• Nightly Roundup #88

    I really hope we get to see a more interesting side to Applejack in season two.  The poor girl seems to have almost an unhealthy obsession with apples.  Loosen up AJ!  Hit up a cruise or something!

    Have some news.

    Snafu Posts Pony!

    The tiniest reference I have ever seen in a comic I think. You can find it in the 3rd panel.


    Pony Toys in Spain

    Bout time? I'm not sure what to say about these anymore!

    Pony Meetups

    Birmingham UK
    Gothenburg/Malmo, Sweden Facebook Page / Meetup Page

    Minecraft Pony Mod

    The people over at Ponycraft recently released a mod that turns the avatars into ponies. Obviously they are still completely ridiculous looking, but at least it's pony! You can find them here!

    More Pony Podcasts/Youtube Analysis on the Way

    I'm pretty sure it's a requirement to have a podcast at this point! Have a list.

    Wyrd101 Live (September 4th at 12-2PM Eastern)
    Herd Mind Radio (Pony Analysis)
    Gameinformer Online Brony Radio

    Wallpaper Compilation Doc Updated

    The Wallpaper Compilation document has been doubled in size with wallpapers. You can find the entire thing here!

    Rainbow Dash Invades Drum Line

    Dash makes everything better.

    Official Swedish Dubs

    More dubs for you all to dig through! These aren't entire episodes, just examples of various things.

    Mane 6 Voices

    Pony Cosplay Suit Thingies Invade Dragoncon

    You can find them at 3:15!

    Ohio/San Antonio Brony Meetup Summaries/Pictures

    More meetup stuff for those that love to read about other people having fun! Someone needs to talk Cereal into going to the next one near his house, he keeps chickening out!

    Ohio Meetup Summary/Images
    San Antonio Summary/Images

    Merch/Ebay Stuff
    Pinkie Pie Plushie
    Colgate Plushie
    Baby Luna
    Luna w/ Socks
    Lemon Hearts

    Equestria Daily News

    You mod people need to get workin! I demand a N64 Twilight Sparkle mario revamp!

    Fic report for Saturday, September 03, 2011
    • Fics received today: 20
    • Fics that received Feedback today: 12
    • Fics still awaiting feedback: 13
    • Fics approved: 3
    • Total new fics scheduled for posting: 3
    • Total fic updates in queue for posting:  7
    • Fics sent back for revision and/or proofreading: 10


    1. Yeah, AJ definately needs a chance to shine

    2. I've been trying to pony our drumline.

      For so long.

    3. Labor Day Weekend has really cut down on our turn around rate for fics.

    4. In b4 needless rage at people dressed up as ponies.

      And, Yay news! Man, that RD drum line picture brings back some great memories of long ago, when I was in high school, playing my trombone in the marching band. I'm not certain how well ponies would have gone over back then, but it would have been fun to see.

      Also, what pose is she suppost to be making?

    6. the want I have for colgate plushie

    7. Those costumes are about 2000% cooler than the official ones!

    8. Those mine craft ponies are nightmare fuel if ever I saw it.

    9. That Pinkie fish is cute. <3 But yeah, maybe AJ will get some more character development in the next season.

      For it being a requirement to have a podcast at this point... I'd almost certainly say so with how many there are. Incredible. I don't even know how many we're up to now in total, but it's a lot.

      Dash is an excellent drummer. True story.

      I saw the Applejack and Rainbow Dash suits in person at another convention I staff at. I like the RD one. "cosplay suit thingies" Com'on, we all know what they really are, don't we Seth? ;)

      Love that Twi pic at the bottom too. Too cute.

    10. YESHMIN Dreams of Ponies!!!!!!!!! Rofl!

    11. Twilight Sparkle? hell no! Super Spike has to rescue Princess Rarity!

    12. I've got no problem with humanised pony cosplay, but fur suits? I'm trying to convince a non brony that the majority of us are not furries, this just makes it harder.

    13. I dunno if that attached Swedish dub is somehow different from this, but here's Ticket Master in Swedish, ripped from the DVD.

    14. Swedish Fluttershy sounds adorable. /)^3^(\

      Yes, those are the same dubs only an entire episode. :)

    15. ha, tiny Pinkie-fish in 1st pic.
      Yeah, more AJ. AJ more yeah.

    16. Fursuits...ugh...creepy. I hate going to disneyland because of people in mascot suits. Just sets my skin crawling. I have to walk all the way around them. I know it sounds like irrational hatred, but it's more of an irrational phobia.
      I enjoyed his commentary though.

    17. It seems they only decided to use like 1 or 2 voiceactors for all the Swedish FiM voices. How unexpected...

    18. Oopsie!

      That WYRD 101 live podcast thingy starts at 12 NOON EST, and goes to 2PM EST.

      It's part of WYRD 101's 86-hour Labor Day Weekend Marathon.

    19. The guy doing the Dragoncon interview is friggin' hilarious.

      Also whoever making those fur- err, "costume cosplay thingies" is really on the roll. Nearly all the main cast plus Big Mac, well-done.

      @98abaile Not gonna have any luck on that front.

    20. I like Applejack, a picture of her was what got me into this mess. She needs something in the second season, maybe explaining how her messed up family works. After Luna, She is in the most need of definition.

      Bleedman put a pony reference in one of his comics, not surprising, he is a massive cartoon fan. His Powerpuff Girls comic was the first webcomic I had ever read.

    21. I pray to Celestia that the drumline sign says 'CHS', not 'OHS'.

    22. @WizardWannabe "Uncanny valley."

      It's very hard to make a realistic humanoid character that isn't overtly creepy (I can't even look at Klingons myself). Cartoons, thankfully, don't have that problem.

    23. my only beef about the eBay stuff is that zecora is meant to have short hair.

    24. Well if you want anything that could possibly be worse than the fursuits just saw, here it is:


    25. Those costumes must of took alot of hard work!

    26. So ponies are now considered equally as nerdy as all of those other awesome things now? This is a great day.

    27. love the pinkie fishie!

      Also, id like to get a shout-out to all romanian bronies! I really hope i'm not the only one :(

    28. "You mod people need to get workin! I demand a N64 Twilight Sparkle mario revamp!"

      A Twilight Sparkle SM64 Revamp yeah. I'm making a Pony Town level for my latest SM64 hack, check this pic here "http://i53.tinypic.com/i399c2.png".

      When it's done, I'll be sure to give you an email about it :)

    29. Those Swedish dubs.. were not good. At all. AJ spoke just like the rest of them for an example, and Dashie´s voice had no energy in it.

      // A Swedish Brony.

    30. Holy crud! There's costumes for the entire cast now, and then some! I hope they become some sort of touring troupe and spread ponies everywhere. <3
      Also, looks like two (or more?) different people made them. AJ, Dash and Big Mac all look similar, but the rest have different faces and legs. (Rarity's got a weeeird face. Fix that head!)

    31. those are great and all, but there were better pony costumes at dragoncon.

      i saw them.

    32. I knew reactions would be mixed on those suits (took ya long enough to post, Seth), but I'm glad to see the majority is positive.
      Even if they're not your thing, I think we can agree that these are some very well-constructed "cosplay suit thingies," and a step above most con costumes.

    33. OH GOD Vinnyboiler THAT IS AWESOME.

      You better finish that, I want to play it!

    34. Haha who hasn't dreamed about ponies...every night....especially the red one.

    35. What school is that Dash poster in?

    36. No Fluttershy suit? *flips table*

    37. @98abaile

      The majority are not. Many furries are bronies but not all bronies are furries.

    38. Those costumes are amazing! I knew that there was an AJ, RD, and Big Mac bt I didn't know that the person made the other characters as well. I hope that the suitmaker continues to make these amazing pieces.

    39. @Apsuenbwyfer11

      I met the artist who made Zecora, and she told me that she likes to keep the mane long so that people can style it when they get it. If she attempted to cut and style her customs' manes before shipping, then they would just end up messed up during the shipping process. If you have a question about how to style Zecora, or any of her other customs, just shoot her a question on Ebay or her Deviantart, and she'll GLADLY tell you how to do it.

    40. Well that's no good. I'm the skinny guy in the middle of the San Antonio group shot, and all you can see is the back of my head. I'm holding a Styling Pinkie Pie and wearing a Four Ponies of the Apocalypse shirt. What happened to the group shot we all posed for?

      Anyway. I had a lot of fun. Lots of friendly people there.

    41. If cereal keeps chickening out of going to meetups, we're just going to have to have our next one at his house.

    42. That Minecraft mod looks pretty cool, but I don't think it's worth downloading.
      ...Also, that Dragoncon thing is hilarious. c:

    43. Why AJ? Why did you speak in a Stockholm-dialect? You should be from Scania dangit! D:< That was just poor work that official dub, all of it.

    44. @Tachyon
      How did I not notice Fluttershy was missing?! D: D: D:

    45. @Tachyon She'd be too shy to be on a parede, i think.

    46. Those mod people should hurry up with a Scootaloo Cuccoo mod for OoT/MM :)

    47. I get that the mascot-style costumes aren't everyone's thing. And I'm glad there's no raging overreaction thus far. I get that allot of Bronies don't wanna be associated with furries, but fact of the matter is most furries are fellow nerds (as horrible as that may be to admit! XD) They're into the whole nerd culture too. So there's bound to be plenty of them who are into MLP:FiM... But they're definitely far from being the majority, bronies are much more varied then that.

      Yet I digress, those are still well made costumes!

    48. @Rannva What Rannva meant for those who aren't familiar with Swedish is that just like in the US, people from the south of Sweden (Scania) has a rather distinguishable and funny sounding accent. That is what Applejack should have sounded like but for some reason she sounds like she comes from the Swedish capitol. :/

      ...if anypony cares that is. :P

    49. @Bastoff

      Eyup! And it's pretty much the biggest agricultural region of the country. And has a town famous for it's apples!

      But those in charge of dubbing FiM apparently didn't give a shit about that... :(

    50. Oh Celestia that video was hilarious. XD

      @98abaile But we are furries. =/

    51. @Fire Flash Um, no not all of us are. There are furries who are bronies and bronies who aren't furries. The majority of the fandom does not Identify themselves as furries. I'm not a furry. And quite frankly it's better to keep it that way. I don't have anything against the people who are into it but the rep that comes with that stuff is something that the fandom should try and avoid. I'm not saying we should bar then from the fandom. It's just that the established stigma for that fandom is something this one should try to avoid.

      Suits aren't my thing but I won't deny when something is well crafted. Well done to that person.

    52. @IkusaGT As taken from Wikipedia '' Furry fandom is a fandom for fictional anthropomorphic animal characters with human personalities and characteristics.[1] Examples of anthropomorphic attributes include exhibiting human intelligence and facial expressions, the ability to speak, walk on two legs, and wear clothes. Furry fandom is also used to refer to the community of people who gather on the Internet and at conventions.''

    53. @Fire FlashBy that textbook definition I guess so. But still the majority of people don't identify themselves as "furries".

    54. @Fire Flash

      Haha, that sounds surprisingly much like FiM and its brony followers. Then I guess you can say that bronies just want to avoid being too associated with those "creepier" kind of furries. ;)

    55. @Fire Flash
      I don't think that any of the ponies (except Lyra) can walk on two legs...
      Trying to convince everyone that they are automatically furries for liking the show is just going to piss people off.

      OT: O.o What's wrong with me? I'm not really a furry but damn, if I knew that there was a girl. In that Rainbow Dash costume I'd hug her. I'd also wear the dash oone on halloween. o.O

    56. And that's fine if you don't want to be labeled as such. I just felt people should get the true definition of the word before judging Furries. It's kind of like looking in a mirror. =3

    57. And because I missed the post the two legs rule is not mandatory have as many legs as ye like.

    58. Oh Pinkie, stop being a fish. You so random.

    59. Holy shit I couldn't stop laughing at that Dragoncon video LOL!

    60. The pony costumes are by Sophie Cabra http://www.furaffinity.net/user/sophiecabra/ -- She is AWESOME.

      I've been following them since they showed up at Anthrocon; she has since made several more!

      And to all you people whining about furries, just stfu. We're geeks just like you, we like ponies just like you, and dressing up is just barrels of fun which is why we do it. Get over yourselves and just learn to have fun and enjoy the creativity.

    61. Damn, I knew I should've gone to DragonCon...

    62. -AJ is just a 1 dimensional character at the moment with like you say, an unhealthy obsession for apples, even though she has more screen time than most of the other ponies. Hoping she can be made into a more interesting character in season 2.

      -Yeshmin is a brony? :Imokaywiththis.jpg:

      -Birmingham meet up? FINALLY! America seemed to be getting all the fun. I'll see if I can make it :D

    63. @Voltaire

      Well actually, I'm not sure if he is - he referred to Big Mac as "the red one" and not by his name, but that might have been intentional. Nevertheless, the comments will most likely turn Yeshmin/Greg into a brony.

      Oh and, if you guys aren't watching the whole video, I suggest that you do. It's hilarious if you're into that stuff.

    64. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXi5tA4VVm0&t=6m44s

    65. lol Seth what is your damage with AJ? It's getting old. I could always do with more Applejack but it makes sense to have a grounded, hard-working character in a group of friends that includes some crazier personalities (I say this as someone whose college BFFs were an IRL RD and Pinkie Pie). Although you could make the argument that Twilight kinda fills that niche. But yeah, I think an episode where AJ is forced to take a vacation might be funny.

    66. Seth, you DO know that since you've asked for Twilight Sparkle 64, you might GET it, right?

    67. @Fire Flash

      This is like saying that because someone likes one single Justin Bieber song, they have to call themselves a 'Belieber'. Liking something that fits into a category X doesn't mean you are a diehard fan of X.

      The term 'furry' is meant to describe the fandom of media with anthropomorphic animals. Liking ONE such show does not thrust you into that populace. Many people like MLP:FIM for its humor, animation and characterization, not because they're animals that talk.

      I would have absolutely no problem with calling myself a furry if I fit into there -- what I've seen of the fandom has been extremely friendly and supportive and I would be proud to be a part of it. But it's simply ridiculous to say that liking The Matrix makes you a Keanu Reeves fanboy.

    68. that pony costume thing scared me to death it brings back memories about that Mario costume dude i saw when i was little


    69. OHS drumline??

      Oh wait, not my school. Dang. I'll need to get one of those for my marching band.


    71. Twilight has an unhealthy obsession with books.
      Rainbow Dash has an unhealthy obsession with winning.
      Fluttershy has an unhealthy obsession with animals.
      Rarity has an unhealthy obsession with being fabulous... er, makeovers.
      Applejack has an unhealthy obsession with apples.
      Pinkie Pie is Pinkie Pie.

      I think we can agree that they're all crazy... but it mainly has to do with their livlihoods, so who cares? AJ stops stampedes with wild abandon. She's a badass!

    72. Ohio meetup was the best night ever. The end.

    73. The textbook definition of a furry may be a person with a fondness for anthropomorphic characters, but by that logic, every single person who's ever been a fan of nearly any Disney movie is a furry.

      Don't try and pull the dictionary definition to defend accusations of being a furry or not. The labeling of a furry that people give bronies is by the socially accepted definition of having a fetish for animal-based characters, which myself, and many other bronies do not share.

      Now I know a few people who are furries, and I don't rip on them for being one. It's a fetish, and like all fetishes, it's just something somebody has a certain draw towards.

      So while there may be a large number of furries in the brony community, it doesn't do us any good to publish things and act in that sort of manner publicly, and no, this is not regarding the cosplayers posted.

      Furries (by social definition) should demonstrate restraint in what they do, and how they act that could cast negative light on the brony community. On the other hand, the brony community should not show prejudice towards those within who are furries, and show eachother respect.

      As long as both sides can get along without giving the other a bad image, I don't have a problem.

    74. @IkusaGT

      the 'rep that comes with that stuff is something that the fandom should try and avoid' that you speak of, e.g. the furry fandom reputation, is going to befall on bronies anyway. With all the clop, shipping and stuff that bronies produce en masse, it will happen. With or without the help of furries.

      And yeah the textbook definition is indeed correct. Bronies are a subfandom of furries, like it hate it but useless to deny it.

    75. @Navy Brony

      The dictionary definition of furry is brought up because there are still people who quite wrongfully believe furry is a fetish in the 'sexual attraction' definition of the word. Like yourself.

      Also, furries should show restraint in how they act that could cast negative light on the brony community?


      What about all your clopfic and shipping writing fellow bronies who cry just as loudly as you that they are not furries...?

      Are you seriously implying that the brony community in and by itself wont be able to fuck up their own reputation without help from outside?

      That's just laughable.

    76. @Darkfoxx What makes you so sure that fate WILL befall this one? Is it really that inevitable? I'm not denying that it is a possibility how much of one I have yet to figure out for myself. However I still stand by that the good outweighs the bad. Yes I am aware of the things you mentioned with the shipping and the clop stories and their volume of production but comparatively speaking their numbers are less than than the other content produced by the fandom. But all in all main focus is on the show.

      As for the definition like I said I guess we are,doesn't mean I identify myself as one.

    77. What is OHS short for in the drum line pic?
      Cause the only thought that ran through my brain was Oroville High School, where I used to go to school. But that cant be it can it?

    78. @IkusaGT

      "@Darkfoxx What makes you so sure that fate WILL befall this one?"

      I'm not 100% sure, I'm hoping not, but it's all in our own hooves.

      "Yes I am aware of the things you mentioned with the shipping and the clop stories and their volume of production but comparatively speaking their numbers are less than than the other content produced by the fandom."

      Which goes for the furry fandom as well, but that doesn't help or didnt help the furry stereotype much. What the facts are, all of us know. You, me, everpony knows that. But, some people don't let actual facts get in the way they percieve something they're not a part of, or know only a little about.

      "As for the definition like I said I guess we are,doesn't mean I identify myself as one."

      I never said anyone had to accept and use the label. I only meant that denying it (different from just not using it oneself) is silly.

    79. @Moshalas

      That's an excellent example of not knowing what the buck they're talking about.
