• Nightly Roundup #105

    The recent episode definitely showed off Pinkie Pie's (post-rock farm) "raised by pigs" roots. 

    Reminder: Please send all submissions to Submit@Equestriadaily.com

    Have some news!

    DHX Financial Reports

    Apparently MLP is kicking ass in the financial area. Have some copy paste from Newswire!

    "For Fiscal 2011, Management was very pleased with the growth in producer and service fee revenues, as the Company earned $15.48 million, an increase of 107% over the $7.48 million for Fiscal 2010. DHX Vancouver earned $7.14 million and DHX Wildbrain earned $8.34 million for Fiscal 2011 (Fiscal 2010 was entirely DHX Vancouver). For Fiscal 2011, the breakdown for major projects over $0.10 millionfor DHX Vancouver was $5.83 million for My Little Pony Seasons 1-2 and $1.31 million for Pound Puppies Seasons 1-2. For DHX Wildbrain the breakdown was $2.23 million for Monster High Seasons 1-5,$0.24 million for Oki's Oasis Pilot, $3.09 million for The Ricky Gervais Show Seasons 1-3, $0.15 million for Japan Day commercial, $0.12 million for Sideway (Game) Project$0.28 million for Hard Times of R.J. Berger Season 2, $1.08 million for How to Train Your Dragon Season 1, and $0.44 million for Go Time Pilot."

    I don't think pony is going anywhere anytime soon, in fact, Sibsy confirmed Season three again....

    Plymouth State University Adds Pony Theme

    Borderline Stonybrook on the awesome scale!

    Italian Subbed Episode one Season Two

    For the Italian bronies out there who totally can't read this anyway, someone has released another subtitled episode for you guys, check it out here!

    "Paint the Town" Project Goes Pony

    Over in Morrison, 1600 people have been registered to paint all over the city.  Apparently ponies have been popping up. 

    I wish the 20% cooler thing wasn't old.  It would work so nicely on this one.

    Cincinnati Brony Meetup

    Another meetup is happening on the 24th in Cincinnati.  Check out the page for it here!

    Playstation Magazine "Approves" of the Pony

    Another one joins the herd, the same way most of us did.  It's only a matter of time before "everybody" is find and replaced with "everypony" and the blues turn to pinks. 

    So You Think You're a Brony Episode 4

    Another episode has popped up! Check it out here!

    Convention Wisdom Posts Pony

    Yep, more web comics!

    Gmod Ponification Seeks Map Maker

    The guy running the "Recreate all of season one in gmod" project is looking for someone to help him make out some maps.  Check out the channel for more information if you are interested, and toss him a PM.

    Another Pony Roleplaying Site

    For those looking for a fresh  RP board to invade, a new one has popped up.  Hopefully you guys decide on a home soon!

    Pony Party Bags

    Source: Oswald
    These are actually popping up in Mexico.  I'm not sure if they have any plans on bringing them over to the states.

    Rainbow Dash Left 4 Dead Sound Mod

    Another sound file swap has been released for Left 4 Dead.  Check it out here!

    PDF Gallery Updates


    Michael Bay Presents: MLP: FiM: Revenge of the Unicorn God Slayer
    My Little Hangover
    Once Bitten, Twice Shy
    Soaring Hearts
    Caramel's Light
    Out in the Cold sequel, 'Midnight and Shimmer's Guide to Dating'
    Solar Flare sequel, 'Deep Dark'
    Sunset sequel, 'For Want of a Dawn'
    The Ciroton Collection:
       -My Little Muffin
       -Clash of the Heavenly Titans
       -Blood is Thicker
       -The Reluctant Reunion of the Redoubtable Rabble-Rouser
       -For Want of a Dawn

    WoW Pony Guild Seeks More

    Have some copypaste

    Guild: Friendship is Magic (Level 16)

    Server: Arathor
    Faction: Alliance
    Ponies to Contact in game: Vinylscratch, Bastiat, Parasprite, Rainbowcräsh, Friedman

    All ponies are accepted, officers are frequently on, and there is always a shoulder to lean on.
    Raid Times (Currently) Thurs 5-8pm server, Sat 5-8pm
    Mumble Server Provided

    Dragon Con Cosplay Video Sneaks Ponies In

    That Rainbow Dash is awesome.

    Another Chalk Pony

    Are we capped on chalk ponies yet?

    iBringDaLULZ Pony Swag Dilemma

    For those following this project, check out the video!

    "Cupcake Fury" A video by FiM Animators

    A few of the guys working on pony sent this video over to me.  Apparently one of the characters is a shout out to pony.  Check it out here!

    Ebay/Merch Stuff
    Scratch Shirt
    Gummy Clock
    Applejack Plushie
    Painting Commissions

    66 kommentaari:

    1. Angry pie got pwnt by Flutterbitch.

    2. We are making Ponies rich!

      It will be soon before I can buy some stocks on Hasbro and become a rich man X3 and if that fails, I can always invest something on Equestria Daily :)

    3. We'll need to start a Pony gallery soon for equestriapaintings

    4. @Lucid

      Flutterbitch been to prison, she knows you gotta display dominance in front of the other inmates.

    5. I'm interested in the state of fanfiction on this site.

      Like, today, we had one story update and three new stories "launch".

      After weeks of "too many" (by some people's measure) updates, it seems weird that there were no updates posted. There wasn't a "consolidated updates" list, either, which makes me think of two possible outcomes:

      (1) No one sent in any new updates after the consolidated posts started happening.

      (2) There are updates, they just weren't posted.

      Nothing has been said about it, either. Not in two Nightly Roundups, and not after a certain point in the comments of the last consolidated update post.

      What's going on here, exactly?

    6. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    7. And we have webcomic nr. 67 with ponies :)

    8. I like those party bags! They should definitely bring em to the states.
      Sethisto said "It's only a matter of time before "everybody" is find and replaced with "everypony" and the blues turn to pinks."
      And, aw man, accidentally said everypony IRL yesterday....not sure how to feel about that.

    9. Dayum, that Plymouth SU pony theme is something else. Also, I'm liking those financial figures.

    10. That's a lot of money for Ponies. How was the 3rd Season of Spongebob doing at this appropriate time (Considering how Spongebob didn't become popular until the second season started) Just so we can compare to 2 and see what progress we are at until Ponies is at Spongebob level popularity.

      That subtle clue of third series is still nice to see. But let's get through Season 2 first shall we? We have 25 Brilliant episodes to watch in the upcoming weeks and... wait a minute...

      There's a How to Train Your Dragon Tv Series?? Why has no one informed me of this?

    11. Season 17! It has been confirmed!

      *dies of ecstasy*

    12. @Killsteal_Wolf
      It's not out yet, the how to train your dragon series will air next year. However, DHX media already made some profit with it, so I guess they started production.

    13. It's just fantastic to see how well MLP:FiM has done business wise....definitely great news seeing as that is one major reason to keep making more, and I know we all want A LOT more pony!

    14. This fandom continues to amaze the crap out of me.

    15. I knew there was something good in that new Gameinformer...

    16. @James Corck

      If you are the target consumers of a business and you want to invest money in that business, any profit you make is essentially money you spent in the first place.(or money other /b/ronies put in to the system.)

      ...I'd buy Hasbro stock too, but more because they sell stuff overseas/make a show I like, and not because I would expect to make a profit.

    17. I'm signing up on the RP for Octavia. No-one take Octavia. *glares* I know where you live... xD

    18. What happened to the fanfic updates?

    19. Hey! What gives? We didn't have a Story Update post!

      I find it hard to believe that NOTHING updated this past day...

    20. Wow. That Playstation magazine looks just like Gameinformer. Then again, I should've known better. Only Playstation would endorse one of the most ridiculous handhelds in years... Coincidentally their own.

    21. so...much...ponydom growth. This nightly round up has some really positive vibes for the future!

    22. That's alot of money, but what I find most interesting is there's a Monster High Season1-5. I thought they just made a single one-shot special?

    23. Playstation Magazine should read "Colt" following XD.

    24. I find the lack of fic updates disturbing.

    25. I suspect BroNYcon this weekend might have something to do with the lack of fic updates.

    26. I am in agreement wiht a lot of other folks about being miffed by lack of fic updates.

      Y U abandon fanfiction?

    27. From the Ebay/Merch section the painting commissions.

      I got this from the artist.
      Luna/Fluttershy painting 60x60cm - http://goo.gl/3a0yD
      They are my favourite characters so it made seance I get them together.
      And yes they have swapped socks.

    28. MLP is their number one revenue stream, awesome! Second place? The Ricky Gervais Show.

      All around win.

    29. Interesting that MLP made over four times as much as Pound Puppies even though the latter has higher ratings on the hub. Pony merchandise must be selling really well.

      Even gaming magazines are being converted into the herd. Now that they uncomfortably accept it, would be interesting to see how they'd review a licensed game.

      There's never enough chalk ponies. Dash is pretty cute there.

    30. 5.83 Million, That is an insane amount of money. No wonder the staff keeps in contact with us, we are making them rich. Image how much more they would get if they brought out a DVD.

      Why is the Slenderman asking a Playstation magazine if they like MLP? Or a better question is: Why does the Playstation magazine like Yo Gabba Gabba more than MLP? I watched that show once, It reminded me of Toy Story crossed with Katamari Damacy and not in a good way.

    31. @ the people complaining about fanfiction updates.

      Some time ago Seth said that the guy that did all the fan fiction write up stuff for the nightly roundups had his laptop stolen, so there for he hasn't been able to put them up.

      Now about the actual "updates" of stories, from what I can tell Seth is going to that Brony-Con, so he probably has been pre-occupied and so all of the updates are either sitting in his inbox (because people dont' pay attention to what he tells us) or Seth has sent the updates to Cereal and Phoe and they have not gotten teh updates up yet.

      Again, only speculating but I wouldn't worry too much about it.

    32. Omg!!! Season 17 is confirmed!!1!one!! This is pretty circumstantial when it comes to S3, especially since we've only seen one episode of S2 yet. Cool your jets, guys. Just enjoy the season we have right now, the FiM team knows what they're doing.

    33. "confirmed Season three again...."

      Did I miss something?

    34. @namelesspony

      Considering the show's success so far, Season 3 still seems to be going ahead unless something major happens in this upcoming season (Like, I dunno, Hasbro being involved in a Major Scandal or something that loses their reputation and costs them a lot of money. Not likely, but just saying what possibly can stop the next season). However, since Season 2 has just started, there is no need to formally announce plans for a third season until this one is other. It's just quick words saying that there are plans towards a third season that Hasbro are ok with.

      Only show I've seen having a new season confirmed soo soon in development is Game of Thrones, when Season 2 was announced after the ground-breaking success of Season 1 (Granted, there is more reason for this announcement, since each season seems to be working on a different book in the Song of Ice and Fire series. Whilst Ponies have adventures regularly with new things popping up for each episode. So no really need to announce that "We've got even more new ideas for episodes like the ones you are about to watch in the upcoming weeks")

    35. Hold on everypony!

      I believe the fanfiction updates get their own post now.

    36. The PSN letter only confirms our suspicions…
      All shall be assimilated into the herd, resistance is futile… prepare to be loved and tolerated! (glomps)

    37. @Killsteal_Wolf - You're missing Adventure Time, brony. Season 2 was confirmed before season 1 even started airing, and season 3 within the first few episodes of season 1.

      @B-Man - That's why people are complaining - there wasn't one of those posts today.

    38. Speaking of dragon*con, when are we getting a post with the pics from the meetup there? Had a lot of good cosplay that you couldn't see too well in the Winter Wrap-Up video.

    39. Seems pony is doing decently well in the financial sector, which is always a good sign.

      Hmm, a pony theme for the school's site, wow. All school site's should have this option, am I right? :D

      1600 people... imagine all of them painting ponies. lol Now that's quite a lot of ponies. Even though the 20% Cooler meme is old now, it still works for this no doubt.

      Go Playstation magazine. I always knew there was a reason I liked Playstation. Well, besides the games and all I suppose. :P

      The pony party bags are kinda cute. Nice addition to a FiM Birthday party or such. There seems to be a lack still of G4 party accessories.

      Some of those outfits in the DragonCon video... just absolutely insane. Seriously. It never ceases to amaze me at just how creative and stunning some of these cosplays are. Including that Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy I saw. Quite nice.

      Capped out on chalk ponies? What kind of blasphemy is that?! The answer to that is; Nevar!

      Horsies make the best cake! Truer words were never spoken... right? Right?!

    40. There's a How To Train Your Dragon tv series??

      Oh... I mean... Ponies!!! *Flutteryay*

      "It's no Yo Gabba Gabba". And for that, I am glad.

    41. That DragonCon video.. Dashie cosplayer was cute but HOLY CRAP at that guy (or gal) in the Fallout power armor. That is phenomenal!

    42. I think four seasons is a good size for Friendship is Magic. They should probably move towards more multi part episodes. I don't want the show becoming like The Simpsons.

    43. There's a How to Train Your Dragon series coming out? SWEET!

    44. Wowie Zowie! Those cosplayers at Dragoncom had so many diverse and WELL executed references! Wish I was there!

    45. @aramaru

      Yeah, the person in the Fallout 3 power armor caught me attention multiple times in that video.

    46. fucking LAMBDA 11! that cosplay... so much awesome

    47. just figured i would chime in that DHX Media is the company that owns Studio B, they get paid by hashbro to make episodes. just because DHX Media is making money on ponies does not necessarily mean Hashbro is getting high ratings/making money. season 3 could still be a bust if the ratings dont come through

    48. @pmcollectorboy Agreed. Always better for a show to end while you like it, wondering what could've been, than seeing a show you like slowly get worse and worse and ruining the good memories.

    49. lots of news today. I loved the dragoncon video, I nostalgia'd after seeing some of those costumes :P

    50. Yay.
      I love the Nightly Roundups.

    51. How to train your dragon? Really? A series?

      Man, season 3 is going to kill us all in waiting now...

      Flutterbags are so cute.

      That DragonCon video looks so fun! My friend has been bugging me to go for years. She wants us to go as galactic cheerleaders or something though.

    52. That fallout power armor guy was insane! I also thought the Garrus costume looked pretty legit, and that rainbow dash girl was babin!

      Cupcake Fury needs to be in season 2 btw

    53. Dammit, there's another Plymouth over here in the UK, where I live.
      You got my hopes up, then they were crushed.
      Y U DO DIS

    54. I originally clicked on the link to that cupcake video expecting something completely harmless. I'm currently on the mobile version and so I didn't see anything wrong when it brought me to YouTube and immediately opened the video. AS SOON as I saw mondo media pop up on the screen my eyes widened and I only watched like 10 seconds of it then clicked out.

    55. >Friendship Is Magic earns almost twice as much monies as the Ricky Gervais Show

      anyone else really curious about the viewership numbers on Season 2 Ep 1 last Saturday?

    56. Whoa whoa whoa, whats all this about How to train Your Dragon Season 1?!

      Its fantastic news that MLP is doing so remarkably! Huzza for good MLP news!

    57. In the cosplay video I also saw an AJ, a Rarity, and a Fluttershy cosplaying together at a point.

      Holy crap, everyone in that video had amazing costumes! There were so many intricate designs!

    58. SEASON 3!!! OH YEAH!

      Wait, did someone said How to Train Your Dragon, Season 1? OMIGOSHOMIGOSHOMIGOSHOMIGOSH!!!

    59. @ Dragon Con, I was there, at the con. Only THREE Halo related things!!!
