Anyway have some PONY NEWS on this PONY site after the break.
Italian Subtitled Season two Episode One
I'm pretty sure we will have every language covered within the month. If you need Italian subtitles, check out the facebook page for them!
Meetup Reports/Looking for More
The group in Singapore has hosted three successful meetups so far. They are still looking for more people to join the ranks too. Hit up the facebook page if you are interested!
North California
These guys actually have a video highlighting everything this time around.
Sweden, Gothenburg
I didn't know they had Toys R' Us out there in Sweden
Taking over the WORLD! Check out their web album here!
Rolling Hills Park in Fullerton 24th September
Hey bronies! Just a reminder, the meetup is next Saturday, September 24th at Rolling Hills park in Fullerton!
If you wanted to bring something for the potluck, whether it's food, a game or something else, please add your name to the sign-up sheet which can be found here. If you're willing to give a ride to someone or are still looking for a ride, the carpool list can be found here. (If the person gives a name but no way to contact, they're probably on
Please let me know that you got this reminder. If you know that you are for sure coming, let me know that too so I have an estimate of how many people to expect. If you have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to contact me. Thanks!
[email protected]
(256) 262-7669
Pony Stack
I didn't even know this was possible. I've been trying to do it for a good 10 minutes with my blind bags.
Radio Dash
A new podcast has popped up for Polish bronies. If you speak the language, hit up their website!
Brazilian Forum
For the Brazilian bronies out there, another forum is available. Hit it up here!
Chalk Ponies Again!

![]() |
Source |
Webcomics With Pony
Real Life Comics
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Celestia Custom
Gummy Custom
Luna Custom
Scratch Custom
Jaela Shirts
Equestria Daily News
Chocolate PieYah I got nothin
Fanfic Spreadsheet Update
The awkward moment when nopony knows how to speak polish...
ReplyDeleteNooo! If I had known Avatar could possibly pull you away from us, I would have vehemently told you not to check it out! And I certainly won't tell you they're making a sequel that happens in the future, so you won't kill yourself trying to run two blogs at once!
ReplyDeleteDon't make me get Trixie and Twilight to hold an intervention! I will, dang it! And I'll... I'll...
You know, I have no clue what I'm typing at this point now, so I'll just wrap this up with 'Yay, news!' and hope you don't ban my account somehow from the blog ;P
Bout damn time you got around to Avatar. Honestly, it's one of the few cartoons I would rank above FiM.
ReplyDeleteSeth's being brainwashed!
Meh, I think Avatar is a little overrated but its got a huge following so what do I know?
ReplyDeleteOn to something that actually matters: the pony stack. My mind is boggled, how does he do it? Some crazy time and space manipulation one would assume, I can barely stack two ponies, let alone the dozen he has up there. Seriously, that should've been a post in itself, crazy sorcery going on there.
Also, rather slow news day today, which is a surprise considering Season 2 just started :\
Season 2 has caused a bunch of discord hasnt it? (horrible pun intended) SQUARES
ReplyDeleteWell, at least you got around to Avatar eventually. But you still have so much more to watch. I would love to see that list of yours.
ReplyDeleteAh yes...the parallel worlds of "What if". What if Seth joined the avatar bandwagon a few years back. Would his love for avatar be too strong to even think of the concept of ponydom? Would his will had been srong enough to resist the herd...
ReplyDeleteMost likely a small marginal maybe but I can say one sure that parallel world...
Seth is most definitely raging when it comes to the Last Airbender Movie.
Hmm...maybe we should install a "Break Glass in case of emergency box and put the Last Airbender movie in it. Just in case.
So who would you rather did the MLP:FIM movie? M. Night Shyamalan or Michael Bay?
ReplyDeleteOnce that would have been a really easy question to answer...
You know, in fairness, I haven't seen any of the Avatar: The Last Airbender stuff on TV *or* the movie, nor have I seen any of the transformers movies. So I'm quipping entirely out of internet hearsay and we *know* how that can turn out...
62 webcomics with pony references in total by now:
No way! I've just been marathoning Avatar this weekend too. I used to love watching it with my friends; it brings back good memories.
ReplyDeleteAlso, ponies are great.
He should also add to his liste the following:- Black Books (An Irishman is miserable at people hilariously from his den in a small bookshop)
ReplyDeleteSteptoe & Son (The Americans remade it and called it Sanford & Sons, but this is in a different league)
Red Dwarf I-VI (Three men, growing to four eventually, go around the universe with no aliens, no idea where they are, and no personal hygiene standards)
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy (Quite possibly the funniest work of literature I've ever read, and it influenced everything else)
The Windup Girl (Grim, realistic post-apocalyptic sci-fi where the world still exists, but without oil or global travel or enough food)
Anything by Proust (The best writer... basically ever, when you get down to it)
Science of the Impossible (A physicist talks about why you might get invisibility cloaks and laser blasters in the near future)
The TV adaptation of Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy (An incredibly tense thriller with Alec Guinness playing a small, owlish master spy)
Blackadder II-IV (Third-funniest BBC sitcom ever)
Ideal (Second-funniest BBC sitcom ever)
Fawlty Towers (Funniest BBC sitcom ever)
Martin (the film about vampires; good luck finding it)
Everything by Kurt Vonnegut (I shouldn't have to tell anypony why)
And finally, The Twilight Saga. Not, I stress, out of any literary merit on the part of Ms. Meyer's sparkling jet of female ejaculate, but purely because one should know how lucky we are that Friendship is Magic didn't turn out like this.
Chop chop.
ReplyDeleteHmm this is mere guessing but if M. Night Shyamalan made an MLP: FIM movie, he would probably remove all pony physics, remove all sense of comedy, make us cringe by changing the pronunciation of the names for who knows what, and...make Pinkie Pie Sane...very sane. So sane that it's categorized as a a Super Power. Oh and it will be live action with real ponies.
As for Michael Bay.
It will have explosions. Lots and lots of explosions. And will probably throw a hot human babe for the older viewers...
So between the two. I would begging for a third option were they make Friendship is Magic B**** a movie instead. The Moon Cannon could do with more Explosions >:3
Dat pony stack is sawesum.
ReplyDeleteSilly Seth. Avatar isn't over. Now there's Korra the Not-Last Avatar.
ReplyDeleteWHEN WAS THERE A BIRMINGHAM MEETUP?! I can't believe I missed that! I has a sad. :(
ReplyDelete@Meep TBH I'd give the job to Jayson Thiessen, and just shower him & team with CGI tools and, more importantly, TIME.
ReplyDeleteYes, Avatar was amazing. Glad you finally noticed, Seth.
ReplyDeleteAvatar? I only liked the 'blood bender' episode and a few others.
ReplyDeleteThe magical library in the sands would hold Twilight in it's clutches forever.
The pony stack is nothing compared to a ten foot tall tower of cards without using any glue. Also it is like Jenga, careful or it'll fall over, also maybe bending the legs to lock them together helps.
I'm not too worried about Seth leaving ponies for something more dark side-ish. The reason why is because the ponies are the Dark Side! There's no escaping it search the Flutter-rage pics, you know it to be true!
ReplyDeleteI actually died of laughter reading this, because it's what poor ATLA had to go through.
Also, if you made an A:TLA blog, I'd love you forever, but I think it'd be a bit hard to handle two sites.
It gets much better around Book Two. Avatar is one of my favorite shows. Not to be confused with that awful James Cameron movie.
ReplyDeleteQUICKLY! somepony hold Seth down while I inject him with this syringe of PURE FRIENDSHIP before its to late! Avatar is awesome by its like our own version of the zombie apocalypse. Shoot em in the head!
ReplyDeleteHahaha, your comment is now my favourite on EQD :D
Seth really loves cake...
ReplyDeleteAnd also not to be confused with the even more awful M. Night Shyamalan movie that has got absolutely nothing to with the show, either ('cept the brand's name, hacksawed lumps of the original plot and all the mispronounced names of the characters). I still can't believe how that dolt was able to pull off a movie like "The Sixth Sense" to begin with...
About the M. Night vs. Michael Bay issue, the obvious answer is: None of them! There are only two real options for a MlP movie: Quentin Tarantino or Ralph Bakshi. Just imagine "My little Pony meets Fritz the Cat"...
Still no Indonesia.
ReplyDeleteYeah Avatar the last Airbender was and is an amazing show. MLP and Avatar are my favorite cartoons and Im not sure which one is number one...
ReplyDeleteYou may like Avatar, but I believe Discord has been toying with you Seth. Brainwashing you into thinking it's a better show... granted Avatar has had three seasons and is getting a spin off and I really like it. But even with One Season MLP has been amazing and no doubt it is going to get better. It shall also have 3 seasons that shall get better and better and then it will have a movie directed by M Night... ok, scratch the movie. Probably better to follow the Spongebob approach when doing the movie.
ReplyDeleteEqD got a million views in one "day" today. ("Day" being defined losely since Sethisto apparently likes getting 5 hours of sleep). That's a pretty cool little tidbit of news.
ReplyDeletePolich Bronies! YEY!
ReplyDeleteAvatar TLA is amazing, and it gets much better. Up until FiM and the new Thundecats series, it was the only recent kids show that treated young viewers with respect, without dumbing down anything, and has an incredibly rich plot and character development.
ReplyDeleteBut for the love of all things cinnamon-worthy, avoid that Shaymaladingdong turd like the plague... It still amazes me how he got everything wrong about the original show.
I have 3 words for you Seth.
ReplyDeleteLegend. Of. Korra. It's coming out next summer when we're all waiting for season 3! Also, never, ever, ever, watch The Last Airbender.ever.
Avatar TLA is amazing. And, yes indeed, the live action movie of it suuuucks.
ReplyDeleteI don't know why they even made a live action movie of it; the story is all right there in the cartoon, the movie would've added nothing even if it had been good. Which it wasn't, so there you go.
Thankfully I doubt Hasbro is going to try a Live Action version of MLP. But then again, Transformers went live action so...
ReplyDeleteBah, I hope not. And I hope when the first movie comes (Straight to DVD/Blu Ray or Theatrical Release). It's a 2D one, I know what they said about wanting a CGI one that looks 2D. But 2D films are far and few between these days, despite the fact there are signs it. And I seriously doubt they can catch the expressions the 2D show gives. The risk is big, look how well the Powerpuff Girls movie did, but 2D Films can succeed if done well and Marketed Well (Marketing was what killed the Powerpuff Girls movie) The Spongebob Squarepants movie did extremely well, so did the Simpsons Movie. It is possible. And I would love to see a full length movie for this show.
And my prediction is it will be after the 3rd Season if it is still successful.
Two things have me worried about The Legend of Korra: Shorter(twenty something episodes). Modern elements(hope there are no cars).
ReplyDeleteActually The Powerpuff Girls Movie tanked but was a bit hit with the critics. I saw it FIVE TIMES in theaters because I knew it wasn't making money.
Seth, there is a new series coming out this fall called "Legend of Korra" which follows the next avatar. It's looking pretty good.
ReplyDeleteThere are cars (and traffic lights). You can see them in the official trailer.
And yes, in case of a MlP movie, keep it in 2D. Sometimes less is simply more.
Thanks for the news about that new Polish podcast, nice to have some homeland initiative to support ;)
ReplyDeleteOmg. That's me! In the Birmingham photo!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe I'm on Equestria Daily.
I tried watching A:TLA but there was one big problem with it..
ReplyDeleteIt didn't have ponies.
We just finished a meetup in Vancouver, hopefully we can get photos to you in time, Seth.
ReplyDeleteThat's what I was saying. It tanked because of the Marketing of the film. Not the Quality of it. No doubt My Little Pony is going to have to pull an incredible marketing campaign not to fall in the same state (remember, most people still think it's for little girls only, and it's our job as well as the Show Creators and Hasbro to change that idea that it can be fun and enjoyable for Everyone.)
To the Brazilian bronies: I'm glad we finally got a forum, lets fill it up! But remember not to make another thousand of foruns, groups, blogs, podcasts, etc etc. We don't have a fanbase here that is big enough to start spliting between so many.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely keep it 2D. Much as there is a treacherous part of me that would love to see Equestria realised as fully as Pandora, I know it wouldn't really work. But Jayson's talked about the technical limitations of using Flash as an authoring system, hitting the buffers with on-screen complexity etc. So as he said, the same aesthetic, but fully-resourced...
ReplyDelete(Then at least if they *do* still have a character appear twice in a crowd shot you know it's because they're messing with us, and not just trying to keep the object count down.)
ReplyDeleteUm, Seth? You have heard about Legend of Korra, the sequel series to ATLA? Coming next year?
On the other hand, I'm now tempted to try and mash up either the ATLA Season 3 trailer or the ATLA finale trailer with ponies...
I like Avatar:The Last Airbender too... Not the movie. I never saw that, not out of "hearing through the grapevine" or whatever way those bad "reviews" spread, but merely from lack of interest. I saw the entire "anime" series though. Loved that.
ReplyDelete"Boomerang! You came back!" Oh Sokka, you made me chuckle on the right occasion.
So even Sweden has their own groups, and yet Denmark seems completely devoid of bronies? This saddens me.
ReplyDeleteReal Life Comics turning pony is totally my fault… I feel victoryful.
ReplyDeleteSomeone else knows how awesome ATLA is. Sweet. :-D
ReplyDeleteTo everyone else: Give it a try. If you don't like it immediately, hold out until Book Two - it doesn't show its hand immediately, there's worldbuilding goin' on. Skip "The Great Divide" if your patience is wearing thin.
I hope for the love of God that M Night does not watch MLP:FIM. He watched Avatar: The Last Airbender with his daughter, and we know how that turned out. Him watching Avatar and making that god-awful movie was the worst thing that's ever happened to the series, and by God I hope the same fate does not occur to FIM.
ReplyDeleteAvatar and FIM are both really great cartoons, though I think Avatar has the edge with its story, strong female and MALE protagonists, stunning visuals, great action and humor. Don't get me wrong, I'm still extremely excited for the rest of FIM season 2, definitely around the same levels of excitement for Avatar Book 3.
It should be noted: Mai's mother in ATLA...Guess who voiced her?
ReplyDeleteIf you said "Tara Strong" - you're absolutely correct!
"North California"? What did we finally secede from the South while I was asleep?
ReplyDeleteI've never watched Avatar: The Last Airbender. A lot of people seem to like it. But I still have a feeling that I would not.
ReplyDeleteWow, that's quite the stack of pony they have there in that image. This should be a competition. See how many pony toys you can stack and how high. :D
Yay, more chalk ponies. Can't have too many chalk ponies. Makes me want to do rediculously large scale chalk drawings.
Now that pony cake has an interesting shape and appeal. Not seen one quite like that yet. Getting creative I see. Good good. :)
As for chocolate pie. Or any of the Pinkie Pie stuff having to do with the chocolate rain. That is so badly exploitable, it's just hilarious.
Hmm avatar tv show? I didn't know of such.
ReplyDeleteI sat through that airbender nonsense once, to make a friend shut up about it, and then promptly forgot all about it.
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure I slept through a lot of it.
That stack does not have enough pony..
ReplyDeleteSeth, you do know that they're making a sequel series called The Last Airbender: Legend of Korra, right?
ReplyDeleteso much pony stacked altogether....that's awesome!
ReplyDeleteAvatar: The Last Airbender is awesome. So are ponies. Comparing the two is tough because they are so very different in style, scope, everything.
ReplyDeleteBut I guess the simplest way to look at it is I've watched MLP:FiM episodes at least twice each (and am not satisfied with only twice; I want more), and I've only watched through Avatar once. In an objective regard to the success of them, at my own personal level, Ponies have won.
I see everyone already mentioned Korra, but no one has thought to bring up The Promise yet? It must not be getting nearly enough publicity.
ReplyDeleteUnlike Korra, which takes place many years later, The Promise is a more immediate sequel to the original series. I for one am really hoping it will address that question that was left completely open at the end of the series...
On a more pony-related note, some talented comic artist needs to do a mash-up of MLP:FIM and the School Time Shipping short, with Rainbow Dash as Katara and Luna as Yue. [/biased]
Avatar: The Legend of Korra is starting up soon Seth :P
ReplyDeleteHeck yea! My pony Stack is on EQD =D
ReplyDeleteShould I try and stack more? That was only the ones I had available at the time, I could pull out ALL of them and try and get them together.
61 episodes and the people who aren't fans couldn't find anything to like about it?
ReplyDeleteGiant swivel straw!!
ReplyDeleteThe Legend of Korra's coming up, so the series isn't over. Honestly, Avatar's my favorite cartoon, so it's awesome to see you're getting into it!
ReplyDeleteI didn't know the PPG movie tanked, that's such a shame.
I watched it for the first time the other day and the scene where they basically destroy the city when they're playing tag is the most visually striking thing I've seen in a movie in such a long time, it's looks amazing.
In case anyone hasn't seen it, check it out. Check it. Check it.
(from 1:54 below)
*sigh* Fabulous Wallowing Rarity shirt is fabulous, but again I have to wonder why these shirts never seem to be offered in a V-neck design. Would that really be too much to ask??
ReplyDeleteBut anyway. I remember seeing mention of the soCal brony meetup here last week I believe, and being an Orange County native myself I was truly hoping I'd be able to attend. Unfortunately some unexpected work has come up next weekend so now there's no way that will be able to happen... I can only hope this won't be the last time, I really think it would have been fun to be able to meet some of you.
Still moar caek? We need moar caek!
ReplyDeleteHunh. I missed the news on that. Definitely will watch for it now.
Avatar is awesome!! There's a new season coming out in March (I think) that follows the story of the next avatar after Aang, a Southern Water-tribe girl named Korra. She's pretty badass.
ReplyDeleteVictoryful is a new word! yay!
ReplyDeleteAlso, I never could get into Avatar. Never cared for it. Did love Red Dwarf. Someone mentioned that show, and it put a stupid Lister grin on my face!
My Life as a Teenage Robot, Adventure Time, and Regular Show are some of my own favorites. Regular Show surprised me. I figured it'd be dumb, but was AWESOME!!! A bunch of baby ducks, send 'em to the moon! Oh yeah! Adventure Time was sold in my head the second I first heard the concept.
ReplyDeleteMLaaTR was my MLP:FiM before ponies. in 2003, I was visiting family, their kid was watching TV... and OH GOD, this show is full of WIN! Not Charlie Sheen style "winning", but REAL AUTHENTIC AWESOME SAUCE WIN!
I love breaking demographics!
Yay avatar FTW :D
ReplyDeleteWish I could have made it to that birmingham meetup but shit happens D:
ReplyDeleteyou are clearly insane
Yes, the Avatar series was great! I used to watch it all the time, until it ended. Then I heard about the movie, and I have to admit I didn't want to ruin the good memories when I heard all the negative reviews. But as Heimdal said comparing the two just isn't possible, since not everyone who likes MLP likes the same other things. Case in point, I am familiar with the "Guns, Beer, Monster Trucks, etc." joke, and I actually am a bit of a gun nut-I own some IRL. (I don't hunt though, and actually care for animals) What I am saying is that people have different interests, and even though we are brought together by our love of MLP:FIM there will still be conflicts about anything outside the fandom, so I actually think it's odd to see unrelated cartoons mentioned here, as much as I like Avatar.
ReplyDeleteJust wait until Zuko's sister shows up. Then the show cranks up to 11! And breaks off the dial.
ReplyDeleteI watch Nick Toons only for Avatar and My Life as a Teenage Robot. Still great shows even to this day.
Avatar i think there is a sequel in the making look for the legend of korra trailer.
ReplyDeleteWell, would you look at that...
Anyway, pony tower. Holy horseapples.
Then A:TLA- I love that show. I watched it all the time back when it was on.
ReplyDeleteAt least give it a try. I doubt many of us thought we'd like FiM before watching the first episode.
Of course, if you still don't like it, feel free to move on to more pony.
I do believe Tara Strong also voiced the actress Azula in the third book, and Mai's baby brother, Tom Tom. ^_^
ReplyDeleteWhy are there never any brony meetups in North Carolina????
ReplyDeleteAvatar TLA is the one show I rank with MLP. Can't wait for the Legend of Korra to start.
ReplyDeleteAnyone who loves Ponies is sure to love ATLA. It ranks as my favorite cartoon TV series of all time, followed not so far behind by Ponies, of course.
ReplyDeleteIf you're interested, you should look up AvatarSpirit.Net. It's THE place for all things Avatar. Plus, it has a Pony thread in the off-topics section. What could be more awesome, I ask you.