Have some news!
The Devil's Panties Comic
Yep, another.
Northern Ireland Facebook Movie Theater Marathon
Someone over in Ireland is planning on renting a theater screen for a day and doing a full marathon of season one. If you want to help out, hit up the page for it here!
(I didn't know emails could embed flash and ridiculous looking background templates, please don't send me emails with flash and ridiculous looking background templates)
Ponified Music!
Rainbow Dash and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
"How You Became a Brony" Project
Someone on Youtube is compiling videos of people telling the stories of their eventually downfall into ponydom. Check out the video below if you are interested in contributing yours!
Ponybrook University Chalk Pony Article
It looks like ponies have taken over Stonybrook. Chalk ponies are slowly popping up on walls and circle...thingys everywhere. Check out the article about it here!
720p Return of Harmony Color Correction on Youtube
For those with the Youtube download, you may have noticed that the colors are a bit faded. Someone has run the episode through all sorts of crazy programs I don't know anything about and come out with this!
Rarity Hair Kits
OtakuSquirrel on Deviant Art is selling kits that use SUPRAMOLDA technology for the brushable Rarity that converts her into a 50% cooler molded Rarity.
My Little Meme section in Scotland University Magazine
We really are taking over the world aren't we?
Toys R' Us 25% off My Little Pony Stuff in the UK
This is only in the UK unfortunately!
Brony Meetups
Huge lack of pony shirts right there!
Georgia Tech (Email [email protected] to join)
Giggle At the Ghosties in German
It beats the dutch one!
Acrylic Derpy
Fluttershy Custom
Gummy Custom
Opal Custom
Lyra and BonBon
Fluttershy Painting
Octavia Custom
Fluttershy Custom
Discord Dash Custom
Scratch Plushie / It spins
Crochet Pony Plushie
Dash mid flight
Applejack Sitting without her hat
Seth slowly losing his mind from all these ebay emails
78 kommentaari:
Not second
VastaKustutaWoo! It came out before I have to leave for school!
VastaKustutaThe fics will be on their way. Don't you worry. xD
VastaKustutaThe german Pinkie sounds great!
VastaKustutaI wonder how much that last one is... It doesnt show a price.
VastaKustuta'Princess, we came as fast as we could!'
VastaKustuta'I talk!'
'Ur... yeah... So... what's happening with the crazy weather and the anim-'
'Come fly with me!'
'...ur... okay...'
Since Seth won't mention it before it ends:
VastaKustutaThere is an app for androids called 'Shopkick'. It has a 20% discount on any regular priced toy item, but will only be usable till the 24th, and there is nothing to stop you from using it on more than one trip and doesn't require downloading and installing programs to print-out coupons.
The thing is, even with the 25% saving on the ponies at Toys R Us we STILL have to pay a heck of a lot more than America.
VastaKustutaNo fic about RarityxRock?
VastaKustuta...I would but I was stumped by trying to ship Fluttershy and a tree....
How does one even ship a rock?
How much for Seth slowly losing his mind?
VastaKustutaI'm still disappointed they went with something so contrived for Rarity.
VastaKustutaEh. At least it was pretty amusing.
Where can I bid on the crazy Seth?
VastaKustutaMan, why aren't there any brony meetups where I want em when I can make em.
VastaKustutaOpal custom? really? and also, that vinyl scratch plushie is already at $100. its the epic tier fluttershy plushie all over again... didn't that sell for just over $300?
VastaKustutaAlso, I have a pair of blue super-reflective glasses that i wear sometimes. I'll see if i can get around to dying my hair blue and taking a photo for seth some time in the holidays :D.
Also seth, remember that picture of the surf board i sent in a couple weeks ago? well i finished it and i'll get a photo to you soon.
German Giggle at the Ghostly is awesome. I don't know German, but how could people understand the language? O_o
VastaKustutaYou forgot the link for the chalk drawing article.
VastaKustutaZOMG I'm finding so many reasons to go to Stonybrook right now.
VastaKustutaI'm from Austria (so I speak German) and .....
VastaKustutaMLP:FIM in German just DOES NOT WORK!
Really the lyrics of the song are just awful in German
(i also prefer watching movies and tv series in English)
Wait a minute... WHITE Celestia?? Oh My stars, it may not have the Aurora Mane, but it's much closer to the show than it was before...
VastaKustutaToo bad I still don't want it. Release the Episodes over here Hasbro. I'm willing to pay money for a Blu Ray for a whole series. Even more so if there are extra features.
>"Check out the article about it here!"
VastaKustuta>no link
Seth, I'm sure you have a better picture of YOU, not Twilight going crazy. If not, I intend to rectify that ASAP.
VastaKustutaI'm not quite sure why I expected the Mane 6 in the German dub to be voiced by men.
VastaKustutaIt's kind of early over here.
Oh Luna damnit, more customs I want to buy.
VastaKustutaA MLP marathon up in Northern Ireland? That would be interesting, I would have to sort out a lot of things first. It would be really awesome if it did go ahead.
VastaKustutaCrochet Pony Plushie: $25
VastaKustutaRainbow Dash Mid-Flight Sculpture: $1
Applejack Sitting Without Her Hat Sculpture: $1
Seth slowly losing his mind from all these ebay emails: Priceless
There are some things money can't buy. For everything else, there's ponies.
...wait. MLP airs in Germany on Nick Jr.?
VastaKustutaEvery brony in that picture from Malaysia has their legs crossed...
25% off in the UK? Erm, I've been hunting in shops everywhere here in the UK and the only G4 pony thing I've found so far is Twilight's balloon. So someone please direct me as to what exactly I'm doing wrong in my search? (Looked in my local Toys R Us too, they had loads of G3 ponies, no G4 at all.)
VastaKustutaWho else read the 'Discord Dash Plushie' as just 'Discord Plushie' first?
VastaKustutaClearly they have been trying to copy Applejacks pose.
Thanks for posting the german version I send you seth
VastaKustutaEnding of the German version is hilarious
@Captain British
VastaKustutaTell me about it. And to make matters worse, my local mostly has G3 and G3.5 there. I can imagine it's not the only one like it.
@NotAGoodUsername360 *Claps*
VastaKustuta>MLP:FIM in German just DOES NOT WORK!
The translation kills all of the great wordplays.
Bad translation? :( Oh poo, the voice actress sound so good.
VastaKustutaOh Pinkie, why do you sound like you are going to explode if you speak German?
VastaKustutaAnyone else get slightly annoyed when MLP is described as a meme? That would imply we all watch it ironically as some kinda big joke. Sure it may have sorta virally propagated, but I wouldn't call it a meme.
VastaKustutaIsn't MLP a sub-culture now according to knowyourmeme ?
VastaKustutaCan it get any more official than that for a internet culture ? xD
Here the german transcript (from the video description)
Oh Mädels, seht ihr das nicht?
Als Fohlen war ich ängstlich, ständig war mir angst und bang
- Sag, dass sie es nicht tut.
Wenn's dunkel wurde Abends und die Schatten wurden lang
- Doch, sie tut's.
Ich grub mich in mein Kissen, damit ich nichts mehr sah,
doch Oma sprach zum Fürchten ist nun wirklich kein Grund da.
- Aber was dann?
Sie sprach: Pinkie, bezwing doch deine Furcht, denn sonst lernst Du's nie.
Stell dich den Ängsten, lach sie laut aus und schon verschwinden sie.
Drum grinse, wenn's dir gruselt,
wenn was um dich wuselt,
krass erklingt dein Lachen,
lass es richtig krachen,
bis, wenn du bedroht wirst,
du vor Lachen rot wirst
und sag dem gruseligen Dummie, er soll sich verdrücken und dich in Ruhe lassen und wenn er dir weiter Angst machen will, dann kann er was erleben und allein der Gedanke daran bringt einen schon zum hahahahahahaha
And here a re-translated version I did by myself, it's loosely translated not word-by-word.
Oh girls, don't you see ?
As a foal I was scared and afraid all the time
- Tell me she isn't doing that.
When it's getting dark in the evening and the shadows became long
- Yes, she is.
I dug into my pillow so I can't see it anymore
but grandma said there's really no reason to be afraid.
- But what then ?
She said : Pinkie defeat your fear or you will never learn it.
Face your fears, laugh loud at them, and soon they disappear.
So giggle if you're scared
when something creeps you out
crass rings out your laughter
let it really crash
until, when you're threatened
you turn red from laughter
and tell that creepy goof, he should let you alone and in peace and when he continues to scare you, than he is in for something and the mere thought of that already brings me to
(in german the last syllable is thrown in at the last few seconds/moments)
25% at Toys R Us wasn't unfortunate for me. I got the Fashion Style Fluttershy. ^_^
VastaKustutawait...25% off in the uk....i live in the uk
VastaKustutaYES! now if only didnt live in the darkest most barren crevice of this country :L
I think we already have plenty of that last merch link... :P Awhile ago a friend sent me some pics of chalk ponies from his college. Should I forward those, or has everypony seen enough?
VastaKustutaHey, that's pretty good! Now I don't know why the other guys said it is horrible.
VastaKustutaYou live in the Queen's...?
Oh wait. Nevermind. That's too rude.
Got an idea for a Rarity Rock story.
VastaKustutaMan, I wish there'd be a brony meet up around my parts some day. Nothing ever happens in Western Kentucky.
VastaKustutaEven Germany has ponies on T.v. Comon Australia.
VastaKustutaso i take it my atari 2600 game isn't good enough to be on this site? :(
VastaKustuta(I'm, the one who sent you the link in the email, and the guy who made the game)
Of course she's winning, shes Pinkie, she goes right through the 4th wall to reach her destination!
VastaKustutaWhy must my nearest ToysRus be at the bottom of the country?
VastaKustutaThe problem with the german sub is only that you can't translate most of the puns. But this is a problem with all translations. I think it is really close to the original. And translating songs is really hard.
VastaKustutaby the way, it's not a downfall into ponydom.
VastaKustutai say that's an upbringing.
I just got done submitting a story about Pinkie Pie and a broom. I could easily do Rarity and a rock. Hell it comes with it's own title.
VastaKustuta"Romancing of the Stone!"
@King Lee You're not the only person who feels that way. If this was all a big joke the fandom wouldn't keep growing at an exponential rate. That's why I kinda have a love/hate feeling about the KYM page. It introduces new people to the and what's up and all that however, it introduces it as a meme. If that's that case all popular shows with fandom's should be considered "memes"
VastaKustutaGermans don't dub laughs.
VastaKustutaEvery page on the Stony Brook University website has Pinkie Pie in the top-right corner.
VastaKustutaWoo, 25% off toys over here in the UK!
VastaKustuta*Continues not to buy*
Gah! My English brain cannot process happiness and German together! How. Can. I. Cope!
VastaKustutaThanks to you and Seth.
Oh dear... all this attention *squeak*
VastaKustutaYou're welcome, and yeah thanks Seth for noticing it.
Would be great if you could upload the other major songs (winter wrap up, art of the dress, singing telegram, at the gala) in german when they premiere in germany.
I'm sure if there aren't any fics in the works right now about Rarity and her giant boulder, there will be soon. :P
VastaKustutaWow, the Rainbow Dash and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat song was pretty good. Very cool.
The chalk ponies popping up all over the Stonybrook campus is pretty cool. And since I don't think they know who's doing it, the person doing it is probably having a lot of fun. Or maybe it's more than one person now. Hope no one gets in trouble for it though since they could see it as basically graffiti or such.
Oooh, I remember talking and voting about those pony hair kits a little while back. I'm glad the person has started to make them. They're a bit pricey simply for little hair inserts, but still very nice.
Hmm, I'm German, but I grew up in the States for the most part and can't speak much German at all unfortunately. The little noises Pinkie makes while making the faces in the beginning sound kinda funky to me though. X3
"Seth slowly losing his mind from all these ebay emails" Doh ho ho. :D
VastaKustutaWorking on it.
I've pushed aside my Rarity's Tale revision to start a new adventure story about Scootaloo and then pushed THAT aside when I realized the potential for a Rarity/Rock story.
I'll get back to both, shortly.
Now I want to see that Pinkie Pie/Broom tale.
Ponies popping up in real life, is always awesome.
VastaKustutaMore chalk drawings and random posters the better!
I have to admit the molded hair for Rarity is quite cool, I'd love to see more for the other ponies too...too lazy to style it ^^;;
It beats the dutch one!
VastaKustutaas a dutch wanabrony, I agree. Dutch dubs, are awful, (insert overused meme here)
There's a meeting at Georgia Tech? I go there.
VastaKustutaWhy was I not informed of this!? >:L
Haha...Georgia Tech. Freakin' pasty Yellow Ja...
Is that a black guy back there?!
@King Lee
VastaKustutaI agree completely. It's really NOT a meme, though it has created memes. It's just a show that has gotten a big following. You wouldn't call, say, Adventure Time a meme, so why MLP?
Actually, I lied, I don't agree completely. I'm more than slightly annoyed. :P
The How You Became A Brony Project is pretty cool I have to say, I might do a random video for that which will mainly be me just saying how much I love Cupcakes lol. XD
VastaKustutaAlso German version of Giggle at the Ghostly sounded really nice. :D
I lol'd at the german Laugh. LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-chen
VastaKustutaStony Brook! Why don't you have an early childhood education program! Now I have to transfer to the non-ponyfied Dowling.
VastaKustutaWell, it -started- as being described as a meme, because of the nature and origin of the Internet spread...and that is close to what it once was.
Even knowyourmeme.com acknowledges that it is not a meme anymore, but a subculture. I think anyone that knows about Bronies know that most of us don't watch MLP ironically.
I wouldn't be offended by it. (Until we get 20,000 respondents on a poll,) I'd say we're still pretty small for a subculture (but large...or loud...for a Internet following).
Oh great. Now I can't get Grinse wenn's dich gruselt out of my head.
VastaKustutaIt just makes me want to laaaaaa-chen!
How fitting that Pinkie Pie was found between Earth and Space lol
VastaKustutai am from german and heard the german dub for the first time now and its horrible. i think i will just stick with the english version.
VastaKustutaI think no other comment made me laugh this hard before xD
Anyway, I think the german dub isn't as bad as most germans around here say. (fluttershy) It's .... nice (/flutterhsy)
Well, except for the theme song, maybe...