutaThe only pony game I'm really following at the moment is Fighting is Magic.
Pony Pizza Event, GO!
VastaKustuta"I personally think the hidden silhouette looks more Fluttershy."
VastaKustutaThat's exactly what I thought at first. But then I figured that the lower part of the main was actually a bit of wing.
It'd be sweet if it was Fluttershy vs Starscream, though.
VastaKustuta[Dear Princess Celestia, today I fought an oppressive regime with cuteness, and won.]
And don't worry: If I ever become Nightmare Moon again, it will only be for Great Justice.]
[APPLE apple apples dapple dapple DAPPLE APPLES dapple dapple apple APPLE! Dapple apple APPLE apple.]
Bronies signing Winter Wrapup was just win and Jet Set Radio WITH PONIES!!!!! Oh man I need to play that again sometime. :D
VastaKustutaThe NDK meet up was awesome (blue v-neck on the left here). There were a ton more people that showed up after that intentional meetup and at the photo shoot we did. Anyone that was at the meet up that i didn't get your number or ect shoot me an email at [email protected]
VastaKustutaI loved all you guys there and would love to stay in contact.
Oh god, that collab fic was so fun. I helped write "Derpy's Cupcakes" and it was SO awesome
VastaKustuta@Octavia Here's a Pinkie Pie ringtone done by the same girl who did the Fluttershy one. Maybe you'll like her voice better? :D She has a great AppleJack one too.
VastaKustuta@JocuroHey! :D Here's a link to a Pinkie Pie ringtone by the same girl who did the Fluttershy one. Maybe you'll like her voice more.
VastaKustutaShe has a great AppleJack one too!
@eviesketchyNaturally, I forgot the link.
there it is.
My head is full of apples now.