Tsubasacon to Host Brony Meetup on Oct 8
In some of the strangest news I have ever encountered, a convention held in Huntington, West Virginia had one of their concert acts cancel. So instead of replacing them with other acts, there will be a brony meetup held from noon to 1 pm. If you're in the area or attending the convention anyway, why the heck not? Convention website.
The Big Book of Brony Seeks Assistance
A massive undertaking currently entitled 'The Big Book of Brony, Volume 1: The Birth of Bronies' has been underway for some time, attempting to aggregate fan works of all types into a single compendium, but the strain of keeping pace with the community has begun to overwhelm the undertaker of this mad quest. 3-4 ponies are requested to help in the process. Go to this ponychan thread for more information, of if you're interested in helping out, contact [email protected]
Dutch Brony Creates Pony Presentation
As part of his English class, this gentleman put together a presentation on the topic of the Summer Sun Celebration (which by the way, is the best of all celebrations, Praise be to Celestia). See that below:
Brony Seeking Bronies in Sandefjord, Norway
It can be tough when you think you're all alone. So if you happen to live in that area and would be interested in getting to know your fellow pony fans, you should look here and reach out.
Equestria Daily's Interview with Lauren Faust Now Available in Portuguese
You may recall that a little while ago Tekaramity posted an interview with Lauren Faust (yes, that Lauren Faust). It was awesome, and came with an amazing custom image from Lauren herself. Now, thanks to the efforts of one brony from Brazil, it's also available in Portuguese. If you speak that language, would like to, or know somepony who does, you should check that out right here.
Brazilian Brony Facebook Page, except replace 'facebook' and 'page' with B words
I'm far too lazy to come up with recognizable alternative with internationally recognized trademarked names. But on the topic of Brazil, which seems to come up in every single nightly roundup I've been in charge of, somepony threw together a new Facebook page for you guys down there. Stay classy!
Pony Cosplay from Dragon*Con 2011
Proving yet another way in which I am totally ignorant of the world around me, I have no idea what kind of convention Dragon*Con is, except that it is full of really really amazing cosplay. As part of that this year, a group of girls made some stunning costumes for the mane six and took a bunch of pictures. I wish I looked half as good. See why I'm jealous here.
More Stuff About Brazil
Because I am disorganized and too sick to care. Anyway, it seems stores down there are starting to carry some neat little day planners, which both don't cost a fortune and look pretty cool. See? See? See? See?
Twilight Sparkle Spotted at 5 Guys Burgers
You know, I just ate there the other day. Not at this location, but still. For all of the reviews that they've got hanging on the walls, I think this may be the best one ever.
Finding a use for Children's Shirts at Target
I know that a contest and a half at our wonderful sponsors over at welovefine (see? Look! Look at me advertising! Praise me praise me, oh praise me do!) has sort of curtailed some of the jealousy factor over little girls getting all the pony merchandise, but an enterprising pony going by the handle 'Sparkle Motion' went and did something cool with one of the kiddie shirts - turned it into a pillow! The before and after images appear below.

Pony Drinks Will Get You Drunk, But Only If You're Over 21
Depending on your nationality, of course. I'm sure you're all familiar with the various pony-flavored mixed drinks floating around the web. Daffodil has put together two more, one for our new favorite villain, and another for Seth's favorite ship. To be perfectly honest, I think the only one I'd even be willing to try is the Twixie.

Lunar Republic Flag Created, Hung on Wall
We need more pony flags, I think. See this one here.
Phoenix Area Brony Meetup Results
September has been a hell of a month for gatherings. If one were so inclined, one might say there's some Magic in them all. There's certainly a lot of fun, at the very least. Check out the photo gallery from this desert collective and see what I mean!
My Little Pony Presentation... en Francais!
Proving that yes, French bronies are every bit as capable of standing up in front of their peers and discussing marshmallow equines as the rest of us. It is (predictably) in French, but if you don't care or are able to get around that you should check it out.
The Greatest Umbrella of All Time
Below, please find a wallpaper put together by one Lauren Goodnight. You'll notice it has two things which are generally considered awesome: filly Rarity and Portal. Then look at what she did with that, and come find me when you're done geeking out. I'll wait.
Equestria Daily Apologizes to DJ Shamrock
We filed this under Roundup news, not even really thinking about the consequences of time sensitive information. But as it turns out, you can't tell people about an 8pm Central radio show featuring the Remix War 4 entries in a post you'll schedule for 3 am Central at the earliest. So, you all missed that, and I kinda dropped the ball here. But you should all swing by next Monday because from 8-10 each week he does a show with one hour of Irish and one hour of Pony. Seems like a good mix to me. This would be the link you want.
マイ リ-タ- ポ-ニ-
フリンッダシュップ イ-ズ マジッケ
Germany Catches up to Season 1, Episode 6
If you've been following the German dub for Friendship is Magic, you'll be happy to know episode 6 has found it's way onto Youtube. And even if not, you ought to check this out to find out what Trixie sounds like in German (spoilers: there will never be a Trixie as good as the original). Find that somewhere in this general direction.
Ponies Appear on Cartoon Network's MAD
I don't have television. I don't even know what this show is. But it has ponies now, and you are all very full of e-mails about. Look at this pretty pony and stop filling our inbox, please.
Upcoming Chicagoland Brony Division Meetups!
There's a pair of meetups coming up in the near future arranged by this particular group, and if you happen to be in the region for either one of them you should totally show up and have fun.
On Oct 9 from 1pm to 4 pm there will be an Apple picking event in Kenosha/Rancine, Wisconsin. Link.
On Oct 15 there will be a Brony Jam Session (with Didgeridoos!) at the college of Dupage County. Link.
Toronto Brony Seeking Help planning a Meetup
Here at Equestria Daily, we take our matchmaking services very seriously. When you guys reach out to us hoping to find some friends in your area, we reach right back and provide free advertising. All the time, every time. Like this one. One brony, as yet unfamiliar with the metropolis around him, is hoping to organize a meetup involving, and I quote, "students from Ryerson University or anyone from downtown Toronto(or anyone willing to come to Toronto) who would like to meet up and discuss all things Brony". If you're able to attend something like this, or just have advice on the best places and times to set something like this up, contact him at [email protected].
Pony iOS Theme Updated/Functional
If you've got an Apple product and need some ponies for it, there's some sort of process involving adding the following repo and selecting the correct package as it pertains to your iDevice (not your OS). Most of this makes no sense to me, but I assume you future space wizards riding the hippest technology train this side of Jupiter are all totally squaresies. If you experience problems, hit up this Tumblr to ask about what's going on.
Texas Gains +1 Pony Groups
A newly formed group in Cinco Ranch (a subdivision of Katy, Texas) wishes that the world know the do in fact exist. They have a Facebook page and everything. Now that you are advised of how much they exist, you should look at joining them if you are as existent as they are relative to that corner of Texas (disclaimer: may not actually be a corner).
Geek Feminism Approves of Ponies
There's an article which appeared a little while back (but only just now came to our attention!) on geekfeminism.org regarding ponies and why they are amazing. It's a well put together article with a lot of nice things to say, and she went and took the trouble of quoting our interview with Lauren Faust, so there's some extra awesome points right there. Quick excerpt just in case you don't feel like link following, "Once you believe in rainbow colored ponies who can talk, there isn't much limit to your imagination." Heck yes.
Merchandise and Shopping
Blind Bag Trixie Custom Available at Auction
Blind Bag Blueblood Custom Available at Auction
Blind Bag Screwball Custom (already?) Available at Auction
Gummy Custom Figurine Available at Auction - time running short!
Opalescence Custom Figurine Available at Auction - time running short!
Equestria Daily Thanks 'Mixermike' for the New Banner
As the bosspony commands, so it shall be. Thanks, pony. You rock our socks off.
Cereal Velocity Confirmed for Best Pony
This weekend has, I would say, gone rather smoothly. Things went up on time, episodes were watched, fun times were had by all. None of it would have been possible if Cereal hadn't been so on top of things. Despite being sick and despite having all sorts of schoolwork, he tirelessly maintained the ever-growing wave of e-mails and kept our days scheduled and organized during a time when I simply couldn't. So now in my last act as Nightly Roundup Coordinator I want to publicly recognize him for his actions. Thank you, Cereal. You're the best.
And thank you to the rest of you for putting up with my shenanigans. We now return you to your regularly scheduled Roundups.
105 kommentaari:
But the age for drinking over here is 18!
VastaKustutaNot sad Twilight!! Noooooooo
VastaKustutaI always thought so highly of Cereal. If he was the main man, I'd be so dedicated to him every day.
VastaKustutaAw dammit, I didn't meet my self-proclaimed deadline. Screwy Youtube and slow uploads. Oh well, at least I got the video in.
VastaKustutaOh cool, I'm awake for the nightly round-up and not feeling guilty about it.
VastaKustutaThanks a million, Phoe and Cereal! You guys made the Sethless week work well.
VastaKustutaAnd don't forget you too Phoe. And to everyone in EqD. You're all amazing.
VastaKustutaI can always tell when it's a "Phoe" post before I reach the bottom. so much more elegantly worded than the others.
VastaKustutaNightly roundup eh, its 10 in the morning here.
VastaKustutaSilly timezones.
Damn, I want a Solar Empire flag now.
VastaKustutaYay! You posted my meet up! Hopefully I get the word out to other bronies!
VastaKustutaI'd have to be over 21 to be drunk off pony drinks? Well, I AM 21... legal drinking age here is 19 though.
VastaKustutaOh yeah, I saw that Episode of MAD today (yesterday technically since it's after Midnight).
VastaKustutaThe episode had double does of Pony.
Cowboys vs Equestrians.
and Lionlol and the Internet.
oh and "Applejack" helping Daniel Craig. XD
Re: Dragon*con cosplay, I always knew Rarity was best pony. >.> Great all around, though.
VastaKustutaRe: Pony pillows, Do want. Also Lunar Republic flag.
Re: DJ Shamrock, Irish AND ponies, you say? Two favorites to look into...
Best NR of the night. You heard what I said.
where the hey do i find that luna flag???? i want one!
VastaKustutaI want to try some of those pony drinks, but how the hell am I going to get some of those weird drinks?
VastaKustutaDiscord Anarchist Party flag, now!
VastaKustutaWith chocolate rain and floating apple pies!
I'd just like to say that Japanese is atrocious. By the moon, reading that out loud sounded nothing like it should!
VastaKustutaDay Applejack...damn.
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaThis is true, Phoe does have a way with words that makes the nightly roundups fun to read.
And so it came to pass the rule of the Mason and the Wordsmith. Whilst He-Who-Sleeps-Not was not to be seen, the Mason and the Wordsmith kept order in our fair lands. They faced many challenges, from great plagues to relentless onslaughts on their mystical messaging system. Despite it all, the Mason and the Wordsmith worked tirelessly to keep the balance of the world in check. And they succeeded.
VastaKustutaNow, weary from their trials, they relinquish their control into the capable hands of He-Who-Sleeps-Not. However, it is my duty as Regent Historian of the Crown to mark their sacrifices.
As such, I declare today a memorial holiday on the equestrian calender. May all ponies bow their heads in silence; for what was gained, for what was lost, and for that which has yet to come.
In Celestia's name, my will be done.
-Dr. Henry, Regent Historian of the Crown, Guardian of Equestrian Past, Recorder of the Pantheonic Exploits
[Seriously though, kudos to you two. The ship sailed smoothly, and you two should be proud. Now get some rest, your bodies are probably near complete shutdown mode with the lack of sleep/horrible illness/both at the same time.
(also, should I make more of these? That was fun to write... but I won't if nobody likes them, they fill up too much space.)]
Pinkie Pie wearing VS gear rocks =^.^=
VastaKustuta@Dr. Henry Killinger
VastaKustutaDo more! I like it. Thou art a fine historian.
... this is the first, last, and only time I can say I am sad I moved away from Huntington at a young age.
VastaKustuta... Dammit.
Somebody get that CN MAD pony skit on Youtube!
VastaKustutalulz for no reason when i saw the picture of sad Twilight i immediatly thought of the story "Alone, Not Lonely" by Sergmaster00 and thought thats how she probably looked the next day after the end of the story
VastaKustutabtw go read that story its cool
hmm, military personal Brony in JPN? must be frustrating with idiots trying to move the bases over there... solution, watch Ponies
VastaKustutaMAD did a pony episode, I really want to see that.
VastaKustutadiscord's pony-drink-thing requires pop rocks.
VastaKustutaYour katakana use is admirable, but I think you might be better off spelling friendship like this.
What you have up there is more like
You want
French presentation is very good! Awesome way to introduce France to Bronies.
VastaKustutaThe discord drink is stupid... I mean, you'll end up drinking the glass and throwing the rink over your shoulder anyway. Wich then explodes.
VastaKustutaマイ リトル ポーニー (MLP)
VastaKustutaフレンドシップ イズ マジック (FiM)
To be exact. Jap here so I'm sure.
The show that pony screenshot is of is Symbionic Titan, if anypony was wondering!
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaSince the MAD pony article, I saw the MAD pony episode coming. :D
VastaKustutaI hate MAD
VastaKustutaGOD I want to try Discord so bad... But just all the materials would set me back 50$ :S There are like 5 different drinks in there.
VastaKustutaPerusing tivo now for mad pony episode.
VastaKustutaNO REGRETS!
Phoe and Cereal: Thank you for putting up with all of us crazy bronies this past weekend! Now, go! Chicken noodle and warm quilts for both of you! Get well soon!
VastaKustuta(And wow! Talk about a ton of news! I can't remember the last Nightly Roundup that has as much stuff in it as this one did!)
Boy that was alot of news to digest! Awesome 5 Guys Twilight, and the umbrella was sweeet...sooo many brony meet ups too, great stuff!!
VastaKustutaA little extreme, I think. Cereal isn't best pony, but he's up there.
VastaKustutaMon dieu, Phoe! Vous avez oublié le cédille en 'français'!
VastaKustutaomfg! What episode of Mad has ponies?!!
VastaKustutaWho the hay is Screwball?
VastaKustutaInb4 Phoe x Cereal shipping.
VastaKustuta@Atiarotias -
VastaKustutaHonestly I did not put much effort into it, I kinda made a phonetic translation on the fly, I really didn't know the official katakana... I didn't even know they had MLP FIM here in Japan.
I should have done a literal translation... what would that be... hmmm.
That Discord drink both frightens and intrigues me.
VastaKustutaOmg Screwball pony with a propeller beanie!
VastaKustutaWant!! Oh and we need more info on that flag as it rocks.
I've tasted vodka with chocolate but hot sauce 0.o
VastaKustutaMight as well had replaced hot sauce with Rainbows^^
@Twilight: It gets me giddy! I want to try one badly, even though it'll probably screw up my system something fierce! :P
VastaKustuta@Meep: There's a drink called a Prairie Fire which is just a shot of tequila with a bit of tobasco mixed in. 'Course, Tobasco sauce is nothing for me now. I've moved past habaneros up to Scotch Bonnets, and I've got a bottle of sauce that's just begging to be used in a Discord shot.
VastaKustutaOn an unrelated topic, I just got the "where the heck is lesbia?" joke this morning, after waking up. I laughed.
VastaKustutaWow... Brazil is surely getting a lot more pony. Maybe someday we'll be having meetups and all.
VastaKustutaAnd that Discord drink... It reminds me of a drunk friend of mine that tried to mix something for me... I honestly don't know whether I should call that a bad or good memory.
Willing to try Discord, though!
MLP FiM, literally JPN translated?? I know it's weird but here I go...
VastaKustuta私のちっちゃなポニー (MLP)
友情はマジック/魔法 (FiM)
god that sounds weird. I'm sure if it's ever to be aired in JPN (I can't really imagine it happening but) the name won't be literally translated, they'll just use Katakana, since it sounds a lot cooler (so it'll be pronounced the same, just more Jappy)
VastaKustutaI love Phoe's shenanigans and Thanks cereal! we love you guys
VastaKustuta@DragonCon cosplay - So good, so beautiful...so makes me feel like an amateur - maybe I can blame it on being a guy and having no hope of pulling it off THAT well.
VastaKustuta@Portal/Rarity umbrella - so where can I throw all my money to get one of these? I actually lost my umbrella at BroNYCon this past weekend and need a new one.
@MixerMike - freaking awesome banner!!
As weird and hit-or-miss as MAD is, I would actually have expected news of ponies being on it to have been bigger than this. I mean, no links, seeming extreme disinterest... and I'm really, really curious to see this. I've actually watched MAD several weeks just waiting for a pony thing to pop up and the one week I don't, there it is, you know?
VastaKustuta@Dr. Henry Killinger
VastaKustutaWell, for what it's worth, I like 'em.
Screwball: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhR-h8X1zDM from 0:11 to 0:13 (also known as Topsy Turvy and Merrie Melodie, but it looks like Screwball's going to stick)
And just to echo everyone else's comments: Thanks to all who help keep EQD running, and a special thanks to Cereal and Phoe for continuing the daily flow of pony goodness over the past few days, while fighting illness! Now go get some rest!
Just watched the MAD pony ep. I set my TiVo to record it, but the stupid schedule was in error, and swapped MAD for some horrifically retarded new show about a man made of asses, and some other characters that were significantly less memorable than a freaking farting man of ass... pretending to be cops.
VastaKustutaI had to torrent the episode. The skit was cool. They even went so far as to parody the balloon, and used AJ's name directly. Colors and cutiemarks were skewed for parody/copyright purposes. AJ even had a hat. They even got the word "Equestrians" right. For a MAD parody, it was spot on, and they definitely were playing it right.
My only complaint was that NO effort went into matching cutiemarks. Even going the "McDonalds" route (AJ with ONE apple, FS with ONE butterfly, etc) would have been nicer. I won't complain though. It was acceptable.
@LightDasher it's 16 over here
VastaKustutaLike this meetup? http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=172183946195317
oh my :O
VastaKustutaMy presentation actually made it up here!!! :D
awesome!! :D
@SFC Ponycron
VastaKustutaHmmm I see. Will wonders never cease? Guess I have to remind myself to put an extra shot of chocolate milk if I ever try one of Discord's concoctions >:3
Then again those chocolate milk of his are filled with nitro glycerin =='
Fun fact:
VastaKustutaIn the German dub of S1E06 Spike quotes Goethe's FAUST.
That's a lot of stuff for one Nightly Roundup. I'll need two days to check all of it.
VastaKustutaI need the location of that 5 Guys.
VastaKustutaWell, actually, I just wanted to know if it was the one near me, so I guess I know what I'm doing for lunch.
With MadTV out of the way, now I wonder what South Park will inevitably do with ponies.
VastaKustuta@EngineerBrony We had basically nothing but umbrellas in our lost+found. What colour was yours? :)
VastaKustutaAs terrible as it sounds, the Discord is really good and you should try one.
VastaKustutaThat poor brony in Sandefjord... There are probably only 4-5 bronies in all of Norway, because there are so few people here. The nearest one is probably near Stavanger (that would be me) and there is probably one in Bergen and one in Trondheim, and that's it.
VastaKustutaOf course the English Trixie is the best. Because Kathleen Barr.
In the final segment of the MAD episode (Thunderlolcats), Rainbow Dash actually appeared in her flying, Superman pose. It was obviously crudely drawn to avoid copyrights, but she's there.
VastaKustutaI actually recorded that...or tried, anyway, because my DVR derped so it recorded super secret mega fort awesome or whatever the name is.
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustuta>Twixie is now a drink.
VastaKustutaWait, wha....no. No, dammit. Stop it! Why internet? Why?!
VastaKustutatheres the video people, for the MAD skit with Ponies. Cowboys and Equestrians
.#1 WHAT THE HELL, I'm in Phoenix! And I never knew about this?!?! I demand another brony meetup later this fall!
VastaKustuta#2 I'm going to steal that pillow.
#3 I wish to help with the big book of brony.
*goes to send email*
I had to make that Portal joke my desktop background. That's too good. XD
VastaKustutaAnd now to somehow get a hold of that umbrella without my parents giving me funny looks.
VastaKustutaFor Rarity... I wonder it there is a marshmallow-flavored liquor. To ze Googles!
know what's funny? there were at least 40 cosplayers at the dragon*con brony meetup... and in that link you will find the ONLY applejack
VastaKustutaHmm, The Big Book of Brony. This sounds like something I bet more than one group of people are working on. lol But keeping pace with this community and the number of fan works it churns out on a regular basis is quite the undertaking. And takes much dedication. :P
VastaKustutaDragon Con is a giant "umbrella" con. I've never been myself, but I bet's it's an awesome convention to attend. Those pony cosplays are great, really great. They look the parts pretty well. I absolutely love that the Pinkie Pie has the hypnoses-glasses. Hah, too funny.
Hmm, 5 Guys Burgers. Don't believe I've ever heard of them unfortunately. But I concur, that is one cool review.
That's one thing to do with the youth shirts. Turn them into other things like pillows. :) I thought about that too when I saw them. Though my sewing skills are rather rusty. So better to leave the more skilled seamstresses to that endeavor. :P
Goodness, a drink called the "Twixie". Oi. lol But yeah, some can get drunk off ponies at 18 too. :)
That Lunar Republic flag... I want it. I would so let that grace my wall.
The filly Rarity Portal umbrella is too awesome. It's hoofs down the best umbrella I have ever seen! Ever! :D
Oooh, ponies appeared on CN's MAD. No way. That's great. I see someone said there was a full skit too. I must see this!
Hah, a Screwball custom pony already made. But that's not surprising. Heck, I'm surprised it took more than 12 hours. lol
Ahh, that's who made the new banner. It's awesome. Many props to the artist.
And yay, go Cereal and Phoe. You guys handled the workload like a boss it seems. Was their ever any doubt? ;) Also, I do love your Nightly Roundups, Phoe. So well-written with a nice injection of wit thrown in. :)
Any links to the other alcoholic beverages?
VastaKustutabrony meet up in dupage county? hey! i live in dupage county! im so going. gonna bring my bass and rock out!
VastaKustuta@Alexander Vascus
VastaKustutaThat was pretty mediocre, and I've watched quite a few episodes of MAD before.
It wasn't as funny as I expected, maybe because I didn't care about "Cowboys vs. Aliens" and the ponies reference didn't bear much weight on the skit. They could've used flying spaghetti monsters in place of ponies and it would've made any difference to the skit.
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaI just uploaded the MAD parody of MLP here...
VastaKustutaAlso, I've found the ThunderLOLcats video from a 4chan thread if anypony's interested. Also has some sign of ponies.
VastaKustutaOh, darling if you have never experienced Five Guys before than you are missing out! This Roundup has also inspired me to patronize my own local establishment and leave my rendition of a pony-approved review on the wall... I think it's the least I can do.
All in all, a fascinating assemblage of news in this roundup. The Pinkie Pie cosplayer in that group made me laugh out loud, and I second the notion that pillows are an excellent way to re-purpose youth shirts (I've thought of doing something similar with some of the adult pony shirts that I've found, seeing as how they only ever seem to come in crew neck and those really do not flatter me...).
Also, I may just have to try that Discord drink now, thank you.
@Alexander Vascus, @KRY, and @Moshalas: Thanks for the MAD clips! The Cowboys vs. blahblahblah in the first two links was decent, though I did love AJ's unexpected appearance; ThunderLOLcats in the last link, sadly, fell flat for me, maybe because I'm not familiar enough with all those memes.
VastaKustutaThat pillow is awesome. Just for the record, though, about half of the states have laws that allow legal underage drinking (with certain limitations, such as location or amount).
VastaKustutaAn alcoholic drink with chocolate milk? I HEAR YOU SISTER!!!
VastaKustutai just realized: "land of the rising sun" does this make celestia japanese?
VastaKustuta@Bobbyzero http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YYclpE16-c THERE STILL NEEDS TO BE A BETTER VERSION!!! CURSES NOT HAVING CABLE!!! Well, I bet some fanfic could spawn from this.
VastaKustutaHere's a better version of it (the whole section of the skit with MLP)
Hi there I live on this town and i would like to say we might as well live on that corner of Texas cuz i mean come on any furher east and you get Houston and Galveston, and a disclaimer if you go to Galveston DO NOT GO FOR THE BEACH... Too much oil. Also I am now filled with joy that we have high school bronies and ponies
VastaKustutaStill waiting on an offical japanese dub...
VastaKustutaTwo things that are considered awesome? Well... I see filly Rarity, she's pretty awesome... But I don't see anything else... An umbrella? I guess that's pretty awesome during Winter...... Wait, you mean Portal? THOSE CROSSFAILS AREN'T AWESOME!
VastaKustutaThat Twixie drink is very unsettling.
VastaKustutaProbably because I hate shipping.
I'm not gonna lie - those cosplaying girls look fine.
VastaKustutaTilibra always does first-class, good quality material, and their MLP day planners seem to be no exception. However, 2 things make me really sad:
VastaKustuta1. It's clear they're aiming little girls exclusively. You have to be a real courageous brony to use one of those (I'm not sure I would);
2. As our internal market grows, we are becoming more and more self-centered, to a point which an American would find exaggerated. So, no use in trying to buy one unless you have a Brazilian ZIP code (CEP). Which is a shame, since I'm not there anymore...
Are there any bronies in Kenosha Wisconsin?
VastaKustutaI saw one my little pony video on you tube on accident and i fell IN LOVE with Dainbow Dash
VastaKustutaMY e-mail is [email protected] to answer my first question