Anyway have some news.
Guide to Equestria Application
In an attempt to mimic Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy pony style, Bibo on Youtube has created a simple app that has all sorts of pony stuff buried inside it.
You can find the youtube video demonstration, and download link here!
Facebook Pages
Call of Duty Bronies
Something Awful Brony Spoof
I wonder what the fandom would actually look like if we all followed Pound Puppies instead?
I should probably give that show a shot some time.
You can find the spoof here!
Web Comics With Pony
Badly Drawn Kitties
Pony Guilds
Guild One:
Firefall Brony Guild / Guild Forum Thread
Guild Two:
1.) Game - Elsword Online
2.) Server - Solace
3.) Guild Name - MyLittlePonies
4.) Guild Site - N/A
5.) Who to Contact for an Invite - Contact '8BitMage' or 'Kamayato' in game or email me with your username "[email protected]"
6.) Any Requirements - Just be friendly~
Guild Three
World of Warcraft
Guild Name: New Lunar Republic
Server Name: Nazgrel
Faction: Horde
whisper either: Sweetiebelle, Zemeo, or Tigoragan
Guild Four
Game: Guild Wars
Name: The Manehatten Project [MLP]
Requirements: Must be unashamed to love ponies!
Contact: Fury Incarnate or Piro Thealin
FiM Theme in Elvish
For those of you out there who just can't get enough Lord of the Rings, someone has translated/sung the entire FiM theme song in Elvish. You can find the video of it below!
Season One Stepmania Pack in Progress
Another gaming project is under way, this one hopes to convert a bunch of FiM remixes into Stepmania files. Check out the video below for an example!
Giggle At the Ghosty Dramatic Reading
Brony Meetups
Buenos Aires, Argentina
The End of Flutter Valley Episode One Screenplay
A Group looking to revamp the old G1 movies has released episode one of their Flutter Valley screenplay. You can find it here!
Portal Two Pony Mod Progress
The group working on the Portal Two pony mod has released a bunch of new updates to get everyone up to speed, including some revamps of sugarcube corner and a size comparison essay for Octavia. You can find it all here!
Seventh Sanctum Contest
Over at Seventh Sanctum, a new contest has popped up. The requirements are pretty simple, all you need to do is generate and draw a pony with their creator. You can find all the information about it here!
Non-Canon Crossover Roleplay Board
Another FiM roleplaying board has popped up! This time focusing on a Solar Empire vs New Lunar Republic wargame. You can find it here!
Mcdonalds Pony Toys Head to Mexico
It looks like Hasbro has more countries in it's sights for those light up pony toy.s Mexico is next on the list! You can find the site for them here.
San Francisco DNA Lounge Ponified Drink Specials
The DNA Lounge in San Francisco recently released a few new drinks named after Ponies. The first was "Wingboner", followed by "Why Wub Woo". Apparently these guys regularly release different drinks named after various internet memes.
My Little Podcast: Radio is Magic
Another podcast has popped up for those of you who haven't already maxed out your mp3 players! You can find it here!
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Trixie Custom
Braeburn Custom
Fluttershy Painting
Mane 6 Hats
Equestria Daily News
He's not so stealthy after all. You can find his bio at the author/pre-reader page!
Fic report for Monday, September 05, 2011
- Fics received today: 22
- Fics that received Feedback today: 29
- Fics still awaiting feedback: 13
- Fics approved: 9
- Total new fics scheduled for posting: 9
- Total fic updates in queue for posting: 7
- Fics sent back for revision and/or proofreading: 13
98 kommentaari:
yay, read the octavia post on the portal blog, makes more sense than the guys video!
VastaKustutaNoo moore socks? :<<<<<<<<
VastaKustutaGood, no stories banished to the sun today.
VastaKustutaI've been waiting forever for those McDonalds toys!!! :D
Glad to see the Portal 2 pony mods (Pony 2?) are coming along still. They tested on humans, they tested on robots, and to advance science they now must test on ponies. It's only innovation, fillies and gentlecolts, the next step in the awkward ballroom dance in a shady cloak-and-dagger club that is progress.
VastaKustutaNOW I CAN SLEEP thank godness that meme is dead sorry guys but sometimes you take things to a singularity that shouldn't exist.
VastaKustutaHeh, jwz's potentially a brony? I must find a way to exploit this!
VastaKustutaTek Pony :D
VastaKustutaThat dramatic giggle at the ghostly reading was win.
VastaKustutaStill waiting on the missing 3 "You are now X" topics. I thought we were going to have one for every day leading up to season 2. There are so many more characters to cover. :/
VastaKustutaI'd give Pound Puppies a try (especially now the same team as FiM is working on it) but I can't find it anywhere on the internet.
VastaKustutaElvish theme song = win
VastaKustutaPonies in Mexico...
VastaKustutahmm....Bueno :)
Aww, I'm going to miss pony socks. Its really one of the few pony clothes that don't look weird or uncomfortable on them. Oh well, we still have Trixie eating pinecones. That one will never die.
VastaKustutaHow/why did pony in socks die?
VastaKustutaNuuuuuu, socks meme. Bye cute pony socks, I'll miss you. :(
VastaKustutaGuide to Equestria app is kinda cool. There's a pony for that!
I'm sorry, I know it's bad. But that Something Awful article was rather funny. It had me giggling a good bit. Though I didn't see anything in it about ponies, only pound puppies. Unless we're contrasting the two shows together, or something.
That Elvish FiM theme was actually kinda cool. Nice work.
Not a Stepmania player myself, but I bet ponies would only make it more fun. :D
Prison singing Giggle At The Ghostie? lol That was kinda funny. I liked the little "boo" he added at the end. Very nice.
Honestly... this whole "What is Octavia playing?" debate is starting to rustle my jimmies. For obvious reasons I'm sure. I know why there is no clear cut answer as to if it's a cello or double bass. And all dem "fancy mathematics" aren't going to give you the true answer to it. I'll put this as eloquently as I can at this moment. Sometimes, not every detail in a cartoon is really so carefully thought out. I'll just leave it at that.
I wish the new light up McDonalds toys would find their way to the States. But they won't I'm sure since we already got the "normal" ones.
This just in. The DNA Lounge in San Francisco is awesome. Those drink names... I love them. I wanna give them a try now.
And Tek finally got a pony of his own, very cool. We're all so proud of him. lol :)
The socks, will last, FOREVER!!!
VastaKustutaNothing can take our socks!
VastaKustutaYes i know 'fancy mathematics' won't give a clear cut answer, but no-one seems to notice octavia is a filly.
thats what I find interesting.
You know, I never understood the whole socks thing..,
VastaKustutaI hope by RIP you are simply implying that upon seeing this image, the meme has officially peaked & it's all downhill from here. :P
VastaKustutaOctavia isn't a filly. She's not old, but she's an adult. She may be slightly shorter than some of the other ponies. Or at least, short compared to the average height of ponies.
I'd like to hear "ponysocks meme is dead" explained too. Something like that doesn't die unless everypony collectively stops drawing ponies in socks. And, well, fat chance of that happening.
VastaKustutaNope, sock still rule!
VastaKustutaWhen did the ponies in socks meme die?
VastaKustutaD: socks meme is dead? Why?
VastaKustutaSilly pony. Socks can never die; they can only get lost in the wash.
VastaKustutaOnly a matter of time before someone made a bunch of stepcharts to Pony music. I'd have tried charting myself, but I couldn't chart to save my life. I'd like to learn, though.
VastaKustutaAs a Tolkien geek myself, I very much aprove.
VastaKustutaSis's socks will never go out of style!
VastaKustutaThe Elf song sounds surprisingly good for a translation.
VastaKustutaSocks will never die for one simple reason.
Pure, refined, unadulterated Dawww. It's cute. It makes all ponies at least 20% cuter. Luna and Fluttershy each get a +42 bonus on top of the percentage increase, since clearly, cute ponies are indeed the starting point to deciphering the question regarding of the meaning of everything.
Socks are almost as important as towels!
You know. I've been wondering what the thing to replace socks would be. I might have an answer. I've been seeing a lot of Maid Celestia lately, so maybe that is it.
VastaKustutaSilly Seth, you're not in charge of when these memes die.
VastaKustutaWhat's going on with the sock meme? Why is it deadpool? I reckon it was cute.
VastaKustutaSomeone ought to tell that poor comic artist that you don't have to have a penis to be a brony.
VastaKustutaListen Seth, I absolutely adore you and your website and all the work you put into it.
VastaKustutaBut socks being dead?
Challenge Accepted.
Isn't it obvious? You set the next meme in motion by bringing to light the contest.
VastaKustutaThe next meme will have to go along the lines of Trixie and pinecones
Socks are dead? best news since the premiere date for season 2!
VastaKustutaElvish theme was cool too.
Ponies in sweaters > Ponies in socks
VastaKustutaAll hail Seth, socks are dead!
VastaKustutaNah, the socks will live on. *Spots another Portal crossfail.* Seriously..? Are these Portal crossfails never going stop?!
VastaKustutaHow about a Klingon translation?
VastaKustuta... Elvish sort of sounds like Hebrew to me. Not that I hear a lot of that. But still.
VastaKustutaLOl *gasp* Tek's pony, the one I've known about for at least a month!
Sweaters are the new socks.
VastaKustutaLooking forward to that Stepmania pack!
VastaKustutaNow I need to take a trip to San Francisco. I'll be blasting Train music on the drive over there.
VastaKustutaFans are the new socks, but socks never go out of style.
VastaKustutaBronycon in Argentina? Come on.. just a bit more and you get to have one in Brazil.... Come ooooooon...
VastaKustutaWOWS! Those Trixie and Braeburn customs are just beautiful! Want, please!
VastaKustutaNo more socks!? DO NOT WANT!!!
VastaKustuta>implying the socks meme could possibly ever go away
What?! Socks meme dead?! I don't think so... Knowing how things work on the internet, Seth just kicked off a massive wave of art trying to prove him wrong. As for those customs.. still DO WANT! Why do I never have any bits when these things come along?
VastaKustutaLol, socks ain't dead, they still look adorable on ponies and always will. However, ponies in sweaters now also seem to be a new trending thing popping up.
VastaKustutaPack your ponies, blogs over. Brony meetup in Argentina, the opening in Elvis, Something Awful is onto us, and Seth's calling ponies in socks dead.
VastaKustutaSocks cannot die! Remember the "the rent is too damn high" party? that disappeared for a year a good year or so and suddenly it's back.
VastaKustutaMemes don't die, they resurface- Unless it was a terrible meme to begin with/becomes obsolete.
Also, buenos aires- I never heard of it before but I kept hearing it in dreams. my brony sense may be tingling :o
Tek is an Earth Pony? I will now retract all my facist allegations toward EqD
VastaKustutaWhat are you talking about Seth? The socks are alive and 'Kicking'.
VastaKustutaHeh, I though the author of that webcomic quit.
Elvish, nice.
Go, Prison!
More support for the cello aurgument.
Wait, Tek isn't a ninja?
Wow lots of interesting stuff there, I'd say more but who cares what I think...
VastaKustutaPlease, the sandals meme! Come on guys!!
VastaKustutaAbout that Fluttershy pic: MY BODY IS READY
Just go and visit ponibooru, ponys in sweaters are the new meme !
VastaKustutaHmm, slow news for me.
VastaKustutaIf bronies were fans of Pound Puppies, they would probably keep it a secret...
VastaKustutaBUT FUN !
I was sure that the N00Bcraft pony reference would make it in Nightly Roundup.
VastaKustutaOh well.
I'm fairly certain the ponies in socks meme has been replaced with ponies in real life pics.
VastaKustutaOh, neat! another Trixie custom. *click* Hey.. that's Braeburn. Maybe a messed up spell?
VastaKustutaSweaters are better.
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaPP spoof, Badly Drawn Kitties comic, and Prison pretty much just made my day.
VastaKustutaI laughed heartily.
Idk what to post.
VastaKustutaSo this is my post.
Ponies in socks, facing a fan and wearing a sweater, against realistic backgrounds, and sporting bed hair.
VastaKustutaWith sandals.
I came into the Brony community a little late (Joined about 3 months ago... best 3 months of my life!) so I didn't really see the sock meme grow... why did it start? I mean yeah it is cute but not that funny... why socks? WHY?
VastaKustutaAlso that Pound Puppies thing is hillarious and I enjoy because I have been thinking about what we'll do after My Little Pony. And by After My Little Pony I mean after the show starts sucking or the show goes off the air, we might last a few years but we won't make it forever. Will we have another fandom we'll love so much? I've wanted to contribute to MLP for so long now but have not yet had the ability to do anything... I hope it lasts long enough for me to do something. Thinking about this makes me sad :( You know what always cheers me up? Watching an episode of MLP! Next on my season 2 prep plan is... ugh Show Stoppers... Be back in 25 minutes...
Oh geezus christ! the Stepmania thingy... how on earth can anyone actually play that ridiculous level of difficulty?! the fucking things bounce around and reverb like your tripping acid...
VastaKustutaI'd play that game.
Also, noooooooo, ponies in socks! Luna's Sock Swap cannot die! Its like the only article of clothing they can wear that doesn't look weird and is cute to boot!
VastaKustutaHere's what you sound like: "OMG guise stop liking what I don't liek! hurr durr"
I can't wait till ponies in socks becomes retro.
VastaKustutaAlso, can we decide on a name for female fans of the show? Maybe make it a poll on the site? Anyways, my vote goes to brony.
Stepmania is DDR with fingers. No thanks. I have a hard enough time with my legs.
VastaKustutaAugh, that course looks ubber tough @_@ I'll totally download it, yeah.
Why do people think bronies comes from mixing 'bro' and 'ponies'?
VastaKustutaDon't you remember? it comes from mixing /b/ and /r/ and ponies
I LOVE THE DNA LOUNGE! I'm so grabbing some local bronies and hitting it next chance I get!
VastaKustutaI'm planning on porting my app to iOS, Android, and Windows Phone as well (sorry Blackberry users :( ).
VastaKustutaMy Windows Phone version is already in the works, and I have some more ideas on what to add.
Its Sweaters, that appears to be the new meme!
VastaKustutaI <3 Ponies in sweaters...
it took all i had to get through that dramatic reading.
VastaKustutaBut is the Elvish Quenya or Sindarin?
VastaKustutaSocks meme is over? Says who? The Great and Powerful Trixie!?
VastaKustutaThe mods aren't unreadably intense, and the stepchart doesn't look too hard to manage. I'll definitely play it and post a video once the pack is out.
"R.I.P. socks meme,"
VastaKustutaHow the **** does a meme die so soon?
"FiM Theme in Elvish"
What's next? The theme in Kingnon? I'm guessing this is toliken's elvish?
VastaKustutaSo their dresses look weird to you? I think they're adorable.
I speaking of the main theme fan translations I wonder if Ogatamon will ever release a new Japanese fandub video....
VastaKustutaYES! PONIES ON MEXICO! (woah he published my album. SWEEET!)
VastaKustutaOK I need some spare time to draw some ponies wearing sandals, AND YOU'RE GONNA LOVE THEM!!
I must say, the dramatic reading was rather...terrifying. The rest of the round up was good however and I really liked that comic that was apparently abandoned after the very first one.
VastaKustutaSOCKS will never die !
VastaKustutaThey will live on... FOR-EV-ER !
After all, Luna LOVES her socks. You wouldn't want to make Luna all sad, would you ?
Of course not.
Well, maybe will ponies be just more calm with their socks... a socks-show every now and then, who knows ?
Ponies in socks is dead?
VastaKustutaGOOD. I hated that meme, it was so stupid and pointless.
The dramatic reading was really well done. Damn that's a deep voice.
VastaKustutaThe absolute end of it was hilarious.
I am definitely looking forward to "The End of Flutter Valley!" :D
VastaKustutaI have lol'ed at the Pound Puppy thing. SECRET BUTT FUN!
VastaKustutaIn all seriousness, I love that show too, and have often wondered whether fellow bronies have gotten into any of the other Hub series. The new "Berry Bitty Adventures" of Strawberry Shortcake are pretty awesome. The characters are comparable to the ponies, actually. Pound Puppies has really been impressing me--the characters, humor, stories, subject matter, animation, etc. Strudel the Dachshund is my favorite.
It's funny, because I tend to prefer older versions of nearly everything...but these reincarnations of 80s 'toons are amazingly great. I mean, it's not that any of them are necessarily better than their predecessors, but they actually don't suck--as many of us would probably have expected them to. We all know how it felt to become assimilated into the herd--think we're mostly familiar with the feeling of pleasant surprise at discovering how good a brand-new My Little Pony cartoon could be. FiM is totally the crown jewel of the Hub's new cartoons (it's certainly my favorite), but I would also recommend checking out the rest of the channel, if you're lucky enough to get rocks almost completely. There's usually something great, or at least decent, on.
Oh yeah, and socks on ponies shall always make me "d'awww" forever into infinity... <3
VastaKustutaWill the Stepmania pack include NORMAL difficulty levels that you can actually do with your feet?
VastaKustutaAHA! Let the 99 comments be no more!